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Nama : Chitra Ayu Triyani Wijaya

NIM : 2020rb11004
Tugas : Exercise 1, Task 2 & Task 3
Matkul : Grammar II
Dosen : Ms. Sherly Gaspersz, S.Pd,. M.Pd


1. Big round eyes.

2. A really challenging moment.
3. A white round Parisian hat.
4. A white Parisian hat.
5. A beautiful jacket made in Italy.


1. My father buys a new shiny car.

Modifier: buys a new shiny car
Head: car

2. I like a small Japanese house because it looks tranquil.

Modifier: a small Japanese
Head: house
3. Wall Climbing is an extremly dangerous sport and it needs special equipment.
Modifier: extremly dangerous sport
Head: Wall Climbing

4. After an accident, she cannot walks without a walking sticks.

Modifier: cannot walks without
Head: walking sticks

5. In the forbidden city, we can find a plethora of hidden treasure.

Modifier: the forbidden
Head: city

A. Part 1

1. Chatty Girl
2. Grumpy Boy
3. Adorable Child
4. Scary Dog
5. Tasteless Chili
6. Rich Family
7. Beautiful Flower
8. Hot Coffee
9. Expensive Dress
10. Fresh Water

B. Part 2

1. Book Store
2. Grammar Book
3. Rabbit Hutch
4. Jimmy’s Kitchen
5. Walking Library
6. Aircraft Engine
7. Cup of Tea
8. Vegetarian Burger
9. Million Dreams
10. Pencil Case

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