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This portfolio is on the theme “environment”. The researcher’s study however, was based
on how climate change affects the environment. In accordance with Oxford Advanced
Learner’s Dictionary, the term ‘climate’ refers to the weather conditions prevailing in an area
in general or over a long period, while the term ‘change’ is defined as to make or become
different. The portfolio also incorporates an original piece, written in the prose type, in the
form of a narrative.

The portfolio also consist a preface which gives an analysis of the purpose of writing the
story entitled “How the Climate Stole Christmas”. The preface also looks at the intended
audience, the circumstance and the basis of selecting them. There is also an analysis that
evaluates the original narrative, amidst detail emphasis on dialectal variation and language
registers. The exposition will assess how climate change affects the environment. The
researcher discussed the effects of climate change what affects it. An overview of the
effectiveness of the source, and analyzed the context and medium on the reliability and
validity of the information.

The portfolio serves to enlighten the audience about what causes climate change and the
effects of climate change on the environment. Personally, it interests the researcher because
of the condition in the environment; the researcher also wishes to inform the audience that
such an issue exist.

Academically, the portfolio satisfies the criteria of the internal assessment of the
communication studies course the portfolio has also enlightened the researcher and is
anticipated that the theme and topic selected will not only be entertaining but informative to
the readers.

The narrative “How the Climate stole Christmas” is about a young boy, Thomas who loved
and enjoys Christmas with his mother but because of the change in climate he could not have
the same experience he wanted to have like the previous years. The story reaches its climax
when Thomas’s mother, Marcia, died while Thomas and Marcia went at an old pond to ice

The researcher wrote the story with the objective of bringing a few important points. The
first purpose is to provide an understanding of the effects climate change has on the
environment, negatively. Finally, it provides encouragement to everyone who might treat the
environment harshly to take care of the environment and it will take care of us.

The targeted audience is intended to be from teenagers and adults. Considering that all they
contribute widely to the change in the climate. Both would be liable to be aware of the
situation, as most of them may have experienced some effects of climate change.

The reflective piece entitled “How the Climate Stole Christmas” will be presented at a
general gathering of both teens and adults. There are a number of reasons why the researcher
chose this method; first, it provides a non-verbal, as well as verbal message, using visual and
auditory means to better bring across the story. Also it would be more entertaining as
opposed ro printed documents or just a speech.

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