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Name: ____Santiago, Camille S._____________ Date: ___01/27/2022_______

Course & Section: ___BSIT-1B_____________ Result: __________________

Direction: Based on what you have learned from the movie, answer the following questions
in your own words. Refrain from copying text online and avoid plagiarism. Read carefully and
write your answer legibly.

1. In what way Microsoft Corporation becomes a software pirate?

Bill Gates got kind of insecure about Apple Lisa with its amazing graphic interface and
operating system. Bill Gates said he wants it, so he had this plan of stealing ideas from apple.
Steve got convinced by Bill Gates to let him work on Apple then Steve gave them three
prototypes of the Macintosh that made a way for Microsoft to steal and mess with it to make it
their own.

2. In what way Apple Computer Company becomes a software pirate?

Steve was planning to make this new computer for apple that he would call ‘LISA’. Woz
said that that is the first big new project they had at Apple. Apple heard about the amazing stuff
that Xerox have like the mouse and its graphic interface. So, Steve went to XEROX and
persuaded them to show all their amazing stuff and try to steal it. Steve and his team stole
ideas like the graphic interface and the operating system from XEROX for it to make their own
and play with it then Apple made tons of money out of it.

3. How can you characterized Steve Jobs as a leader, friend and as a father?

I can’t think of any good adjective to describe Steve Jobs because for me he is a
miserable person to be a leader, a friend and most importantly a father and boyfriend. I didn’t
see any good traits about Steve beings as a leader. Yes, we can say he is dedicated to his
work and sees apple spiritually. He is also a deep-thinking person, but he has this obsession
of power and perfection. He always wants beauty and artists for him to be satisfied but he
treats his employees like slaves and disrespects them. He doesn’t care if they are not getting
enough sleep because they are ought to finish their work. He doesn’t have empathy. He insults
them and calls them names that are out of the line. Steve Jobs as a father really what changed
on how I see him. I admired his success and all of his accomplishments before but now I
realized that he is such a coward on being a father. All throughout the movie he denies that he
is not the father of Lisa. When Arlene gave birth to their daughter all that he cares about is
what she would name her. He also referred to the baby as ‘it’ as if it was an object. He keeps
insisting she’s not his daughter even it was proven by the paternity test and when Arlene asks
Steve for money, he said it’s a black mail. He is giving such a narcissistic attitude which means
a cocky and manipulative person.
As I observed in the movie Steve is a better friend than a father. I saw the relationship between
Woz and Steve’s friendship. They don’t leave each other. When Wozniak got into a plane crash
and partially lost his memory, Steve visited him in the hospital. Woz throwed some jokes and
Steve finally laughs at it. But Steve treats Woz as a sidekick which I didn’t like, and I also hated
when they said in the movie that his friend Dan who worked on apple since they started didn’t
got any share from the company.

4. How can you characterize Bill Gates as an entrepreneur and as a leader?

I think Bill Gates as an entrepreneur is great at convincing people that he is important because
he has the solution for their problem. Just like he said on the movie: “In order to survive you
make people need what you have and then they were no one else to go. Just like that scene
where Bill convinced Ed Roberts to buy their BASIC language for the Altair in a reasonable
price. I also think that he is a genius for having a deal with IBM saying that Microsoft would
license their product to IBM and not outright sell it. Bill Gates I would say is a risk taker for
coming into IBM and proposing them something they didn’t have, and I’m also amazed of how
bold he is for quitting Harvard. Meanwhile him as a leader is what I admire. He thinks big and
very passionate of what he’s doing. He also cares about his employees.

5. What is the part of Mike Markkula and John Sculley in Apple?

Mike Markkula is a guy from Intel who is actually the first investor of Apple Computers, who
put $250k of his own money in the company in 1977. While John Sculley is the guy who Steve
recruited in the company to be the new president of Apple. He used to be the President of
Pepsi cola. He was hired by Steve because Sculley made Pepsi turn over Coca cola with his
business strategies.

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