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Noel Stewart


Music Appreciation

Chapter 2 Review

Culture- a group's shared ways of experiencing, participating in, and making sense out of their

world. Arts, Languages, Religions, Belief Systems, Social Organizations, Necessary skills,

Everyday habits

"Culture, rather than biological inheritance, accounts for why these people over here think and

act differently from those over there."

Music has power

Involves "relationship to ritual"

It is created by “Personal dynamism” of people and/or individual and Collective Energy of a


Going back to “relationship to ritual”:

Recurring functional activities that focus minds and energies through their formal repetitiveness,

reinforcing feelings and actions which are valued by the individual and community. This may be

related to a religious ceremony.

Aesthetics- Different emotions aroused by music

Group Energy- source may be because of group interaction,individual energies become

something more,
Involves ways that musical structure and performance reflect important cultural ideals of social

organization/interaction while establishing engagement w human emotions

may be linked to unseen/supernatural/divine

Music and the Creation of Community

Music can create communities, can provide an environment where elements can work, fans

create networks, friendships, and even fashions based around a band, individual performer, or

musical style, allows comfortability

Social Dance and Community

Experiences created on the dance floor, are collectivity bound by shared knowledge, skill, and

physical connection, Dancing, playing music, calling - social context, Sense of freedom,

enjoyment, involvement, challenge, relief from stress, exercise, and aesthetic pleasure they gain

from dancing

The Power of Music in Worship

Religion helps people to make sense out of their universe, Religion helps regulate life and

behavior whilst answering questions about the universe and the supernatural/divine, Helps hold

religious communities together, creating links to the past/ancestors, can act to heighten

emotional experience, to trigger memories, to take people out of their everyday state of mind

The Political Power of Music

From the beginning of recorded history to the present day, music has provided a powerful

medium for the presentation of political messages, International anthems, Music, and
particularly singing, is an especially effective medium for political messages for a number of

reasons, Music has the power to move people, physically and emotionally

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