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Name : Joyce Nesamoney a/p Santhosam

Matrix No : B201161014
Sem 3 : SECTION 51

1) What is the different between Modernism vs Postmodernism

Modernism is a school of thought or a movement that occurred in the late nineteenth and
early twentieth centuries. It entailed a reform movement in the fields of art, music,
literature, and applied arts. It was founded on logical thought, logic, and the scientific
method. It tried to provide a clear and reasonable understanding of the world, thinking that
mankind may improve and thrive via science and reason. It promoted the notion that there
is much to be learned from history that can be applied to the present.

Modernism advocated for the concept that life has a purpose and that it should be
examined objectively. Modernists had a positive outlook on life and felt that there are ideals
and ethics that must be followed. They were unconcerned about politics and focused their
attention on more important matters. Modernism was a period of aesthetic and literary
development. Great works of art and literature, as well as music, architecture, poetry, and
science, were numerous. Modernist masterpieces were renowned for their beauty and

Postmodernism, on the other hand, is a school of thought or a movement that emerged

after WWII but gained prominence in the 1960s. It was a turbulent moment that was
difficult to grasp and remember. It promoted the idea that there is no such thing as
universal truth. It had an illogical view to life and believed that everything is irrational.
Postmodernists believed in randomness and ephemerality. They questioned modernism's
logic, ideas, and thinking. They held that there is no link between the past and the present,
and that previous events are immaterial in the present.

The growth of technology and its use in music, art, and literature defined the postmodernist
age. During this period, very few original works by artists can be unearthed, and prior works
were copied. The initial works of modernist painters provide as inspiration and foundation
for postmodernist artists.


1.Modernism is a school of thought that took place in late 1800s and early 1900s while
Postmodernism is a school of thought that took place after World War II.

2.Modernism advocated rational thinking and the use of science and reason for the
advancement of man while Postmodernism believed in the irrationality of things.
Name : Joyce Nesamoney a/p Santhosam
Matrix No : B201161014
Sem 3 : SECTION 51

3.The modernist era was characterized by the simple and elegant original works of gifted
artists while the postmodernist era was characterized by the advancement in technology
and its use in different media.

4.Modernists believed in universal truth while Postmodernists did not.

5.Postmodernists were very political while modernists were not.

2) What does behaviourism mean in education?

Behaviourism in education is the learnig theory which focuses on observable behaviour of learn
er. It decline any independent activity of mind.According to behaviourism learnig takes place du
e to stimulus provided to learner. That may be reword ,punishment past incidents or history of
that learner decides the outcome behaviour of learner. Learning is all about acquisition of new
behaviour based on environmental conditions. Behaviourists look learning as an aspect of
conditioning. Major contributor to this field are Edvard Thorndike, Ivon Pavlov and B.F Skinner.

Thorndike proposed Trial and Error theory of learning by experimenting on rat and cat.
According to him learning takes place by connection of stimulus and correct response. At the
beginning of solving a problem we may come across various ideas to shot it out. By making
continuous effort we eliminate those ideas which do not fit and gradually accept the correct

Ivon Pavlov develop the theory of classical conditioning that suggest learning occur through
generating conditioned response by imparting conditioned stimulus. Classical conditioning holds
that learning is the desired conditioned behaviour in learner through stimulus

B.F Skinner developed operant conditioning theory. This theory suggested a great discount to
generating behaviour in learner through conditioned stimulus instead he suggested learning
occurs in learner by strengthening or weakening of learners behaviour through reword and
Name : Joyce Nesamoney a/p Santhosam
Matrix No : B201161014
Sem 3 : SECTION 51

3) WHAT ARE THE 3 AREAS OF PHILOSOPHY? What are they and what does it

The 3 main branches of philosophy are :

• Axiology: Study of the nature of value and valuation
• Metaphysics: Study of the fundamental nature of reality
• Epistemology: Study of the nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge.

• Axiology
Is the branch of philosophy concerned with the investigation of principles and values. These
ideals are classified into two categories: ethics and aesthetics. Ethics is the questioning of
morals and personal values. Aesthetics is the study of what is attractive, pleasurable, or
aesthetically pleasing. In axiology, education is about more than just information; it is also
about improving one's quality of life.

 Metaphysics:
The branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of existence, being, and the universe is
known as metaphysics. Metaphysics is perhaps the root of philosophy: Aristotle refers to it
as "first philosophy" (or simply "wisdom"), and says it is the topic that deals with "initial
causes and the principles of things."

It explores questions like as, "What is the nature of reality?" and "How does the world exist,
and what is the genesis or source of creation?"

 Epistemology.
The study of the nature and extent of knowledge and justified belief is known as
epistemology. It examines the nature of knowledge and how it connects to concepts like
truth, belief, and justification. It also addresses the ways of producing knowledge, as well
as scepticism regarding certain knowledge claims. It is mostly concerned with issues
regarding the generation and transmission of information in certain fields of study.
"What is knowledge?" "How is knowledge acquired?" "What do individuals know?"
are some of the topics addressed by epistemology.
Name : Joyce Nesamoney a/p Santhosam
Matrix No : B201161014
Sem 3 : SECTION 51

What are the characteristics of Progressivism and Reconstructionism, and the role of
teachers in both of these philosophies?

i. Progressivists think that education should be focused on the complete kid rather than
just the topic or the instructor. This educational concept emphasises the need of pupils
testing ideas via active exploration. Learning is anchored in the questions that learners
have as a result of their experiences in the world. It is active rather than passive. The
learner is a problem solver and thinker who derives meaning from his or her particular
experiences in physical and cultural contexts. Effective teachers give opportunities for
pupils to learn by doing. The substance of the curriculum is generated from student
interests and inquiries. Progressivism educators employ the scientific method to teach
pupils about matter and empiricism. Effective teachers give opportunities for pupils to
learn by doing. The substance of the curriculum is generated from student interests and
inquiries. Progressive educators employ the scientific method so that students may
explore matter and events in a methodical and first-hand manner. The emphasis is on the
process of learning. From the mid-1920s until the mid-1950s, the Progressive education
paradigm was created in America. Its most ardent supporter was John Dewey. One of his
principles was that schools should improve our people' lives by exposing them to freedom
and democracy. Shared decision making, planning of teachers with students, student-
selected topics are all aspects and Books are tools, rather than authority.

ii. The teacher's duty in a progressive education programme is to offer a carefully designed
learning environment and curriculum, as well as to educate pupils to be members of a
democratic society. The curriculum would incorporate "realexperiences" such as
woodworking, weaving, cooking, and local geography research. Teachers' responsibilities
included monitoring children and, based on their observations, asking questions and
providing experiences aimed to combine multiple topic and interest areas to help children
grow and explore their environment. Teachers were viewed as mentors rather than
educators or disciplinarians.

iii. Reconstructionism is an ideology that stresses the resolution of social issues and the
pursuit of a better society and global democracy. Reconstructionist educators emphasise
social transformation as the goal of education in their curricula. Theodore Brameld (1904-
1987) founded social reconstructionism in response to the events of World War II. He
realised the possibility of either human extinction via technology and human cruelty or the
ability to construct a beneficent society through technology and human compassion. George
Counts (1889-1974) regarded education as a tool of educating people for the establishment
of this new social order.

iv) Teachers should be social activists, according to Reconstructionists. They think that
constant intelligent change leads to societal betterment, and that the best change agent is
the educational process. Teachers must focus on essential problems and give kids a voice in
their education.
Name : Joyce Nesamoney a/p Santhosam
Matrix No : B201161014
Sem 3 : SECTION 51

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