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Semantic changes of the term homosexuality, reasons, and mechanism of the change.

Until the 1970s, medical professionals generally classified homosexuality in the domain of
illness and the subcategory (hyponym) mental and emotional disorders. In 1973, the American
Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from their manual, which listed it as an illness.
In 1975, the American Psychological Association supported that decision. The redefinition of
homosexuality as an “alternative lifestyle” and not a condition involved a lexical semantic
change by removing the [+illness] semantic property from the definition. The change of what is
in or out of a semantic domain is dependent on sociocultural changes. Sociocultural changes are
changes in a culture that influence changes in a language or changes in a language that contribute
to cultural changes. Changing definitions of homosexuality were due, in part, to the broader
concerns for civil rights of the 1960s and 1970s and new scientific data about human sexuality.
In turn, the new definition of homosexuality led to additional social changes that allowed
homosexuals to adopt children and marry in some states and countries more recently. In the
domain of the law, something illegal might become legal (an increase in maximum speed for
motor vehicles on interstate highways, for instance), or something legal might become illegal (a
decrease in top speed). Changes in speeding laws might occur because society is concerned
about fuel conservation or traffic accident deaths.

Through backup questions, I learnt that such semantic change was becoming more popular
through the school; people see that if homosexuality has become more accepted into today’s
society, they do not need to label homosexuality. Therefore, the word gay is losing its original
meaning and connection to the word homosexuality. School also plays another part in this
because it is teenagers (school pupils) who have changed the meaning of the word gay; it was
first seen as an insult. But the word has been so overused that it has lost its original meaning. In
most schools where pupils aged 15-18 and possibly even younger call each other gay, it was here
that the word gay was popularised with students first using it as an insult. Being gay was seen as
bad, so it picked up this derogative term, but as time processed and the semantic change also, it
transformed into having an overall meaning that something is stupid.
The Great Vowel Shift.

A fluent speaker of a language knows whether or not an utterance is complete. A fluent speaker
will also know about proper word order, the proper relationship of words and will often
recognize ambiguous utterances. Therefore, it is eminently reasonable to argue that language
sound and pronunciation are the critical reasons for many, those influence people's understanding
of each other. So phonetic changes in any language affect the quality of the things mentioned

A sound change is the change of one or more distinctive features of a sound to another element
or component. There is a Grimm's law that provides an example of an unconditioned sound
change. That unconditioned sound change is a sound change that appears to have happened
spontaneously and everywhere (with a few exceptions). Another example of an unconditioned
sound change is referred to as the Great Vowel Shift. The Great Vowel Shift occurred in English
between about 1400 CE (during the time that Middle English was spoken) and about 1700 CE
(during the time of Modern English). The Great Vowel Shift altered the position of all Middle
English long vowels. The two highest Middle English vowels became diphthongs in Modern
English. For instance, the Middle English long vowel [u:] became the Modern English diphthong
[aw] consistently, regardless of the phonetic environment. So, the Middle English word for
mouse [mu:s] became [maws] in Modern English. In all, seven Middle English vowels were
altered by the Great Vowel Shift. Differences in the pronunciation of long vowels are
fundamental in the differences between modern English and Middle English. The Great Vowel
Shift is a historical event that separates these two languages from each other. Before the shift, the
pronunciation of vowels was similar to the pronunciation in Latin, and the phonetics of the
language itself was identical to Dutch or Low German. After the significant shift, two long
vowels became diphthongs, and the other five began to sound different. The significant vowel
shift did not affect the Yola language at all, originating from medieval English, which was
spoken in two baronies of the Irish county of Wexford until the middle of the XIX century.
Therefore, it is considered to be a separate language. The Danish linguist Otto Jespersen
proposed the term "great vowel shift", who was the first to investigate this phenomenon. The
consequences of the shift are not entirely unambiguous; differences in pronunciation can be
found in regional dialects. In modern English, the spelling has remained close to Middle English
and does not reflect the changes. There have also been some pronunciation shifts in other
Germanic languages (German, Icelandic and Dutch), but not as large as in English.
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