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A Thesis Proposal 
Presented to the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management 
College of Business and Accountancy  
Tarlac State University 

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in

Hospitality Management 

Abello, Jhon Daren

Azur, Eljay
Fajardo, Francis John
Quizon, Liezel
Valdez, Philipsan

November 2021


This study would have not been possible without the generous help of a number
of people who motivated, inspired, encouraged, and supported the researchers in their
endeavors. The following people were especially mentioned; whose distinct roles
contributed a lot to the fulfillment of this laborious work:

To Dr. Jhonell C. Panlilio, their college dean, for his valuable support for the
researchers that made it possible to finish this study.

To Dr. Criselda A. Tonelada, CHE. their college department chairperson, and

subject adviser for guiding the coordinators in helping the researchers to understand the
research study.

To Mr. Jefferson D.J. Ruz, the researcher’s adviser, for helping the researchers
in the completion of the entire study, and for his professional guidance and unselfish

To the respondents, for allowing the researchers for them to be surveyed and
being cooperative in giving significant answers to the questions. Their responses are the
most significant variables in this study.

To their loved ones, from whom the researchers owe their lives or whose
unending love, guidance, financial and moral support served as inspiration of their study.

To their friends and BSHM 4-1, for their help in referring the respondents who is
willingly answers the researcher’s questionnaire, for their prayers, and their personal and
moral support.

Above all, to our Almighty God, who serves as the researcher’s source of
wisdom, knowledge, strength, and light and everything they do and in facing the
challenge of life.


To Most High, creator of all things, thank you for the beautiful life, thank you for the
light in every darkness of our lives, thank you for all the blessings you have shared.
Thank you for reminding us that we are never alone in our journey and the greatest
source of our strength, inspiration, and wisdom in finishing this piece of work. Thank you
for guiding us in our ups and downs, thank you for your grateful heart and for
unconditional love to everyone.

To our parents, who have supported us all the way and for being patient all the time. We
would like to dedicate this piece of work to all of you with full of sacrifices and love.

And to our thesis coordinator, adviser, and instructor, thank you for the unending
support and care, for the time and effort to assist us in our feasibility study.

And lastly, to the future researchers, we hope this serves as an inspiration in fulfilling
your future study.


To Dr. Criselda Tolenada MBA, their Research in Hospitality instructor, for

providing them enough knowledge she imparted them, support, and encouragement that

made the researchers strong and motivated on doing their research. The advice and

knowledge she shared to the researchers helped them a lot on overcoming the challenges

they face in the process of writing their research. Her willingness to guide them and her

patience on helping them improve their research really made them learn and improve as

individuals. Their research would not be accomplished without her.

To their parents who showed unending support and courage in times of being

stressed that made served as their strength. The financial needs they have provided, and

guidance they showed, and the advice they shared to the researchers really made a big

part on the accomplishment of their research.

To their respondents, without their participation on giving enough information on

the data gathering, their research would not be successfully conducted.

To Tarlac State University who serves as the home of knowledge wherein the

researchers have gained enough knowledge and opportunity to experience doing research

and providing a qualified instructor that helped them to accomplish their research.

To Almighty God who gave them strength on facing the challenges in the process

of doing their research especially when they are about to give up. Also, God provided

them a good health despite of pandemic, sleepless nights and stressful days they have

encountered, and He serves as the researchers’ guide on leading them to the right path.




a. Introduction…………………………………………..…………7-9

b. Statement of the Problem……………………………………...9-10

c. Hypothesis of the Study……………………………………. . ….10

d. Significance of the Study……………………………...……...11-12

e. Scope and Delimitation……………………………………...…..12 

f. Definition of Terms………………………………………..…13-17



a. Review of Related Literature…. .……………………….....….18-28 

b. Related Studies…………………….…….………………..…..28-31

c. Conceptual Framework…………..………………………...….32-33 



a. Research Design……………………………………………..…34

b. Respondents of the Study…………………………………...….34

c. Data Gathering Procedure….………………………………34-35

d. Statistical Treatment……………………………………..……..35




a. Summary of Findings……………………………………..…40-43

b. Conclusion………………………………….……............….43-44

c. Recommendation….……………………….…………..……44-45

VI. BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………….………………...……..46-


VII. APPENDIX A…………………………………………………………..…


a. Survey Questionnaire……………………………..…………49-55

VIII. APPENDIX B……………………………………………………………56

a. Scoring Sheet……………………………..…………………56-57

IX. APPENDIX C…………………………………………...…………………58

a. Curriculum Vitae………………...………..…………………58-71




Entrepreneur is an individual and or group of individuals who thinks and creates

new products, services and businesses to the market carrying all the risk and enjoying the

rewards in the future. Entrepreneurs are sometimes called innovators because of their

new source of ideas and skillful way of thinking what the market needs and wants. While

Entrepreneurship, according to A.H. Cole (1959), is the purposeful activity of an

individual or group of associated individuals, undertaken to initiate, maintain and

aggrandize profit by production or distribution of economic goods and services. This

recognizes that entrepreneurship, through the production and distribution of goods and

services economically, can earn a profit. In addition, the main goal and focus of

entrepreneurship is to earn profit by an individual or by a group of people.

Several sorts of restaurant personnel are necessary to keep a restaurant running

well. The number of staff varies depending on the kind and size of the restaurant, but the

basic sort of employees does not. In addition, Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

(PECs) is defined and identified as a specific group of competencies relevant to the

exercise of successful entrepreneurship. The value of entrepreneurial competencies is

steadily growing over the last few decades. Entrepreneurial skills are widely explored in

academic literature, and they are a topic of interest for educational institutions.

Additionally, the explosion of start-ups is demonstrated the need for entrepreneurial

abilities. According to M. L. V. Alusen (2016), not only is the importance of


entrepreneurial abilities increase, but also is the importance of the human component play

by the entrepreneur himself. Any competency is described as a group of linked

information, qualities, attitudes, and abilities that impact a significant part of one's

employment, correlate with job performance, can be assessed against well-accepted

standards, and can be improved through training and development. On the other hand,

personal entrepreneurial competences are a collection of traits that assist define an

entrepreneur's attitude and behavior based to (Alusen, 2016). To put it another way,

qualities are factors that determine whether or not a person is capable of entrepreneurship

(Driessen, Zwart, 2006).

Technological developments, natural calamities, and demographic issues all

provide difficulties to the world. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, on the other

hand, it is emerged as the decade's most serious threat. It changes people's lives and have

a negative influence on their health, social, and financial circumstances. In the face of the

worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, Entrepreneurs are facing a new reality: that it is not

only a massive sanitary and health problems affecting million or even billion people in all

over the world. This is also an unparalleled downturn in the global economy worldwide.

According on the data from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) posted in

2020, estimates that more than 50 million jobs in hospitality industry is at risk globally.

The COVID-19 has an impact on the hospitality industry in all areas, including North

America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the rest of the world. When a crisis of the magnitude

of the COVID-19 global pandemic forces restaurants to close, and their revenue drops to

zero overnight, things get particularly dire. For instance, 40 percent of America's

restaurants closed, putting 8 million people out of work—three times the number of

people laid off in any other business. The National Restaurant Association projected an

industry revenue shortfall of $240 billion for the year of 2020. In the Philippines, due to

reduced consumer mobility and continuous limitations on dine-in capacity, restaurants

have witnessed dramatically lower demand since the commencement of the lockdowns

imposed to contain the coronavirus illness 2019 (COVID-19) last year. Even though the

pandemic gives severe influence on the global economy at many levels, the coronavirus

pandemic will be remembered for centuries. In connections with these, many companies

continue to fight for the growth of the business even during this kind of crisis. With the

help of new strategies, ideas, and innovations in business industry. Moreover,

maintaining the competencies need in this field of business. Specifically, the significance

of personal qualities, as one of the elements of entrepreneurship competencies.

With these issues, the researchers were encouraged to analyze the entrepreneurial

competencies. Particularly, the personal qualities that could help in maintaining the

business growth during the COVID-19 outbreak. Likewise, the aim of this study is to

analyze and identify the personal entrepreneurial competencies of the restaurant staff

specifically among the local restaurant around Tarlac City.


The study aims to describe the personal entrepreneurial competencies (PECs) of

restaurant employees in the city of Tarlac.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:


1. How does the restaurant employees of the city of Tarlac be described in terms of?

1.1 Gender

1.2. Age

1.3. Status of Employment

1.3.1 Work as a Specialist in a Company

1.3.2. Have Established Business

1.3.3. Working Student

2. How does the restaurant employees’ personal entrepreneurial competencies (PECs)

be described along the following factors:

2.1 Opportunity Seeking

2.2. Persistence

2.3. Commitment to Work Contract

2.4. Demand for Quality and Efficiency

2.5. Risk-Taking

2.6. Goal- Setting

2.7. Information Seeking

2.8. Systematic Planning and Monitoring

2.9. Persuasion and Networking

2.10 Self-Confidence


This study was guided by the hypothesis:


1.There is no significant relationship between the restaurant employees’ profile

and the restaurant employees’ personal entrepreneurial competencies.


The result of the study will be useful and generate great advantage to the


To Managers, this study will have a great advantage to managers who manages

restaurant, to help them know and gain knowledge about the personal entrepreneurial

competencies of their employees.

To Restaurant Owners, gaining knowledge of what their employee’s

competencies will give them a great opportunity to know them.

To Restaurant Employees, to help them boost their self to become an

entrepreneur someday and this study will help them.

To Entrepreneurs, this study will help them to assess their level of

entrepreneurial competencies even amidst the pandemic even any other major business

problems they will partake in the future.

To Future Entrepreneurs, this study will help future entrepreneurs before

opening their businesses to assess the quality of work and to plan out their businesses

made along with these entrepreneurial competencies: Opportunity Seeking, Persistence,

Commitment to Work Contract, Demand for Quality and Efficiency, Risk-taking, Goal

Setting, Information Seeking, Systematic Planning and Monitoring, Persuasion, and Self-


To Students, this study will become an educational material to students especially

to those who are studying in business related courses. It would help them to enhance their

skills, and knowledge about Personal Entrepreneurial Competences, and it will also be an

advantage for their employment once they graduated.

To Future Researchers, this study would also benefit the future researchers, as

this study will become one of their related literatures in which they can use once they

conduct a similar study to ours in the future.


This study looks forward into the factors that affects restaurant employees

and entrepreneurs of Tarlac City related to Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies during

Covid-19 Pandemic. Entrepreneurship is regarded as a significant means of influencing a

country's or industry's competitiveness, therefore it offers chances in the COVID-19

pandemic to move toward a more competitive environment.

This study specifically aims to give knowledge to what personal entrepreneurial

competency is and how it is important to entrepreneurs specifically in hospitality industry

and to have a proper plan to businesses to operate during pandemic.


The respondents to be surveyed are restaurant employees within the area of Tarlac

City. The data gathering particularly the interview with the respondents will start on

November 2021.


The following terms are defined in accordance with their conceptual and

theoretical meaning to have a knowledge and better understanding of this research study.

Achievement- this is a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or

skill by an employee which sometimes given with a reward.

Attitude- this is a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something,

typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior that is important to every employee

to know their morals.

Autonomy- this is the right or condition of self-government.

Behavior- this is the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward

others which is critical if you are working in a hospitality industry like restaurants.

Common Competency- this one describes the knowledge, skills and abilities

found in most or all key fire management positions


Core Competency- this is a defining capability or advantage that distinguishes an

enterprise from its competitors that specify an employee to the other employees

Economic- this is a justified in terms of profitability.

Emotional Competency- this refer to the essential set of personal and social

skills to recognize, interpret, and respond constructively to emotions in oneself and others

Employability- this is the quality of being suitable for paid work especially for


Endurance- this is the fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult

process or situation without giving way especially when you are working in an industry

that requires physical work.

Entrepreneurial Competencies- this describes in terms of essential personal

traits, skills, knowledge, and motives of an employee that leads to superior performance

Entrepreneurs- this is a person who organizes and operates a business or

businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.

Essential Competency- this is the necessary knowledge, skills. and behaviors

required to achieve. the performance measure of. the competency.

Flexibility- this is the willingness to change or compromise. If you have this

skills it will be an advantage for you.

Generic Capabilities- this is skills and attributes of a generic nature that are

essential for successful lifelong learning and employment


Generic Competencies- this is a set of skills, knowledge, and attitudes that allow

to complete a task in a given context

Goal Orientated- this is being focused on reaching a specific objective or

accomplishing a task

Hospitality- this is friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guest,

visitors, or strangers that requires in every employee that is working in any hospitality


Independent- this is free from outside control; not depending on another's


Innovativeness- this is the skill and imagination to create new things. Once you

portray this kind of asset it will be a great advantage to you becoming an entrepreneur.

Key Competencies- this is the specific qualities that a company's recruiters that

consider desirable for employees to possess

Key Qualifications- this is an ability, quality, or attribute of an employee.

Knowledge Application- this is when available knowledge is used to make

decisions and perform tasks through direction and routines

Knowledge Sharing- this is an activity through which knowledge (namely,

information, skills, or expertise) is exchanged among people, friends, peers, families,

communities (for example, Wikipedia), or within or between organizations.

Learnability- this is defined as the ease and speed with which the users get

familiar with the use of a new product.


New Normal - the new normal is being used to label the changes the world's

population is facing as a result of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic

Outbreak- this is the sudden or violent start of something unwelcome, such as

war, disease, etc.

Pandemic- this is prevalent over a whole country or the world.

Proactive Personality- this is the one who is relatively unconstrained by

situational forces and who effects environmental change

Productivity- this is the effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry,

as measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input.

Profit- this is a financial gain, especially the difference between the amount

earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something in a restaurant


Progressive Growth- this is relating to progress that gradually came overtime

relating to work outputs

Self-Efficiency- this is an individual's belief in his or her capacity to execute

behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments

Skill- this is the ability to do something well expertise.

Socio-Economic System- this is a complex system that consists of social,

economic, environmental, cultural, political, technological elements and relationship

among them and with other systems.


Stress Tolerance- this is the ability to be relaxed and composed when faced with


Trans-Disciplinary Goals- this is trans disciplinarity concerns that which is at

once between the disciplines, across the different disciplines, and beyond each individual

discipline in every employee.

Transferable Competency- this is the skills that you use in every job, no matter

the title or the field.

Workplace Competency- this is a description of a required skill, attribute or

behavior for a specific job used to define and measure an individual's effectiveness that

requires every employee and even the aspiring employees

World Travel & Tourism Council- this is where conducting research on the

economic impact of Travel and Tourism that is incline with the hospitality industry

including restaurants or any other small-medium business enterprises.




In this chapter, the researchers gathered some related literature and studies

which provided the basic framework of this study. Materials that are related to the current

study are presented to give readers insight.

Related Literature

The definition of entrepreneurship is identifying new business opportunities and

mobilizing economic resources to establish a new business or redevelop an existing

business while facing risks and uncertainties for the purpose of making a profit, Adenutsi,


Entrepreneurship plays a vital aspect in economics as it foster not only innovation

but also job creation and national wealth as well. The growth of the developments of

medium-small enterprises are seen as economic advancement in a specific country, or

region. Entrepreneurship does not only focus on gathering of relevant knowledge, skills,

and attitude, instead, entrepreneurship is seen as continuous learning and conceptualized

in terms of the never-ending progress of an individual’s key entrepreneurial capabilities

(Oganisjana, 2012)

An entrepreneur according to Ditablan and Abad, (2009), is the one who

organizes, manages, and shoulders the uncertainties of a business. Opportunities for

establishing businesses exist all the time since there is no one that is capable to produce

all the products and services at once for the everyday life of the people.

Therefore, entrepreneurship is indeed one of the central sources of profit since it

creates jobs and helps the economic growth of a nation.

Competency among entrepreneurs plays a vital role in order to achieve an

excellent performance for a continuous growth and success of a business amidst the

competitive environment and the Covid-19 pandemic. The importance of entrepreneurial

competency and human factor constantly increased during the past few decades.

Competency of an entrepreneur shoulders both risk and success of a business needed to

carry the business successfully.

A competency that affect a major part of one’s job are a cluster of related

knowledge, traits, attitudes, and skills, that correlate with the performance of the job, and

can be measured against the well-accepted standards and can be improved via trainings

and development (Perry, 1998).

Following these elements, are different definitions of entrepreneurial

competencies depending on scholars. Knowledge, motivation, capabilities, and

characteristics are the characteristics of what entrepreneurial competence is according to

M.P. Driessen and P.S. Zwart (2006).

T. Man and T. Chan (2002) says that entrepreneurial competencies are made up of

personal attributes, knowledge, and skills, while M.P. Driessen (2005)- personal

characteristics and skills. A. Bagheri and Z. A. L. Pihie (2011)- personal competencies

and functional competencies, following KSA framework, entrepreneurial competencies

bounds to knowledge, skills, and attitudes underlies any personal characteristics

(Lackeus, 2015).

Every classification state that personal qualities are part of personal

entrepreneurial competencies, which is the object of this research.

According to (Alusen, 2016), a set of qualities which helps outline the attitude

and behavior of entrepreneurs is personal entrepreneurial competencies (PEC’s). In other

words, personal characteristics are what distinguishes a person if it is more or less

capable of being an entrepreneur (Driessen, Zwart, 2006). So, when analyzing the

behavior of an entrepreneur, it should focus more on their personal traits (Sanchez, 2011).

(Krueger, Reilly, Carsrud, 2000) says that there are certain specific attitudes and

personality traits that predicts the intention, and new opportunities are perceived. Self-

efficiency, proactiveness and inclination towards risk-taking are most linked to

entrepreneurial caution says J.C. Sanchez (2011).

A. Bagheri and Z. A. L. Pihie (2011) specify that such personal entrepreneurial

competencies such as pre-activeness, innovativeness, and risk taking.

According to A. Rauch and M. Freese (2007) there are 11 personality traits that is

linked to entrepreneurship: Self-efficiency, proactive personality, tenacity, need for

achievement, stress tolerance, goal orientation, need for autonomy, innovativeness,

endurance, flexibility, and passion for work.

In order to outline the attitude and behavior of entrepreneurs, PEC’s is developed

by a behavioral scientist to outline the attitude and behavior of entrepreneurs and their set

of qualities.

McClelland categorizes 14 PECs of the behavior of a successful entrepreneur.

McClelland and McBer, are able to identify 10 behavioral patterns grouped into three

clusters: achievement, planning, and power clusters. The PECs are as follows: (1)

Opportunity Seeking, (2) Persistence, (3) Commitment to Work Contract, (4) Risk-

taking, (5) Demand for Quality and Efficiency, (6) Goal Setting, (7) Information Seeking,

(8) Systematic Planning and Monitoring, (9) Persuasion and Networking, (10) Self-

Confidence. These PECs correlates the entrepreneurial skills and are transformed into

actions by individuals and do not remain as passive traits.

Opportunity Seeking is what enables an entrepreneur to grab new opportunities

for their businesses’ success and growth even in the most hopeless situations. For

example, at year 2020 the whole nation faces a pandemic Covid-19, and in order for the

business to stay and make profit, an entrepreneur must seek an opportunity at these

problematic times, one of it is by ensuring the protocols that is given and adapting to the

new normal.

Persistence is doing something continuously until you get what you want and

deserve, even if it is new and difficult as an entrepreneur, you must be persistent in

achieving what you want to achieve.

Commitment to work contract is a state of level of enthusiasm of an employee

giving much time and attention to something you believe it is right and important to

maximize its productivity. Entrepreneurs must know that big achievement does not come

in a blink of an eye.

Demand for Efficiency and Quality, a successful entrepreneur demands quality

standards and cannot stand a bad performance from people they are working with.

Quality is the standard that customers seeks when buying a product or a service.

Efficiency, on the other hand, is an ability of an entrepreneur on doing something that is

not wasting their time. This only means that most entrepreneurs attempt to do things in an

improved manner, faster and better, they often set high standard for excellence to fulfill

the needs of their customers (Davis, 2010).

Risk-taking is taking a chance to do something out of your comfort zone.

According to Calvin (2008), entrepreneurs must see themselves as businessman and not

gamblers. They should look at different alternative solutions to problems and must know

whether or not the benefit of such risk is greater than it costs.

Goal Setting is when an entrepreneur plans his everyday actions and decide

carefully on where he wants the business to go.

Information Seeking is a behavior of gathering data from relevant sources. Calvin

(2008), says that entrepreneurs often deals with a variety of changes, take notes on any

management weaknesses, and try to find immediate feedback on their performance.

Self-confidence is important to carry out your job and in believing in your own

capabilities especially in work in order to perform well. An entrepreneur must trust his

own skills and embraces its own imperfections to have a Self-confidence.

Table 1. Corresponding Behavior of Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

Entrepreneurial Corresponding Behavior
Being active in finding openings in the environment which can be
used in different ways to start a business, to create a new market or
improve business operations.

Acting and grabbing new business opportunities even in the most

problematic and hopeless situations

Doing things before asked or forced by the events

Acting to extend the business to new areas, products, and services

Seizing unusual opportunities to start a new business, obtain

financial, equipment, land workspace or assistance.
Doing something continuously even though others say that you will
not succeed or that you are just wasting your time and effort
Doing something over and over again until you get what you think
you deserve
Standing up straight and not giving up even during the hardest
times when you are trying to do something new or something
Taking action in the face of significant obstacle
Taking repeated action or switching to an alternative strategy to
meet a challenge or overcome an obstacle
Taking personal responsibility for the performance necessary to
achieve goals and objectives
Giving much time and attention to something because you believe
it is right and important
Taking full responsibility and having the job done efficiently to
create a delighted customer
Commitment to Being able to meet a deadline
Work Contract Making a personal sacrifice or expending extraordinary effort to
complete a job
Pitching in with workers or in their place to get a job done
Striving to keep customers satisfied and placing long-term goodwill
over short-term gain
Taking the chances to do something which is out of your comfort

Doing something that can result in anything unpleasant or

Taking risk at any of risk-taking behaviour: from high risk-taking
or moderate risk-taking to low risk-taking
Deliberately calculating risks and evaluating alternatives
Taking action to reduce risks or controlling outcomes
Placing self in situations involving a challenge or moderate risk
Demanding quality and efficiency not only from himself but also
from workers and suppliers
Giving quality products and the best services to customers that
equates to a good business
Demand for
Working without errors and without wasting the time, money, and
Efficiency and
Finding ways to do things better, faster, or cheaper
Acting to do thing that meet or exceed standards of excellence
Developing or using procedures to ensure that work is completed
on time or that work meets agreed-upon standards and quality
Planning every action and carefully making decisions based on
where he wants to go
Setting goals and objectives that are personally meaningful and
Goal Seeking
Articulating clear and specific long-range goals
Setting measurable short-term objectives
Gathering information from relevant resources, which is critical to
the formulation of different business strategies
Seeking direct response, feedback
Personally, seeking information from clients, suppliers, or
Doing personal research on how to provide product or service
Consulting experts for business or technical advice
Systematic Planning by breaking large tasks down into time-constrained sub-

Revising plans in light of feedback on performance or changing
Planning and
Keeping financial records and using them to make business
Using deliberate strategies to influence or persuade others
Persuasion and
Using key people as agents to accomplish own objectives
Acting to develop and maintain business contracts
Trusting his own skills and embracing his own imperfections
Completing any task or activity easier because of self-awareness
and faith in personal abilities
Solid self-belief
Self-Confidence Seeking autonomy from the rules or control of others
Striking with own judgment in the face of opposition or early lack
of success
Expressing confidence in own ability to complete a difficult task or
meet a challenge

Individual’s (perceived) ability to obtain and maintain employment throughout

their career is Employability, Cole and Tibby (2013). Individual’s employability is a set

of achievements – skills, understandings, and personal attributes - that makes graduates

more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen career paths, which

benefits the community and the economy according to Yorke (2006). Therefore,

competency is a combination knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

During a sudden condition of a change environment, attitude is an essential part of

competency, as the Covid-19 pandemic were reshaping the community or working

environment. Positive attitude is the best way to portray at these times as proactiveness

and preparedness of any labor market contender to show the readiness for the new


According to George (2011) described that employability competency is

considered as the generic competency, generic capabilities, key competencies, core

competency, common competency, essential competency, necessary skill, workplace

competency, know-how competency, critical enabling competency, transferable

competency, trans-disciplinary goals, key qualifications, independent process

qualifications, and emotional competency.

Employability concept focuses on preparing individuals and even communities

for jobs that do not exist yet and even for solving problems and challenges that cannot be

realized so far is very important for policymakers and scholars. Peters et al. (2019) and

Romgens et al. (2019).

The term employability competency in the new normal for Levenson (2020), goes

beyond the ability to obtain a job towards more the ability to maintain that job. There are

two main facets of employability that educational and training institutes in the new

normal need to consider: the ability of graduates to get a job and the ability of graduates

to tackle the level of work that is being equipped for the job. Levenson (2020).

The reality of socio-economic system emphasizes on new approaches that ensures

the integration of educational and social inputs would shape the competency. However, it

is expected that the collection of education, skills, training, and experiences would be


According to DEST (2006), skill is defined as the ability to perform a specific

task. While employability is about having a capacity to gain initial employment, maintain

employment, obtain new employment if required, and self-employment. Hillage and

Pollard (1998)

There are two-dimensional competence: conceptual and operational. Delamare Le

Deist and Winterton (2005).

Cole & Tibby (2013), Forrier & Sels (2003), Van der Heijde & Van der Heijden

(2006) says that obtaining and holding on for such competencies help to both obtain and

retain the most suitable job, during highly competitive times in labor market.

A set of achievements that develop the individuals’ competency, enhance their

understanding and personal attributes and make them more likely to gain employment

and be successful in their field of work, which benefit themselves, the workforce, the

community, and the economy is seen as an employability competency. Clarke (2008).

New normal is an event, or status, or era that previously was unfamiliar, or

atypical situation that has become standard, or usual, or expected. Oxford (2020).

Buheji (2020), OECD (2019) says that the need to react to abide by the new

regulations and to be prepared for the worst, have shacked-up the basis of many assumed

concepts of life. Now, we changed how we perceive doing business and deliver services

in the future.

As the world strive to resume its activity towards the better productivity and

progressive growth, it needs to go through uncertainty and would need to reshape itself to

fit the pre-requisites of the nest new normal. Levenson (2020), Helyer & Lee (2014). The

coming of the next generations of the post Covid-19 era could be characterized as the

“urgency of the moment”. Buheji and Ahmed (2019) says that competency here is about

the capacity of not losing sight of the actions that might be needed for tomorrow. Buheji

(2020) also mentioned that the next new normal or the post Covid-19 era would not be

similar to the pre-Covid-19 years. This pandemic touch the issues of life, what we believe

in, how we think, visualize our roles in life, our next generation essentials, and how we

would react to a coming life crisis. Levenson (2020) says that therefore, we need a new

way of establishing and managing employability competency to meet this challenging


In the new normal, we would witness changes in the speed and quality of training

for workers noted Meister (2020). Organizations would have part of their packages to

care for the well-being of their workers, in return to high employability competency

demand. Leading organizations would work on re-skilling their employees, or recruit

according to the given protocols.

Related Studies


In the study of Zulfiqar, Al-reshidi, Al Moteri, Feroz, Yahya and Al-Rahmi

(2021) entitled Understanding and Predicting Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention

through Business Simulation Games: A Perspective of COVID-19. The researchers

proven the effectiveness of simulation games are useful for students to boost their

learning performance by building an attitude that can lead to developing entrepreneurial


intention in a convenient and pleasurable learning environment. During their study,

Solomon and Fernald suggest that theoretical and practical knowledge can be more

beneficial to shape positive entrepreneurial intentions. Moreover, the researchers

mentioned some personal competencies that an entrepreneur must have such as

learnability, knowledge sharing, knowledge application and self-efficacy.

In relation to this present study the researchers wish to see the personal qualities

that could help in maintaining the business growth during the COVID-19 outbreak

specifically among the selected local restaurants staff.

In the study of Asta Kyguoliene and Liudas Svipas (2019) entitled Personal

Entrepreneurial Competencies of Participants in Experiential Entrepreneurship

Education. The researchers focused and discussed the personal entrepreneurial

competencies according to M. L. V. Alusen (2016) in detailed, specifically the

corresponding behavior of these competencies. In addition, the study came up to the

result of which personal competencies are strong to the students and the weak

competencies under the experiential education programs.

In connection of this study to the present study the researchers wish to know the

personal competencies deeply and to identify what are the qualities and skills of hotel

entrepreneurs. Moreover, the study wishes to find out the common behaviors that could

be found to a successful entrepreneur.

In the study of Anders Gustafsson and Naveen Donthu (2020) entitled Effects of

COVID-19 on Business and Research. The researchers mentioned some motivational

factors why people started their own businesses during the period of outbreak. The study

mentioned that it is because of the desire to do everything in-home. The work–life

boundaries of people will be blurred when both tasks are carried out from home. Also, it

mentioned that the work-life balance is better compared in the past years.

In relation of this study to the present the researchers wish to learn the

motivational factors of hospitality entrepreneurs to run the business despite of pandemic

specifically in the restaurant’s businesses.


According to the study of Aida L. Velasco, D.B.A. (2013) with the title

Entrepreneurship Education in the Philippines. The researcher discussed the important

factors for high growth enterprises, where she mentioned about the opportunity present

and operational exploit. Also, the study showed the strengths and weaknesses of the

entrepreneurship in the Philippines. As the result of the study, the Philippine school

system is more concerned with preparing students for jobs than with encouraging them to

start businesses. Moreover, the absence of role models in the form of entrepreneurs who

advocate for high-opportunity, high-growth ventures is a problem in entrepreneurship


The similarity of this article to the present study, the researchers want to know the

different style of opportunity seeking that could help hospitality entrepreneurs to

maintain business growth during COVID-19 pandemic.

Based on the review article of Nathan Rauh-Bieri (2016) with the title Developing

Filipino Entrepreneurs: Case-by-Case. It mentioned the entrepreneurship in the

Philippines, entrepreneurial education, and the sample of local cases’ potential for

entrepreneurial education. Furthermore, in the conclusion of this article it mentioned the

importance of having the right mentality for starting a business is becoming more widely

understood. In the Philippines, cultivating an entrepreneurial attitude might help firms

avoid closure and truncation. Educators play a critical role in establishing this type of

mentality. One of the most effective approaches is to use the case technique.

This fact is similar to the present study, the researchers want to know the

recommendations that can be made to improve the decision making of hospitality

entrepreneurs that could have a hand to maintain business growth during COVID-19


According to the study of Baticados et al. (2014) with the title An Analysis of

Entrepreneurial Skills and Competencies of Students: The case of a Philippine

University. The researchers discussed the Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PEC)

of BSABM and MM students. It also mentioned the analyzation of the differences in the

entrepreneurial competencies of the students and determine the critical and relevant

entrepreneurial competencies. As the result of the study, MM students obtained higher

scores than BSABM students in seven competencies, especially in opportunity seeking,

persistence, goal setting, information seeking, systematic planning and monitoring,

persuasion and networking, and self-confidence.

In relation to the present study the researchers also aimed to identify the

entrepreneurial competencies of restaurant employees to maintain the businesses growth

despite of the Covid-19 Pandemic


Conceptual Framework

This study aims to determine the Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies of

restaurant employees in Tarlac City in terms of Opportunity Seeking, Persistence,

Commitment to Work Contract, Risk-taking, Demand for Quality and Efficiency, Goal

Setting, Information Seeking, Systematic Planning and Monitoring, Persuasion and

Networking, Self-Confidence.

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

The study of Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies of restaurant employees that is

based on the formulated factors to maintain business growth of a restaurant amidst of the

Covid-19 pandemic.

Training After Start Up Training Before Start Up

Taking Goal – Seeking Information – Persistence Fulfilling Commitment
Calculated Seeking
Risks Attributes; Attributes;

Attributes; Attributes; Attributes;  Decision maker  Productive

 Leadership  Proactive
 Emotional  Goal –  Innovative  Problem Solver  Business goals
Situations Oriented  Productive  Commitment  Focus in business
 Self –Level / Education Working Experience
 Decision  Creative  Motivation  Hard-Worker
Systematic Determination
Persuasion and  Independence
Information Opportunity – Seeking and Initiatives
 Planning
Anticipateand  Develop
Networking –and
Self -
Sustainable Attributes;
Mistakes Confidence
 Risk- Leadership
Attributes;  Initiative
Managing Attributes;
 Innovative
 Risk –  Persuasive  Opportunity seeker
 Checking  Independent
Taker  Interpersonal  Self –  Required Skills
Deciding Skills Confident  Cognitive competencies (knowledge)
  Negotiation  Social
 Skilled  Communicat Competencie
ion s (Attitudes
 Performanc  Partnership and
e – Oriented Entrepreneurial
 Motivation Competencies



This chapter presents a description of the research design, subjects, data gathering

procedures, content validity of the research instrument, and the statistical treatment to be used in

the study.

Research Design

This study uses the Descriptive-Quantitative Research design. Survey questionnaire that

is adopted from Management Systems International and McBer and Company, (2008) is the

primary tool in putting together the relevant data that will be gathered at measures the personal

entrepreneurial competencies of a restaurant employees.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were 100 middle management restaurant employee in the

organizational structure of restaurants in Tarlac City that are fully accredited by the Department

of Labor and Employee: in Tarlac City.

Data Gathering Procedure

Respondents were informed of their participation in the study through the distribution of

the google via social media. Objectives and procedures of the study were discussed to the

respondents in detail. The researchers used survey questionnaires via google form method to

avoid physical contact with the respondents and to provide safeness of each member of the

researchers because of the Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak. These methods were applied to assure

good quality of data and safeness of both researchers and respondents of the study. Survey

instrument used was utilized based on the study Alusen ML, 2016, of as the primary data

gathering instrument, referred by from the earlier research of the Management Systems

International and McBer and Company which was slightly revised to make it easier for the

students to understand. The self-scoring individual entrepreneurial competency (PEC)

questionnaire uses 55 questions to ascertain ten individual entrepreneurial competencies.

Statistical Treatment

PEC scores were calculated after obtaining the respondents’ scale ratings. The score per

PEC trait was computed by adding a constant (6). Data collected was used to create basic graphic

analysis including frequency distribution, mean, percentage and ranking. It followed the

interpretation of PEC scores used by Depositorio, Aquino and Feliciano (2011):

19 and up = strong, 16 to 18 = moderate, and 15 and below = weak


Chapter 4


This chapter presents, interprets and analyzes the gathered data with the procedures and

statistical treatments described in Chapter 3. The data were arranged in accordance with the

statement of the problems raised

1. Profile of Restaurant Employees

To describe the demographics of restaurant employees in Tarlac City, this study surveyed

100 restaurant employees in terms of gender, age, status of employment.

1.1 Gender

This study classifies the genders of restaurant employees. Table 3 shows the

classification of the 100 respondents in terms of their gender

Table 3

Gender Group Breakdown

Gender f
Male 50
Female 43
Total 100
This shows that most of the employees in Tarlac City are males with a total of 50 out of

100 respondents, while female employees are 43, and the last 7 respondents out of 100 are from

the LGBTQIA+ community.


1.2 Age Group of Breakdown

Table 4

Age Group Breakdown

Age f
18-20 12
21-24 42
25-30 39
31-99 7
Total 100
This table shows the age categories of restaurant employees who took part in the

completion of the survey questionnaires. Out of 100 there are 42 respondents whose age bracket

is in 21-24; 39 respondents whose age bracket is in 25-30; 12 respondents whose age is between

18-20; and 7 respondents whose age is between 31-99.

1.3 Status of Employment

Table 5

Status of Employment

Status of Employment f
Work as a Specialist in a Company 54
Have Established Business 1
Working Student 45
Total 100
The data given above shows that out of 100, there are 54 respondents who work as a

specialist in a particular company – that is, the number of employees for whom they work full-

time in an establishment. While there are 45 respondents employed as working students, and 1

respondent who already has his own business.


2. Identifying the factors of PECs of restaurant employees

Personal Entrepreneurial
Competencies (PEC) Mean Scores Interpretation Rating

Information Seeking 20.0% Strong 1

Persistence 19.8% Strong 2

Goal Setting 19.8% Strong 2

Opportunity Seeking 19.6% Strong 3

Commitment 19.6% Strong 3

Self Confidence 19.6% Strong 3

Systematic Planning &

Monitoring 19.4% Strong 4

Risk Taking 19.2% Strong 5

Persuasion And Networking 19.2% Strong 5

Demand For Quality and

Efficiency 18.8% Moderate 7

The table shows that “Information Seeking” is the most used among the 10 Personal

Entrepreneurial Competencies above. Information Seeking refers to gathering information from


relevant resources, which is critical to the formulation of different business. The next highest in

the table are Persistence and Goal Setting with 19.8%. Persistence refers in doing something

continuously until you get what you want and deserve and while the Goal Setting refers when an

entrepreneur plans his everyday action and decide carefully on where he wants the business to

go. Followed by Opportunity Seeking, Commitment, and Self Confidence with 19.6%.

Opportunity seeking refers to what enables an entrepreneur to grab new opportunities for their

business’s success and growth even in the most hopeless situation. And commitment refers to a

state of level of enthusiasm of an employee giving much time and attention to something you

believe what is right and important to maximize its productivity. And self-confidence refers to

believing in your own capabilities especially in work in order to perform well. Systematic

Planning and Monitoring garnered 19.4% which refers to revising plans in light of feedback on

performance or changing circumstances. Risk Taking and Persuasion and Networking with

19.2%. Risk taking refers to taking a chance to do something out of your comfort zone while

Persuasion and Networking refers on using deliberate strategies to influence or persuade others.

Lastly Demand for Quality and Efficiency garnered 18.8% refers to giving quality products and

best services to customers that equates to a good business.


Chapter 5


In this chapter, the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations were

formulated from the data and results that were presented in the previous chapter.

Summary of Findings

1. Profile of restaurant employees of the city of Tarlac in terms of:

1.1 Gender

It was evident that based on the findings, out 100 restaurant employee respondent’s

majority of them are male. There are 50 male respondents, 43 females and 7 from LGBTQIA+.

1.2 Age

Age is important to attain reliable feedback. It determines the age bracket of the

restaurant employees who took part of the survey questionnaires. According to the data gathered,

the majority of the respondents are between 21-24 years old which covers 42 respondents. On the

other hand, there are 39 respondents with the age bracket between 25-30 years old, 12

respondents whose age are between 18-20 and 7 respondents with the age of 31-99.

1.3 Status of Employment

According to the data gathered, the majority status of employment of the respondents

who participates in the completion of the survey questionnaire works as a specialist in a

company or restaurant.

1.3.1 Works as a Specialist in a Company


Based on the results of the data, out of 100 respondents there are 54 restaurant employees

who works as a specialist in a company.

1.3.2 Have established a business

It was evident that 1 out of 100 of the respondents who participates in the completion of

the survey questionnaire has established his own business.

1.3.3 Working Student

As a result, 45 out of 100 respondents employed as a working student.

2. Identifying the factors of PECs of restaurant employees in terms of:

2.1 Opportunity Seeking

Based on the result of the data, opportunity seeking scores 19.6% in its mean. In addition,

it is strongly used in identifying the factors of PECs of restaurant employees. It rates number 3

among the 10 of the factors.

2.2 Persistence

According to the data gathered, 19.8% is the mean score of the persistence. Furthermore,

it is strongly used in identifying the factors of PECs of restaurant employees. It rates number 2

among the data results.

2.3 Commitment to Work Contract

As a result, commitment and opportunity seeking got the same mean score which is

19.6%. Likewise, as the previous factors it is also strongly used in identifying factors of the

employees. It rates number 3 based on the data gathered.


2.4 Demand for Quality and Efficiency

According to the gathered data, demand for quality and efficiency got the lowest mean

score which is 18.8% as a result. In identifying the personal competencies of the restaurant

employees, it is moderately used. It rates number 7 among the 10 of the factors.

2.5 Risk-Taking

Based on the result of the data, risk-taking scores 19.2% in its mean. In addition, risk

taking is strongly used in identifying PEC factors. It is number 5 in rating based on the data


2.6 Goal setting

Goal-Setting scores 19.8% in its mean. Likewise, it is strongly used in identifying factors

of the PEC of restaurant employees. It also rates number 2 among the data.

2.7 Information Seeking

Based on the data gathered, it is the most used among the 10 PEC factors. 20.0% is the

mean score, and it is also strongly used in identifying PEC of restaurant employees. Information

Seeking rates number 1 among the 10 factors based on the results of the data.

2.8 Systematic Planning and Monitoring

As the results show, 19.4% is the mean score of the systematic factor. Likewise, as the

other PEC factor, it is strongly used in identifying personal entrepreneurial competencies of the

restaurant employees. It rates number 4 among the data results.

2.9 Persuasion and Networking


According to the results, persuasion and networking scores 19.2% in its mean. It is also

strongly used along with the other factors. It rates number 5 the same with the risk-taking.

2.10 Self-Confidence

Based on the results, 19.6% is the mean score of this factor. Along with the other factors

it is strongly used in identifying personal entrepreneurial competencies of restaurant employees.

It rates number 3 the same with opportunity seeking and commitment.

3. Recommendations that can be proposed to improve the PEC’s of restaurant

employees in the city of Tarlac.

Based on the data gathered, there are some PEC’s factors that are not strongly used for

identifying for the restaurant employees. The proposal that employees must improve are there

skills, decision-making, personal development when it comes to communication, passion,

responsibility, and self-confidence.


To sum it all up, the researchers concluded that after the evaluation, the respondents were

more focused on Information Seeking in identifying the personal entrepreneurial competencies

of restaurant employees in the city of Tarlac. Furthermore, gathering of information from

relevant sources is critical in formulation of different businesses.

Furthermore, majority of the gathered data from the respondents answered information

seeking as the best factor among the other factors in identifying the PEC, with a scale of 20.0%

mean score and most used PEC factors in restaurant employees.


Moreover, most of the feedback on the survey questionnaire is Persistence and Goal

Setting which has 19.8% of mean score and next to the highest and most used personal

entrepreneurial competencies.

On the other hand, the study has been limited because it was only focused on personal

entrepreneurial competencies of restaurant employees in the city of Tarlac. Nevertheless, it is

helpful to the employees of restaurant to know what factors will drive them to a successful

entrepreneurship. Moreover, the researchers encountered a problem such as selection of

restaurants around the city of Tarlac that wanted to answer a survey about personal competencies

of the employees.

As a conclusion with all the data gathered in this study, the researchers therefore

conclude that the Information Seeking is the best and most used personal entrepreneurial

competencies of restaurant employees in the city of Tarlac.


1. The highly empowered status of the respondents in terms of establishing a business. The
management shall strengthen the opportunity seeking and to be maintained through a
more appealing income and salary structure, as well as other intangible benefits.

2. The capability of the employee’s should take attention to the concerns of the management
as to decision-making, effective communication, and shared responsibility.

3. The restaurants shall strengthen their employee empowerment specifically the 45

working students resulted in the survey. One factor to give them advantage for their
employment once they graduated is self-confidence and goal setting.

4. The top 1 among the 10 PEC factors are information seeking, among of these who give
their response are more likely restaurant employee and even working students.
Information seeking may help them to boost their self to become an entrepreneur



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Asta KYGUOLIENĖ, Liudas ŠVIPAS (2019). Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies of

Participants in Experential Entrepreneurship Education


Dear Mr./Ms.,
We are 4th year Hospitality Management students from Tarlac State University. As a course
requirement in Research in Hospitality (TPC8), we are conducting a research entitled, Personal
Entrepreneurial Competencies of Restaurant Employees to Maintain Business Growth during
Covid-19 Pandemic in Tarlac City as our thesis paper. Your participation can support us to gain
data for every restaurant employee’s entrepreneurial competencies. Rest assured that the
information you would be giving out will be confidential.
Thank you so much for your valuable support.
*NAME: __________________________
*ADDRESS: _______________________
o Male
o Female

o 18-20
o 21-24
o 25-30
o 31-99

o Work as a specialist in a company
o Have established business
o Student

1. This questionnaire consists of 55 brief statements. Read each statement and decide how well it
describes you. Be honest about yourself.
2. Select one of the numbers to indicate how well the statement describes you:
5= Always 4+Usually 3=Sometimes 2=Rarely 1=Never

3. Some statements maybe similar but no two are exactly alike

o 2
o 1

1. I look for things that need to be done 6. I like to think about the future

o 5 o 5
o 4 o 4
o 3 o 3
o 2 o 2
o 1 o 1

2. When faced with a difficult problem, I 7. When starting a new task or project, I
spend a lot of time trying to find a solution gather a great deal of information before
going ahead
o 5
o 5
o 4
o 4
o 3
o 3
o 2
o 2
o 1
o 1
3. I complete my work on time
8. I plan a large project by breaking it down
o 5 into smaller tasks
o 4
o 5
o 3
o 4
o 2
o 3
o 1
o 2
4. It bothers me when things are not done o 1
very well
9. I get others to support my
o 5 recommendations
o 4
o 5
o 3
o 4
o 2
o 3
o 1
o 2
5. I prefer situations in which I can control o 1
o 5 10. I feel confident that I will succeed at
o 4 whatever I try to do
o 3
o 5

o 4 o 2
o 3 o 1
o 2
16. I don’t try something new without
o 1
making sure I will succeed
11. Mo matter whom I’m talking to, I’m a o 5
good listener
o 4
o 5 o 3
o 4 o 2
o 3 o 1
o 2
17. It’s a waste of time to worry about what
o 1
to do with your life
12. I do things that need to be done before o 5
being asked to by others
o 4
o 5 o 3
o 4 o 2
o 3 o 1
o 2
18. I seek the advice of people who know a
o 1
lot about the tasks I am working on
13. I try several times to get people to do o 5
what I would like them to do
o 4
o 5 o 3
o 4 o 2
o 3 o 1
o 2
19. I think about the advantages and
o 1
disadvantages or different ways of
14. I keep promises I make accomplishing things.

o 5 o 5
o 4 o 4
o 3 o 3
o 2 o 2
o 1 o 1

15. My own work is better than that of other 20. I do not spend much time thinking how
people I work with to influence others

o 5 o 5
o 4 o 4
o 3 o 3

o 2 26. It bothers me when my time is wasted.

o 1
o 5
21. I change my mind if others disagree o 4
strongly with me o 3
o 2
o 5
o 1
o 4
o 3 27. I weigh my chances of succeeding or
o 2 failing before I decide to do something
o 1
o 5
22. I feel resentful when I don’t get my way o 4
o 3
o 5
o 2
o 4
o 1
o 3
o 2 28. the more specific I can be about what I
o 1 want out of life, the more chance I have to
23. I like challenges and new opportunities
o 5
o 5 o 4
o 4 o 3
o 3 o 2
o 2 o 1
o 1
29. I take action without wasting time
24. When someone gets in the way of what I gathering information
am trying to do, I keep on trying to
accomplish what I want. o 5
o 4
o 5
o 3
o 4
o 2
o 3
o 1
o 2
o 1 30. I try to think of all the problems I may
encounter and plan what to do if each
25. I am happy to do someone else’s work if problem occurs
necessary to get the job on time
o 5
o 5 o 4
o 4 o 3
o 3 o 2
o 2 o 1
o 1

31. I get important people to help me 36. when I am doing a job for someone, I
accomplish my goals make a special effort to make sure that
person is happy with my work
o 5
o 4 o 5
o 3 o 4
o 2 o 3
o 1 o 2
o 1
32. When trying something difficult or
challenging I feel confident that I will 37. I’m never entirely happy with the way in
succeed which things are done; I always think there
must be a better way
o 5
o 4 o 5
o 3 o 4
o 2 o 3
o 1 o 2
o 1
33. In the past, I have had failures
o 5
o 4 38. I do things that are risky
o 3 o 5
o 2 o 4
o 1 o 3
34. I prefer activities that I know well and o 2
with which I am comfortable o 1

o 5 39. I have a very clear plan for my life

o 4
o 5
o 3
o 4
o 2
o 3
o 1
o 2
35. when faced with major difficulties, I o 1
quickly go on to do other things
40. When working on a project for someone,
o 5 I ask many questions to be sure I understand
o 4 what that person wants
o 3 o 5
o 2 o 4
o 1 o 3
o 2

o 1 46. I try several ways to overcome things

that get in the way of reaching my goals
41. I deal with problems as they arise, rather
that spend time trying to anticipate them. o 5
o 4
o 5
o 3
o 4
o 2
o 3
o 1
o 2
o 1 47. My family and personal life are more
important to me than work deadlines I set
42. In order to reach my goals, I think of for myself
solutions that benefit everyone involved in a
problem o 5
o 4
o 5
o 3
o 4
o 2
o 3
o 1
o 2
o 1 48. I find ways to complete tasks faster at
work and at home
43. I do very good work
o 5
o 5
o 4
o 4
o 3
o 3
o 2
o 2
o 1
o 1
49. I do things that others consider risky
44. There have been occasions when I took
advantage of someone o 5
o 4
o 5
o 3
o 4
o 2
o 3
o 1
o 2
o 1 50. I am as concerned about meeting my
weekly goals as I am for my yearly goals
45. I try things that are very new and
different from what I have done before o 5
o 4
o 5
o 3
o 4
o 2
o 3
o 1
o 2
o 1

51`. I go to several different sources to get o 4

information to get help with tasks or projects o 3
o 5 o 2
o 4 o 1
o 3 53. I am able to get people who have strong
o 2 opinions or ideas to change their minds
o 1
o 5
52. If one approach to a problem does not o 4
work, I think of another approach o 3
o 5 o 2

o 1

54. I stick with my decisions even if others disagree strongly with me

o 5
o 4
o 3
o 2
o 1
55. When I don’t know something I don’t mind admitting it
o 5
o 4
o 3
o 2
o 1



1. Enter the ratings from the completed questionnaire on the lines above the item numbers in
parenthesis. Notice that the item in each column are consecutive: Item 2 is below item number
1, and so forth.
2. Do the addition and subtraction indicated in each row to complete each PEC score.
3. Add all the PEC scores to complete the total score.

Ratings Statements Score PEC

+ + - + + 6 = Opportunity Seeking

(1) (12) (23) (34) (45)

+ + - + + 6 = Persistence

(2) (13) (24) (35) (46)

+ + + - + 6 = Commitment to Work

(3) (14) (25) (36) (47) Contract

+ + + - + 6 = Demand for Efficiency

(4) (15) (26) (37) (48) And Quality

- + - + + 6 = Risk Taking

(5) (16) (27) (38) (49)

- + + + + 6 = Goal Setting

(6) (17) (28) (39) (50)

+ - + + + 6 = Information Seeking

(7) (18) (29) (40) (51)

+ + - + + 6 = Systematic Planning

(8) (19) (30) (41) (52) and Monitoring

- + + + + 6 = Persuasion and

(9) (20) (31) (42) (53) Networking


- + + + + 6 = Self-Confidence

(10) (21) (32) (43) (54)

- - - + + 18 = Correction Factor

(11) (22) (33) (44) (55)

greater, then the total scores on the ten PECs must

be corrected to provide a more accurate
Instruction: assessment of the strength of the PEC scores for the
1. The Correction Factor (the total of items 11, 22, 23, 2. Use the following numbers when figuring the
33, 44 and 55) is used to determine whether or not corrected score:
a person tries to present favorable image of
himself. If the total score of this factor is 20 or

If the Correction Subtract the following number

Factors Score is from each PEC Score

24 or 25 7

22 or 23 5

20 or 21 3

19 or less 0

3. Use the next page to correct each PEC Score before using the Profile Sheet



1. Transfer the corrected PEC score to the profile sheet by marking an “X” at the appropriate point on the horizontal line for
each PEC.
If the score for Opportunity Seeking is 17, it will appear as:
Opportunity Seeking: : : :__x : :

0 5 10 15 20 25

2. Draw a heavy vertical line connecting the “Xs” for each PEC and you have constructed your PEC Profile.

Opportunity Seeking


Commitment to Work

Demand for Efficiency and


Risk Taking

Goal Setting

Information Seeking

Systematic Planning and


Persuasion and Networking


0 5 10 15 20 25



Curriculum Vitae


Phone Number: 099666453305

Address: #05 A. Carren St. Blk 17, Brgy. San Pablo Tarlac City, Tarlac

Career Objective:

To utilize my skills and experience with a organization that would give me an opportunity for
personal growth and to expand my learnings, knowledge, and skills in the hospitality and service

Relevant Skills:

● Achiever and Good Listener

● Ability to work in a busy environment

● Can work under pressure

● Strong ability to work as part of a team
● Fast Learner
● Responsible and reliable

Personal Information

Date of Birth : September 14, 1999

Place of Birth : Tarlac City, Tarlac
Age : 22 years old
Gender : Male
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman, Catholic
Height and Weight : 5’9 ft. and 74 kg
Interests : Cooking, Dancing, and Singing

Educational Background

Tertiary:              Tarlac State University

                                       Romulo Blvd, Tarlac City
2018- present
Secondary:         Tarlac National High School (Main)
                                        San Vicente Tarlac City

Elementary:     Tarlac West Elementary School

                                          San Roque Tarlac City

Honors and Awards Received


Tertiary: Cheer dance Competition Intramurals 1st Runner Up (2018)

Dance sport Bronze Medalist (2019)
Acoustic Battle for the Valentines Activity (2020)
Secondary: Achiever (2013)
Achiever (2014)
Achiever (2015)
Achiever (2016)
Best in Working (2016)

Training and Seminars Attended

1 Day Cruise Preparatory Program

Academic Building AVR
Tarlac State University, Lucinda Campus
October 22, 2018

1st ACHI – AAHRMEI National Inter-school Skills Competition

Chardonnay by Astoria
352 Captain Henry Havier St. Pasig City
September 23, 2019

Tax Reforms: Train Law Seminar

TSU Gymnasium
Romulo Blvd, Tarlac City
October 5, 2019




Home Address: Brgy. Danzo, Gerona, Tarlac
Contact Number: 0930-204-8486
E-mail Address:

To obtain a position that would best fit my qualifications and develop further my talents
and skills for continuous career development.

Tertiary Tarlac State University (Present)
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Romulo Blvd. Tarlac City

Secondary STI College Tarlac (Senior High School)

Romulo Blvd. San Vicente, Tarlac City
2016– 2018
With Honors
Gerona Institute (Junior High School)

Poblacion 3, Gerona Tarlac

With Honors

Primary Pinasling Central Elementary School

Pinasling Gerona Tarlac
2006– 2012
With Honors

STI College Tarlac – Razon’s by Glenn
Romulo Blvd. San Vicente, Tarlac City
March 2018

Seminar for Coffee and Beverage Industry
STI College Tarlac
April 2018

Tarlac State University
Astoria events Venue
September 2019

Nickname: Jay
Gender: Male
Age: 21 years old

Date of Birth: October 31, 2000

Place of Birth: Manila Hospital
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 171 lbs.
Blood Type: O
Language Spoken/Written:English, Tagalog, Ilocano
Civil Status:Single


 Capable for analyzing and solving problems

 Doing works with timely manner
 Fast learner and responsible in terms of task completion
 Strong Leadership and organizational skills

Computer Skills
 Computer literate using Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint
Other Skills
 Flairtending
 Cocktail Mixing

Ms. Shiena Mae P. Azur
ESL Teacher

I hereby certify that the above information are true and correct with the best of my

Applicant’s Signature


Home Address: Zone 4,Maliwalo,Tarlac City
Contact Number: 0908-126-4573
E-mail Address:

To obtain a position that would best fit my qualifications and develop further my talents
and skills for continuous career development.

Tertiary Tarlac State University (Present)
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Romulo Blvd. Tarlac City

Secondary Maliwalo National High School

Maliwalo Tarlac City
Batch 2014-2015

Primary Maliwalo Central Elementary School

Maliwalo Tarlac City
Batch 2010– 2011

JVP King bread Corporation
SepungKalsada,Panampunan Tarlac City

Possition: Logistic Dispatcher

Year: April-July 2018

The Boss Rotisserie ByMang Bens Lechon

Bypass Road fairlaneSubd.Sanvicente Tarlac
Possition: Service Crew
Year: June-December 2020

Nickname: Ato
Gender: Male
Age:22 years old
Citizenship: Filipino
Date of Birth: January 11,1999
Place of Birth: Malolos Bulacan
Height: 5’8
Weight: 167 lbs.
Blood Type: O+
Language Spoken/Written: English, Tagalog, kapampangan
Civil Status: Single


Bryan O. Co

I hereby certify that the above information are true and correct with the best of my


Applicant’s Signature


Home Address: Quezon Avenue Poblacion C. Camiling, Tarlac
Contact Number: 0966-730-0474
E-mail Address:

To obtain a position that would utilize my exceptional customer service skills, retailing
experience, leadership, and organizational skills to achieve set targets.

Tertiary Tarlac State University (Present)
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Romulo Blvd. Tarlac City

Secondary Camiling Catholic School Inc. (Senior High School)

Arellano Street Camiling, Tarlac
2016– 2018
Camiling Catholic School Inc. (Junior High School)
Arellano Street Camiling, Tarlac

Primary Camiling Catholic School Inc.

Arellano Street Camiling, Tarlac
2006– 2012
With Honors



Victoria, Tarlac
Possition: Officer in Charge
Year: 2021-PRESENT


Quezon Avenue Camiling, Tarlac
Work Immersion
Year: November 08-December 12, 2017

PERSONAL INFORMATION: _________________________________________

Nickname: Liz, Zel
Gender: Female
Age:21 years old
Citizenship: Filipino
Date of Birth: May 17,2000
Place of Birth: Tarlac City
Height: 5’5
Weight: 75kgs
Language Spoken/Written: English, Tagalog, Hangul
Civil Status: Single


Assistant Principal of Camiling Catholic School Inc.
I hereby certify that the above information’s are true and correct with the best of my

Applicant’s Signature


Home Address: San Simon Street, Barangay San Andres, Victoria, Tarlac
Contact Number: 09578667081
E-mail Address:

Objective: I want to develop my skills and experience the job to give a progress and improve to
my personal skills.


Tarlac State University (Present)

College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Course: Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management

Saint Rose Catholic School Inc.

Zamora Street, Paniqui, Tarlac
K-12 Curriculum (Grade 11-12)

Victoria Catholic School

Sta. Lucia, Victoria, Tarlac
K-12 Curriculum (Grade 7-10)

San Andres Elementary School

San Andres, Victoria, Tarlac
Completed and Graduated (Kindergarten – Grade 6)


 On the Job Training for Cookery (Student)

Aling Lydia’s Restaurant
Paniqui, Tarlac
October 15 – 30, 2017

 On the Job Training for Bread and Pastry (Student)

Jelexy Corporation (Main)
Barangay Panampunan, Tarlac City
March 10 – 30, 2017

 Chili’s Restaurant (Part Time Job)

Scout Fernandez, Tomas Morato, Quezon City
April – August 2018

 Administrative Aid (Office of the Vice Mayor) (Working Student)

Municipality of Victoria
June – December 2019


National Certificate Level II in “Cookery”

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
Certificate No. 17035402014770
Issued on: May 18, 2017

National Certificate Level II in “Food and Beverages Services”

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
Certificate No. 10236599259309
Issued on: October 11, 2018


Name: Philipsan M. Valdez

Gender: Male
Age: 22
Nickname: Philip
Date of Birth: October 22, 1999
Place of Birth: San Andres, Victoria, Tarlac
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 171 lbs.
Blood Type: B
Citizenship: Filipino
Status: Single

The information about my curriculum vitae is true and correct.


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