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1) In the performance of their duties.

European Commission officials must

a. follow instructions from the President of the European Council

b. not accept any instructions
c. follow instructions from the country where they work
d. follow instructions from the country of which they are nationals
e. follow Eu laws and regulations and the instructions of their institution

2) On the most important issues. which of the following describes the voting rules
used in the Council of Ministers?
a. simple majority
b. national veto
c absolute majority
d. relative majority
e. qualified majority +

3) What is the main source of the European Union's funding?

a. None of them

b. Defined contributions by member governments

c. Fee on foreign citizens who enter the union for business or tourism

d. Sales tax on all items purchased with euros

e. Direct income tax on citizens of EU countries

4) Members of which of the following European Union institutions are directly elected
by citizens?

a. None of them
b. European Commission
c. Council of Ministers
d. European Council
e. European Parliament +

5) Which of the following was not a part of the original common market plan?

a. Removal of customs duties between member states

b. Four freedoms
c. Common income tax +
d. Uniform tariff barrier with non-EC countries
e. Elimination of quantity restriciton

6) Which theorist is most closely associated with neo-functionalism,

a. Ernst Haas +

b. Jean Monnet

c. Stanley Hoffman

d. David Mitrany

e. Altiero Spinelli

7) The currency of which country was used as the 'anchor currency ‘in the ERM?

a. Italy
b. Germany
c. France
d. The UK +
e. Greece

8) Since 1999, the European political group with the largest share of seats has been..


b.Liberal and Democrats

c. Socialists and Democrats

d. Greens

e. European People’s Party

9) Which of the following institutions is not part of the ‘institutional triangle’ ?

a. Member state +
b. Council of ministers
c. European parliament
d. Conciliation commitee
e. European commission

10) Which of the following enlargements was the most complex for EU ?

a. EFTA enlargement
b. Northern enlargement
c. Mediterranean enlargement
d. Eastern enlargement
e. Balkans enlargement

11) Which two countries voted against the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe?

a. Denmark and Ireland

b. Czech Republic and the UK

c. France and the UK

d. France and the Netherlands +

e Ireland and the Netherlands

12) Which of the following is not a feature of the rotating presidency?

a. Presidency prepares the agenda together with the Council of Ministers.

b. Member states work in a 'presidency trio'.

c. Member states hold the presidency randomly. +

d. The presidency is a power equalizer between big and small member states,

e. The presidency rotates every six months.

13) Which of the following was not one of the three underpinning principles of the CAP?

a. Regulating agricultural production

b. Market unity

c. Community preference

d. Financial solidarity

e. Market liberalization
14) Which of the following is responsible for the

single currency?

a. German Bundesbank

b. DG for Economic and Financial Affairs

c. European Central Bank +

d. Euro area

e. National Banks

15) Under which treaty was the citizen initiative introduced

a. Maastricht

b. Nice

c. Rome

d. Lisbon+

e. Amsterdam

16) What was the purpose of the Schengen Agreement?

a. None of them

b. To allow some countries to move faster to bring down border controls

c. To allow some countries to build a common defende force +

d. To revive plans to complete the single farket

e. To revive plans to complete the single market

17) Which of the following modes of decision-making affords the European Parliament the
most power?

a. Cooperation procedure

b. Codecision procedure

c. Advise procedure
d. Consent procedure

e. Consultation procedure

18) Which of the following countries did not become a member of the Economic and
Monetary Union as of January 1, 1999?

a. Britain +

b. Spain

c. Germany

d. France

e. Italy

19) What was the original name of the European Parliament?

a. Common Assembly +

b. Council of Ministers

C. Cabinet

d. Court of Justice

e. High Authority

20) The principle of the supremacy of EU law means

a. EU law is directly and uniformly applicable in all EU member states

b. Products or services provided legally in one member states cannot be barred from another

C. All of them

d. Judges of the ECJ have the authority to interpret and issue rulings on the application of EU

e. EU law trumps national law in policy areas where the EU has responsibility

21) The currency of which country was used as the 'anchor currency' in the ERM?

a. France
b. The UK

c. Germany +

d. Italy

e. Greece

22) The Commission is the

a. parliament

b. body which represents the national governments

C. grand chamber of judiciary body

d. de facto executive of the EU +

e. body which arbitrates disputes among member countries

23) When parts of the JHA were ‘Communitarized’ by the Treaty of Amsterdam (1997), they moved
into which pillar?

A)Pillar 3

B)Pillar 1 and 2

C)Pillar 2 and 3

D)Pillar 1 +

E)Pillar 2

24) Which of the following is incorrect?

A)The Treaty of Lisbon does not contain the constitutional elements found in the Constitutional

B)The Treaty of Lisbon replaces all existing treaties

C)The Treaty of Lisbon adopts the Charter of Fundemental Rights

D)The Treaty of Lisbon increases the power of the European Parliament

E)The treaty of Lisbon provides the EU a legal personality

25) The presidency of the European Council currently has a term of

A)five years
b)four years

c)two-and-a-half years

d)six months +

e)one year

26) Which of the following state has the possibility to be excluded in terms of Schengen?





27) Which of the following is the agreement that largely abolishes national borders within the
European Union?

A)Barcelona Treaty

B)Lisbon Treaty

C)Rome Treaty

D)Schengen Treaty

E)Amsterdam Treaty

28) Which European Union institution brings together the heads of state and government- such as
presidents and prime ministers- of EU member countries?

A)European Court of Justice

B)European Council +

C)European Comission

D)Council of Ministers

E)Council of Europe

29) In the qualified majority system of the Council of Ministers, the number of votes given each
country is roughly determined by


B)population +
C)military power

D)the year the country joined the EC

E)one vote per country

30) How does the Treaty of Lisbon affect the democratic credentials of the EU?
a. None of them
b. It weakens them.
c. It leaves them unchanged.
d. It strengthens them.+
e. It has no relation to them

31) Which EU institutions provide support to non-business interest groups?

A)European Commission and European Council

B)Council of Ministers and European Parliament

C)European Commission

D)European Council and European Parliament

E)European Commission and European Parliament +

32) With respect to the economic crisis, four of the folowing are correct. Which of the following is

A)It has increased member states’ concerns about financial burdens from new member states

B)It has increased doubts about global competitiveness

C)It has slowed process of economic convergence between old and new member states

D)It has increased the EU’s attractiveness to candidate countries

E)It has worsened the fiscal position of many candidate countries

33) When did the European Union launch as currency ‘EURO’ for the public?
A)January 1, 2002

B)January 1, 1999

C)January 1, 2001
D)January 1, 1998

E)January 1, 1997

34) Who is responsible for policy implementation in member states?

A)The relevant DG

B)None of them

C)The Collage of Commissioners

D)The relevant Committee in the European Parliament

E)Member states themselves

35) Which of the following is not one of the ‘convergence criteria’ to join EMU?
A)Low interest rate

B)National central bank to be politically independent

C)No excessive public debts

D)Monetary financing compulsory +

E)No excessive budgetary deficits

36) Which of the following rights does the Commission President not have?
A)Right to finalise Commissioners portfolio allocations

B)Right to reject a member state’s selection of Commissioners

C)Right to reshuffle Commissioners portfolios

D)Right to override the Council of Ministers

E)Right to represent the Commission in the European Council

37) Which of the following did not challenge neo-functionalism as a theory of integration?
A)The ‘empty chair crisis’

B)The important role of national political leaders

C)The increasing importance of the European Parliament +

D)The emergebce of liberal intergovernmentalism

E)the pace of integration during 1970s and early 1980s

38) In which of the following areas does the Commission not enjoy agenda-setting powers?
A)Trade policy

B)Justice and Home Affairs

C)Enviromental policy

D)Common Foreign and Security Policy +

E)Employment policy

39) Which of the following is the EU body that strives to prevent mal-administration and ensure
good governance in the EU administration?

A)President of European Parliament

B)European Ombudsman +

C)Intergovernmental Council

D)High Commissioner

E)President of European Commission +

40) Under the ordinary legislative procedure which two institutions ‘co-decide’ EU law?
A)Council of Ministers and European Parliament +

B)European Commission and European Parliament

C)European Council and Council of Ministers

D)Council of Ministers and European Court of Justice

E)European Commission and European Council

41) The European Central Bank was modelled after the

A)United Bank of Europe

B)Bank of England

C)Bundesbank of Germany

D)Federal Reserve Bank

E)Bank of France

42) Which of the following statements is not true of president of the ECJ?
A)S/he assigns cases to chambers

B)S/he is politically independent

C)S/he is subject to little political or public scrutiny

D)S/he is elected by the Council of Ministers

E)S/he is presides over meetings of the Court

43) What was agreed under the Barcelona process?

A)Strengthening of ties between the EU and the United States

B) Strengthening of ties between the EU and its North African/Middle Eastern neighbours +

C) Strengthening of ties between Eastern Europe and the EU

D) Strengthening of ties between the EU and countries in South America

E) Strengthening of ties between the EU and Russia

44) Complete the phrase: ‘With respect to the College of Commissioners over the years the power of
the European Parliament has..’

A)…. İncreased +

B)…. Decreased

C)…. Remained steady

D)…. Remained the same

E)….. fluctuated considerably

45) Which respect to classical intergovernmentalism, which of the following is considered ‘low

A)Matters in the political sphere

B)Matters in the economic sphere +

C)Matters of national sovereignty

D)Matters in the foreign policy sphere

E)Matters in military sphere

46) Who are the members of the EU Summit, which is the highest political body of the
a. Head of state or government

b. Foreign ministers

c. Members of the Commission +

d. Members of the European Parliament

e. Representatives of applicant states

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