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Call for papers: “Latin-American Environmental Economics Students Workshop”

March 17 through March 22, 2022 (Virtual event).

The Latin American Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (LAERE) and
the Environment for Development (EfD) Centers from Central America, Colombia, and
Chile are pleased to invite Ph.D. and Master students from Latin America and the Caribbean
(LAC) to submit their research papers to be considered for presentation in an innovative
session at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Benefit Cost Analysis (SBCA).

This innovative session will provide Ph.D. and Master Students from Latin-America and the
Caribbean with a unique opportunity to present their research to an audience of international
researchers that will then discuss and comment their academic papers. The international panel
of senior researchers will include members from the SBCA, LAERE, and EfD network.
Furthermore, the session will include presentations from senior researchers regarding trends
and challenges in the field of the selected papers.

Submission on any methodological, empirical or policy topic relevant to the theory or

practice of benefit-cost analysis are welcome. We define benefit-cost analysis broadly to
include analyses that rely on monetary measures and those that include non-monetary
measures, synthetic or natural units (e.g., QALYs, DALYs, acres protected, cases averted).
Both conventional and innovative analytic approaches are welcome. We encourage
submissions from students from LAC in both advanced and early stages of their dissertation.

Our commitments are the following:

1) We will select four papers for oral presentation in the SBCA meeting in March
2021. Our institutions will cover the conference participation cost for these four
2) We will provide additional student scholarships for the conference for other
submitted papers that were not selected for oral presentation. The number of students’
scholarships will be around 30.
3) A senior research fellow will provide comments and suggestions to the paper. The
senior participants will be selected according to the area of research of the selected
4) We will have two 90-minute sessions for the presentations and comments.

Requirements for the paper:

1) The articles need to be related to some area of environmental economics and benefit-
cost analysis. Since we understand this last criterion could be a little ambiguous for
some students, please talk to your advisors or send us your application, and we will
respond as soon as possible.
2) Full articles or extended abstracts need to be in English and not exceed 10,000 words
in total.
3) Deadlines:
a. Send your submissions no later than January 31, 2022 to the following
b. Selection will be announced on February 20, 2021
c. Fellowship for students on February 28, 2021

Selection committee:

Rodrigo Arriagada (PUC, Chile, LAERE), Jorge Maldonado (Universidad de los

Oscar Melo (PUC, Chile, LAERE), Andes, EfD-Colombia, LAERE)
Alejandro Lopez Feldman (EfD, LAERE), Rocío Moreno (Universidad de los Andes,
Marcelo Caffera (UM, Uruguay, LAERE), Colombia, LAERE)
Marcela Jaime (UdeC, EfD-Chile), Danae Hernandez Cortes (ASU, LAERE)
Felipe Vásquez (U. del Desarrollo, LAERE- Claudia Aravena (Heriot Watt University,
EfD-Chile) EfD-Colombia, LAERE)
Roger Madrigal (CATIE, EfD-Central America) Francisco Alpizar (Wageningen University,
Jorge Bonilla (Universidad de los Andes, EfD- EfD- Central America, LAERE)

Possible Senior Participants:

Selected papers will be commented by distinguished researchers in the field of
environmental economics and benefit-cost analysis, conditioned on the nature to the topic
of the presentations.

This event will be possible by the collaboration of the Center of Applied Ecology and
Sustainability (CAPES) from the Catholic University, Chile and CATIE.

For more details of the conference

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