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Film Pitch
• Sci-Fi : the genre would become clear further
on into the film but from the opening
sequence with the scientist the film is hinting
at it becoming a sci fi film.
What is it about
• A butler who decides enough is enough and goes
through the forbidden door, he works a scientist and
the scientist said “don’t go through that door.”….he
went through it and goes through the space time
continuum and lands back in the sixties but only for a
short time. He finds he keeps going through the door
and going back to places in his life…
• Gets addicted to going back, then things in the future
change, lands back in house families different, house is
different, friends are no longer friends etc but he is
addicted and continues to go back to try and get old
life but it is impossible and the man get lost in time.
Where is it set
• The setting of the film will be in the England
countryside in a big manor house, where the
scientist lives with his servant butler.
• Sci-fi – the whole film will involve science fiction. The film
will go above the laws of science
• Time travel – will be the main theme of the film. It will be
involved in every sequence of the butlers memory
• Regret – everyone has regrets which people would like to
go back and change. This theme will allow people to show
that some regrets are meant to happen to go on with life.
• Changing your past to improve your future – when the
butler travels to his past he will realize he will have the
opportunity to change events so he can have a better
• Struggle – the butler has struggled with his life since he
was a little child and never appreciated what he had.
Films message
• Don’t try and change past, don’t get stuck in
your past you will never get out of it
Target Audience
The audience were are targeting our
film towards are Old Age Pensioners.
As our film is Science fiction, we
struggled to come up with a story line
for out film that would attract the old
aged pensioners. After a lot of thought,
we recognized that the film would
engage elder people more if we
embedded a message into it, hence the
moral being the past is the past and
everything happens for a reason,
everything that has happened in your
life makes you the person you are

The main character in our film is an

elderly man played by Robert De Niro
which is a well known name in the film
industry and as he is older our target
audience could relate to him and
potential relate to the character.
Opening sequence
What happens
• The opening sequence follows the butler in his
odd jobs before the scientist wakes, with
narrative talking about his work, saying how
long he has worked there, how the scientist
annoys him (so the audience know to hate the
scientist) etc until the scientist comes in
bragging of his work and reminding the butler
never to go in “the room”.
Specific Moments
• Childhood – bullied most of the time
• 18th birthday – met his future wife however
his dad dies in a car crash
• 23 – struggles to get a job and has his first kid
but can’t provide
• 30 – 35 – Problems with his marriage
• 45 – Car crash with family and the only onw
who survives.
Does it introduce the characters
• the main protagonist (the butler) would be
immediately introduced and then so would
the scientist afterwards.
• What is the style – a cinematic style with artsy
filming like in Tree of Life but still folowing the
story of a character and the inner message.
• What is the mood – The mood of the film will
change from the opening sequence, at the
beginning the mood will be cold and dark shown
by the lighting and film look ( colours faded or
darker) but once the butler travels back in time to
a happy past with higher saturation of colours and
warm lighting.
• Is it interesting/engaging idea – Any film following
someone's story is engaging because the audience
will wonder what is going to happen next and will
be hooked because of this.
• We plan to advertise this film through film
posters being placed in places OAP’s would
see i.e. Film Posters at Bust Stops, on bill
boards, and a trailer on day time tv.
Any questions?

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