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Nama : Chitra Ayu Triyani Wijaya

Semester : 2

Tugas : Tell your daily rooutine! (Attention for the using of letter and punctuation)

Matkul : Grammar II

Each morning, I wake up at 6 am. I get ready for the day by washing my face, doing my hair
and makeup done.

If it is a Monday, Wednesday, while I wait for my 2 pm class to start I usually playing a game.
And when class is over, I go back to my room to do more assignment, clean for room
checks, which are on Tuesdays, or watch some videos on YouTube. At 19.00, I go to dinner,
and usually end up sitting and hanging out there for an hour. Then it’s back to my room for
more homework. On Mondays,. I’ll start getting ready for bed around 07.00 am, and am
usually in bed at 23.00.

If it is a Tuesday or Thursday, I go straight to my mom saloon. Right after that, I usually join
the class meeting at 2pm. When that class is over, I have two hours. I’ll go get lunch and
then read and study after that. After that, I go back to my home, do more studying or watch
some videos, and then dinner is at 19.00. When I get back to my room, it’s more reading for
school, and then I take a shower on these nights. Then I get ready for bed at 23.00 and am
in bed by00.00. On Friday nights, I stay up even later, usually watching Korean dramas.

Saturdays, I sit in my room and do school work pretty much all day, unless I decide to go
for a. These nights, I also stay up late watching shows on the computer. On Sundays, I get
up around 9. Lunch with my friends is at 12, and then we go our separate ways to do

It’s lit.

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