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Batman’s full history: answer those questions

by reading the text (no vocabulary given).

1 How did his parents die? Where were they going? From whence?
2 What was Bruce’s vow after their death?
3 Relate how Bruce became Batman? (first, then, finally).
4 Who is Alfred Pennyworth?
5 Who’s James Gordon? What does he think of Batman’s methods?
6 Who is Dick Grayson? Why were his parents killed?

Let’s work out some vocabulary (they are

underlined in the text).
Some nouns: match the left with the right.
Mugger, hoodlum   Enemy, adversary,
A thug   any person who takes the
law into his or her own
hands, as by avenging a

A vigilante   Recommendation,
A foe   Command post, nerve
Headquarters   Study of corpses after a
A cautionary tale   Shake with cold or fear,
Shivers   Attacker, assailant.

Forensics   Deterrent example, scary

Advice   Bandit, criminal, gangster,

And some verbs: find the correct verb in the text for the definitions hereafter.
1 to make able; give power, means, competence, or ability to; authorize
2 to affect one with a wave of emotion or excitement
3 to take something from (someone) by unlawful force or threat of violence;
steal from
4 to pursue or approach prey, quarry, etc., stealthily
5 to run away from (a place, person, etc.)
6 to inflict, deliver, or deal (a blow, stroke, attack, etc.)
7 to take vengeance or exact satisfaction for
8 a household in which a child is raised by someone other than its natural or
adoptive parent
9 to carry on (a battle, war, conflict, argument, etc.)

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