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Measurement 27 (2000) 71–84 / locate / measurement

Beyond the representational viewpoint: a new formalization of

Luca Mari*
Libero Istituto Universitario C. Cattaneo, C. so Matteotti, 22 -21053 Castellanza ( VA), Italy
Received 22 May 1999; received in revised form 8 September 1999; accepted 8 September 1999


The paper introduces and formally defines a functional concept of a measuring system, on this basis characterizing the
measurement as an evaluation performed by means of a calibrated measuring system. The distinction between exact and
uncertain measurement is formalized in terms of the properties of the traceability chain joining the measuring system to the
primary standard. The consequence is drawn that uncertain measurements lose the property of relation-preservation, on
which the very concept of measurement is founded according to the representational viewpoint. Finally, from the analysis of
the inter-relations between calibration and measurement the fundamental reasons of the claimed objectivity and intersubjec-
tivity of measurement are highlighted, a valuable epistemological result to characterize measurement as a particular kind of
evaluation.  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Foundations of measurement; Measurement theory; Calibration and measurement, Measurement uncertainty

1. Introduction the homomorphism is precisely the measurement

In the last decades the concept of measurement Therefore the representational viewpoint assumes
has been modeled and formalized according to the that:
so-called representational viewpoint. As a particular
method of evaluation, measurement has been under- evaluations . homomorphisms ; measurements
stood as the homomorphic mapping of an empirical
relational structure into a symbolic relational struc- The significance of this hypothesis becomes manifest
ture. At the basis of the representational viewpoint in the process aimed at taking a non-homomorphic
the hypothesis stands that the condition of being a evaluation and transforming it into a homomorphism,
homomorphism is both necessary and sufficient for with the goal to faithfully represent by symbols the
an evaluation to be accepted as a measurement. In empirical information on the attribute under evalua-
the words of Ref. [1]: ‘the method of constructing tion [2].
Typical examples of such non-homomorphic
evaluations are the judgments of preference among
*Tel.: 139-0-331-5721; fax: 139-0-331-572320. alternatives that are intended to conform to an
E-mail address: (L. Mari) ordinal structure but factually present some intransi-

0263-2241 / 00 / $ – see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0263-2241( 99 )00055-X
72 L. Mari / Measurement 27 (2000) 71 – 84


MS: measuring system (introduced in Section 2.1)

RRS: reference relational structure (Section 3.1)
X5kX,R X l generic relational structure of a domain set X and a set R X of
relations on X (Section 2)
m5km,m R l, m:X→Y homomorphism from a relational structure X to a relational
structure Y, such that m:X →Y and m R :R X →R Y (Section 2)
E5kE,R E l empirical relational structure (Section 2)
S5kS,R S l symbolic relational structure (Section 2)
A i 5 kA i ,RA i l i-ary reference relational structure (Section 3.1), so that:
A 1 : primary standard set
A n : reference relational structure embedded in the measuring
ki :A i 21 →Ai standard comparison homomorphisms (Section 3.1)
t 5 k2 → ? ? ? → kn traceability chain (Section 3.1)
m i :A i →S calibration homomorphisms (Section 3.1)
x :E → A n thing comparison function (Section 3.1) and:
x :E→A n : corresponding homomorphism (Section 3.2)
m:E →S symbol selection function (Section 3.2) and:
m:E→S: corresponding homomorphism (Section 3.2)
ks,u(s)l measurement result, being s the measurand value and u(s) its
uncertainty evaluation (Section 5.1)

tive chains, i.e. sequences of the kind a 1 .a 2 . ? ? ? . homomorphism is not only necessary but also suffi-
a n .a 1 . In these cases the empirical relational struc- cient to define the concept of measurement: we claim
ture cannot be homomorphically mapped into any that the reason of this position is extrinsic, being
symbolic relational structure characterized by a referred to the fact that those who mainly contributed
linear order. A transformation from a non-homomor- to the development of such a viewpoint were be-
phic evaluation to a homomorphism leads here to havioral scientists. In the context of the social
linearize the empirical order by means of a norma- sciences a transformation from a non-homomorphic
tive intervention in which the evaluator is forced to evaluation to a homomorphism can be indeed very
remove the intransitive preferences. The condition meaningful, particularly from the normative point of
implied in such transformations, and thus in the view, i.e. to help the subject in setting up an
requirement of homomorphism, is then basically evaluation as a ‘correct’ measurement. On the other
directed to guarantee the consistency of the evalua- hand, the deemed identity of homomorphic evalua-
tion. tions and measurements leaves some of the specific
From an epistemic standpoint, the necessity of the features of the latter unjustified and however un-
condition of homomorphism seems to be well explained. ‘When you can measure what you are
founded, since a non-homomorphic evaluation could speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know
be hardly called a measurement. Critical is, however, something about it; but when you cannot measure it,
the sufficiency of such a condition, an issue con- when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowl-
cerning the very meaning of measurement and its edge of it is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind: it
role of activity of knowledge acquisition and expres- may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have
sion. scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced to the stage of
As already remarked, the representational view- science’. Could this well-known statement by Lord
point is based on the hypothesis that the condition of Kelvin be referred to any homomorphic evaluation?
L. Mari / Measurement 27 (2000) 71 – 84 73

The epistemic importance of measurement, to which the n-ary operations on X (i.e. the functions X n →X)
Lord Kelvin alludes, derives from its being both belong to R X as specific (n11)-ary relations. Given
objective and intersubjective, two characteristics two relational structures X and Y, a homomorphism
whose origin must be discovered outside the lan- from X to Y is a mapping m5km,m R l, m:X→Y,
guage and its formalisms, directly in the operational where:
component of the measurement itself.
Therefore our basic claim is that: • m is a function that maps X into m(X) # Y, i.e. for
evaluations . homomorphisms . measurements each element of the domain set there exists at
least one, but not necessarily only one, corre-
The purpose of this paper is to discuss and give a sponding image element;
sound conceptual basis to this standpoint, and ac- • m R is a function that maps R X into m R (R X ) # R Y
cordingly to propose a formalization of measurement such that ;r [ R X , r and m R (r) have the same
as a specific kind of homomorphic evaluation. This arity, i.e. for each relation on the domain set there
formalization will allow us to find the reasons to the exists one (and it is usually, and often implicitly,
claimed objectivity and intersubjectivity of measure- assumed: and only one) corresponding image
ment in the adoption of a suitably calibrated measur- relation,
ing system and the reference to a standard set
suitably tied to a traceability chain, i.e. more or less
with the condition that ;r[R X , ;x i [X, if
directly referred to a primary standard. Furthermore,
r(x 1 , . . . ,x n ) then m R (r)(m(x 1 ), . . . ,m(x n )), i.e. if a
in this metrological-oriented framework the presence
relation holds for some elements of the domain set
of the uncertainty emerges as inherent to measure-
then the image relation must hold for the image
ment, so that its causes and effects will be discussed
and formalized.
Relational structures can be then thought of as
The concept of measurement will be introduced at
sets-with-constraints, and homomorphisms as map-
first under the ideal assumption of absence of
pings among relational structures preserving such
uncertainty, to make the proposed formalization of
the notions of measuring system, calibration, and
As an example, let X5kX5hx 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 j, R X 5hrjl
traceability chain easier to understand. Such concepts
being r5h(x 1 ,x 2 ), (x 2 ,x 3 ), (x 1 ,x 3 )j (remember that a
will be then extended to the general case of uncertain
n-ary relation on X can be expressed as a subset of
measurement, thus obtaining an overview of the
the cartesian product set X n), and Y5kY5
whole framework here proposed.
hy 1 ,y 2 ,y 3 ,y 4 j, R Y 5hsjl being s5h( y 1 ,y 1 ), ( y 2 ,y 2 ),
( y 3 ,y 3 ), ( y 4 ,y 4 ), ( y 1 ,y 2 ), ( y 2 ,y 3 ), ( y 3 ,y 4 ), ( y 1 ,y 3 ),
( y 1 ,y 4 ), ( y 2 ,y 4 )j. Given the following mappings
2. The representational viewpoint of
from X to Y:
measurement: its conceptual basics and flaws

‘The modern form of measurement theory is • m 1 such that m 1 (x 1 )5y 1 , m 1 (x 2 )5y 2 , m 1 (x 3 )5y 3
representational: numbers assigned to objects / events • m 2 such that m 2 (x 1 )5y 1 , m 2 (x 2 )5y 1 , m 2 (x 3 )5y 1
must represent the relations perceived between the • m 3 such that m 3 (x 1 )5y 1 , m 3 (x 2 )5y 2 , m 3 (x 3 )5y 1
properties of those objects / events’ [3]. The formali- then only m 1 and m 2 are homomorphisms (and
zation usually adopted by the representational view- the latter is a trivial one), since in the case of
point to express such concepts of ‘properties of m 3 r(x 2 ,x 3 ) but not s(m 3 (x 2 ),m 3 (x 3 ))5s( y 2 ,y 1 ).
objects / events’ and ‘relations between properties’ is
a set-theoretical one, that generalizes the notions of Relational structures and homomorphisms are the
universal algebra and morphism. basic constructs adopted to formalize the concept of
A relational structure is an ordered pair X5 measurement. A relational structure E is called
kX,R X l of a domain set X and a set R X of relations on empirical if its domain set E spans over the thing
X. The elements of R X can have different arities. In states under consideration; a relational structure S is
particular, the 1-ary relations are subsets of X, and called symbolic if its domain set S spans over a given
74 L. Mari / Measurement 27 (2000) 71 – 84

set of symbols. A homomorphism m from an empiri- since m9(e 2 )52±m9(e 1 )51). As a consequence,
cal relational structure E into a symbolic relational some properties of r, such as the asymmetry, are not
structure S is adopted to formalize an attribute taking preserved by m9.
values in S when evaluated on a thing in E [4]. In coherence to its extensional approach, the
representational viewpoint eludes this problem by
2.1. An interpretation and a critique of the implicitly specializing the definition of homomor-
representational viewpoint phism and requiring that ;r[R E , ;e i [E,
m R (r)(m(e 1 ), . . . ,m(e n )) if and only if r(e 1 , . . . ,e n ),
On these bases the measurement procedures are thus forcing the biconditional implication that is not
interpreted as a ‘method of constructing the homo- present in the general definition. It can be easily
morphism’. The emphasis in such a construction is shown that this condition is equivalent to the inten-
on ‘the qualitative conditions under which a par- sional requirement that the same properties hold for
ticular representation holds’ [1], i.e. on the empirical the relations in E and S (neglecting the presence of
relational structure and in particular the qualitative the so-called anti-homomorphisms: for example, an
relations defined in it (a short remark: ‘qualitative’ is empirical strict order can be homomorphically
usually adopted in this case in opposition to ‘quan- mapped into both ‘,’ and ‘.’). These ‘natural’
titative’, being considered quantitative the relations homomorphisms can be neatly understood from a
defined among symbols. Both are doubtful denota- logical point of view by requiring that both E and S
tions). The key point is the requirement that such are models of the same theory, here with the role of a
empirical relations should be perceivable, and factu- measurement scale (for an introduction on the con-
ally ‘perceived’ before measurement. Any measure- cepts of theory and model, as defined in formal logic,
ment would be based on the direct comparison of and their application to characterize measurement
things, an assumption that is seldom verified in the scales, see Ref. [1]).
actual practice, and unnecessary from the theoretical The homomorphisms satisfying this condition will
point of view. be called here model homomorphisms, m-homomor-
This claimed need of direct perception formally phisms for short. Therefore, formally:
corresponds to the requirement that an extensional
evaluations . homomorphisms
definition is available for the relations in R E , i.e.
;r[R E , where r is n-ary, ;e i [E, it is empirically . m-homomorphisms
known whether r(e 1 , . . . ,e n ) or not. On the other so that our basic claim becomes:
hand, this is not sufficient (and in the following we
will suggest that it is neither empirically necessary) m-homomorphisms . measurements
to define what should be considered a meaningful It should be clear that our objections to the repre-
homomorphism of E. sentational viewpoint are in fact not merely ter-
As an example, consider a ‘directly perceived’ minological, in reference to the choice of denoting as
empirical order relation r on the domain E5 homomorphisms what are in effect m-homomor-
he 1 ,e 2 ,e 3 j, r5h(e 1 ,e 2 ),(e 2 ,e 3 ),(e 1 ,e 3 )j. Let S5h1,2,3j phisms, and refer to the strategy assumed to empiri-
be the chosen symbol set. Together with the ‘order- cally characterize the m-homomorphisms within the
preserving’ homomorphism m:kE,hrjl→kS,h,jl such whole classes of the homomorphisms and evalua-
that m(e 1 )51, m(e 2 )52, m(e 3 )53, other homomor- tions. While the check that r(e 1 , . . . ,e n ) implies
phisms can be defined, for example m R (r)(m(e 1 ), . . . ,m(e n )) has a manifest significance
m9:kE,hrjl→kS,h±jl such that m9(e 1 )51, m9(e 2 )53, (provided that r(e 1 , . . . ,e n ) is known, of course), the
m9(e 3 )52 (the fact that m9 is actually a homo- inverse check that m R (r)(m(e 1 ), . . . ,m(e n )) implies
morphism can be easily verified). The homomor- r(e 1 , . . . ,e n ) seems rather an ad hoc technique to
phism m9 appears to be unusual because there are guarantee that m is a m-homomorphism and not just
some couples of elements of E not in relation r but a homomorphism.
whose images are instead in relation m R9 (r) (for On the contrary, we suggest that the characteriza-
example not r(e 2 ,e 1 ) whereas m R9 (r)(m9(e 2 ), m9(e 1 )), tion of measurement is intensional, being based on
L. Mari / Measurement 27 (2000) 71 – 84 75

the knowledge available about the measurand before of philosophy of physics, not in physics itself [ . . . ]
the accomplishment of the evaluation. Such a knowl- The construction and the calibration of measuring
edge is independent of the availability of any exten- devices is a major activity, but it lies rather far from
sional information on the relations in R E . It is the sorts of qualitative theories we examine here’ [1].
therefore correct that ‘the method of constructing the On the opposite, we deem the theoretical relevance
homomorphism is precisely the measurement pro- and the unavoidability of such a ‘major activity’ for
cedure’, but the fact is that in the scientific and the definition of an actual measurement theory:
technological practice the definition of a measure-
ment procedure generally requires to set up a measurement is an evaluation performed by means
measuring system (MS), and not to directly compare of a calibrated MS.
things with each other.
An operational concept of a MS calibration must be
2.2. Evaluation levels then introduced and defined. The suggested interpre-
tation of the concept presents it as a sort of counter-
Schematically, three levels of evaluations can be part of measurement, as the following diagram
thus envisioned: sketches:

L1. The measurand is not identified or, however,

a m-homomorphic comparison among things can-
not be performed; these can be called generic
L2. The measurand is identified but a MS for it is
not available; on the other hand a m-homomor-
phic comparison among things can be performed;
these can be called m-homomorphic evaluations;
L3. The measurand is identified and a MS for its 3.1. Reference relational structures
evaluation is available and adopted; in some cases
a m-homomorphic comparison among things The formal concept of a MS is rooted on the
could be directly performed, but is more usually notion of a reference standard set (the term is
obtained in an indirect way through the com- adopted to generalize the more usual ‘standard
parison of the measurement results and the back- sequence’, to keep into account the algebraically
propagation of the result, so that r(e 1 , . . . ,e n ) weak scales in which the concept of sequence is not
whenever m R (r)(m(e 1 ), . . . ,m(e n )); we claim that meaningful). A standard set A is a set of thing states
these, and only these, are properly measurements. conventionally chosen by the operator with the aim
of materializing his knowledge on the measurand.
As already discussed, the representational view- The cardinality of A is related to the measurand
point seems to be mainly concerned with L2 and the resolution, i.e. the ability to discriminate between
normative conditions leading to the procedural trans- thing states with respect to the measurand. A set of
formation from L1 to L2. To reach L3 a suitable relations RA is defined on A, conveying the in-
formalization for the concept of a MS must be formation available on the scale in which the attri-
obtained. bute is measured. Due to the condition that the
elements of A can be discriminated with respect to
the measurand, no equivalence relations belong to
3. The formal concepts of measuring system RA . Therefore, RA 5[ for nominal attributes, RA 5ha
and measurement strict orderj for ordinal attributes, and so on.
The presence of one operation op in RA usually
‘For the most part, questions about physical allows to constructively generate the standard set A,
measurement are regarded as being in the province beginning from a ‘reference unit’ ]a through a
76 L. Mari / Measurement 27 (2000) 71 – 84

sequence of compositions 2a5op(a,a), 3a5 forced to be a homomorphism. In principle,

] ]] ]
op(2a,a), . . . This procedure is not allowed if RA indeed, no relations must be, and could be,
contains only ‘pure’ relations: in this case (for extensionally known on E before measurement.
example for nominal and ordinal scales) the standard
set must be given in its extensional form. 3.2. A functional standpoint on measuring systems
Such a basic concept of a standard set must be
then specified to keep into account its algebraic For any given traceability chain t, a MS is a
structure and the fact that several standard sets are system:
customarily linked with each other to constitute a
traceability chain that joins the MS to the primary
• embedding (either empirically or just formally)
standard set.
the RRS A n ;
Let A i 5 kA i ,RA i l, i51, . . . ,n for a given n$1, be
• calibrated in reference to A 1 by means of t, as
called a i-ary reference relational structure (RRS)
formalized by the homomorphism m n ;
whenever the whole sequence A 1 , . . . ,A n fulfils the
• able to empirically interact with the thing states E,
following three ideal conditions (note that they will
as expressed by the function x.
be subsequently relaxed, to keep into account the
presence of some uncertainty):
The setup and usage of such a MS is then
conceptually a (113)-step operation (note the deno-
]]]1: for each i52, . . . ,n the i-ary RRS A i tation of the mappings between empirical states with
is defined in terms of the i-1-ary RRS A i 21 , i.e.
Greek symbols, and of the mappings involving
traced in reference to it, by requiring that there
symbols with Latin symbols):
exists a mapping ki :A i21 →A i and that such a
step 0: choice of the primary RRS. An injective
mapping is a m-homomorphism. The corre- ]]
homomorphism m 1 is defined from the RRS A 1 into
sponding function ki :A i 21 → A i is called a ‘stan-
a given symbolic relational structure S (cf. the
dard comparison function’. The composition t 5
condition 2):
k2 → ? ? ? → kn expresses the whole traceability
chain, formalizing the condition that the n-ary
RRS A n is (indirectly) defined in reference to the
primary RRS A 1 , and that the resolution of the
primary standard set A 1 is not worse than the one step 1: calibration. The homomorphism m 2 is
of the n-ary standard set A n , and in particular ]]by means of the m-homomorphism k (cf.
defined 2
equal if the function t is injective; the condition 1), by the condition that ;a9[ A 2 such
]]]2: for each i51, . . . ,n a symbolic that a95 k2 (a), being a[ A 1 , m 2 (a9)5m 1 (a):
relational structure S is chosen so that for each
RRS A i a homomorphism m i , i51, . . . ,n, is
defined from A i into S such that m i is injective,
i.e. m i is an isomorphism onto its image. This
formalizes the possibility to integrally express the
empirical information maintained by the RRSs in
symbolic terms;
]]]3: a ‘thing comparison function’ x is (in the case the function k2 is not injective, i.e. if in
defined from the set E of the thing states under the transition from the primary to the secondary
evaluation to the n-ary standard set A n , x :E → A n . standard set some resolution is lost, more than one
This formalizes the possibility to adopt A n (and element of A 1 is mapped by k2 into the same
indirectly the whole set of the RRSs A i belonging element of A 2 ; in this case a suitable aggregation
to the traceability chain, up to A 1 ) as a reference function, for example the average if defined, must be
in the empirical comparison to the things to be adopted to compute m 2 (a9) from the set of the values
evaluated. Since a direct perception of the rela- m 1 (a)).
tions among things is not required here, x is not Such an operation is recursively repeated until the
L. Mari / Measurement 27 (2000) 71 – 84 77

RRS A n is reached and the homomorphism m n is


Provided that a proper identifier ref is assigned to the

RRS A n (for example ‘Richter scale’, or ‘Celsius
degrees’, or ‘millimeters’), a measurement result of
the thing state e for the attribute m is expressed as
This homomorphism formalizes the calibration in- customarily as ‘m(e)5s ref ’ where s5m n ( x (e)).
formation for the MS, as it is indirectly obtained by That measurement is formalized as a m-homo-
the primary standard through the traceability chain; morphism is not a constraint on its definition, but
step 2: empirical interaction with the thing under only a consequence of the fact that measurement is
]] an operation based on a suitably calibrated MS.
measurement (data acquisition). The RRS A n is put
in interaction with the thing under measurement in
its state e[E. This leads to the selection of a specific
element a[ A n , as formalized by the function a5
x (e) (cf. the condition 3); 4. Calibration and measurement
step 3: symbolic selection (data presentation).
]] This formalization of a MS highlights several
Once calibrated as in step 1 and put in interaction
with the thing state as in step 2, the RRS A n is characteristics of the connection between calibration
adopted to select a symbol in S as the measurand and measurement. Both are operations implying a
value: m(e)5m n (a5 x (e)): three-placed relation: empirical states3empirical
states3symbols. In calibration the known standard
states are compared to the unknown MS states to
properly assign symbols to the latter. In measure-
ment, the unknown measurand states are compared
to the known MS states to properly assign symbols
to the former. Therefore, calibration and measure-
ment can be thought of as inverse operations. Re-
expressing the previous diagrams in the usual form
where a5 kn (a9) for a given a9[ A n 21 , and a95 of commutative triangles, indeed:
kn 21 (a0) for a given a0[ A n 22 , and a05 . . . so that calibration of the measuring system in reference to
m(e)5m n (kn (kn21 ( . . . (k2 (a00)))))5t (a00), being the standard set element a: ;a[ A n21 , m n (a9)5
a00[ A 1 an element of the standard set of the m n (kn (a))5m n 21 (a)5s:
primary RRS.
An equivalence relation eq is induced in E by the
function x such that eq(e 1 ,e 2 ) if and only if x (e 1 )5
x (e 2 ), i.e. the evaluated thing states are not dis-
tinguished with respect to the measurand. Further-
more, via x any relation defined on A n is induced on
the quotient set E /eq, and therefore indirectly on the
set E itself: for each r j [ RA i a corresponding relation
r j9 is induced on R E such that r j9 (e 1 , . . . ,e n ) if and
only if r j ( x (e 1 ), . . . , x (e n )). This makes E5 measurement of the thing state e by means of the
kE,heq,r j9 jl a relational structure and the mappings x calibrated measuring system: ;e[E, s5m(e)5
and m m-homomorphisms x and m. Hence: m n ( x (e)):
78 L. Mari / Measurement 27 (2000) 71 – 84

measurand value, as formalized by the calibration

function m n .

This procedure is based on the hypothesis of the

MS stability in the period between the calibration
and the measurement: if a given thing state e cannot
be empirically distinguished from a given standard
Calibration can be then meaningfully expressed as state a with respect to the measurand, then the two
the operation that empirically establishes a relation states must produce the same instrument reading,
between ‘instrument readings’, i.e. MS states, and x (e)5 kn (a). A positive knowledge that some cause,
symbols assigned to elements of the standard set: for internal or external to MS, is preventing the con-
each element a of the standard set A n21 with which firmation of this hypothesis compels to re-calibrate
the MS is put in interaction, a couple kinstrument the MS.
reading, assigned symboll5kkn (a),m n 21 (a)l is de-
fined. The ‘calibration function’ m n is extensionally
obtained by the set of such couples, that can be 4.1. Relations between calibration and
visualized in a calibration diagram as a curve that is measurement
parametric with respect to the elements a[ A n21 :
In spite of such analogies, a basic asymmetry
between calibration and measurement exists.
While measurement is a single empirical operation
aimed at assigning one symbol to the current thing
state, calibration typically requires several assign-
ments to be performed, in the extreme case one for
each state of the MS. This is manifest in alge-
braically weak scales, in which to calibrate a MS the
function kn has to be applied to each element of the
standard set A n21 (i.e. each element of standard set
Once available, the same diagram can be applied A n21 must be put in empirical interaction with the
to measurement, through a suitable re-interpretation MS under calibration) so that the calibration function
of its meaning: m n cannot be defined but in an extensional way as
the whole set of couples kkn (a),m n21 (a)l. In alge-
braically stronger scales, in which the standard set is
constructively generated by the repeated application
of an operation op to the unit element a] (so that the
standard set elements can be expressed as 2a5 ]
] ] 3a5op(2a,a),
] ] ] . . . , as previously consid-
ered), the calibration could be in principle performed
as a single empirical operation by exploiting the
structure of the scale, so that m n (kn ( ja))5jm n (kn (a))
] ]
for j52, 3, . . . This expression can be considered
As a synthesis, once the MS has been calibrated: the calibration-oriented version of the usual defini-
tion of ratio scale, i.e. the invariance for affine
• the thing in its current state e is put in interaction transformations y5 a x, indeed depending on the
with the MS, as formalized by the function x ; the single parameter a : the only empirical operation
empirical result x (e) is a (non-calibrated) instru- required in this case would be the identification of
the instrument reading kn (a)
ment reading; ] relative to the unit
• the instrument reading is mapped into a element (a similar conclusion is achieved for interval
L. Mari / Measurement 27 (2000) 71 – 84 79

scale, that would require two empirical operations correction that allows a suitably calibrated MS to
for calibration, as two are the parameters on which preserve the scale transformations, i.e. to implement
its characteristic transformation, y5 a x1 b, de- the scale-characteristic homomorphisms, in measure-
pends). Therefore: ment.
A simple example can help us to illustrate this
point. A MS for a ratio scale measurand has been
calibrated as it would be ideal, i.e. by means of the
single determination of the instrument reading for a, ]
so that kn (a)50.5 instrument reading units (i.r.u.)
and of course m n (kn (a))5m n 21 (a)51 measurand
] ]
units (m.u.). Afterwards the MS has been applied to
three distinct thing states e 1 , e 2 , e 3 , and the three
instrument readings a 19 , a 92 , a 93 have been corre-
This holds only in the ideal case, i.e. for a MS whose spondingly obtained, such that a i9 5 x (e i )5i i.r.u. for
behavior is represented (in the case of a ratio scale) i51, 2, 3. The hypothesis of ideality would lead to
by a zero-crossing straight line in the calibration the assignments m n (a 9i )52i m.u. If, on the other
diagram. More often, a realistic identification of the hand, the MS is calibrated in a pointwise way by
MS recognizes in it several causes of non-linearity means of the whole standard set, it could empirically
and offset from zero. The effects of such causes can occur that kn (2a)51 i.r.u. and kn (4a)52 i.r.u. (as in
] ]
be ascertained by carrying out a ‘trial’ calibration of the ideal case) but kn (8a)53 i.r.u. Therefore, be-
the system as it would be ideal (i.e. by means of the cause of a reduced sensitivity of the MS around 8a,
single determination of kn (a)),
] and then revealing the standard set element corresponding to the instru-
that for at least one standard state ja] the symbol ment reading 3 is not 6a] but 8a. ] This implies that
m n (kn ( ja))
] is different from mn 21 ( ja).
] This would e 2 52e 1 but e 3 54e 1 .
highlight the need of an extensional definition of the
calibration function, for example resulting in a Thing Instrument Measurand Measurand Thing
diagram as: states readings values m(e i ) values m(e i ) states
ei x (e i ) (‘ideal’ case) (‘real’ case) (ratios
(i.r.u.) (m.u.) (m.u.) to e 1 )

e1 1 2 2 1
e2 2 4 4 2
e3 3 6 8 4

in which the non-linear part of the curve represents

the correction on the MS behavior obtained with a 4.1.1. Epistemological consequences
pointwise calibration (the example in the diagram When adopted in measurement, a calibrated MS
shows a case in which, as the instrument reading preserves the scale transformations, as shown in the
values increase, the measurand values that would be last two columns of the previous table. In this
obtained according to the hypothesis of linearity are perspective the mentioned purpose of the representa-
lower than the ones achieved by a pointwise cali- tional viewpoint to transform non-homomorphic
bration of the MS. In those points the calibration evaluations into homomorphisms could be inter-
curve correspondingly increases to compensate this preted as an extension of the very concept of
effect of reduced sensitivity to high values). calibration to the context of behavioral sciences.
It is important to remark that it is precisely such a On the other hand, the epistemic characteristics of
80 L. Mari / Measurement 27 (2000) 71 – 84

objectivity and intersubjectivity that are usually distinguished from the realm of things we do.
recognized to measurement results cannot be ensured Nothing that happens in the laboratory corresponds
by calibration alone. Complete objectivity means to the statement that a given point is either on a
here independence of the environment, and in par- given line or it is not’ [7].
ticular the operator, that is part of the environment, The prominent characteristics of the linguistic
so that the measurement results convey descriptive component of calibration and measurement, as ex-
information only on the measured thing, as it has pressed by the homomorphisms m i , are its ‘yes–no
been individuated with respect to the environment sharpness’ (as far as entities such as fuzzy subsets
itself. Complete intersubjectivity means here non- are not used to formalize measurement results) and
ambiguity of the measurement results, so that their the conventionality of the standard set elements in
meaning, as expressed by the reference to the the primary RRS and the associated symbols. On the
adopted RRS [5], can be integrally communicated other hand, the empirical component, as expressed
among distinct subjects. The fulfillment of both these by the homomorphisms ki and x, is ‘yes–no sharp’
characteristics depends on the adoption of a proper only in the ideal case, as the typical presence of
MS, and in particular: some non-exactness should be realistically recog-
nized. Uncertainties emerge in boundary cases, in
which the alternative between ‘yes’ and ‘no’ cannot
• objectivity implies that the MS is able to discrimi-
be sharply discriminated.
nate the measurand from the various influence
The concept of uncertainty in measurement, its
quantities, so that the acquisition component of
role and implications have been widely covered in
the MS is sensitive only to the measurand;
the scientific literature (for the Author’s position, cf.
• intersubjectivity implies that the MS is able to
Ref. [8]) and the procedures for its expression are a
refer the measurand to the primary standard, so
matter of international Standards (cf. the Guide to the
that all the measurements expressed in terms of
expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM)
that standard are comparable with each other.
[9]). On the other hand, the formalization of uncer-
tainty in the context of measurement theory seems to
Therefore, such characteristics cannot be considered be still an open issue. The framework that has been
as pre-requisites for an evaluation to be called a introduced in the previous sections enables us to
measurement, but a target (and plausibly the ultimate present a proposal in this regard.
target) for the work of the measurement scientists In agreement with the GUM, a measurement result
and technologists [6]. can be expressed as a couple kmeasurand value,
A basic cause prevents the complete achievement uncertainty] valuel to make its uncertainty explicit.
of both objectivity and intersubjectivity of measure- The GUM assumes a neutral standpoint with respect
ment results: the empirical presence of uncertainty in to the meaning of the term uncertainty] value, allow-
the measurement process. ing both statistical (standard deviation of the, pos-
sibly unknown, distribution of which
measurand] value is the estimated average: ‘standard
uncertainty’) and set-theoretic (proportional to the
5. The role of uncertainty width of the interval of which measurand] value is
the center point: ‘expanded uncertainty’) interpreta-
Calibration and measurement share a two-fold tions, and both statistical (‘type A’) and non-statisti-
nature of empirical and linguistic operations, and as cal (‘type B’) methods for its evaluation. The same
such they inherit the characteristics of both. ‘There position will be adopted here, although it is recog-
are certain human activities which apparently have nized that different, and somehow more general,
perfect sharpness. The realm of mathematics and of representations could be chosen, for example subsets,
logic is such a realm, par excellence. Here we have or fuzzy subsets, or probability distributions. All of
yes–no sharpness. But this yes–no sharpness is these are more widely applicable than the representa-
found only in the realm of things we say, as tion suggested by the GUM, that can be employed
L. Mari / Measurement 27 (2000) 71 – 84 81

only for algebraically strong scales, in which the calibration, a single instrument reading is obtained
concept of standard deviation is meaningful. from any element of the standard set, so that ;a[
A 1 , m 2 (a9)5m 2 (k2 (a))5m 1 (a)5ks,u(s)l. In this case
5.1. Uncertain calibration and measurement the uncertainty of the mapping k2 accounts for the
fact that more than one instrument reading can be
All the empirical functions involved in both empirically obtained from any single element of the
calibration and measurement, i.e. the standard com- standard set, so that ;a[ A 1 , k2 (a)5ka9,u(a9)l.
parison functions ki and the thing comparison func- In the general case, the conjoint presence of
tion x, are subject to uncertainty. Their results should intrinsic and instrumental uncertainty must be as-
be accordingly expressed as couples sumed, and the issue arises of how to combine them
kmeasurand] value, uncertainty] valuel. Therefore, the to keep into account their contribution to the global
diagrams introduced in Section 3.2 require to be uncertainty (for the sake of simplicity a set-theoretic
generalized as follows (double arrows indicate ‘un- interpretation will be assumed in the following
certain mappings’; the reader will note that an discussion, so that any couple kx,u(x)l identifies an
overloaded notation is adopted in the following, the interval whose center and half width are x and ku(x),
same symbols referring to both non-uncertain and respectively, for a given k.0. A general treatment of
uncertain mappings): the possible rules of combination between intrinsic
1. assignment of the primary standard: and instrumental uncertainty, independent of any
specific interpretation for the couples
kmeasurand] value, uncertainty] valuel, is beyond the
scope of this paper, if even possible. For a discussion
on this point see Ref. [8]).
so that ;a[ A 1 , m 1 (a)5ks,u(s)l, being s and u(s) the
The instrumental uncertainty u(a9), as obtained by
symbols associated with the element a and its related
the function k2 , is still negligible with respect to the
uncertainty, respectively. The term u(s) highlights
intrinsic uncertainty u(s) whenever ;a i ,a j [ A 1 , if
the presence of the so-called intrinsic uncertainty,
m 1 (a i )>m 1 (a j )5[ then k2 (a i )> k2 (a j )5[, i.e. the
i.e. an uncertainty pertaining to the very definition of
intervals of the instrument readings corresponding to
the measurand and its materialization by means of
distinguishable standard set elements do not overlap.
the chosen primary standard. Such terms u(s) (in
In this case the instrument readings can be par-
principle one for each element of the standard set as
titioned into ‘groups of mutually compatible values’,
it is mapped into S) are typically estimated on the
i.e. distinct intervals whose elements are pairwise
basis of the operator’s knowledge on the measurand;
disjoint, so that the compatibility relation among
2. calibration of the secondary standard:
elements belonging to the same interval is transitive,
and then actually an equivalence [11]. This condition
is obtained by a suitable coupling of the chosen
primary standard and the instrument to be calibrated
by means of it, for example by reducing the number
of elements in the standard set and correspondingly
increasing their mutual separation, a choice high-
lighting the trade-off between measurand specificity
Two distinct sources of uncertainty are present in and uncertainty, the two components by which the
principle here: in combination with the intrinsic measurement information is expressed [8]. If the
uncertainty of the primary standard, the effects of a instrumental uncertainty is negligible with respect to
non-ideal behavior of the empirical component of the the intrinsic uncertainty, the terms m 2 (a9) can be
calibration must be taken into account, this second again computed as in the ideal case: ;a[ A 1 ,
component being what has been classically called the m 2 (a9)5m 2 (k2 (a))5m 1 (a)5ks,u(s)l, i.e. the calibra-
‘instrumental error’ [10]. If such an error is null, i.e. tion leads to associate each instrument reading in the
in the case of ideal behavior of the system under interval k2 (a) with the same interval m 1 (a).
82 L. Mari / Measurement 27 (2000) 71 – 84

On the other hand, in the typical experimental

situation the instrumental and intrinsic uncertainties
are at least comparable. As a consequence, the same
instrument reading a9 could be obtained from more
than one standard set element. From a theoretical
point of view the case is straightforward: ;a9[ A 2 ,
let A 1,a9 be the interval of A 1 of such standard set
elements. Then m 2 (a9) is computed as the set-theo-
retical union of the intervals m 1 (a) for each a[ A 1,a 9 .
The difficulty stands in the fact that this computation 4. measurement:
requires the mapping k2 to be inverted: instead of
applying each standard set element and observing the
related instrument reading(s), the standard set ele-
ments should be found from which any given
instrument reading could be generated, a strategy
that is clearly cumbersome from the operative point
of view;
3. calibration of the MS, i.e. n-ary standard: The uncertainty identified during the calibration
must be combined with the experimental uncertainty
that the MS exhibits during its usage for thing
comparison. Indeed any given thing state e[E can
generate more than one instrument reading, the
interval of such readings being formalized as a
couple x (e)5ka,u(a)l. ;e[E, let A n ,e be the interval
of A n of these instrument readings. Hence m(e) is
computed as the set-theoretical union of the intervals
m n (a) for each a[ A n ,e . Again, this information is
effectively visualized in a calibration diagram:
What has been said for the calibration of the
secondary standard can be recursively applied to the
calibration of all the standards in the traceability
chain. It can be noted that each step of the chain
realistically introduces some instrumental uncertain-
ty, so that ;a[ A 1 the interval t (a) of the readings
(indirectly) generated by the standard set element a
in the MS is wider than the interval k2 (a) of the
readings (directly) generated by the same standard
set element in the instrument adopted as secondary highlighting the fact that the presence of this ex-
standard (or, equivalently, the intervals m n (t (a)) are perimental uncertainty increases the uncertainty to be
more overlapped with each other than the intervals assigned to the measurement results.
m 1 (a)). The whole process of calibration leads to
associate each MS instrument reading with an inter- 5.2. The implications for the representational
val of symbols in S. This information can be viewpoint
visualized in a calibration diagram as a strip that is
parametric with respect to the elements a[ A n21 When the exactness of the measurement can be
(although from different, and non-formal, premises, assumed, the mappings involved in MS calibration
this is precisely the conclusion of Ref. [12]): inherit the property of being relation-preserving
L. Mari / Measurement 27 (2000) 71 – 84 83

functions, i.e. homomorphisms, in their materializa- huge fraction of the measurements performed by
tion in the MS. The previous discussion shows that natural scientists and engineers) are not ‘measure-
the relation-preservation is maintained also in the ments’ at all!
more general situation in which the instrument
readings can be arranged in groups of mutually
compatible values: in this case the mappings ki and
m i are still homomorphisms, with the trivial con- 6. Conclusions
dition that their range set is extended to keep into
account the presence of the term uncertainty] value. In this paper the standpoint has been presented and
On the other hand, in the presence of notable non- discussed that measurement is an evaluation per-
exactness distinguishable standard set elements gen- formed by means of a calibrated measuring system
erate overlapping intervals of possible instrument (MS). This manifestly contrasts with the representa-
readings, so that the transitivity of the involved tional viewpoint, that instead emphasizes scale con-
relation cannot be assured, and the mappings ki and sistency conditions.
m i lose the property of being homomorphisms. This A functional concept of MS has been formally
feature could be adopted as an operational criterion defined, distinguishing between the ideal condition
to define the concept of ‘notable non-exactness’: of exactness and the more general situation in which
the presence of both intrinsic and instrumental
a MS calibrated in reference to a primary RRS is uncertainty is taken into account in its consequences.
said to introduce a notable non-exactness whenever It has been shown that in the former case the
the relations in the RRS are not preserved by the MS requirement of scale definition is empirically embed-
application. ded in the MS and therefore is fulfilled by the simple
usage of the MS itself, that plays the role of a
This emphasizes the need to further detail the relation-preserving device. On the other hand, when
conceptual hierarchy that has been previously intro- the instrumental uncertainty is not negligible with
duced: respect to intrinsic uncertainty the mapping material-
evaluations . homomorphisms . measurements ized by the MS loses the property of relation-pre-
servation because of the non-transitivity of the
(we are neglecting the distinction between homo- relation induced on the measurement result set by the
morphisms and m-homomorphisms, inessential here), MS application. Furthermore, in this case a complete
and that must be transformed into a two-dimensional calibration, leading to establish both a measurand
structure: value and an uncertainty degree for each instrument
reading, becomes a cumbersome operation: that is
why it is seldom performed, leaving to the operator
the task of expressing the uncertainty on the basis of
his knowledge and experience. On the other hand,
the increasing diffusion of intelligent MSs, that
should be able to produce complete measurement
results (therefore including uncertainty estimates) in
Once more, the diagram makes clear the distinct, a fully automated process, stimulates the effort of
and somehow opposite, paths to measurement usual- defining standardized procedures to derive and ex-
ly followed by social and behavioral scientists press uncertainty, such as the one sketched here.
(A→B and more rarely →D) vs. natural scientists Finally, from the analysis of the interrelations
and engineers (A→C and when empirically possible between calibration and measurement the claimed
→D). If taken in rigorous terms, the representational objectivity and intersubjectivity of measurement
viewpoint would oblige to consider that those mea- have been justified in terms of the MS structure and
surements that are notably non-exact (plausibly a characteristics, a valuable epistemological result to
84 L. Mari / Measurement 27 (2000) 71 – 84

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