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CA Assignment A2 Tatiana Lazareva -Unicorn -One Page Assignment:

Q1-Share what you found most interesting in the presentation?

This session was very different from the previous session and that’s what makes it an
interesting session. That every guest talks about different aspects of Supply chain Management
and its requirement. This session discussed the key requirements of supply chain management.
The skills required for different functional areas of the Supply Chain. The session focused on
skills in demand such as Effective Communication, Loyalty, Flexibility, Critical thinking, and
Resilience. The interesting part is knowing these soft skills and working on them to target
companies when applying for jobs. Another, important part of the session was getting a
direction on “How to start with?” This is something I was particularly looking for that if someone
can help who knows the industry. Further, the steps covered in this section like a discussion on
knowing that area attracts you in the Supply Chain, a list of titles and their description,
identifying our strengths and areas of professional advancement, approaching an industry
mentor, focused on a career goal, and networking the most important was essential.

Another important aspect of the presentation was the high focus on networking, to expand our
thought and learning process. She also talks about the networking should not be done to only
get a job; people don’t owe us a job. It should be done to learn and share information. Lastly,
she focused on Resume and LinkedIn which are our Label, talks about us and how it should be
good enough to talk about our background, strengths, and learning.

Q2-How were the topics related to the lessons you have already learned in the program?

The topics covered in the presentation were closely related to what we have learned in this
program. In a way, it explained the Supply Chain job market and its requirement, what is the
recruiter expecting and how to respond to that basis our academic learnings. Basis our
learnings, the function area to look for during a job search and match/acquire the skills
required for that Supply Chain function.

Discussion on the current job market, roles, and positions are all related to our learning in the
classroom. To apply those learning in real scenarios, she discussed the required soft skills as
well as professional advancement areas. The session also discussed how there is a shortage of
Supply Chain professionals in the market to execute those specific tasks or fill the roles which
we have learned in different courses whether it’s distribution, purchasing, or supply and

Another important link between this session and program learning was focus on
communication and knowing the description of the profile. This we can relate with Business
communication from semester 1. One should know the basic functional areas of the supply
chain and the key responsibility areas in that role or function.

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