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1st lec Pharmacology notes

Chronic Kidney Disease B. Treating the underlying Pathologic Manifestations

❑ (CKD) is progressive, irreversible kidney damage ➢ Anemia: Erythropoiesis-stimulating agent (ESA) such as
characterized by decreased estimated glomerular filtration epoetin alfa and epoetin beta.
rate (eGFR) or evidence of kidney damage for at least 3 ➢ Hyperphosphatemia: Dietary phosphate binders and dietary
months. phosphate restriction.
❑ The loss of renal function may be due to: ➢ Hypocalcemia: Calcium supplements with or without
• Previous episodes of acute renal failure with subsequent long calcitriol.
term kidney damage. ➢ Hyperparathyroidism: vitamin D & its analogues, or
• Diseases which cause progressive deterioration of the calcimimetics.
kidney: ➢ Metabolic acidosis: Oral alkali supplementation.
✓ Primary kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis). Medications Commonly used for (CKD) Patients
✓ Secondary disorders such as diabetes, hypertension, or ➢ Vitamins: water soluble.
auto-immune disorders. ➢ Phosphate binders: Calcium, Aluminum hydroxide, given
consequence of loss of kidney functions: with meals.
▪ Anemia: ➢ Iron Supplements: don’t give with phosphate binder or
✓ Erythropoietin deficiency calcium.
▪ Toxic wastes products will accumulate in the body: ➢ Antihypertensives: Atenolol, Metoprolol, Amlodipine and
✓ Creatinine ACE inhibitors.
✓ Urea, and ➢ Erythropoietin (EPO): to increase formation of RBCs.
✓ Drug metabolites ➢ Calcium Supplements: Between meals, not with iron.
▪ Electrolyte disturbances: ➢ Activated Vitamin D3: aids in calcium absorption.
✓ High potassium Arrhythmias. ➢ Antithrombotic drugs- Tinzaparin.
✓ Low calcium Osteoporosis and myopathies. ➢ Sodium bicarbonate: to maintain acid base balance.
✓ High phosphates. ➢ Quinine sulphate: It is used to minimize muscle cramp
▪ In the early stages of chronic kidney disease, there may be because some patients on dialysis may experience muscle
few signs or symptoms. cramp on or between the session.
▪ Chronic kidney disease may not become apparent until
➢ Pain-killers: Paracetamol but Ibuprofen and Diclofenac only
kidney function is significantly impaired.
after discussion with the physicians.
▪ Chronic kidney disease can progress to end-stage renal
➢ Blood thinners: Aspirin, Clopidogrel and Dipyridamole (to
failure, which is fatal without artificial filtration (dialysis) or a
reduce the consistency of the blood may help dialysis line).
kidney transplant.
▪ Treatment for chronic kidney disease focuses on slowing the ➢ Antibiotics: to prevent infection that may result due to
progression of the kidney damage, usually by controlling the dialysis.
underlying cause. Hematopoietic growth factors
Chronic kidney disease management ➢ they are glycoprotein hormones that regulate the
Delaying the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor
Treating the Pathologic Manifestations of Chronic Kidney cells in the bone marrow.
Disease ➢ Tissue hypoxia induces the production of endogenous
Renal replacement therapy (RRT) erythropoietin (EPO) by the kidney.
A. Delaying progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) ➢ In anemic state, more EPO is produced, signaling the bone
➢ Treatment of the underlying conditions if possible. marrow to produce more red blood cells.
➢ Blood pressure control. ➢ In patients with chronic renal failure, kidney is unable to
➢ Hyperlipidemia control by antihyperlipidemic drugs. produce EPO and thus external supplementation of EPO
➢ Glycemic control by antidiabetic drugs. supplementation is needed.
➢ Avoidance of nephrotoxins, including intravenous (IV) radio ➢ Erythropoietin (EPO) is a glycoprotein produced in
contrast media, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents juxtatubular cells in the kidney and also in macrophages, it
(NSAIDs), and aminoglycoside antibiotics. stimulates committed erythroid progenitor cells to proliferate
and generate erythrocytes.
➢ Use of renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blockers among
patients with diabetic kidney disease (DKD) and proteinuria.
➢ Epoietin (recombinant human erythropoietin) exists in 2. Iron Products
several forms (alpha, beta, theta and zeta). ▪ Oral preparations:
➢ Methoxy polyethylene glycolepoetin beta is another e.g. Ferrous sulphate, succinate, gluconate or fumarate.
preparation with long half-life. ➢ Ferrous sulfate is used as a building block for hemoglobin
➢ Darbepoetin, a hyperglycosylated form, has a longer half- synthesis in patients of CKD with anemia.
life and can be administered less frequently. ▪ Parenteral preparations: e.g. Iron sucrose, Iron-dextran
1. Hemopoietic Growth Factors ➢ Iron sucrose is used to treat iron deficiency anemia (in
➢ EPO alpha: Epoetin alpha is an isoform of recombinant conjunction with erythropoietin) in patients.
DNA-derived erythropoietin (rEPO), synthesized in Chinese ▪ Dialysis also leads to iron deficiency due to:
hamster ovary (CHO) cells. ✓ Blood loss during the dialysis procedure,
➢ EPO beta: Epoetin beta is also synthesized by CHO cell lines ✓ Increased erythropoiesis, and
and differs from epoetin alpha in containing: ✓ Reduced absorption of iron.
I. a greater proportion of more basic isoforms, Adverse effects (Iron products)
II. a greater proportion of EPO binding to Erythrina cristagalli ➢ Oral iron adverse effects are dose-related and include
lectin or agglutinin (ECL/ECA), and nausea, abdominal cramps and constipation.
III. isoforms with higher in vivo: In vitro bioactivity. ➢ Parenteral iron can cause anaphylactic reactions.
➢ Note: ECL/ECA binds to carbohydrate structure in ➢ Iron is an important nutrient for several pathogens and
membrane and serum glycoproteins of mammalian cells.❑ there is concern that excessive iron could worsen the clinical
EPO is the first human hematopoietic growth factor to be course of infection.
isolated. ➢ Iron treatment is usually avoided during infection for this
❑ It is a glycoprotein hormone that regulate the proliferation reason.
and differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor cells. 3. Phosphate binders
Site of action: ▪ Excess of phosphate in blood is removed by normal kidney.
❑ EP receptors (EPO-R) on red cell progenitors. ▪ In CKD, kidneys fail to remove phosphorus from the blood
Mechanism of action (MoA): resulting in hyperphosphatemia.
❑ It binds to EPO receptor and brings about the ▪ High phosphorus levels can cause damage to the body and
phosphorylation of protein (JAK/STAT) and activation of pulls calcium from bones and thus bone becomes weak.
transcription factor to regulate cellular function such as ▪ Phosphate Scavengers are used to reduce phosphate level
stimulation of erythroid proliferation and differentiation. and they act only in the gut to reduce phosphate absorption
Darbepoetin alfa: from the gut.
➢ Darbepoetin alfa is a modified EPO that is more heavily Sevelamer hydrochloride
glycosylated as a result of changes in amino acids. ▪ It is a polymeric phosphate binder for oral administration,
➢ Darbepoetin alfa has a 2-3-fold longer half-life than Epoetin does not contain aluminum (i.e., non-aluminum). and thus,
alfa. aluminum intoxication not a concern.
➢ Methoxypolyethyleneglycol Epoetin beta is an EPO isoform ▪ Sevelamer is not absorbed from the gut and has an additional
covalently attached to a long polyethylene glycol polymer. effect in lowering low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol.
▪ Mechanism of action: it prevents the absorption of
➢ This long-lived recombinant product is administered as a
phosphate by forming an ionic and hydrogen bond with
single intravenous or subcutaneous dose at 2-week or monthly
phosphates and bile acids to promote fecal excretion.
▪ Adverse effects: gastrointestinal (GI)
Adverse effects
disturbances.Lanthanum carbonate
o Transient influenza-like symptoms are common.
▪ Non-calcium, non-aluminum phosphate binder
o Hypertension is also common and can cause encephalopathy
Mechanism of action:
with headache, disorientation and sometimes convulsions.
▪ It directly binds to dietary phosphorus in the upper
o Iron deficiency can be induced because more iron is required
gastrointestinal tract forming insoluble lanthanum phosphate
for the enhanced erythropoiesis.
complexes, thereby inhibiting its absorption.
o Blood viscosity increases as the haematocrit (i.e. the fraction
Sucroferric oxyhydroxide
of the blood that is occupied by red blood cells) rises,
▪ Iron-based, calcium-free phosphate binder.
increasing the risk of thrombosis, especially during dialysis.
Mechanism of action:
▪ Dietary phosphate is adsorbed in the gastrointestinal tract
and eliminated in the feces.
4. Vitamin D & its analogues 5. Calcimimetics
▪ Vitamin D (Vit D) & its analogues are recommended in ▪ They mimic calcium at the parathyroid hormone (PTH)
patients with CKD stages 3-5 with elevated serum parathyroid receptor and reduces PTH levels.
hormone (PTH) levels. ▪ Calcimimetics enhance the sensitivity of the parathyroid Ca 2+-
▪ Vit D increases the serum calcium level by promoting the sensing receptor to the concentration of blood Ca2+
absorption of calcium from the intestines and thus decreases , with a consequent decrease in secretion of PTH and reduction
PTH levels. in serum Ca2+ concentration. (See figure 6)
▪ Calcitriol or 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (abbreviated 1,25- Etelcalcetide
(OH)2- ▪ MoA: Calcimimetic agent, allosterically modulates the
D3) is the active form of Vit D found in the body (vitamin D3). calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) and enhances activation of
▪ Vit D and/or Calcitriol is used in patients with kidney disease, the receptor by extracellular calcium. Activation of the CaSR on
who are unable to synthesize active Vit D.▪ In humans, there parathyroid chief cells decreases PTH secretion.
are two important forms of Vit D, termed D2 and D3: Cinacalcet
1. Dietary ergocalciferol (D2), derived from ergosterol in plants ▪ MoA: Cinacalcet directly lowers intact PTH levels by
and foods. increasing the sensitivity to extracellular calcium of calcium-
2. Cholecalciferol (D3), generated in the skin from 7- sensing receptors on chief cells of the parathyroid glands. It
dehydrocholesterol by the action of ultraviolet irradiation also results in a concomitant decrease in serum calcium.
during sun exposure, or formed from cholesterol in the wall of
the intestine.
▪ Cholecalciferol is converted to calcifediol (25-hydroxy-Vit D3)
in the liver, and this is converted to a series of other
metabolites of varying activity in the kidney, the most potent
of which is calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxy-Vit D3) (see figure 5).
▪ Alphacalcidol is a Vit D analogue (1-alpha-hydroxy
▪ It does not require activation by the kidneys.
▪ Alphacalcidol is indicated for the treatment of secondary
hyperparathyroidism in patients with CKD.
▪ Paricalcitol is a synthetic Vit D analogue that binds and
activates Vit D receptors in the kidneys, parathyroid glands,
intestines, and bones.
Mechanism of action (Vitamin D)
▪ Vit D and its active form (calcitriol) increases the synthesis of
Calbindin (Ca2+ carrier protein) and thus enhances the
absorption of calcium and phosphate from intestine.
▪ Vit D /Calcitriol → binds to cytoplasmic
receptor → translocates into the nucleus → increase synthesis
of specific mRNA →regulation of protein synthesis.
Adverse effects (Vitamin D)▪ Vit D at normal doses usually has
no side effects.
▪ Too much Vit D can cause harmful high calcium levels and
can be manifested as: nausea/vomiting, constipation, loss of
appetite, increased thirst, increased urination, mental/mood
changes, unusual tiredness.
▪ A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare. symptoms
of a serious allergic reaction, including: rash, itching/swelling
(Especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness,
trouble breathing.

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