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Time dilation

Hey there! You ever just sit there and think what if time could just… slow down? I know
I know it sounds completely absurd and may I add terrifying, but what if I told you that time
dilation in the theory of relativity could prove that this could happen. But first, we must learn
what theory of relativity means in order to further understand time dilation. So, without further
ado let’s get into it.
Einstein’s theory of relativity which he discovered back in 1905, states that the faster you
move through space the slower you move through time. He then revised his theory to include
gravity so it now states that the stronger gravitational field acting on you, the slower you move
through time. Not convinced? Well, this is where time dilation takes place.
Before everything else, let us first find out what time dilation is. Time dilation is the
difference of time elapsed that is measured by two clocks. The difference of time is caused by a
relative velocity between the two or it could be because of the difference of gravitational field of
the locations where the clocks are placed. Back in 1959 an indigenous experiment was conducted
by using two accurate atomic clocks.
One of the clocks were placed on the top of the Harvard university building while the
other one was placed on the ground floor. Keep in mind that these clocks are cobalt. Einstein’s
theory predicted that because one of those clocks were on the ground floor therefore, being
closer to the Earth’s center of gravity, should run very slightly slower than the same clock on the
top floor. This is precisely what the experiments observed.
Found in a News Science article published on 2017, it stated that Pacôme Delva of the
Paris Observatory and his colleagues have used strontium clocks to test this theory. One clock
was placed between London and Paris and another between Paris and Braunschweig, Germany.
The clocks appeared to be moving at different velocities because of their positions in the earth’s
surface. The clock closer to the equator ticked slower than the one closer to the north pole by 5
Very weird, right? and here I thought that all clocks ticked the same. SIMPLIFIED
DEFINTION OF TIME DILATION. With that being said, if humans were able to withstand a
very strong gravitation field, time would slow down drastically for us and we would not age for a
long time. Time dilation was actually portrayed in the movie interstellar 2014 where a guy
REPHRASE (which by the way has a daughter) was sent to space, into a black hole and stayed
there for a long time, when he returned to earth his daughter was older than him! I know what
your thinking, it’s fiction anything is possible.
Black holes do exist though, and what do black holes have? Gravity, very strong
gravitational field that even light can’t get out. If only humans were able to withstand a black
hole and not face inevitable death, we could live a very long time thanks to time dilation. But
who knows though, the human mind is always evolving so someone somewhere in the future
could eventually slow time down. What’s unreal today could be real in the future.

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