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Lujille Gadot Longcayana Date: 06/10/2021

Grade 10 - Endurance

1. What is purchasing, receiving, and storing food supplies?

- Purchasing is buying a product or the right ingredient with an accurate
amount. Receiving is which buyers inspect the foods that have been delivered,
to ensure that the food and supplies are in good condition and the right
amount. Storing is arranging and placing the food in a clean and dry place, to
keep it in a good condition for future use.

2. What are the Principle in Dining Room operations?

- One of the important principles in dining room operation is Room arrangement.
The table, chairs, and the decoration should be arranged properly and suitable to
the occasion, the rooms capacity and free space are also important. Mise-en-
place preparation means that everything that is needed including the food and
beverage should be prepared or in place before the set-up and food service are
undertaken. Last is dining room equipment, the table set-up is also very
important the dining equipment that is placed on the table should be completely
based on the menu and the food that is served.

3. What are the basic etiquette in meal services?

- Welcome the customers by greeting them.
- Respect them and be patient, don’t interrupt when they are talking.
- Check every customer if they need help or have a complaint.
- Bring all kinds of food at the same time (dessert, appetizer, entrees) never leave
a guest hungry while other was eating.
- Never touch a customer even if you spilled something on them.
- Never reach across a customer to serve another customer.
- Avoid hitting tables and chairs.

4. What are the five mother sauces?

- The five mother sauces are Béchamel Sauce, Veloute Sauce, Brown or Espagnole
Sauce, Hollandaise Sauce, and Tomato Sauce.
- Béchamel Sauce, also called white sauce it is most often served to the rich or
royalty people. This sauce is made of roux of a flour, boiled milk, and butter, it is
usually added to the meat such as chicken, vegetable, and egg.
- Veloute Sauce is often called fat white sauce or rich white sauce. It has a
blondish color that starts with chicken, veal, or fish stock that has been
thickened with a white roux.
- Brown or Espagnole Sauce starts with a dark brown roux, veal stock, beef,
bones, vegetables, and seasonings. It is also heated, skimmed, and reduced. If
the initial reduction, the tomato sauce is added, and the sauce is further
- Hollandaise Sauce is a rich sauce featuring egg yolks and butter. It is called
“sauce Isigny” before it’s called Hollandaise Sauce
- Tomato sauce is a common sauce everyone knows, it is obviously made of

5. What are the basic procedures in preparing the dining area?

- Prepare the room, arrange the tables and chairs.
- Chose motifs and accessories that are appropriate to the theme and occasion.
- Prepare the table appointments and utensils.
- Food presentation, the dish should be presented beautifully. Arrange or
decorate food to enhance its aesthetic appeal.


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