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About the Zaouli dance

•This African dance style is traditional to the Guro people

•Each Guro village has a dancer that represents the vi9llage, this dancer is always

•This dance is traditionally preformed at celebrations and funerals, it is also a

symbolism of unity for the villages.

•This dance includes an incredible amount of leg/foot work, and their upper body
is practically still, it appears as if the dancer only moves their legs without
moving the upper body at all.

•Zaouli originates in the region of Bouaflé on the Ivory Coast. Until the
formation of Zaouli the Guro culture was relatively obscure on the
anthropological map of Ivory Coast.

•To perform this dance the male dancers must wear a mark, metal bells
and raffia ankles around the ankles.

About the dance of Adumu

•This is a tradition followed by the Maasai tribe people of East Africa.

•This traditional dance is a jumping competition between all the men

in the village, this dance is also only performed by men.

•The aim of this dance is to jump the highest, and however does

•Adumu is a Maasai word for jump and used in certain contexts it

means to jump up and down in dance.

•To perform the adumu warriors form a circle, one or two at a time
will enter the circle and begin jumping while maintaining a narrow
and stiff posture. It is very important that they never let their heels
touch the ground. members of the group will raise the pitch of their
voices based on the height of the performers jumps.

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