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The Associated Students of the University of

Hawai’i’-West O’ahu 10th Senate of Kapolei

General Meeting 22-005

Date of Meeting: Thursday, August 5, 2021,
11:00 am - 1:00 pm via Online

1. Call to order at 11:04 AM by Gabby N.

2. Roll Call / Establish Quorum / Note Taking

Proxies: Alan I. for Shu
Note Taking: Thank you to Coral G. and Alan I. for taking notes / minutes as Kylie in Kylieʻs
absence for the current meeting.

Absent Excused Tardy Present Executive Board

President Gabby Navalta
Vice President Shu
Secretary Kylie Matsuda
Treasurer Aubrey Schmidt

Absent Excused Tardy Present Constituency Senators-At-Large

Distance Learning Vacant

Absent Excused Tardy Present Constituency Senators

Senior Class Kealohi Leleo
Junior Class Cassie Hardin
Sophomore Class Vacant
Freshman Class Ilikea Gold
Business Administration Vacant
Creative Media Vacant
Education Vacant
Humanities Vacant
Math and Sciences Vacant
Public Administration Vacant
Social Sciences Coral Garcia

Absent Excused Tardy Present Assignments Ambassadors

Student Caucus 1 Vacant
Student Caucus 2 Vacant
Student Caucus 3 Vacant
Social Media Coordinator Vacant
DE Hawaii Island Representative Alan Iwasaki
DE Maui County Representative Vacant
DE Kauai Representative Vacant

1 2 _ 6 Quorum Established: Yes 6 (1)/9

Student Life Coordinator Rouel Velasco

General Meeting 22-002 Agenda Approved on 08/05/2021 by the 10th Senate of Kapolei.

The Associated Students of the University of
Hawai’i’-West O’ahu 10th Senate of Kapolei

Faculty Advisor Vacant

Assistant Faculty Advisor Vacant

3. Open Forum Guests - None

4. Approval of Agenda and Minutes

4.1 Agenda for Meeting 22-005

Motion by Aubrey S.
Second by Kealohi L.
Vote -
Ayes: Unanimous
Nays: None

4.2 Minutes for Meeting 22-004

Motion by Coral G.
Second by Aubrey S.
Vote -
Ayes: Unanimous
Nays: None

5. Check-in and Ice Breaker

6. Internal Reports

6.1 President [Gabby N.]

- Conversations with Rouel for next steps for the Senate as the school year
begins: Special elections, trainings, and University business
- First meeting date for VCA Search Committee slated for 8/12 at 1pm
- Continue working on presentation for Fall 2021 Convocation
- Monitoring emails for ASUHWO and President related correspondence
6.2 Vice President [Shu]
- Stepped down from The Director for the Institute of Engaged Scholarship
- Communicated with Cassie about potential bonding activity for the Senate
before the school year begins
6.3 Secretary [Kylie M.] - Not present in a meeting to make a report.
6.4 Treasurer [Aubrey S.]
- Received Budget Status Reports (BSR) and uploaded them into her Drive and
Finance folders in the 10th Senate Drives as well
- Purchases approved and passed by the last Senate are finally going through
and being purchased; these transactions will be reflected in the August BSRs
that Aubrey will receive in September
- Aubrey will continue to upload Senate financials when she receives them
6.5 Advisors [Rouel V.]
- Met with Senators individually to cover what responsibilities they have and to
answer any questions they may have
- Will be sending readings and asynchronous training for Senators to complete

General Meeting 22-002 Agenda Approved on 08/05/2021 by the 10th Senate of Kapolei.

The Associated Students of the University of
Hawai’i’-West O’ahu 10th Senate of Kapolei

on their own time or during office hours - LINK TO TRAINING MATERIALS

- Opportunity to volunteer at Food Distribution Saturday morning August 7
- Flavors of UHWO from Monday August 9 through Friday August 13; thank you
to Kealohi L., Cassie H., and Gabby N. for volunteering to connect with students
Wednesday morning August 11.
6.6 Standing Committee Reports
6.6.1 Budget & Finance [Aubrey S.] - Have not met yet; no report
6.6.2 Activities [Kylie M.] - Thank you to Cassie H. for stepping up and leading
the Activities Standing Committee in Kylieʻs absence.
6.6.3 Legislative [Shu] - Have not met yet; no report
6.7 Ad Hoc Committee Reports
6.7.1 Elections Committee - Senators are welcome to be on the Ad Hoc
committee temporarily through Fall special elections.
6.7.2 Transition Committee
6.8 Senators Reports
6.8.1 Distance Learning - N/A
6.8.2 Senior Class [Kealohi L.]
- Kealohi concluded her work with the UH General Education Redesign
team and will share the draft with the rest of the Senate by the ending
of September for ASUHWO feedback
- Shared the “Guiding Principles” symbol/logo for the redesign team
6.8.3 Junior Class [Cassie H.]
- Currently working with Shu on the potential bonding activity; shared
ideas with President Gabby, VP Shu, and Advisor Rouel and received
approval to start finding what times work best with people before
school begins; will send a When2Meet link to distinguish what times
are best for senators to meet
6.8.4 Sophomore Class - N/A
6.8.5 Freshman Class [Ilikea G.] - Not present in the meeting to make a report.
6.8.6 Business Administration Division - N/A
6.8.7 Creative Media Division - N/A
6.8.8 Education Division - N/A
6.8.9 Humanities Division - N/A
6.8.10 Math and Sciences Division - N/A
6.8.11 Public Administration Division - N/A
6.8.11 Social Sciences Division [Coral G.]
- Communicated with Kelly over email about HTT business
- Coral may not be able to serve on the committee as she will be
graduating this Fall in December and will be absent from meetings
through the Spring 2022 semester
6.9 Assignment Reports
6.9.1 Caucus Ambassadors - N/A
6.9.2 Social Media Coordinator - N/A
6.9.3 DE Hawaii Island Representative [Alan I.]
- Alan was supposed to meet with Chancellor Benham, but it was
cancelled and Alan hopes to reschedule for a later or better time
6.9.4 DE Maui County Representative - N/A
6.9.5 DE Kauai Representative - N/A

General Meeting 22-002 Agenda Approved on 08/05/2021 by the 10th Senate of Kapolei.

The Associated Students of the University of
Hawai’i’-West O’ahu 10th Senate of Kapolei

6.10 Campus Committees Report

- Senior Staff Committee
- Faculty Senate
- Faculty Senate Student Affairs Committee
- HEERF Advisory Committee
- OER Committee
- Academic Grievance Committee
- Compliance Hui Committee
- Commencement Committee
- Health, Transportation and Technology (HTT) Advisory Committee
6.11 CSO Training

7. Unfinished Business

7.1 Federal Funding Advisory Committee Proposal - Update

7.2 Promotional Items for ASUHWO Welcome Week - Update and Discuss
7.2.1 Amendment to motion
- To include neighbor island students in receiving makana packs for
ASUHWO Welcome Week, Treasurer Aubrey, President Gabby and
Advisor Rouel proposed an amendment to the initial motion to pass
$1,000 more for the purchase of school materials that will be included in
the makana pack. Alan officially made the motion to pass $3,000 and
Aubrey seconded.

Motion by Alan I.
Second by Aubrey S.
Ayes: Unanimous

7.2.2 Volunteers for Welcome Week (Aug 23-26, set up at 9AM and shifts
between 10AM - 1PM)
- Volunteers are needed for Welcome Week. Set up to begin at 9 AM and
events start at 10 AM with one hours shifts until 1 PM.
- Volunteers are also needed the week before to prepare for Welcome

8. New Business

8.1 Vacant Positions (Update), Special Elections Calendar, and To-dos

8.1.1 Appointment Process

8.1.2 Special Election Calendar
8.1.3 Senator To-dos
- Advisor Rouel emailed senators a list of the vacant appointed and elected
positions and calendar. A possible concern if no one applies for the positions.
Kealohi shared a student government promo video done by LCC which
resulted in several applications. Trying to get positions filled in October. Action
items become important as posting for positions must occur 10 days before
elections. Rouel will email materials for senators to review regarding

General Meeting 22-002 Agenda Approved on 08/05/2021 by the 10th Senate of Kapolei.

The Associated Students of the University of
Hawai’i’-West O’ahu 10th Senate of Kapolei

responsibilities of student government. Asynchronous info will also be posted

and opportunities for interactive discussions will be coordinated. The Ad Hoc
Elections Committee will meet for action.

8.2 Fall 2021 Office Hours; Platforms? Online, In-Person, Hybrid? - Discuss
- Senators were polled to determine office hours. The ZOOM Virtual Frontdesk
will be used from 10am until 2pm for Senators who chose to have that block of
time for office hours. Discord may be utilized for hours outside of Virtual
- Due to the surge of positive COVID-19 cases and new variants being discovered,
in-person office hours may be off the table to mitigate the spread of the virus.

8.3 General Senate Meeting Schedule - Initial Discussion

- In addition to Senators who have submitted their office hours and availability,
senators were polled as to the best time for the General Senate Meetings
- A quick survey that included those who were present at the meeting found
that Wednesday mornings may work the best for the majority.
- This item will be brought back to the table until all senators come to an
agreement to consider the best time for the GSMs

8.4 Ordering ASUHWO Shirts; quantity and sizes (3L, 1XL) - Discuss
- Senators were polled as for their size preference. Rouel and Aubrey will work on
the ordering of ASUHWO shirts as soon as everyone submits their size.

9. Announcements and Open Forum

9.1 Save the Dates

- Thursday August 12, 11 AM - 1 PM
- Flavors of UHWO week of August 9 - 13
9.2 Reminders
- Promotion and Recruiting (Social Media/Discord and Caucus Ambassadors)
- An initial discussion of ASUHWO branded items will take place at the next
- Conversations about UHWO accreditation will take place once communication
from Administration comes to the senate
9.3 Member To-Dos:
9.4 Committee To-Dos:

10. Adjournment

Motion by Alan I.
Second by Kealohi L.
Vote -
Ayes: Unanimous
Nays: None

Meeting Adjourned at 12:57pm by Gabby N.

General Meeting 22-002 Agenda Approved on 08/05/2021 by the 10th Senate of Kapolei.

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