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Vol. I, Issue I.

Did you know that enclosed terrariums, that is a bottle garden with airtight
seal, can essentially sustain itself with minimal to no care at all?
That's right, even people without green thumbs can manage this project!
However, there are a couple of points you will not want to leave out.   

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A Quick Word About

Terrarium Layers 

Drainage Layer: Also known as the false-bottom layer, it is where the

water from your terrarium will drain. This layer is also effective in
preventing root rot. Lava Rocks, Decorative Stones or Gravel will
Substrate Barrier: This is the layer that separates the drainage from the
soil. Without it, the roots will begin to grow into the drainage layer,
where they are likely to rot. Sphagnum Moss is a great substrate
barrier, but you can also cut a piece of mesh. 
Filtration Layer: This is where our Activated Charcoal comes into play.
We applied a thin layer after the substrate layer (so thin you can't even
spot it in the photo)! It will help eliminate toxins or any unwanted
odors in your terrarium. Read our Complete Guide to Activated
Charcoal here. 
Substrate Layer: The substrate is where your plant's roots will grow and
thrive. Keep in mind, you will need to add compost or another natural
fertilizer in order to ensure long-term survival. For ours we used a
mixture of organic compost, Coco Peat and Sphagnum Moss. 

The Perfect Terrarium Substrate 

What is the substrate? We are so glad you asked! It is the surface or material
on which an organism lives, grows and obtains in nutrients from. 
The substrate is imperative for the health of your bottle ecosystem. Good
thing we offer all the materials you need to make the perfect terrarium

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Also, Try Mixing Your Own Potting Soil 

Have you ever wondered what ingredients go into potting mix? The list of
ingredients will vary depending on the brand you buy. However, when you make
your own, YOU can be in charge of the what nutrients your plants receive! 
All you need is coco coir base and a couple of soil amendments and you are good
to go! Recipe can be altered to fit your plant's needs

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