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1.Archeology: the study of human history and prehistory throughout the excavation of sites
and the analysis of physical remains.

2.City states: a city-state is an independent country that exists completely

Within the borders of a single city

3.Dynasty: A succession of rulers of the same line of descent

4.Conquer: overcome and take control of (a place or people) by military


5. Bureaucracy: A system of Government in which most of the important decisions are taken
by state officials rather than by elected representatives

6. Mesopotamia: between two river tigers and Euphrates

7. Feudalism: Where Lord’s governed their own land but owed military
Service and support to a ruler

8. Oracle Bones: are part of animal bone, used in ancient China. They are
often made from either the shoulder bone of an ox, or the lower side of
Tortoise’s s shell.

9. Mandate of Heaven: is the idea that a ruler must be just to keep the
Approval of the gods.

10. Mesoamerica: a cultural region including Mexico and Central America.

11. Monarchy: a form of government with a monarch at the head

12. Aristocracy: a form of government in which power is held by nobility.

13. Oligarchy: a small group of people having control of a country or organization

14. Democracy: a system of government by the entire Population or all the eligible members of
the state, typically through elected representatives

15. Dictator: a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by
Topic 0.4
Civilizations of Middle America

A. Olmec civilizations Emerges:

• Location Along the gulf coast of Mexico

• Earliest American civilization
• Leaders Priests and nobles led it

B. The Maya:
• City-states They were not united, they sometimes contacted through trade and
• Governments They lived in independent city-states

• Stela Tall stall monuments decorated with cravings used for writing the
historical information
• Ending
Overfarming and war-fare
C. The Aztec:
• Location Valley of Mexico
• Capital city Tenochititlan
• Chinampas They were artificial islands made from mud and reed
• Government Was an empire
D. The Incas:
• Most powerful
• The Leader Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui declared himself as (Sapa Inca) or Emperor
• The language Que chua
• Government Built an empire
• Quipu Officials kept records on color noted strings called Quipu
E. Ancestral Puebloans
• Cliffs Built homes on cliffs and housing
• Rooms Over 200 rooms built with stone blocks
F. Adena and Hopewell
• Earthworks They built Earthworks in the Ohio and Missisiri river valleys
• Mounds Large piles of earth, shaped into burial mounds
Topic 0.5
Early Greece

A. A. Mycenaean
• Trading The Mycenaeans were sea traders
• Minoans They learned skills from Minoans such as writing
• Trojan war It happened because the wife’s king was kidnapped and it lasted
for ten years until the Mycenaeans burned Tory to the ground.
B. Homer and the great Greek legends
• Poems There were to poems Iliad and Odyssey
• Poet Credited to Homer

C. The Greek city-states

• Polis They developed a unique version of city-state called Polis
D. Types of government Evolve
• Monarchy At first there was monarchy
• Aristocracy And then the power shifted to Aristocracy
• Oligarchy And lastly the result was oligarchy
• DemocracyAthres moved towards a form of limited democracy or government
by the people
E. Forces For Unity
• Common culture
The Greece shared a common culture they spoke the
• Honored
same language and honoured ancient heroes and prayed
• Language
to the same Gods.
F. Debating Morality and Ethics
• Philosophers Greece had philosophers
G. Alexander the Great and the legacy of Greece
• Phillip II. He was the king after Macedonian
• Alexander the Great After Phillips death his son Alexander became the king
• Alexander’s death He died at 33 in Persia from fever
H. Hellenistic
• Alexandria Magnificent city found in Egypt founded by Alexander
• Library Was among of the greatest scientific and cultural centre of the age
Topic 0.6
Ancient Rome and the Origins of Christianity
A. The founding of Rome
• Location Italy
• Religion At first it was polytheism but when it became an empire it turned to Christianity.
• Etruscan They are people who at one time ruled most of the central,The Roman’s ousted their Etruscan ruler
and founded Rome.

B. Birth of the Roman republic

• Republic meaning The Roman’s established a new form of government called a republic
• Patricians The main governing body was the senate. Originally, all 300 members were patricians.
• Consuls Each year the senators nominated two consuls from the patrician class to supervise.
• DictatorIn the event of war, the senate might choose a temporary dictator who takes complete control of the
• Plebeians Plebeians or common people at first had a little influence in the republic, but then they fought for
their right to elect their own officials called tribunes
• Tribunes The tribunes could veto, or block laws that they felt harmed the tribunes
C. Roman Society
• Male The male of the household had absolute power in the family
• Female Before Rome became a republic women had a few rights later; women were able to own property
and businesses
• Festival The Roman’s believed in many gods and goddesses
D. Expansion of Rome.
• Legion The basic military unit was the legion, each legion included about 5000 citizen soldiers
• Enemies Rome treated their defeated enemies well, as long as they accept and obey the law the Roman’s
allowed them to maintain their own customs and governments
E. Caesar Takes Power
• Julius Caesar A brilliant military commander
• Carthage As Rome Extended its territory it encountered Carthage
• Punic War These two powers battled in the three Punic wars, until Rome finally destroyed Carthage

F. Troubles in the Republic

• Caesar’s Assassination Fearing Caeser’s growing power his enemies killed him
• Marc Antony Marc Antony and his nephew Octavian joined forces to avenge Caesar But soon battled one
another for power Octavian defeated Antony
• Augustus The senate gave Octavian the name Augustus or the exalted one
G. The Roman Empire

• Octavian-Augustus The Roman Republic came to an end and the Roman Empire began Augustus was its
first Emperor

H. The Empire is Divided

• Diocletian Diocletian divided the empire into two parts. He appointed a co-emperor to rule the western
• Two parts.provinces and he controlled the eastern part know as Byzantine
• Constantine.When the emperor Constantine came he moved the empire’s capital to Constantinople, making
the eastern empire
• Rome decline. There were several reasons for the Romes decline but the primary reason was the many
invasions and Romes lesions were not as strong or as loyal as they have Been

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