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Text A. Text B.


ho'hss gd his finger on fie builon' Whof h o poporozzo? Whot is the
often fight obout whot to wofch on iournolist ond o pcporozzo?
TV ond who usuolly wins?

Remember the time when thete was no such thing as ... You can't see them . But they'te there,lurking outside
a remote conttol fot the telly and you had to haul the hotels of Majorca, reconnoitering the beach clubs
youtself out of the atmchait to change channels? Now of the French Riviera, eavesdropping it ritzy
everything is about to change agin with a new voice- restaurants ftom Madrid to Monte Cado, hidingbehind
activated method. evergreens in St Moritz and palm treQin St Tropez.
The idea is that instead of pressing buttons, we will be
able to channel-hop simply by shouting commands at Taking pictures is the least of their work, and many
the set, which vrill react using "voice recognition". aren't even vefy good photographers. 'I have no talent
"Channel One, you'orrible litde telly'', gets you BBC1, for photography,t admits Rostain, who together with
and so on. Can you imagine the chaos throughout the Mouron nevertheless earns 1.5 million francs year
Iiving rooms of Britain if this thing catches on? Atleast pddlsg snapshots of all the right people doing ^all the
with the zappet there is only one person in charge of wrong things. 'Papatazzi aten't supposed to do quality
the set at a time. As fat as f can make out, using this photogaphy, but to get exclusive documents.'
technique, vrhoevet shouts the quickestvdns. There'll
be my husband bellowing'three, thtee, thfee', for the ReaJ papanzzi, that is - not celebrity photogtaphers,
news, the kids screaming'six, six, six'for Sky, and me who work with the consent of theit subjects, whether
shouting at it to switch itself off. At which point the imolicit or exolicit. ReaI oaoarrzzi xe a r^re breed:
set will pr@bably have a bteakdown. Life was so much about a dozeneach in Ftance, Italy and SP^itt, fewer in
simpler when the set stayed on the same channel for Britain. Even so, the competition is cutthroat. To
tfuee days because no one could be bothered to get uP
survive p^pxazzo must be intrePid, diligeng well-
connected - and patient. A true scoop. such as the
and change it.
one that linked the Duchess of Yotk to her financial
adviser, takes weeks, sometimes months, of

To haul - to pull youtself up, out of sth; To peddle - to go ftom place to place, trlng to sell
To bellow- to shout loudly, especidlyin lowvoice;
a sth;
Stalking - following someone ovet a pedod of time Implicit - suggested or understood without being
(usually in order to or kill them); stated &ecdy;
To hrk- to vrait s ec.retl;rrr:s'.a.lly Expticit - expresed in away that i's rrety clear anA Aitect'
because you are going to do somethingwrong Intrepid willing to do dangerous things or go to
To reconnoitet - to try to find out the position and size
of the enemy's atmy, for example by flying planes over
land where their soldiets are;
To eavesdtoP - to listen sectedy to other people's
conversations; about it.

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