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The tale of two trees

The story
There once were two trees on a river bank. A sparrow was passing by along with its children
and was looking for a place to build its nest. It noticed the two trees and went to the first tree
and asked whether it will let the sparrow build its nest on it. The first tree downright refused to
let the sparrow stay on it and the sparrow was annoyed by this. It left the first tree and asked
the second one. The second tree agreed and the sparrow built its nest on the second tree. The
sparrow started living happily on the second tree. One day, the clouds turned grey and heavy
rain started to pour. The nearby river started to flood and uprooted the first tree and the tree
was being washed away along with the river. The sparrow told the first tree that this
misfortune was because it refused to let the sparrow and its family build a nest on it. The tree
replied that it was old and ailing already, and a storm like this could easily take it out, so if it
had let the sparrow build the nest on it, now the sparrow too would have been washed away
along with its family. The tree wished the sparrow and its family a long and healthy life as it
drifted away.
Moral: Don’t judge a book by its cover

Illustration parts:
1. Initial Two tree frame
2. Introduction of the sparrow
3. Exchange between sparrow and first tree
4. Leaving the first tree and moving to second tree
5. Living happily on second tree
6. Heavy rain pouring
7. First tree uprooted and being washed away
8. Exchange between sparrow and first tree and sparrow
9. Exchange continued
10. First tree drifting off



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