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Department of Mechanical Engineering MVGR College of Engineering-Autonomous


Done under the guidance of


MTech, Assistant Professor,

Mechanical Engineering,

MVGR College of Engineering.

(M ADARSH KUMAR)19331A0393
(N SAIKIRAN)19331A03B6

Students of Department of Mechanical Engineering

MVGR College of Engineering –Autonomous
Department of Mechanical Engineering MVGR College of Engineering-Autonomous

Poverty is a social phenomenon in which certain sections of the society are unable to fulfill even
the bare necessities of life. India is known for the poor people it has. Poverty gives birth too
many other problem. Our India is well aware that poverty is the biggest barriers in the
development of the nation. Various number of anti poverty policies has been introduced since
1950's. In India poverty is measured by a poverty line. In almost all underdeveloped countries
where per capita income is low, income inequality has resulted in a no. of evils of which poverty
is certainly the most serious one. It is a socio economic phenomenon that is intimately associated
effects human health , efficient and productivity which in turn affects human health, efficient and
productivity which in turn affect their income. This paper attempts to exam in the impact of
poverty, comparison of per capita income of different countries. As per Government of India
Planning Commission percentage and number of poor estimates by Tendulkar method using
Mixed Reference Period (MRP),interstate comparison of population below poverty line. Various
causes and suggestion for removal of poverty from India also discussed in this paper.


Department of Mechanical Engineering MVGR College of Engineering-Autonomous

Poverty introduction


Poverty is one of the major problems which India has been suffering from since long.Poverty is a
relative term. For a developing country like India poverty can be defined as that situation in
which an individual fails to earn income sufficient to buy him are means of subsistence: It can
also be explained as a situation where a section of the society, having no fault of their own is
denied of even basic necessities of life. In India, the definition of poverty lays more emphasis on
minimum level of living rather than on reasonable level of living. India the concept of poverty
emphasizes more on minimum level because it is difficult to provide even a minimum quantum
of basic needs.


(i) Absolute Poverty. Absolute poverty can be expressed as poverty below bread line which
can be defined in terms of 'per capita intake of calories' and 'minimum level of consumption.
According to the Planning Commission an individual in rural areas must get 2400 calories and in
urban areas 2100 calories per day. According to 'minimum level of consumption' criteria
Planning Commission of
India is of the opinion that persons spending 152 on consumption in urban area and Rs. 132 on
rural area per month (at1988-89 price) should be treated as falling within poverty line. The 66th
Round NSSO data (2009-10) says anyone who has 28 to spend daily is above poverty line.

(ii) Relative Poverty. According to this concept of poverty the definition of poverty keeps on
changing with the Changes in regions and economic conditions of the different countries. The
country where subsistence level is low is treated as relatively or in comparison with a country
with people having high level of subsistence. India has quite less per capita income as compared
to other countries. India is ranked 86th in the world and is poor nation. India's per capita income
(in US Dollar)(on exchange rate basis) is 1340 according to World Development Report 2012.


Department of Mechanical Engineering MVGR College of Engineering-Autonomous

Poverty statistics of India:

Poverty headcount ratio at $5.50 a day is the percentage of the population living on less than
$5.50 a day at 2011 international prices. As a result of revisions in PPP exchange rates, poverty
rates for individual countries cannot be compared with poverty rates reported in earlier editions.

India poverty rate for 2011 was 87.40%, a 3.7% decline from 2009.

India poverty rate for 2009 was 91.10%, a 1.8% decline from 2004.

India poverty rate for 2004 was 92.90%, a 2.6% decline from 1993.

India poverty rate for 1993 was 95.50%, a 0.2% decline from 1987.


Department of Mechanical Engineering MVGR College of Engineering-Autonomous

Fig .Poverty rates in india as per 2012

Fig. Reduction of poverty in India from past 50 years

Causes for poverty:


Department of Mechanical Engineering MVGR College of Engineering-Autonomous

Top 10 causes for poverty :

In India Poverty is one of the biggest problem of India and this problem had created several very
big problems for the country many Indians are not even getting normal life style.India is known
for the poor people it has.

I. Over population growth

India is 2nd largest in the population .A very big amount of population reduced the per capita
income of our country. so the standard of living has also fallen considerably. We are facing the
scarcity of resources so we cannot feed population in a proper way. The demand of goods is
always greater then the availability or production in our country. If the country is overpopulated
a large part of the income is spent on consumption and very little is saved for developmental

II. Low production agriculture

India is an agricultural economy.About 60% of our working population depends on agriculture

directly or indirectly. Due to the use of old agricultural technique, no proper capital investment,
no proper irrigation facilities etc. we are not able to produce the amount by which we can fill the
stomach of all the Indians properly .The pressure on land has increased so much that productivity
of land has decreased over time. The small farmers produces enough for self consumption and
very little is left for sale in the market.

III. Under utilized resources

Both the human and natural resources are underutilized. India has young and innovative youth
but they do not finding the appropriate packages for jobs. Hard working people are not getting
appropriate jobs so they are migrating to the foreign countries and we are loosing an innovative
Indian. In the same way natural resources are not properly utilized also .The rural areas are
blessed with forests and wildlife but they are not aware of the proper ways of exploiting them.
Hence the productivity of forests decreases over time. Also we do not have sufficient capital and
technology to exploit them properly.


Department of Mechanical Engineering MVGR College of Engineering-Autonomous

VI.Low rate of economic development

India's devlopment rate is very low as compared to other nations . Our growth rate is less then
the required levels and this developed a gap between level of availability and requirement of
goods and hence the result is poverty.

V. Rise in prices of goods

The prices of basic food items are so high due to high rate of inflation that the little income
earned by them is just insufficient. The rise in prices of a common man's basic needs had made
the life of a common man difficult and this makes very difficult to meet the minimum needs for
lower income groups.The income earned by the poor people is insufficient to buy them the basic
necessities of life and get them even two meals a day.Due to the lack of nutrition they are unable
to do any physical work and hence they remain poor.

VI. Unemployment

The number of unemployed Indians is continuously increasing .Many of our country men do not
have a proper job to sustain themselves and their families.The number of job seekers is
increasing continuously but the job opportunities are not increasing at the rate at which should
they increase and the result of this is poverty in India.This is the basic reason why most of the
rural people are poor.Hence they remain poor and cannot repay the loans taken by them.

VII. Shortage of capital and able entrepreneurship

For boosting up the growth of the country these two things are must and the major problem is
that we are lacking in these two things and hence the result is inappropriate growth rate of our

VIII. Social factors

The social setup of our country is still backward. Today in 21th century also we are socially
backward as we were 100 years ago today we use to discuss about the casts, religion etc of each
other we don't think about of working together. There are many traditions which do not allow


Department of Mechanical Engineering MVGR College of Engineering-Autonomous

fast development of our society.For example dowry system tends to make a person poor as he is
forced to sell off his lands and property to satisfy the greed of his daughter's fiancee.

IX. Corruption

One of the biggest problem of our country is corruption. It is one of the biggest reason for
poverty in India. The corrupted leaders etc had eaten up all the money of our country.

X. Political factors

In India, all the developmental plans are guided by the selfish interests of the politician. They
exploit the weaker sections of our society. why don't they think that the development plans are
made for the people who are underdeveloped not for the one who are living luxurious life.

Problem statement:

India is a developing country in which poverty is a major issue. There are many people who are
very poor even through they are not deserved it. In this project we are going to find the causes
and the solutions to reduce the poverty in India.

Ways To Reduce The Problem Of Poverty In India

The problem of Poverty in India is catastrophic. We can’t ignore it because it’s in plain sight.
2/3rd of people in India live in poverty

There are villages that don’t have basic access to electricity and a proper sanitation. The problem
isn’t as pressing as it once was, we have made rapid progress in terms of alleviating poverty,
gravitating towards urbanization, a lot of schemes have been launched that has increased
employment in the country.

But there still remain some areas that need to be paid attention to.

1. Education


Department of Mechanical Engineering MVGR College of Engineering-Autonomous

Here is the thing, the Education system in India isn’t the best, but over the course of years we
have made strides of progress here and very recently the education system has been changed
which only brings hope.

People from poverty aren’t aloof to the right to proper education, there are associations that are
reaching these places and providing the future of India the right to an education that they

Conditioning into the proper education system ensures a future that is poverty proof.

2. Skill Development

Education isn’t enough to increase a person’s likelihood of employability or inculcate

moneymaking skills. We live in a fast-paced world that is continuously evolving even as you
read this. To keep up with this dynamic world what you need more than anything else are in-
demand skills that can make you employable and put you into a position where you can make

Skill Development and Entrepreneurship are observed over the years to be making the maximum
impact in terms of employment generation and poverty alleviation.

Even people in the poverty can acquire some basic skills like English comprehension, soft skills,
technical training that can make them more employable.

3. Infrastructure Development

Infrastructure development helps the country in two ways, it dramatically improves connectivity
& accessibility, attracts foreign direct investment opportunities, reduces transportation costs
attributed to long travels and overhauls.

And on the other side, with Infrastructure development taking place it creates a pool of
employment opportunities that the poor can take advantage of find labor and make a living.

In a nation like India, the room for Infrastructure development is still high lot’s of areas needs
proper infrastructure development.


Department of Mechanical Engineering MVGR College of Engineering-Autonomous

4. Agricultural Growth

Agricultural growth has been perceived as a significant factor that adds to checked decrease in
neediness. The experience of Punjab and Haryana in the last part of the sixties and in the
seventies affirmed this backward connection between agricultural growth and neediness.

The growth in rural yield in these states pushed by the selection of new-high yielding innovation
caused a stamped decrease in neediness in these states. Provincial neediness proportion in Punjab
and Haryana was 6.4 and 8.3 percent individually in 1999-2000.

Hence, different states have been encouraged to follow the way of Punjab and Haryana for a
decrease in rural neediness. Along these lines, Late Prof. S. Chakravarty states, "the answer for
the issue of provincial neediness necessitates that little ranchers should likewise be offered
admittance to land-enlarging advancements". Via land expanding advancements he implies the
new high-yielding innovation spoke to by green unrest that happened first in Punjab and

5.Increase in Employment:

Special measures should be taken to solve the problems of unemployment and disguised
unemployment. Devlopment of Agriculture ,Small scale and cottage industries should be
developed in rural areas to generate employment. Poverty can be eliminated if the poor people
are given the jobs according to their needs and talents.Self employment can also be provided to

Problem of Distribution:

The public distribution system (PDS) should be strengthened to remove poverty. Poor section
should get food grains at subsidized rates and in ample quantity.


Though India shows a high economic growth, it is shameful that there is still large scale poverty
in India.


Department of Mechanical Engineering MVGR College of Engineering-Autonomous

India has the world's largest number of poor people living in a single country.

• Poverty in India can be defined as a situation when certain section ofpeople are unable to
fulfill their basic needs.

• Hunger, malnutrition and susceptibility of poor to natural disasters make them take up
anti national and anti social activities.

It is the duty of the governments in particular and all citizens in general to try their best to
alleviate poverty to establish harmony and peace in the societies and in the world.



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