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4th Quarter, 2ndSUMMATIVE TEST in SCIENCE 7

Name: __________________________ Grade/Sec: ___________ Score : ____________

Direction: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer for each question.
Write your answer before the number.
___1. Which of the following is a major component of the atmosphere?
A. Argon B. Nitrogen C. Oxygen D. Ozone
___2. Why is the atmospheric temperature increasing at the stratosphere?
A. It is closer to the sun.
B. It is under a lot of pressure.
C. It is less dense than the troposphere.
D. It is due to the presence of the ozone layer.
___3. You and your friends joined a mountain climbing activity. You have noticed that
as you go higher, you felt that the air is getting colder. What explains this
A. The temperature increases as the altitude decreases.
B. The temperature increases as the altitude increases.
C. The temperature decreases as the altitude increases.
D. The temperature decreases as the altitude decreases.
___4. What is the correct sequence of the layers of the atmosphere from the ground
up to the space?
A. Exosphere – Mesosphere – Thermosphere – Stratosphere – Troposphere
B. Exosphere – Thermosphere – Mesosphere – Stratosphere – Troposphere
C. Troposphere – Stratosphere – Mesosphere – Thermosphere – Exosphere
D. Troposphere – Stratosphere – Thermosphere – Mesosphere – Exosphere
___5. An Ozone (O3) becomes a “bad ozone” when it ___________.
A. becomes unstable C. absorbs Ultraviolet (UV) rays
B. stays at the stratosphere D. moves down to the ground level
___6. Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?
A. Carbon dioxide (CO2) C. Nitrous oxide (N2O)
B. Methane gas (CH4) D. Oxygen gas (O2)
___7. What are the two most common gases in the atmosphere?
A. carbon dioxide and nitrogen C. nitrogen and trace gases
B. nitrogen and oxygen D. oxygen and trace gases
___8. Which of the following is a blanket of air that protects the Earth from ultraviolet
radiation and meteors?
A. Atmosphere B. Clouds C. Water vapor D. Wind
___9. Why is the increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere
an environmental problem?
A. It leads to more factories.
B. It can lead to a major increase in greenhouses.
C. It causes a major decrease in human population.
D. It causes climate change and increase in global temperature.
___10. What would the Earth’s temperature be without the greenhouse gases?
I. Too hot for humans to survive on Earth
II. Too cold for humans to survive on Earth
Increased temperature on the Earth’s surface
Decreased temperature on the Earth’s
A. I and III B. II and IV C. I and IV D. II and III
___11. What is the process of trapping the sun’s heat in the atmosphere that keeps
the planet's climate warm enough to support life?
A. Carbon emission C. Global warming
B. Climate change D. Greenhouse effect
___12. Which of the following statements is NOT a possible result of global warming?
A. increased acidic levels in rainfall
B. increased occurrence of flooding
C. the melting of the world’s ice cover
D. death of many aquatic animals
___13. Which of these sets of items produce CFCs?
A. Cardboard and refrigerant C. Spray cans and cardboard
B. Cars and metals D. Spray cans and refrigerant
___14. Which of the following activities can reduce greenhouse gas emission?
A. Burning dried leaves
B. Riding private car in the way to school
C. Using aerosol sprays to kill harmful insects
D. Using reusable bags when buying things from the market
___15. The gradual rise in the atmospheric temperature due to the increase in
greenhouse gases is known as _____.
A. climate change C. greenhouse effect
B. global warming D. ozone depletion
___16. Why does Southwest Monsoon (Habagat) bring rainfall?
A. It collects moisture as it passes through ocean.
B. It pushes typhoons from other areas to bring rainfall.
C. It melts ice crystals that solidifies thereby causing rain.
D. It moves from low pressure areas to high pressure areas.
___17. Which of the following statements does NOT describe monsoon?
A. It affects the daily activities of human beings.
B. It is also referred as heavy rains which cause floods.
C. It is a wind system that describes the movement of air.
D. It moves from high pressure areas to low pressure areas.
___18. What is the meaning of ITCZ?
A. Intercontinental Convergence B. Interterrestrial Conversion Zone
C. Intertropical Convergence Zone D. Intertropical Climatic Zone
___19. How is ITCZ formed?
A. As clouds become heavier, it precipitates to rain.
B. As air near the equator rises, it cools and expands.
C. Surrounding winds meet and converge near the equator.
D. Wind from Australia passes moves from high to low pressure area.
___20.Why do surrounding winds move near the equator?
A. The Earth’s axis is tilted.
B. Warm air pushes them towards the equator.
C. The gravitational force draws them near the equator.
D. The difference in the air p ressure allows them to move.

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Subject Teacher Head Teacher III Principal IV

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