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1.     The plagiarism percentage should be less than 15%
2.     All the questions must be attempted and should be within the word limit
3.     Referencing should be done
4.     The answers should not be copy pasted from internet
5.     The answers should be in complete paragraph form. Answers in dot points are not
Q1. How effective leadership play a role in organizational working?- 600 words

Q2. Which approach for managing and resolving conflict involves exchanging members of
conflicting parties so that each can gain an appreciation of the other's point of view?
A) Avoidance
B) Resistance
C) Compliance
D) Defusion
E) Confrontation
Select one among the following and justify your answer in 500 words

How should a project manager handle a situation in which the functional employee (or functional
manager) appears to have more loyalty to his profession, discipline, or expertise than to the
project? Answer in 500 words

Q3. Make a poster in 500 words(or equivalent) “how effective leadership is required in good conflict

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