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Extended Essay Submission

Bader Aldhubaib
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Solar energy is generated by turning sunlight into electricity with
photovoltaic solar cells, and it was not commonly used during the past
twenty to thirty years. Nowadays, people and governments are starting to
learn more about solar power, and some countries are beginning to employ
solar panels in various locations. Furthermore, the entire globe could use
solar power to generate energy in the future. They will leave sources from
burning coal and the other unrenewable sources because of many
problems. For example, they are not suitable for the environment, and
someday they will be depleted, as they are the exact opposite way of
renewable energy like solar power. This essay will discuss why solar power
is a great alternative energy source.

Solar energy, often known as solar power, is an environmentally beneficial and

constructive form of energy. It is the energy that the Sun gives out as solar radi-
ation (Sample, 2008). The Sun emits or radiates a massive quantity of energy for
millions of years every day.he also said : “It is one of the most crucial energy
sources for all living things” (Sample, 2008). Solar energy is a renewable resource,
and it is becoming more popular to convert it and utilise it as a substitute for fossil
fuels. According to BBC Bitesize (2021), solar energy is renewable, which is one
of its main advantages. It does not require any additional fuel other than the Sun's
light. Additionally, no fuel costs are incurred, and no dangerous polluting gases are
produced. Although more renewable energy sources are available, they are not en-
tirely environmentally favourable. Biofuel energy, for example, can be produced in
every country on the planet. It has numerous advantages, one of which is that it is a
renewable energy source; nevertheless, the difficulty is that it produces emissions
like CO2 and sulfur.

There are various ways to obtain electricity for homes, depending on countries. For
example, some governments do not use solar power to provide electricity to cit-
izens' homes. Others are studying solar power and are now beginning to work on
solar panel projects. Watts (2021) claims that many residents had chosen to live in
the remote rural houses beside the Brahmaputra River that have photovoltaic pan-
els because they are cheap and effectively work as a source of a power for the
houses. To summarise, going off the grid is a fantastic concept, and electric
vehicles may be charged for free at home if the owner has a photovoltaic panel.

Solar energy is emitted by the Sun as electromagnetic radiation. However, just a

tiny portion of the Sun's rays reach the Earth; those that do give enough energy to

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warm the globe and make it habitable for life. Every separate square metre of the
Earth's surface receives roughly 1kW of solar electricity around midday on a bright
day (Sample, 2008). In comparison with the solar energy, some sources are good to
use, like a wind turbine. However, it needs a prominent place to use and a windy
city to get more energy; as a result, people will be annoyed by the sound that gets
out from it. As well as petroleum energy, it is a reliable source of energy. How-
ever, we cannot compare it to solar energy because it is not renewable. Also, it is
terrible for the environment because it pollutes water and emits Carbon dioxide
and other air pollutants.

On the other hand,some people think solar power needs sunny weather to get
power from the panels, but that is not the correct theory. The truth is that solar en-
ergy will get enough energy but not the same as sunny weather. It has been
claimed that the rain will not affect the panels; the rain clouds will almost certainly
reduce the performance. On the other hand, rainstorms may be beneficial to the
solar system's production since they provide a safe and straightforward way to
clean the solar panels. Rainstorms regularly prevent a coating of dirt or dust from
covering the panels and limiting the light, which might reduce production (Gam-

To summarise, solar energy is a nonpolluting, renewable source of energy. Further-

more, it can be utilised in stormy weather and is not a weather-dependent energy
source, and it may be used in the sun, rain, or snow. Moreover, governments in all
regions should encourage people to use solar energy as a primary energy source. It
can be clearly seen that if people utilise solar power more frequently in the future,
there will be a significant reduction in air pollution.

Reference list:

BBC Bitesize (2021) Solar energy. Available at: (Accessed: 4 November 2021)

Watts. J. (2021) India: India’s huge solar uptake has boosted climate goals, says minister. Avail-
able at:
more-ambitious-climate-goals-says-minister (Accessed: 4 November 2021)

Sample. I. (2008) Renewable energy: Clean, abundant and free. Available at: https://www.the- (Accessed: 4 Novem-
ber 2021)

Gambone. S. (2019) How does weather affect solar panels’ production. Available at: https://
(Accessed: 4 November 2021)

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