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The AutoCAD user interface was designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. Even if you are at the beginner’s level for AutoCAD, you should still be able to
easily navigate through the software.

Upon first opening the program, you can either do the following:

Start drawing from a template of your choice

Open a recent latest project you’re working on or search for it on your computer drive
You can also log into A360 Connect from this screen.

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1. Quick Access Toolbar

In above window you are not able to See Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) and Workspace tabs is because above window is not in Maximize mode. So,
if you are unable to see Works space and QAT then press Maximize window tab. By default this window have some tabs like: New, Open, Save ,
Save All, Plot , Undo and Redo. You can Customize this QAT by pressing down key tab next to Workspace list. Also, alternatively you can Right
Click on Ribbon (8) tabs and Add any Tabs to QAT

2. Ribbon Tabs

Below QAT you will find all Ribbon Tabs available in this Workspace. Default Works Space is ‘Drafting and Annotation’. Different Ribbon tabs offers
different Ribbon panels depending on your work.

3. Search

You can search any commands or information by entering any keywords or Phrase

4. External Links

Which is also called INFORMATION CENTER which links to AutoCAD 360

5. Help… 2/5
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Help tabs link with help file you can search help content also other information as below. You can change setting for display Welcome Screen here.
You may also access this by pressing “F1”.

6. Title Bar

Here you will see your Drawing file name which is open currently

7. Application Menu Button (AutoCAD Logo)

This AutoCAD application menu offers different options along with Default QAT options as below.

8. Ribbons

This is your main Toolbar area where you will find all Tabs in panel format arranged as per their use Ribbon is consists of panel. Some panel is
associated with Dialog boxes which can be used by pressing bottom right corner arrow tab of panel.
You can change ribbons Minimized to tabs, Panel Titles, Panel Buttons or |Cycle through all.

9. File Tabs… 3/5
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You can add new Drawing Files by pressing icon on File tabs or if you want to switch between Model and Layout tabs then hover mouse cursor over
File tab name and a preview will be shown as below then select correct Layout.

10. Viewport Controls

This is on Screen View port controls form where you can change AutoCAD views and Visual Styles to different options as below.

11. View Cube

Through view Cube you can see Drawing Elements from different view direction, and you can rotate view.

12. WCS

Below View Cube you can select WCS or Create new Co-coordinating system.

13. Navigation Bar

This Navigation bar you can locate on different side of AutoCAD window. This contains some additional tools like Pan

14. Drawing Area/ Graphics Area

This is main area of Model where you will create new Drawing elements. This is infinite space area.

15. Command Line

Another way to use AutoCAD features is o run command from Command line. This command line setting option are as below:

16. Model and Layout Tabs

This tab used for Model and Layout tabs. You can Create, Rename and Delete Layout tabs from here. Also, you change location of Model and
Layout tabs to status bar by Right click and select option to hide.

17. Drawing Settings… 4/5
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This is application Station bar which consist of different settings. You can toggle to on and off these icons. This also contains Models, Annotation,
and some additional settings. This is available in Drawing window status bar.

18. X & Y Axis

Shows the orientation of your Axes as seen in the drawing.

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