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Exercícios em Particípios

‫וִַּיְׁש מְעּו אֶת־קֹול י ְהוָה אֱֹלהִים‬ And they heard the sound (voice) of
the LORD God walking in the garden
in the cool of the day. (Gen. 3:8)
‫מִתְ הֵַּלְך ַּבָּגן לְרּו‌ַח הַּיֹום‬ E eles ouviram o som do Senhor
andando no jardim no espírito
(vento) do dia.
‫ֹׁשפְֵך ַּד ם הָָאדָ ם ָּבָאדָ ם ָּד מֹו יִָּׁש פְֵך‬ One shedding the blood of a human,
by a human shall that person’s
blood be shed; for in his own image
‫ְּבצלֶם אֱֹלהִים עָָׂשה אֶת־הָָאדָ ם‬ ֣ ֶ ‫ִּכי‬ God made humankind. (Gen. 9:6)
Derramando o sangue de um
homem, pelo homem seu sangue
será derramado, porque na imagem
de Deus ele fez o homem.
‫ַועֲתַ ְלי ָה מ ֶ ֹ֣לכֶת עַל־ה ָ ָ֣א ֶרץ‬ Athaliah reigned over the land. (2
Kgs. 11:3)
E Atalia reinando sobre toda a terra

‫ְוק ְָראּו ָלהֶם עַם־ה ַֹּ֣קדֶ ׁש ְּגאּולֵי י ְהוָה‬ And they shall call them the holy
people, the redeemed of the LORD.
(Isa. 62:12)
E eles os chamarão povo santo
redimidos do Senhor
‫הֲֹׁשפֵט ָּכל־ה ָ ָ֣א ֶרץ ֹלא יַעֲֶׂשה‬ Shall not the judge of all the earth
do justice? (Gen. 18:25)
Julgando toda a terra com justiça
‫ִּכי ֹלא־ ָע ַז֣בְָּת ד ְֹרֶׁש ֣ יָך י ְהוָה‬ For you, O LORD, have not forsaken
those who seek you. (Ps. 9:11 [Eng.

‫וְהּוא נִכְָּבד מִֹּכל ֵּבית ָאבִיו‬ Now he was honored above all his
father’s household. (Gen. 34:19)

‫ּו ְקב ְַרֶּת ם א ֹתִ י ַּב ֶּק ֣ בֶר אֲֶׁשר אִיׁש‬ And you shall bury me in the tomb
in which the man of God is buried.
(1 Kgs. 13:31)
‫ָהאֱֹלהִים קָבּור ּבֹו‬
‫ר ֹדֵ ף צְדָ קָה ו ָ ָ֣חסֶד י ִ ְמצָא חִַּיים‬ He who pursues righteousness and
mercy will find life, righteousness,
and honor. (Prov. 21:21)
‫צְדָ קָה ְוכָבֹוד‬
ֵ ‫ְּת הֹום־אֶל־ְּת הֹום‬ Deep calls unto deep. (Ps. 42:8 [Eng.

‫הֲָׁש מַע עַם קֹול אֱֹלהִים מְדַ ֵּבר‬ Has a people heard the voice of God
speaking from the midst of the fire
as you have heard? (Deut. 4:33)
‫ֲֶׁשר־ָׁשמעְָּת אַָּת ה‬
ַ֣ ‫מִּתֹוְך־ ָהאֵׁש ַּכ א‬
‫ִּכי כָל־ֵּביתָ ּה ָלבֻׁש ָׁש נִים‬ For all her household is clothed is
scarlet. (Prov. 31:21)
‫ּו ְמ ַה ְללִים לַיהוָה יֹום ְּביֹום ַה ְלוִִּים‬ The Levites and the priests praised
the LORD day by day. (2 Chr. 30:21)

‫ְוהַֹּכ ֲהנִים‬
‫ָּברּוְך אַָּת ה ְּב נִי דָ וִד‬ Blessed be you, my son David! (1
Sam. 26:25)

‫ִׁש מְעּו ֵאלַי ר ֹדְ פֵי ֶצ֣דֶ ק ְמבְַּקֵׁשי‬ Hearken to me, you who pursue
righteousness, you who seek the
LORD. (Isa. 51:1)1
‫י ְהוָה‬

1 Page H. Kelley and Timothy G. Crawford, Biblical Hebrew: An Introductory Grammar, Second Edition. (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans
Publishing Company, 2018), 264–266.

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