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Appendix A. Questionnaire
Name: ____________________________________________________

Direction: With regard to your own feelings about the school for which you are currently working,
please indicate the degree of your agreement or disagreement with each statement by encircling the
number that best represents your response. 1= Strongly Disagree 2= Disagree 3= neither Agree nor
Disagree 4= Agree 5= Strongly Agree

Commitment to School 1 2 3 4 5
1. I work hard for the best interests of this school
2. I am willing to handle other subjects not related to my specialization in
order to stay in this school.
3. I am proud of the school where I teach now.
4. I am frustrated with my school head’s attitudes, unreasonable demands
and lack of support encouragement and appreciation.
5. I prefer working at this school even though I have opportunities to work
at other school.
6. I do my best to contribute to my school development.
7. I am satisfied with the kind of relationships existing among the school
head, teachers and other personnel.
8. I am concerned and interested with the future of this school.
9. I consider this school as the best one among the others.
Commitment Work 1 2 3 4 5
10. I spend time with the students on subjects activities related to the lesson
even outside the classroom.
11. I look for opportunities to conduct remedial teaching or extension classes
when regular class hour is not enough for students to master the lesson.
12. I make sure that my classes start and end on time.
13. I accomplish my job with enthusiasm.
14. I get information about my students’ family background, needs and
15. I try to do my best to help the low performing students.
16. I enjoy teaching
Commitment to Teaching Profession 1 2 3 4 5
17. I consider the choice of becoming a teacher as the best decision in my
18. I am proud of being a teacher
19. I regard the values of teaching profession more important than those of
other professional values.
20. I consider teaching profession as the best for working life.
21. I desire to be well-known in the teaching profession.
22. I like to continue teaching even though I don’t need to work for money
Name: __________________________________________________________

Instructions: Consider the culture of the organization for which you are currently working. Please
indicate the degree of your agreement with each of the following statements from 1 to 6 with the
following scale: 1= strongly disagree 2= disagree 3= slightly disagree or slightly agree 4= agree 5=
strongly agree.

A. Ethical Climate 5 4 3 2 1
1. What is best for everyone in the institution is the major consideration here
2. In this institution, people protect their own interests above all else
3. In this institution, the ethical code of their profession is the major
4. The major responsibility of people in this institution is to control costs
5. In this institution, people are expected to strictly follow professional
6. In this institution, the greatest good for all affected by their decision is
primarily sought
7. In this institution, people are guided by their own ethics.
8. In this institution, a respect for the rights of others is a primary concern
9. In this institution, people are mostly out for themselves
10. It is important to follow the institutions rules and procedures here
11. Employees in this institution are expected to seek just and fair resolutions in
their decision
12. Employees here are concerned with the institutions interests, to the exclusion
of all else
B. Group Climate 5 4 3 2 1
1. The employees liked and cared about each other
2. The employees tried to understand why they do the things they do, tried to
reason it out
3. The employees avoided looking at important issues going on between
4. The employees felt what was happening was important and there was a sense
of participation
5. The employees depended upon the group leader for direction
6. There was smooth and harmonious relationship between the employees
7. The employees considered everyone as their brother or sister
8. The employees supports each other in their efforts to sort things out
9. The employees appeared to do things the way they thought would be
acceptable to the group
10. The employees accepted and trusted each other
11. The employees revealed sensitive personal information or feelings
12. The employees appeared relaxed and felt welcomed

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