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Activity 1: Research

Arabian Nights Entertainment

 The Dog and the Ass

The thousands and one night

The Arabian Nights, also known as The Thousand and One Nights,
Arabic Alf laylah wa laylah, is a collection of mostly Middle Eastern
and Indian stories of unknown provenance and date. Its tales of
Aladdin, Ali Baba, and Sindbad the Sailor have practically become
part of Western legend, despite the fact that they were only
introduced to the collection in European versions in the 18th
century. The stories—fairy tales, romances, legends, fables,
parables, anecdotes, and exotic or realistic adventures—are set
within a frame story, as they are in much medieval European
literature. It takes place in Central Asia, or "the islands or
peninsulae of India and China," where King Shahryar kills his wife
and those who have betrayed him while he is away. The
expressions "A Thousand Tales" and "A Thousand and One..." were
clearly intended to convey a high number, and were only later
interpreted literally when stories were added to make up the total.

Confucius' Life

Confucius was born near the close of the Spring and Autumn Period
(770–481 BCE) in Chinese history. His home was in Lu, an eastern
Chinese regional state in what is now Shandong province's center
and southwestern regions. Lu, like other regional states at the
period, was linked to the Zhou dynasty's imperial court by history,
culture, familial ties (dating back to the dynasty's inception, when
relatives of the Zhou emperors were enfeoffed as heads of the
regional states), and moral obligations. Confucius was forthright
about his upbringing. He said that he could not enter government
employment as readily as young men from renowned families
because he was "poor and from a humble station," and so had to
become "talented in numerous menial things" (Analects [Lunyu],
9:6). He first found work with the Jisun clan, a hereditary dynasty
whose main members had served as primary counselors to the
monarchs of Lu for decades. A series of low-level roles with the
Jisuns, including keeper of granaries and livestock and district
officer in the family's feudal domain, led to higher-level
appointments in the Lu administration, first as minister of works
and later as minister of crime.

Activity 2: ESSAY
Confucianism's worldly concern is based on the concept that
humans are basically good, and that they may be taught, improved,
and perfected via personal and communal effort, particularly self-
cultivation and self-creation. The cultivation of virtue in a morally
organized environment is central to Confucian theory. And I can say
that for me this would probably the universal in Confucius teaching
because many of us were able to perform this kind of thing. And
also emphasizing the importance of order and harmony as an ideal.
Confucius highlighted the importance of living in peace. He
proposed a society based on effective government and
interpersonal ties. Age was prioritized in the system, and only
friends were treated equally. He saw government as everyone's
noble duty since good governance would provide happiness to the
The cautious seldom err
It is derived from the Latin word cautus, which meaning "careful" or
"observant." People that are cautious take their time, make
thoughtful decisions, and never "throw caution to the wind." All of
this caution may seem tiresome, but as Confucius observed, "the
careful rarely wrong." Caution should be used at all times in order
to reduce the risk of making a mistake. But how far should you go
with care in your daily life? It is critical to apply caution in order to
avoid damage, accidents, and other situations that may endanger
your life or the lives of others, particularly in the event of an
accident. However, depending on the situation, prudence should be
exercised on a case-by-case basis. To avoid losses in business,
vigilance is essential. But, as another adage goes, "fear of danger
never wins," because you can't learn without making a mistake or
several blunders first. You must go through a lot of trial and error in
order to succeed. I recall (again) auntie, who I remember as being
extremely cautious and slow to make judgments. She used to tell
me that he missed up on a lot of possibilities because he was afraid
of losing everything if it didn't work out. In her daily existence, she
is "extra cautious." Because of this, her blunder was not due to a
lack of prudence, but rather to the fact that she anticipated failure
even before she began...and as a result, possibilities slid from her
grasp and never returned until she died. She was brave enough to
express her fear of starting anything, and as a result, he is unable
to move forward. I'm the polar opposite of her. I don't know how
many times I've stumbled, but I keep getting back up to where I
When we see men of worth, we should think of equaling them,
when we see men of contrary character, we should and examine
"When you see a good person, think of being like her/him," says
another version. Consider your own flaws when you observe
someone who isn't doing so well." As a result, the longer form of
the saying encourages us to think about how we may improve
whenever we see someone who is better than we are. This would
most certainly include people who are doing well financially,
spiritually, emotionally, or physically. When we come across
someone who isn't doing as well as we are, the second half of the
longer quote encourages us to look inward. The categories would be
the same, but the procedure would be different. It also discusses
introspection, or self-examination, as a method of assessing our
flaws. This is the most essential thing we do in our lives, in my
opinion. Some could argue that getting married or starting a family
is more essential than getting married. However, I believe that
without introspection, you can never truly understand who you are.
Take a time to think about that. How do you enter any relationship,
let alone a marriage, if you don't know who you are? And how could
you raise children or accomplish anything else in life if you didn't
know who you were? If you don't know who you are, how likely are
you to make a poor decision? You develop control over yourself by
asking yourself questions, delving into who you are and why you
believe, feel, or think the way you do. You have complete control
over what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of.
Instead of stumbling through life, you get to design it.


1. We learn to value words and their power when we study literature.

Through the texts they study, they go to other worlds and eras. We
are aware of their own and others' cultures. We also learn to think
about things from different angles and to appreciate the complexities
of human nature. Furthermore, as we build our own perspectives
about topics in our readings, we foster a sense of individuality and
originality in Literature. We also gain confidence by learning
persuasion abilities, which require us to persuade others of our
2. Yes, I have learned so many things and spot the differences between
the two. I had fun exploring their literature because their work is quite
different from our literature.

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