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Zagazig University

Faculty of Engineering
Computer and Systems Engineering Dept.

Artificial Intelligence
4th Year Computer and Systems Engineering Dept.

 Sheet 4: Knowledge Base Agent

 Sheet 5: Propositional Logic

Eng. Ahmed Abdelbasit Mohamed

Dr. Amr Ahmed Zamel

November, 2020
Sheet IV
Question 1:
Choose the correct answer

1. The sentence 𝐴 ⇒ 𝐵 is equivalent to ………..

a) ¬𝐴 ˄ 𝐵 b) ¬𝐴 ⇒ ¬𝐵
c) ¬𝐵 ⇒ ¬𝐴 d) Both (a) and (c)

2. Having the two rules; (𝐴 ⇒ 𝐵) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 (𝐶 ⇒ 𝐴) we can conclude the rule saying ………..
a) 𝐵 ˅ 𝐶 b) ¬𝐵 ˅ 𝐶
c) ¬𝐶 ˅ 𝐵 d) None of the above

3. α ⊧ β if and only if ………..

a) (𝛼˄¬𝛽) is valid b) (𝛼˄¬𝛽) is unsatisfiable
c) (¬𝛼˄𝛽) is valid d) (¬𝛼˄𝛽) is satisfiable

4. (A ⟺ B) is equivalent to ………..
a) (A ⇒ B) ˄ (¬B ⇒ ¬A) b) (¬A ˄ B) ˅ (¬B ˄ A)
c) ¬(A ˅ B) ˅ (A ˄ B) d) None of the above

5. A sentence α is satisfiable if and only if .........

a) 𝛼 is true in all models. b) ¬𝛼 is satisfiable
c) 𝛼 is true in some models d) both (b) and (c)

6. Wumpus world environment is described as …….

a) Partially observable and static b) Stochastic and discrete
c) Episodic and Discrete d) Both (a) and (b)

7. Inferencing using Truth Table method is …….

a) sound and complete b) sound but incomplete
c) not sound but complete d) neither sound nor complete

8. Which of the following sentences is valid …….

a) (A ˄ B) ⇒ (A ˅ B) b) A
c) (A ˄ B) ⟺ B d) (A ˅ B) ⇒ (A ˄ B)

Questions 9 - 13 are based on the following data:

Consider a knowledge base containing the following set of rules:

 R1: If there is a traffic jam (T), I will be late (L) for school.
 R2: If it is hot (H) or there is an accident (A), there will be a traffic jam (T).
 R3: I won’t go shopping (P) if and only if I am sad (S).
 R4: if I am late for school (L), my teacher becomes angry (G) and I will be sad (S).
 R5: There is an accident (A).
9. Using the truth table inferencing, the number of all possible models equals …….
a) 256 b) 512
c) 2084 d) None of the above

10. R2 can be translated or equivalent to ……..

a) (H ˅ A) ⟹ T b) (H ˄ A) ⇒T
c) (¬H) ˅ (¬A) ˅ T d) Both (a) and (c)

11. R3 can be translated or equivalent to ……..

a) (P ⇒ S) ˄ (S ⇒ P) b) (¬P ˅ S) ˄ (¬S ˅ P)
c) (P ˅ S) ˄ (¬S ˅ ¬P) d) Both (a) and (b)

12. The knowledge base entails …….

a) (H ˄ G) b) (¬H ˅ G) ˄ S
c) (H ˄ S) d) None of the above

13. The knowledge base entails …….

a) (H ⇒ S) b) ¬H ˄ L
c) (¬ A ˄ S) d) both (a) and (b)

Questions 14 & 15 are based on the following data:

Consider a knowledge base containing the following set of rules:

 R1: If I eat spicy food (S), then I have strange dreams (D).
 R2: If there is thunder while I sleep (T), then I have strange dreams.
 R3: I did not have strange dreams.

14. Translate each sentence into propositional logic rules.

15. Prove that the knowledge base entails “I did not eat spicy food”.

Questions 16 is based on the following data:

Consider a knowledge base containing the following set of rules:

 R1: 𝐵11 ⟺ P12 ˅P21
 R2: ¬𝐵11

16. Prove that KB ⊧ ¬𝑃12

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