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Book Report: Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning by S.

Hollie, Ph.D.

Students Name





Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning

S. Hollie, Ph.D introduces Students' multi-culturalism and how they are generally ignored
in the educational system as a crucial element that affects one's educational experience. Hollie
takes the reader on a journey through history, sociology, and politics to show how and why
educators should support underserved students by implementing culturally and linguistically
responsive pedagogy (CLR) techniques. This book creates a realization on how crucial concepts
are for improving equality and diversity in the classroom.

CLR Methodology

I agree with Hollie when he states that educators must change their attitudes, ideas, and
understanding when judging what cultural and linguistic assets each student brings. In this
situation, an element and capability can be established around fostering a culturally and
linguistically diverse teaching environment (Hollie, 2012).

When it comes to creating a classroom culture that is full of overlapping cultures and
shared passions, it is critical for teachers to know their students and how to help them. Students
whose cultures is undervalued are less inclined to make an investment in the educational process
as a whole, whereas those who are valued are more willing to invest in their own education.
(Fuglei,n.d). Ondine Gross also agrees that having a positive student-teacher relationship benefits
students learning and development (Gross, 2020).

I am in agreement with Dr.S.Hollie supporting facts on the pedagogical framework, the

learning environment, the instructional approach, and the instructional activities are dependent
on management of classroom, types of materials for teaching used and the use of academic
language by students(Page 49).

Challenges to Implementing Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Instruction

Students struggle with linguistic issues, which is one of the challenges they confront. A
good example is a Chinese-speaking student who is surrounded by teachers who do not fully
comprehend the language. To counteract this, the teacher can reorganize the lesson to include
visual aids that help it go more smoothly. for the student to gain a better understanding. The use
of nonverbal communication is also possible.

For educator, overcoming multicultural education is a difficult task because the

classroom may contain students from many countries with various religious and cultural
backgrounds (Challenges of Multicultural Education -Noplag Blog). Educator has the ability to
overcome these obstacles by assessing potential biases, students’ coexistence in terms of culture
and study. In this case, Students can grasp more knowledge if they are given a variety of learning
styles to choose from. It is necessary to provide a diversified learning environment that caters to
the needs of the students.


In order for an educator to use CLR in the classroom, he must first raise awareness of any
prejudices that need to be addressed. This will enable him to have a better understanding of the
student's cultural background, which will serve as a foundation for the development of new
abilities, ensuring that preconceptions are not formed in the classroom through cross-cultural
contact. Furthermore, obtaining access to societal issues that directly affect students both in and
out of the classroom. This will provide an opportunity for culturally appropriate management to
advocate for the issues that ensure that everyone in the learning environment is treated equally.

When you look at the appendices, you'll notice that the book has a lot of great concepts,
including one of my favorites, catch the rhythm. In essence, a beat is composed, and students are
given the responsibility of replicating the beat in order to reclaim their attention in the classroom.
I highly suggest this book to all students and educators as a source of growth and awareness.


Challenges Of Multicultural Education - Noplag Blog., Accessed 17 January

Fuglei, M. How Does Culturally Responsive Instruction Benefit Students?
empowering-students-through-respect/. Accessed 17 January 2022

Gross, O. (2022, January 17). Classroom Management Begins with Respect. Roots of Action.

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