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Haiti (Port-au-Prince) is situated in North America. Located in the Western Hemisphere, the

sovereign state is spread over an area of 27,750 square kilometers. The nation is situated on the
island of Hispaniola in Caribbean's Greater Antilles archipelago.

2. Haiti/Currency
Haitian gourde

3. 1 Philippine peso equals
1.78 Haitian Gourde

4. Historical background
After Columbus’s discovery of Hispaniola, the Spanish established the first permanent
European settlement on the island. Just before the turn of the 18th century, Spain ceded the
western part of Hispaniola—a region that later adopted the name Haiti—to France, and thus
began a century of French control in Haiti. Haiti, operating under the iron-fist of slavery, was
France’s most profitable colony, the “pearl of the Antilles”. During this time, large numbers of
slaves were imported from western Africa, leading to a majority-slave population in Haiti.
Haiti’s slave-lead revolution, beginning in the 1790’s, sought to ensure Haitian slaves’ right to
freedom, a right ostensibly guaranteed to all French colonies post- French Revolution. Haiti
declared independence in 1804, becoming the first republic to have led a successful slave revolt,
though France did not recognize its independence until years later. Since declaring
independence, Haiti has faced frequent hardship, including forced reparations to France, an
American military occupation, brutal dictatorships under father and son Duvalier, widespread
poverty, and plentiful natural disasters. The following sections discuss Haiti’s lakou system, an
agricultural, spiritual, and cultural model which developed from Haiti’s African roots and in
response to its slave history, as well as the right to housing in Haiti as derived from Haitian legal

5. Population of haiti
11,402,528 people
Haiti 2020 population is estimated at 11,402,528 people at midyear according to UN data. Haiti
population is equivalent to 0.15% of the total world population. Haiti ranks number 82 in the list
of countries (and dependencies) by population. 
Haiti, whose population is almost entirely descended from African slaves, won
independence from France in 1804, making it the second country in the Americas, after
the United States, to free itself from colonial rule. Over the centuries, however, economic,
political, and social difficulties, as well as a number of natural disasters, have beset Haiti with
chronic poverty and other serious problems.

6. Economy
Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere by many measures. Some four-
fifths of its population lives in absolute poverty, and as much as three-fifths of the population is
unemployed or underemployed. Haiti’s limited resource base has been depleted, first through
intensive colonial exploitation and later through unplanned development and corruption. A few
multinational corporations are active in the country.
dominates the economy, but the domestic food supply has not kept pace with demand.
As much as one-fifth of the food consumed in Haiti is imported or, sometimes, smuggled from
the Dominican Republic or the United States; the imports have lowered overall food prices in
Haiti, thereby further impoverishing the nation’s struggling farmers and compelling more people
to migrate to urban areas.

7. Main source of their product of Haiti

A mild arabica coffee is Haiti's main cash crop. Haitian farmers sell it through a system
of intermediaries, speculators, and merchant houses. Sugarcane is the second major cash crop,
but since the late 1970s Haiti has been a net importer of sugar

8. Main source of their income of Haiti

Haiti's dominant cash crops include coffee, mangoes, and cocoa. Haiti has decreased its
production of sugarcane, traditionally an important cash crop, because of declining prices and
fierce international competition. Because Haiti's forests have thinned dramatically, timber
exports have declined.

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