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Sentence Writing 1 (KWL Strategy)

►Smooth flow of the class.
►Teacher’s mastery of the subject matter.
►The teacher was presentable and the instructional material was appealing.
► The pupils were active and cooperative in the given activities.
► The teacher knows how to communicate effectively with her pupils.
►Video editing quality
► The camera angle was not able to capture the facial expressions of both teachers and pupils.
► Technicalities must be observed.
►Use stabilizer in recording video and maximize the space.

Rhyming Words 2 (Center-Based Learning Approach)
► The strategy was well-implemented since the centers enable the pupils to interact.
► The voice of the teacher was loud and clear. Her energy overflows along the pupils. The teacher has a story to
present the lesson. She was always supervising/observing throughout the activities.
► They have a lot of fun activities that made the pupils learn more even better. The pupils are so hands-on in
their activities, they were cooperative and they actively participate to the given activities.
►Lacking some parts of the lesson plan.
► Use name tag and use different camera angles to capture different facial expressions of both teacher and pupils.
►Provide more opportunities for individual participation, not just by group, in order for them to express their
answers personally.
► Use PPT instead. Not just by editing and sharing it for the video presentation’s sake or for the viewers eyes
only. For learning outcomes of the pupils matters the most, so you can integrate high technology for the best
learning outcome.
► The learner’s classroom must be conducive for them. So, the pupils should have their chairs for the them to
relax and become more comfortable in their body position during the learning process.

Dolch Basic Sight Words (4A’s with Song Integration)
► The class went successful and the strategy was utilized effectively.
► The classroom was conducive for teaching and learning.
► The teacher displays proficient use of mother tongue to facilitate learning and demonstrates mastery of the
► The teacher asked appropriate and varied types of questions to develop critical and creative thinking.
► Utilized instructional materials properly and efficiently.
► The teacher delivers an engaging lesson that inspires the pupils to learn and communicates her pupils
► The teacher conducts activities that was appropriate to the pupil’s capability.
►This teaching demonstration has an effective routine. The pupils were able to do the things with the help of the
teacher’s effective instructions.
►The lesson objectives were not stated by the teacher in the video presentation.
► Lacking some improvement of instructional materials.
►At the middle part of the discussion, it can be seen that the pupils were out of energy.
►The camera angle were not capturing the facial expressions of both teachers and pupils.
►The responses of pupils were sometimes not audible,
►The teacher’s energy were not matched with the pupils.
►Present the lesson objectives at the beginning for the pupils to know already what they need to achieve or learn.
► Have a clear beginning, middle, and end to your lesson.
- ►Plan techniques like to give follow up questions to ensure that the pupils are learning.

Vocabulary Lesson: On the Road K- Inductive Method
► The lesson objectives were clearly stated.
► The teacher communicates with the pupils effectively.
► The teacher conducts activities that were appropriate to the pupil’s capability
►The participation of the pupils was maximized. They were attentive and cooperative.
► The pupils were able to give their ideas and interact with the teacher.
► Organized and systematic flow of lesson and discussion
► The teacher displays proficient use of mother tongue to facilitate teaching and learning.
► Demonstrate mastery of content and the classroom was conducive for teaching and learning.
► Good technology integration.
► The camera angle was not able to capture the facial expressions of both teachers and pupils.
► The chart was too small to see from the viewers.
► The voice was not that so clear and loud, maybe because of the camera that was too far from the cellphone
used in recording video.
► Lessen the hand gestures
►Be flexible. If the pupils were not yet ready to begin with a new topic, try to discuss it again to them.
►Minimize the way the teacher gestures her hands, because it was distracting and the learners will surely focus
on her movements rather than to the lesson.

Letters of the Alphabet (5E’s with Science Integration)
►The teacher’s voice was really convincing to the point that it can already awake the sleepy heads of the pupils.
►Mastery of the lesson was present
►The gestures and facial expressions of the teacher were there.
► Shows creativity and resourcefulness
► The teacher was well prepared as well as the instructional materials. She knows how to communicate
effectively with her pupils.
►The learning environment was not that conducive for learning.
► The class area or surrounding might be distractive to the pupils because it was an open space.
► Less cooperation of the pupils.
► Technicalities must be observed.
►Decorate the room to become more presentable, catchy or interesting for the pupils to learn and to have a
conducive learning environment.
► Use enough teaching tools for the pupils to learn more even better.

Group 2

Strengths- The teacher states clear and precise objectives to the class, conducive learning environment, there was good
pupils’ participation, the teacher gave clear directions, logical presentation and explanation, the teacher clarified
misconceptions immediately and displayed authority also demonstrate mastery of content within and/or across subject
areas. The teacher also displays tenderness in facilitating the pupils, good integration of past to new lesson, used
verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies, motivated and kept learners’ attention and interest. The whole
classroom was utilized and the teacher conducts appropriate assessment/ evaluation Show the teacher creativity and
resourcefulness, utilizes instructional materials properly and efficiently , and manages learners’ behavior constructively

Weaknesses- some words or visual materials placed on the board may not be readable form students at the back,
PowerPoint presentation was not displayed at the actual demonstration but it was just inserted through the video
editing, the lighting still needs improvement, the camera distance was too far, the seating arrangement is not
Recommendation/s: Improve the sizes of the displayed visual aids especially at the review part so the texts
would be readable from the students at the back, improve the video lighting, it would also be better if the
camera placed not too far, and improve the seating arrangements and provide chair if possible.

Group 3

Strengths- The strategy were utilized, the classroom was conducive for teaching and learning, the teacher gave
clear directions, logical presentation and explanation, displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue or English to facilitate
teaching and learning, demonstrated mastery of content within and/or across subject areas, asked appropriate and varied
types of questions to develop critical and creative thinking, used verbal and non-verbal classroom communication
strategies, conducted appropriate assessment/ evaluation. The teacher creativity and resourcefulness were showed, she
integrates materials (examples, cases, simulation), utilized instructional materials properly and efficiently, the teacher is
also gentle to her students, the teacher also roomed around the classroom, she is motivative and full of energy, and there’s
good technology integration.

Weaknesses- The children are sometimes unengaged. The lesson objectives were not stated by the teacher.
There’s only one camera angle and is too far, the faces of pupils were not seen, the responses of pupils were
sometimes not audible.

Recommendation/s: State the lesson objectives before the lesson proper, use rewards or other strategies to
capture the students’ interests. Use various angles for video taking so that the class flow would be clearly
observed and make sure that the students’ responses would be audible.

Group 4

Strengths- The teacher used contextualization and/or differentiated activities appropriate to learner's need like
paraphrasing some questions and directions. The teacher displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino or English
to facilitate teaching and learning, demonstrated mastery of content within and/or across subject areas, the classroom was
conducive for teaching and learning. The classroom is conducive for teaching and learning. The class flow was organized
and systematic and they observed some health protocols.

Weaknesses- Activities are sometimes fast-pacing for little children, the camera angle is only one so sometimes
the teacher wasn’t seen, the pupils’ faces were also sometimes not visible, some visual aids are not readable from

Recommendation/s: Consider the coping abilities of little children in giving time limitations, use differentiated
camera angle and make sure that the pupil’s responses would also be audible, and improve the visual materials
that it could be readable from afar.

Group 5


The teacher prepared relevant and appropriate learning tasks and activities, stated clear and precise objectives to the class,
integrated past to new lesson, and gave clear directions, logical presentation and explanation. The teacher displayed
proficient use of Mother Tongue or English to facilitate teaching and learning, she also used differentiated activities
appropriate to learner's needs, demonstrated mastery of content within and/or across subject areas, used verbal and non-
verbal classroom communication strategies, motivated and kept learners’ attention and interest, and conducted appropriate
assessment/ evaluation. The teacher’s creativity and resourcefulness were showed and the teacher also utilized
instructional materials properly and efficiently. Moreover, the teacher’s skill in facilitating the pupils was excellent and
the pupils’ participation was very good.

Weaknesses- The class environment is somehow distracting for teaching and learning, there was no ICT
integrated, and the camera was sometimes not stable.

Recommendation/s: It would also be better if there is ICT integrated and a stable and varied camera angle. Also,
it would be better the demonstration teaching be conducted to a conducive place for teaching and learning.

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