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§ I T§le We*nfher

ili Ę co,l,pleie eoch senience with o word or phrclse [rom the lisr belouu, use ecch iieln once
Ń on j/.

chongeoble - dork clouds - bi*erly cold , globol worming
. -

cut off heovy roin gust of wind struck by lightnin9

hot speil turned out - mild climote - weother forecosl
sticky we're in for , pouring down - widespreod domoge

'fhis łrca hlrs goi i ilri1-1;, mild climate

,,,,.,,,...,.,, stl rvc clitlll.I expccl ll]e 1elltlleriLture to fitl1
so sl-rarpi1,,
)\ gust of wind blerv nl1, hal 0L,'.Lil.1 ;.nt it 1l},irlg .Icloss t]re rolcl

3. Tollrilrrcl,,v's rvclLjlet, rvil] be changeable rviILl srttliry perlods and scl]ttered

lro lve rs,
ł s

,: 4. The rail-t pouring
citllle,.....,...,,.,. down iillti we gol soakeLl io t]re sliilr

global warming

5. SoIrlc scientisIs c]ainl Ihat Iile rLitttsrLa] \\i.i]|i]el is Ihc rcsuli cj'

,jr 6. Tlre hLrrricalle swept throtLgil the islands. caLrsing widespread damage
l 7. NIłny vil]ages weiecut off ...,,,,,.., by ]teitvv slrorv rlril'ts irrlcl eI)lcIgel)cy sLrpplii:s
Illiil Lo be tirkcll ill b,v Jlelicopter,
8. 'fhat struck
blacltenerl |Iee over l]rcle wirs ,,,,... by lightningduring
.. ir violent tllttllderslorln,

9. It vl,as so ]rot trlid sticky tlirring |he day thirt \łe sootl gol wc]lil oLlt il'wc
] jr'
triecl to tio any hłrcl physiciri ri,ork,
l0. Il thls hot spell i,ot-tLillttes, i.litLel. ...i]] lliLve 'Lo łlc iltlitlllcL].

l l. ln the distłuce, dark clouds coveterl tire sky arlci ytltt cortJcl hear llte ruttlb]e clf
,l ł Lir Lrnder.

turned out
l2. ll's ....,,....,.. i]icc ilgaiIl. hltsll'I it']
Yes, it has, Let's ]iopc it lasts.

we are in for
]l ]ooks as ii,,..,.,.,.,.,.,,-

13. a spcll of'sliotvel1.,rvei,lther over IhL: nerl li:rv tiltls.


biterlly cold
l"ł. II was so,...,...,.,....,,,,. thltt J krrli ri1! ce]1l1-1l lleating al tllaxilltulll ittld 1luL rrIt lt

il j lle;rrr pullorer.
l5, Due lo heavy rain ,,,,,...,,. thc pitch ivas l]ooded attd the lllaLc]l ilad ro be abltllrlr,ttctl,

weather forecast tlle ]1ld,\illiLlnl [ell1peIatLtIe Łclcla;,shoulrJ b,- aboLrt

ló. Accoldillg to the,.,,,..,,.,..,
:i thirty deglccs,


l 174

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