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In this educationl statistics, the discussion will be about:

1.What is statistics

a. Based from Robert d. mason, douglas a. lind and William g. marchal : Statistics is the body of
techniques used to facilliate the collection organization, presentation, analysis and
interpretation of data for purpose of making better decisions.
b. Longman Dictionary:
Statistics is a collection of numbers which represent facts or measurement.
c. Webster:
‘Statistics are the classified facts representing the conditions of the people in a state especially
those facts which can be stated in numbers or in tables of numbers of in any tabular or classified
d. A.L. Bowley:
Statistics are numerical statements of facts in any department of enquiry placed in relation to
each other.
e. H. Sacrist:
“By statistics we mean aggregate of facts affected to a marked extent by multiplicity of
causes, numerically expressed, enumerated or estimated according to reasonable stand-
ard of accuracy, collected in a systematic manner for a predetermined purpose and
placed in relation to each other.

From the above definitions it can be said that statistics is:

- Numerical facts which can be measured enumerated and estimated.
- Facts are homogeneous and related to each other.
- Facts must be accurate.
- It must be collected systematically.

f. Lovitt: Statistics is that which deals with the collection, classification and tabulation of
numerical facts as the basis for explanation, description and comparison of phenomena.

2. The role of statistics

3. Kinds of statistics

There are two kinds of statistics :

1. Descriptive statistics methods used to describe the data that have been collected.
2. Inferential statistic is a decision, estimate, prediction, or generaliziton about a population based
on sample evidence.

Inferential statistic methods are concerned with determining something about population.
- Population is a collection or set, of individuals, object or measurement whose properties are
- Sample is a portion od part of the population of interest
4. Correlational Research (single and Multiple correlation research)

5. Experimental study (t-test)

6. One way Anova

7. Factorial Design (ex: 2x2 Anova)

To comprehend those topics, Please read the books shared (for half semester). for the second half
semster, The discussion will be focusing on the application of the topics number 3 to 7)

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