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1 THE MAKING OF CITIES Bor, Waking 307.1216 Hill

3 Ethnic segregation in cities Peach, Ceri 307.3 ORD
4 The making of the English landscape G. 712 and
5 A Theoretical approach to rural land-use patterns William C. 333.76 Arnold
6 Planning Law in western Europe Ed. 352.09 Holland
7 Modern sociology Peter. Ed. 301 Books
8 The study of urban history Ed. 307.76 Arnold
9 Class and conflict in industrial society Ralf 301.4442 & Kegan
10 Aging and the perception of speech Moe. Emeritus 618.9778 y Park
12 Introducing sociology Peter. Ed. Roy. 301 Book
13 Planning for public transport R. 385.942 n & Co.
14 Cases and materials of planning law Michael 352.942 Maxwell
15 Urban sociology G. Ed. 307.76 Publicatio
16 Mathematics for geographers and planners Wilson, A. G. Kirkby, M. J. 510 Universit
17 Planning law and procedure Telling, A. E. 352.942
18 The City region in Western Europe. Robert E. 307.76094 Routledge
20 Interdependent development Harold . Ed. 338.9 & Co.
21 Readings in urban sociology Ed. 307.76 press
22 Community studies Bell, Colin Howard. 22 Allen &
23 Land and leisure Carlton S. 790.068 & Co.
24 Homes, towns and trafrfic Tetlow, John Anthony 711 Faber
25 The west european city Robert E. 711.40914 Routledge
26 Economics and land use planning Harrison, A.J. 333.7 Helm
27 Cities in transformation Morris 307.76 y of
28 Man and environment Arvill, Robert 301.3 Books
29 Cities Harvey 307.76 Books
30 Class in a capitalist society John Henrietta 303.3880942 Books
31 Social inequality Andre. Ed. 305 Books
32 Construction social theories Arthur L. Robert K. 303 Brace &
34 The biology of agricultural R.W. 574.5264 press
35 Introducing Economics B. J. G.P. 330 Books
36 Power, Property and corporatism James. 323.1 Macmilla
37 Resource conservation W. Ed. Walter, Ingo. 333.72 Longman
38 Great Planning disasters. Hall Peter. 771.7 ld and
39 New Perspectives in urban change and conflict Michael 771.5 n
40 Planning procedure tables D 309.212 Pub.
41 Housing Policy David. 301.54 Books
43 Countryside planning W. 711.3 & Co.
44 Countryside planning W. 711.3 & Co.
45 Self-help housing a critique M. 363.58 pub.
46 Land use Rhind, David Hudson, Ray 333.7 Methuen
48 Survey Research practice ald Roger 1.433 n
52 The concise Townscape Gordon 728.1 Afrchitect
53 Comprehensive transport planning Wells, G. R. 380.5 Griffin &
54 Comprehensive Transport plannling Wells, G. R. 380.5 Griffin &
55 The science of wealth Carter, C. F. 330 Arnold
56 The science of wealth Carter, C.F. 330 Arnold
57 The Urban Question Manuel. Alan. Tr. 307.76 Arnold
58 The Urban Question Manuel. 307.76 Arnold
60 The city in history Lewis 307.7609 Book
61 The west European city Robert E. 711.40914 & Kegan
62 The Human consequences of Urbanisation Berry, Brian 307.76 n
63 Small is beautiful E. F. 330 Briggs
64 Underdevelopment and development Henry . Ed. 330.91724 Books
65 Urban and Regional planning Hall, Peter. 71,130,941 Books
66 The social order of the slum Gerald D. 307.76 Universit
67 The local Government act 1972 Baker, 352 ths
68 The Law and administration relating to protection Alastair 628 Oyez pub.
69 Rural resource development C. Willis, K. G. 333.73 & co.
70 Urban and Regional planning J. Brian. 711.4 Faber
71 Cities of peasants Bryan. 301.361098 Arnold
73 Buildings and society Anthony D. 720 Routledge
74 Shelter need and response E. 301.5409172 Wiley
75 Urbanization in contemporary Latin America Ed. 307.76098 Wiley
76 Regional Development in Britain Gerald. David%Rodg 330.21201 Wiley
77 The politics of urban change David H. W. 309.2620941 Helm
78 Brithish regional development since world war I Christopher 330.941082 Methuen
79 Urban planning in a capitalist society Gwyneth. 333.770941 Helm
81 The History of Urban and regional planning Anthony 16.30926209 London
82 Listed buildings Roger W. 344.20434 Maxwell
83 Rural development putting the last first Robert. 305.5609172 Longman
84 Remaking cities Alison 309.262094 Helm
86 Housing Economics and public policy Robison, Ray 338.4730155 n
87 Project appraisal and policy review Timothy. Ed. Derrick. 301.31 Wiley
88 The social impact of oil Robert. 306.3 ge and
89 Community planning and conceptions of change Marris, Peter. 307.12 Routledge
90 The Urban Transport Future Ed. Roy. 380.50941 ion Press
92 Social justice and the City David. 305.5 Arnold
93 Social justice and the city d, 305.5 Arnold
94 Social Justice and the city David 305.5 Arnold
95 Urban Transition John Robert, 307.76 Arnold
96 The urban transition John. Robert. 307.76 Arnold
97 The Urban Transition John. Robert. 307.76 Arnold
98 Environmental planning 1939 - 1969 J. B. 711 Majesty's
99 Rational techniques in policy analysis Micheal
100 Analysis and decision in regional policy Ed. 338.9 Pion Ltd.
101 Developments in urban and regional analysis J. 307.76 Pion Ltd.
102 The Soviet City H. 301.3610947 Arnold
103 Meaning and behaviour the built environment Geoffrey. 720 Wiley
104 Rural settlement in the an urban world Michael. 307.72 Helm
106 saving old buildings Sherban Susan 720 Architect
107 Between basti dwellers bureaucrats Ed. Van der. 307.336 press
109 Movement in cities W. M. 388.40941 Methuen
110 Spatial patterns of office growth and location W. Ed. 658.21 Wiley
112 Rural housing Michael. Marilyn. % 363.50942 Allen &
114 Essays on housing policy J. B. 301.540941 Allen &
116 Town and country planning in Britain J. B. 711.0941 Allen &
117 Town and country planning in Britain J. B. 711.0941 Allen &
118 Location in space E. Peter 330.9 Row
119 Location in space E. Peter 330.9 Row
120 New towns Frederic J. Arnold 309.2620941 Hill &
121 New towns Frederic J. Arnold 309.2620941 Hill &
122 A reader in planning theory Andreas. Ed. 309.21201 Press
123 Evaluation in the planning process Nathanid
124 How to solve problems Wayne A. 511 Freeman
125 Transportation planning policy and analysis M 380.5 Press
126 A nature conservation review Derek. Ed 333.950941 e
127 A nature conservation review Derek. Ed. 333.950941 e
128 The Law and administration relating to protection A. 352 Publishin
129 Town and country planning in Britain J. B. 711.0941 Allen &
131 Policy in urban planning Willam. 309.262 Press
133 A systems view of planning George. 711.01 Press
134 Rural resource development C. Whillis, K.G. 333.73 & Co.
135 Rural planning problems Gordon E. 711.5 Hill
136 The home of man Barbara. 307.76 Books
137 The Anatomy of Decisions Moore, P.G. Thomas, H. 658.4033 Books
138 What happened in history Gordon 909 Books
139 Man and Environment Robert. 301.3 Books
140 Man and Environment Robert. 301.3 Books
141 Only one earth Barbara. Dubos, Rene. 300 books
142 Cities Harvey. 307.76 Books
143 Celebration of awareness Lllich, Ivan. 370.152 Books
144 Elements of Regional Economics Harry W. 330 Books
145 Lateral Thinking Edward. 153.42 Books
146 Urban Politics Peter. 304.2 Books
147 The Homeless mind L. Brigitte % 301.04 Books
148 Decision, organizations and society Ed. % Pollitt, 301.34 Books
149 Invitation to sociology L. 301 Books
150 The death and life of great American cities Jacobs, Jane. 309.262092 Books
151 Garden cities of tomorrow Ebenezer 711.4 Faber
154 The finance and analysis of capital projects Merrett, A. J. Sykes, Allen. 658.511 Longman
155 Regional and urban economics Harry 330.9 Pitman
156 An introduction to positive economics Richard G. 330 ld and
157 Urban and regional planning Hall, Peter. 711.4 Books
159 Public planning Friend, J.K. % Yewlett, 711.4 Tavistock
160 Interdependent development Harold. Ed. 338.9 & Co.
162 Slums of hope? Lloyd, Peter. 3.01363E+11 er
163 Sub-regional planning studies M. C. 309.250942 Press
164 Cities Kingsley 301.361 Freeman
167 Design of cities Edmund N, 711.4 and
169 People and housing in third world cities Dwyer, D. J. 301.5409172 Longman
170 Local Government and strategic choice Friend, J. K. Jessop, W.N. 352.96094 Press
171 Popper Magee, Bryan 921 Fontana
172 The penguin atlas of Medieval history Colin 909.07 Books
173 Pride of place Trust, Civic 721 Trust
175 Housaing Urban America Ed. Robert. % 363.5850973 pub.
176 Descriptive and inferential statistics Herman J. Donald G. 301.028 Bacon
177 Introdluction to transportation Donald J. J. 380.5 n
180 Town and country planning J.B. 711.0941 Allen &
181 Town and country planning J.B. 711.0941 Allen &
182 Economics for a developing World Michael P. 330.91724 Longman
183 The design of subrbia Arthur M. 711.58 e Press
184 Towns in the making Burke, Gerald 711.4 Arnold
185 Urban structure Ed. 307.76 Wiley
186 Settlement planning and development Nathaniel. 333.73 y of
187 Planning and Building down under Seidler, Harry 309.2620994 y of
188 Human behavior in organizations Clifton 301 Western
189 Discovery in English Hand, John S. Wayne. 421 Brothers
190 Social system and legal process Harry M. 340.115 Bass pub.
192 Basic needs and the urban poor J. Ed. M. 362.58095 Helm
193 The modern city Francoise 711.4 Braziller
194 New towns Ervin Y. 309.262 Braziller
195 A first course in business statistics James T. George. 519.5 publishin
196 Re-thinking housing and community development William G. Sammis B. 307 y fo
197 Re-thinking housing and community development William G. Sammis B. 307 y of
200 Studying cultures Speas, Joyce % 301.2 Division,
201 Towns in societies Philip. Ed. A. 301.363 e
202 The Architecture and planning of milton keynes. Derek. 720.942591 Architect
203 Ecoscience R. Anne H. % 301.32 Freeman
204 People and housing in third world cities Dwyer, D. J. 301.5409172 Longman
205 City, class and capital Michael. Elizabeth. 306.76 Arnold
206 Geography and the urban environment Ed. J. 910.09 Wiley
207 For pedestrians only Roberto. Gianni 711.551 Library of
208 The Urban climate Helmut E. 551.5091732 Press
209 Skylines Wayne. 720 Wiley
210 An introduction to urban renewal Michael S. Michael J. 711.5 n
211 Continuous city planning Melville C. 352.960973 Wiley
213 Planning in the Soviet Union Pallot, Judith J. B. 711.0947 Helm
214 Managerial economics Hague, D.C. 650 English
215 Planning cities Evans, 711.4 and
216 Survey manual for comprehensive urbanplanning Jerome R. Alberta Z. 711.3 y of
217 Will you not think Riyazul 501 y Grants
218 Applied statistics Neter, John William 519.5 Bocon,
219 Sociology David 301 Hall
221 Politics, planning and the city Michael 352.008 n
222 The city and the grassroots Manuel. 305.513 Arnold
223 Urban and Regional planning Hall, Peter, 711.3 Books
224 Urban and Regional planning J. Brian. 711.4 Faber
225 Introducting Economics B. J. 330 Books
226 Land, law and planning Patrick. 309.212 ld and
227 Housing problems in developing countries H. % Tewfik, 690.8091724 Wiley
228 Housing problems in developing countries H. % Tewfik, 690.8091724 Wiley
229 Using models in planning Stan. 711.40724 and
230 The Dual Economy Robert T. 338.7 Norton &
231 Town and country planning in Britain J. B. 711.0941 Allen &
232 The young towns of Lima Lloyd, Peter. 309.1852 e
233 Cities, poverty, and development Gilbert, Alan. Josef. 307.7609172 Universit
234 Internal migration in developing countries Michael P. 331.5440917 Internatio
235 Popper Bryan. 921 Paperbac
236 Victorian cities Briggs, Asa. 307.760941 Books
237 Shelter provision in developing countries A. L. Hardoy, J.E. 301.5409172 Wiley
238 Sociology and social policy Peter. 301 Book
239 Urban politics Peter 306.20941 n
240 Welfare economics and urban problems Walker, Brice 309.262 n
241 Casual work and poverty in third World cities Ray. Ed. Gerry, Chris. 301.441 Wiley
243 Rural geography Michael. 307.72 Row
244 The City in newly developing countries . Ed. 307.76 Hall
246 Basic needs and the urban poor J. Ed. M. 362.58095 Helm
247 Employment, incomes and equality Labour 339.5096762 nal
248 Cost-Benefit analysis Mishan, E. J. 339.41 Allen &
249 world Development report 1981 Bank 330.91724 World
250 Statistics for the social scientist:2 applied statistic A. 310 Books
251 Urbanization and counter-urbanization 307.16 publicatio
253 Operational urban models Foot, David. 307.760724 Methuen
254 Great Planning disasters Hall, Peter 711.7 Books
256 Drought and irrigation in north-east Brazil L. 338.109813 e
257 Territory and function John Clyde 309.25 Arnold
260 Unfairly structured cities Blair. 307.3 Blackwell
263 Governing Britain H. Malcolm. 320.942 Paperbac
264 The philosophy of the social sciences Ryan, Alan 300 n
265 Interdependent development Harold. 338.9 & Co.
266 Fundamentals of human geography techniques man John Peter 304.2 Univesity
267 The principles of practical cost-benefit analysis Robert Alan 339.41 Universit
268 The Paris Basin Ian B. 944.361 Universit
269 The Moscow city regional E. Ian. 711.40947 Universit
271 Urban projects manual Forbets. Ed. Payne, Geoff 711.4 HMSO
273 1983 compendium of CIB working commissions Council for CIB
274 Census report of Islamabad Population 312.9547 Division
276 District census report of Multan Population 312.9547 Division
278 District census report of Faisalabad Population 312.9547 Division
279 District census report of Vehari Population 312.9547 Division
281 District Census Report of Quetta Population 312.9547 Division
282 Housing census report of Punjab lation Census 312.9547 s Division
283 Housing census report of Pakistan lation Census 312.9547 n Census
284 Housing and population censuses of pakistan Population 312.9547 n Census
285 Housing and population censuses of Pakistan Population 312.9547 n Census
286 Housing and population census of Pakistan Population 312.9547 n Census
287 Towns and societies Philip. Ed. A. 301.363 e
288 Towns in societies Philip. Ed. A. 301.363 e
289 The timeless way of building Christopher 720.1 Universit
290 Livable streets Donald. 388.41 y of
291 Unfairly structured cities Blair. 307.3 Blackwell
293 The Petite bourgeoisie Frank. Ed. Elliott, Brian 301 n
295 Systems of cities Ed. W. 301.36 Universit
296 Systems of Cities Bourne, L. S. W 301.36 Universit
297 Agriculture the countryside and land use Bowers, J. K. Paul. 338.184 Methuen
298 Victorian cities Briggs, Asa. 307.760941 Books
299 Planning and profit in the urban economy T.A. & Co.
300 Interdependent development Harold. 338.9 & Co.
301 A systems view of planning George. 711.01 Press
302 Introductory rural sociology
303 The future of planning Ed. 711.2 n
304 Sub-regional planning stidoes M. C. 309.250942 Press
305 The Concise townscape Gordon. 728.1 Architect
308 Socialist planning Michael . 335.43 e
309 A reader in planning theory Andreas. Ed. 309.21201 Press
310 Territory and function John Clyde. 309.25 Arnold
311 Territory and function John. Clyde. 309.25 Arnold
312 Regional policy John. Ed. William. 309.25 Massachu
313 Regional policy John. Ed. 309.25 Press
314 Local Government and strategic choice Friend, J. K. N. 352.96094 Press
315 Cities, poverty, and development Gilbert, Alan. Josef. 307.7609172 Universit
316 Social justice and the city David. 305.5 Arnold
317 An outline of planning law Desmond 344.20643 Maxwell
318 Government and urban poverty Joan. Nicholas. 307.760941 Blackwell
319 Agroculture ( Geography ) Richard. Meyer, Iain. 338.1 Row
320 Planning and urbanism in China Jeffrey, Nick. 307.760951 Press
321 The Organiation of Space in developing countries A. J. 711.4 Universit
322 TheOrganization of space in developing countries A. J. 711.4 Universit
324 Slums of hope? Lloyd, Peter. 301.3630917 er
325 Apricot owners handbook ACT 5.1 ACT
326 Apricot configurator guide ACT 5.1 Computer
327 Apricot super cale/ super planner ACT 5.1 Computer
328 Daisy wheel printer model HR-15 instruction manual
329 Apricot super planner user Guide PCT Computer
331 The young towns of Lima Lloyd, Peter. 309.1852 e
333 Location in space E. Peter. 330.9 Row
335 The ideologies of planning law Patrick. 346.42042 press
336 Data analysis and the social sciences David. Ed. Norman. 519.5024501 Pinter
337 The finance and analysis of capital projects Merrett, A. J. Sykes, Allen. Longman
338 Questionnaire design and attitude measurements A. N. 1.433 n
339 The Development of the modern state Gianfranco. 309.25 n
340 The development of the modern state Gianfranco. 309.25 n
344 Small is beautiful E. F. 330 ABACUS
345 Understanding local Government Jeffrey. 352 Robertson
346 Growth and development P. 338.9 n
347 Theoretical perspectives on planning participation Andrew 307.78 n Press
348 Economics for a deveeloping World Michael P. 330.91724 Longman
349 Economics for a developing world Michael P. 330.91724 Longman
351 The Australian Legend Ward, Russel 994 Universit
352 The Australian legend Ward, Russel 994 Universit
353 The city Weber, Max Don. Tr. & 301.36 Press
355 Rural resource development C. Willis, K. G. 333.73 & Co.
356 Roads in urban areas Stationery ty's
357 Residential roads and footpaths Stationery ty's
360 Lahore Urban development and traffic study olitan LDA
361 Lahore Urban development and traffic study olitan LDA
362 Lahore Urban development and traffic study olitan LDA
363 Lahore Urban development and traffic study olitan LDA
364 Lahore Urban development and traffic study Wall olitan LDA
368 Land use and Living space H. 333.7 Methuen
369 The countryside Mark. 711.30941 Allen &
370 The Limits of power Andrew. 352.96 Press
371 the Restoration of Land D. 627.5 Blackwell
372 Shaping an urban World Gordon E. 711.0934 Mansell
373 Housing and planning in the countryside Clark, G. 363.50941 Studies
374 Dependent development in U K Regions with part Cooke, Philip 307.7609 y of
375 Office location and the journey to work Watters 388.4 Retailing
376 The Politics of mass housing in Britain, 1945-1975 Patrick. 363.58 n Press
377 Valued environments Ed. Jacquelin. 333.72 Allen &
378 Countryside conservation Green, Bryn. 333.76 Allen &
381 The politics of location Andrew 304.2 Methuen
384 The Ideologies of planning Law Patrick. 346.42045 Press
385 Britain's Wasting acres Graham 333.77 Architect
386 Choosing the right policy instruments Barrie. 331.137 Gower
387 Critical reading in planning theory Ed. 307.76 Press
388 Housing in capitalist societies Pugh, Cedric. 301.54 Gower
389 Mineral resources in regional and strategic plannin W, Shaw, Tim 333.8 Gower
390 Urban planning in the Third World Sarin, Madhu. 711.4095455 Pub.
391 Planning the urban region Self, Peter 711.40941 Allen &
393 Rural conservation in inter-war Britain Sheail, John. 333.760941 n Press
394 The Theft of the countryside Marion 711.3 Smith
395 Brithish cities Nigel. Andrew. 307.760941 Press
396 Planning procedures John 309.212 d Books
397 Urban planning in rich and poor countries Hugh 711.40904 Universit
398 Environmental discourse Necdet. 720.1 press
399 Consumer experience of housing Clare. Ed. Valerie 301.54 Gower
402 Great cities and their traffic Michael Books
404 Bahawalpur division development plan Planning and Environm
405 Summary of Findings and recommendations VOLVO VOLVO
406 Volvo Project progress report VOLVO VoLVO
408 Traffic conditions for buses VOLVO VOLVO
410 Bus route network VOLVO VOLVO
411 Punjab urban transport corporation VOLVO VOLVO
412 Transport and road research Laboratory D.A.C. & Road
413 Urbanization and urban planning in capitalist socie Michael. J. 301.361 Methuen
414 National urbanzation policy in developing countrie Bertrand 307.7609124 Universit
415 Urban planning practice in development contries L. 711.4 Press
416 Cities in the developing World Johannes F. Universit
418 Land, Law and Planning Patrick. 309.212 ld and
419 Successful American Urban Plans G. 307.760973 Books
420 Urban France Scargill, Ian. 307.760944 Helm
421 Urban America in the eighties perspectives and pr Donald A. 307.760973 on Books
422 France in the 1980s Ardagh, John. 309.144 Books
423 The Paris Basin Ian B. 944.361 Universit
424 The City in History Lewis. 307.7609 Books
425 Sourcebook of planning information Brenda. 711.4 Bingley
426 The Worlds of Patrick geddes Philip. 711.0924 Routledge
427 Space, Time and architecture Sigfried. 711.4 Universit
430 District census report of D.G. Khan ustucs 312.9547 n Census
431 Architecture in Pakistan Kamil Khan. 720.9547 Book
432 Spss H. 29.7 Hill
433 SPSS update 7-9 Hadlai H. 1.642 Hill
434 NRM
435 Problems and planning in third world cities Michael. Ed. 307.7609172 Helm
437 The Design of rural development Lele, Uma. 309.263096 Hopkins
438 Evaluating teaching Kenneth O. 371.144 Books
439 Planning theory and philosophy Marios. 309.2 Publicatio
440 Planning theory in the 1980s Robert W. George. 309.2120973 Urban
441 The Continuing conurbation Ed. 942.732 Gower
442 Principles of corporate finance Richard. Stewart. 658.15 Hill
444 Continuous city planning Melville C, 352.960973 Wiley
446 Housing and building control Act 1984 Majesty's 346.04 er
447 Local Government Act 1972 Majesty's 352.96094 er
449 An outline of planning law Desmond 344.20643 Maxwell
450 Housing and building control Act 1984 Stationery 346.04 Majerty's
451 Regional policy John. Ed. William. 309.25 Press
453 Roads railways bridges & Tunnels
455 Policy in urban planning William. 309.262 Press
457 An introduction to urban renewal Michael S. Michael, J. 711.5 n
458 Local Government Act 1972 Stationery 352 Majesty's
460 A guide to site and environmental planning Harvey M. 711.6
464 Fundamentals of traffic engineering Norman. H.
465 Roads Railways Bridges and Tunnels Deshpande & Suhil Kumar
466 The Punjab Local government ordinance (VI of 19 Irshad 342.09 Book
469 A Guide to site and environmental planning Harvey M. 711.6 Wiley
470 A Guide to site and environmental planning Harvey M. 711.6 Wiley
472 Housing and building control act 1984 Stationery 346.06 Majesty's
473 Housing and building control act 1984 Stationery 346.06 Majesty's
474 Housing and building control act 1984 Stationery 346.06 Majesty's
475 An introduction to regional planning Glasson, John n
476 An introduction to regional planning Glasson, John n
477 Roads, Railways, Bridges & Tunnels
478 Roads Railways, Bridgei and Tunnels
480 Fundamentals of traffic engineering Norman. H.
481 Local Government act 1972 Stationery 352 Majesty's
482 Local Government act 1972 Stationery 352 Majesty's
483 Local Government act 1972 Stationery 352 Majesty's
484 Regional policy John. Ed. William. 309.25 Press
485 Regional policy John. Ed. William . 309.25 Press
486 Regional Policy John. Ed. William. 309.25 Press
487 Public planning Friend, J. K. % Yewlett 711.4 Pub.
488 People of buena ventura douglas. 309.172912 y of
489 Analytical models for urban and regional planning Masser, Ian 711.4 Charles
490 Bureaucracy & Development in Pakistan Inayat Ullah 350.001.09547 Academy
491 The Complete estate planning guide Robert. 332.02401 Hill
492 City politics and planning Francine F. 711.4 Press
493 A communications theory of urban Growth Richard L. 307.76 Press
494 Rural settement and land use Michael. 301.35 n of
495 Manpower policies for the use of science and techn V. 331.11 Press
496 The political realities of urban planning Don T. 309.2620973 Pub.
497 Planning theory Andreas. 309.212 Press
498 Spatial aspects of development Ed. 330 Wiley
499 Spatical aspats of development Hoyle, B. S. 330 Wiley
501 Industrialization of U.S. Agriculture Howard F. 338.10973 Press
502 The Syntax of cities F. 307.76 n
503 Life course W. Ed. 305 A.
504 Hominid sites George, Jr. F. 903.1 Press
506 Cities and regions as nonlinear decision systems Robert W. 307.76 press
507 Wate and agriculturs in the western U. S. Gary D. 631.70978 Press
508 Urban and regional models in geography and plann Wilson, A. G. 771.4 Wiley
509 Urban Modelling Michael e
510 Land ownership and use Curtis, J. 343.02 Brown
511 The Levittowners J. 307.76 Books
512 McGraw-Hill's national electrical code handbook J. F. Ed. 621.30202 Hill
513 A reader in planning theory Andreas. Ed. 309.21201 Press
514 International urban growth policies Gideon. Ed. 309.262 Wiley
515 Metropolis and beyond Blumenfeld Paul D. Ed. 301.362 Wiley
516 Introduction to earth science Arthur. Konrad B. 550 Hill
517 Scaling methods Peter. 308.380287 Erlbaum
518 Auditing David N. 657.45 Western
519 Basic technical mathematics Allyn J. 510 Benjamin
520 Countinuous city planning Melville C. 352.960973 Wiley
521 Echoes of time Richard. 909 Hill
522 How cities are saved Herbert R. 711.4 Books
523 The Practuce of public relations P. 659.2 E. Merrill
524 Human societies Gerhard. Lenski, Jean. 301 Hill
525 Basic Technical mathematics Allyn J. 510 Benjamin
527 Use and Misuse of earth's surface Brian J. Ed. 304.2 Kaufman
528 Forest cover types of the United States and Canada Ed 634.90973 SAF
529 Solving life problems in consumer economics Theodore. 640.42 Hill
530 Solving life problems in community resources Donna, 301.8 Hill
531 Solving life problems in community resources M. 301.6 Trafalgar
532 Solvinglife problems in community resources M. 301.6 Trafalgar
533 Person to person Galvin & Bernard J. 302.2 Textbook
534 Real Estate principles for license preparation S. 333.33 Publishin
535 The social life of small urban spaces William H. 301.1 Conservat
536 Leading issues in economics development M. 338.9 Universit
538 Computer and statistical techniques for planners Richard S. & Co.
539 Urban planning and social policy Bernard J. Robert. 307.76 Bi\ooks
541 Accessibility Malcolm J. & Co.
542 Rural resource development C. Willis, K. G. 333.73 & Co.
543 The Quest for community David C. Allen &
544 Remote sensing and image interpretation Thomas M. Ralph W. 621.367 Wiley
545 New directions for institutional research Eugene C. Marvin W. 370 Bass Inc.
546 The political economy of urban transportation Delbert A. James V. 388.40973 Press,Nati
548 Urban transport appraisal Jones, Ian S. Macmilla
549 Toward an understanding of metropolitan America Research 301.360973 Academy
551 Countryside planning W. 711.3 & Co.
552 Countsryside planning W. 711.3 & Co.
553 Urban development in Australia Neutze, Max 309.2620994 Allen &
554 The Political economy of urban transportation Delbert A. James V. 388.40973 Press,
555 Basic needs and rural development Ed. % Azim , M. 307.72 Academy
556 Elements of Regional economics Harry W. 338.9 Books
557 Public representation in environmental policymaki Sheldon. 363.739456 Press
559 Restructuring Britain The Economy in question Ed. Doreen. 330.9410858 Publicatio
561 Remaking planning Tim. Yvonne % 307.120941 Hyman
562 Uneven re-development Doreen. Ed. Allen, John. 330.9410855 and
563 Those inner cities Brian. 307.3420941 n Press
564 Cities and plans Gordon E. 307.140941 Arnold
565 Cities of tomorrow Hall, Peter. 307.120904 Blackwell
567 Communist and postcommunist political systems Stephen. John. % 320.91717 n
568 Comparative public policy , Arnold J. % Adams, Martin's
569 Uban renewal theory and practices Couch, Chris. 711.4 n
578 Towards a European core curriculum in planning E Louis. Klaus R. 370 on of
579 Annual report 1990-1991 University 378.42 Watt
580 The development and planning of xian since 1949 Ping. Hague, Cliff N. Spon
581 A clebration of planning in Scotland 711.409411 RTPI
583 Green development M. 330.91724 Routledge
584 Policy and pactice in the management of tropical w Pereira, H. C. 33.91150913 Press
587 Anatomy of disaster relief Randolph C. 363.34526 Publisher
588 Economic Analysis of the environmental impacs of A. 304.28 Pub.
590 Children and the environment Nations Nations 304.2 Nations
591 The State of the World's Children P. 362.7109172 Universit
592 Water resources planning to meer long-term deman Nations 333.91 Nations
593 Population change and economic development Birdsall and 338.9 Universit
594 The Greening of Africa Paul. 330.96 Grafton
595 Blueprint for a green economy David. Anil. 338.4762851 Publicatio
596 Blueprint 2 David. ard 338.476285 Pub.
597 Our Common Future commission 363.7 Univesity
598 The Political economy of agrarian change Griffin, Keith 338.16 n
600 Sociology of natural resources Michael R. Carol 333.7095491 Vanguard
602 Water resources Adrian Kay, David 333.91 Scientific
603 The Food Resource T. 338.19 Scientific
604 Population distribution and urbanization Centre for 307.76 Nations
605 Supporting the infomal sector in low-income settle Nations HABITAT Nations
606 Strategies for low-income shekter and services dev Nations HABITAT 363.5 Nations
607 Human Settlements policies and Institutions Nations HABITAT 711.1 Nations
608 Remote sensing for human settlements Nations HABITAT 711.4 Nations
609 Human settlements and natural disasters Nations HABITAT 303.485 Nations
610 Improving income and housing Nations HABITAT 331.1 Nations
611 Improving income and housing Nations HABITAT 331.1 Nations
612 Co-operative housing Nations HABITAT 363.5 Nations
615 Shelter: from projects to national strategies Nations 363.5 Nations
616 Shelter for all Nations HABITAT Nations
617 Shelter for the homeless Nations 307.7 Nations
618 Mobilization of financial resources for low-income Nations HABITAT Nations
622 Guidelines for the planning of rural settlements andNations HABITAT 380 Nations
624 National design handbook prototype on passive sol Nations HABITAT 697.78 Nations
625 Use of new and renewable energy sources with em Nations HABITAT 363.583 Nations
626 Physical improvement of slums and squatter settle Nations HABITAT Nations
627 The Rehabilitation of existing housing stock Nations HABITAT 711.5 Nations
628 Upgrading of urban slums and squatter areas Nations HABITAT Nations
629 Upgrading of inner-city slums Nations 307.76 Nations
630 Shelter for low-income communities Nations 363.5095493 Nations
631 Report of the Ad Hoc Expert Group meeting on ap Nations 307.72 Nations
632 Development of the construction industry for low-i Nations HABITAT 338.4624 Nations
633 Basic documents on human settlements for developInstitute of Nations 307.1409172 Nations
634 Earth construction technology Nations 624 Nations
635 Building operationsin low-cost housing constructio Nations HABITAT 690 Nations
636 Planning of the construction industry with emphasi Nations HABITAT 711.5524 Nations
637 The use of selected indigenous building materials Nations HABITAT 691.5 Nations
638 Community credit mecanisms for Human 332.3 U N O
639 Community participation in low-cost sanitation Nations HABITAT 711.7 Nations
640 Community participation for road planning Nations HABITAT 711.7 Nations
641 Community participation Nations HABITAT 711.7 Nations
643 The Role of women in the execution of low-incom Nations HABITAT 728.1 Nations
644 Sites and services schemes Nations HABITAT 711.7 Nations
645 Water supply in low-income housing projects Nations HABITAT 363.61 Nations
646 Women and human settlements Nations 307.14 Nations
647 Women and human settlements development Nations 307.14 Nations
648 Guidelines for the planning of rural settlements andNations 307.72 Nations
649 Solid waste management inlow-income hosing proj for Human 363.7285 UNO
650 Habitat directory in the field of human settlements Centre for 307.14025 (Habitat )
651 Physical profile of cities in the escap region ESCAP HABITAT 711.4 ESCAP
652 Guidelines for the planning of rural settlements andNations 333.7932 Nations
654 Environmental guidelines for sett;e,emts planning for Human 307.14 U N O
655 Environmental guidelines for settlements planning for Human 307.14 Environm
656 Rehabilitation of inner city areas: Feasible strategi Nations Nations
657 Refuse collection vehicles for developing countries Nations 628.3 Nations
658 The Design of shallow sewer systems Nations 628.2 Nations
659 Community Participation for Human 307.14 U N O
660 Energy efficiency in housing construction and dom for Human 690 UNO
661 Effects of energy consevation policies in the memb Nations 333.79 Nations
663 Building- related income generation for women-les Nations 331.4 Nations
664 Guidelines for the improvement of land-registratiio Nations 333.3 Nations
665 Comparative modal efficiencies in urban transport Nations Nations
666 Selling the city J. Voogd, H. 711.4 Press
668 Develpoment policy and public action Ed. Maureen % 338.9 Universit
669 Rebuilding the city Patsy. Ed. Simin % 307.3416094 Spon
670 Urban regeneration in a changing economy Przeworski, John. % De 307.3416 n Press
671 New roles for old cities A. Ed 330.9410858 Avebury
672 Environmental assessment A, 333.714 Technical
674 Urban and Regional policy analysis in developing Lata. Ed. Peter. 361.6109172 Gower
675 Woman's role in economic development Ester. 330.91724 pub.
676 The impact of the motor car Barbara. 338.31 B
677 Leadership and urban regeneration Ed. Michael. 307.76 publicatio
678 Divided nation Linda. Ed. % Hamnett, 678 and
679 Policy appraisal and the environment HMSO 301.3179 HMSO
680 Social and cultural forms of modernity Robert. Ed. Kenneth. 301 Press in
681 Energy planning and urban form Owens, Susan 333.79 Limited
682 Highway traffic analysis and design Salter, R. J. 625.79 n
683 The Socialist third World Ed. Thrift, Nigel. 338.9009172 Blackwell
684 Economics for a developing world Michael P. 330.91724 Longman
685 Decision making in transport planning Truelove, P. 388.049 Scientific
687 Urban and regional planning Hall, Peter. 711.3 Routledge
690 Third World regional development David. Ed. 690 Chapman
691 The City that refused of die Michael. 307.1409414 Universit
692 The greening of urban transport Rodney. Ed. 333.77 Press
693 Disaster mitigation Andrew. 363.3480917 Oxfam
695 Rural transport in developing countries Barwell, I. J. A. 388.4091724 ate
696 Fractured cities D. 307.760973 Routledge
697 The political economy of underdevelopment Amiya 330.91724 Universit
698 The metropolis era Mattei. Ed. John D. 307.764 Pub.
700 Development and underdevelopment in historical p Gavin. 338.9 Routledge
701 Making microplans Reinhard. Nabeel 363.5 ate
702 Planned development in the Socialist World Graham. 338.947 e
703 Modernity and its futures Ed. % McGrew, 301 Press in
704 The Third World handbook Arnold, Guy 909.0972408 Education
706 Traffic safety of children for Economic 363.125 PECD
707 Migration, Urbanisation and development Oberai, A.S. 307.24 nal
708 Urban projects manual Forbes. Ed. Payne, Geoff 363.5091724 Universit
712 Residential roads and footpaths Ministory for 711.7 HMSO
713 The Third World Beddis, Rex 330.91724 Universit
714 The earth science and planning in the third World John C. 330.91724 Universit
715 U S Experience in evaluating Urban regeneration Timothy. Douglas Hart 307.34 HMSO
717 Services for shelter Andrew. Richard 307.1216 Universit
718 Urban Road appraisal Department 388.4 HMSO
719 This common inheritance HMSO 568.408 HMSO
720 This common inheritance Britain, 333.7 HMSO
721 Cities in the 1990s Ed. 307.1216092 y College
722 Managing cities in Austerity Poul Erik. 352.1 publicatio
723 Global challenge and local response B. Ed. 338.94 Mansell
724 Can reil save the city? Hall, Peter Carmen 388.420941 Gower
725 Restructuring Paul. Lawson, 304.2769 Publicatio
726 The transformation of land supply systems in third Ed. Vander. 333.3309172 Avebury
727 Housing finance in LDCs Raymond J. Marisol. 332.320954 Urban
728 Dilemmas of planning Practice Huw. Patsy. 711.4 Technical
729 Cities and development in the third World B. Ed. Ademola T. 307.7609172 Mansell
730 Conflict in Urban development Dekker, Arie. Henri. 307.1216 Ashgate
731 Traffic flow fundamentals D. 388.31 Hall
732 Metropolitan management hna, K. C. Leslie. 307.764095 Universit
733 Town planning education Bachiller, 711.40711 Avebury
734 Housing policy and the housing system Murie, Alan. Niner, Pat. 301.54 Allen &
735 Pollution control in developing economy Akuffo, S. B. 351.82322 Universit
736 Civilised streets Carmen. Nold, Inge. 388.3 ental &
737 Environmental auditing in local Government Michael. 352.6 Governm
738 Urban informal sector information Haan, H. 331.11 nal
740 World development report 1992 World Bank 330.91724 Univesity
741 Community leadership and self-help housing Ward, Peter. Sylvia. 307.3
742 Saving our Planet Mostafa K. 351.82321 & Hall
743 Energy efficiency in housing construction and domestic use in … 333.338 Centre for
745 Urban planning under thatcherism Andy. 307.1216094 Routledge
746 Development in practice Porter, Doug. Bryant. 307.1412097 Routledge
748 Environment and society Jonathan. Ed. Sarre, Philip. 333.72 Stoughton
750 Managing policy reform in the real world Geoffrey. Rachel. 338.95 World
751 Energy resources and environment John. Ed Alan 333.79 Universit
752 Urban space Krier, Rob. 711.4 Editions
753 Issues for infrastructure management in the 1990s Israel, Arturo. 363.091724 World
754 The building blocks of participation: testing bottomMichael M. 307.1412 World
755 Shelter, Settlements, policy and the poor 711.1 ate
756 Conserving the world's biological diversity Jeffrey A. Kenton R. 333.716 World
757 Land and life vanishing land and water Louis. Hugues. 333.91 n Pubs.
759 Simplified planning Zones progress and procedure HMSO 711 HMSO
760 Elements of urban management Kenneth 352.0072 World
761 Tourism in the U K HMSO 306.48 HMSO
762 Strategies for third world development John S. Ed. 338.9009172 Publicatio
763 The geography of settlement Daniel, Peter. Michael. 711.1 Boyd
764 Green development M. 330.91724 Routledge
765 Urban and Regional planning Hall, Peter. 711.30941 Routledge
768 Planning for a sustainable environment Andrew. Ed. 712 Earthscan
770 The development process Akin L. 330.96 Hyman
771 Human development and the international develop Keith. Ed. Knight, John 330.9 n
772 Models of urban and regional systems in developin George. 307.7609172 press
773 Urban policy and economic development World Bank 773 World
774 Supporting development action Etienne. 303.4 n
775 Development from within survival in rural Africa F. Ed. Fiona. 307.1412097 Routledge
777 Water resources in the Arid Realm Agnew, Clive Ewan. 333.91 Routledge
778 Introduction to energy Edward S. Peter Z. 333.79 e
779 Surface water treatmenft for communities in develoChristopher A. 628.162 ate
781 Inside out Brown, G. Z. Bruce. % 720.47 Wiley
782 An introduction to regional planning Glason, John 307.120941 Press
784 Regional Economics and policy Harvey. Taylor, Jim. 338 Wheatshe
785 Cities of tomorrow Hall, Peter. 307.120904 Blackwell
786 Rationality in planning ed. Hooper, A. 711.4 Limited
788 The 'Earth summit' agreements Michael. Matthias. 327 n
791 Evaluating investement in transport infrastructure Research Conference 380 ECMT
792 Brithish town and country planning Reade, Eric. 307.120941 Universit
793 Contemporary urban planning M. 307.1216097 Hall
794 Map II - map processor Micha . Chris. % 6.6 Wiley
795 Map II - map processor Micha . Chris. % 6.6 Wiley
796 Design of cities Edmund N. 711.4 and
798 Access to infrastructure by the uban poor Aurelio 362.5809172 World
799 Making microplans Reinhard. Hamdi 363.5 Publicatio
800 MAP II: map processor Micha Chris 6.6 Sons
801 Urban regeneration and economic development HMSO 338.9 Majesty's
802 Easily into wordstar Christine. 652.5028553 n
804 Urban Planning in rich and poor countries Hugh. 711.40904 Universit
805 Urban planning under thatcherism Andy. 307.1216094 Routledge
806 Implementation Jeffrey L. Aaron . 353.0084841 y of
807 Managing fast growing cities Ed. Carole. Ed 307.1216 Scientific
808 Cities and plans Gordon E. 307.140941 Arnold
809 Women, Human settlements, and housing Caroline O. Linda. 305.4209172 publicaati
810 Urban planning in the Third World Sarin, Madhu. 711.4095455 Pub.
811 Economics of development Malcolm. Dwight H. 338.9 Norton &
812 The condition of postmodernity David. 909.82 Blackwell
813 Urban ecology and health in the third World Lawrence M. Malcolm T. 362.10425 e
815 Selling the city J. Voogd, H. 711.4 Press
816 In search of a home Gilbert, Alan. 363.5 y College
817 Radical planning initiatives John. Ed. Andy 711.40941 Gower
818 Radical planning initiatives John. Ed. Andy 711.40941 Gower
819 Computer image processinfg in traffic engineering Hoose, Neil. 388.3120285 Wiley
820 Pilemmas of planning practice Huw. Patsy. 711.4 Technical
821 The ritht place Bryan H. 361.25 Longman
822 Time in geographic information systems Gail. 910.285 Francis
823 Privatization Savas, E. S. 353.00147 House
824 State and local Government and public-privatye pa William G. 353 od Press
825 Site planning Kevin. Hack, Gary. 720 Press
826 Urban development in the third World K. Ed. 307.1209172 od Press
829 Urban and regional policy analysis in developing c Lata. Ed. Peter. 361.6109172 Gower
830 Urban Planning practice in developing countries L. David G. 307.7609172 Press
831 City sense and city design Tridib. Ed Michael. 711.4092 Press
832 Emerging concepts in urban space design Geoffrey. 711.4 Nostrand
834 Innovative approaches to urban management Van Der. Ed Florian. 307.1216 Avebury
835 The Suburban squeeze David E. 333.7715098 y of
836 Environmental assessement HMSO 333.714 HMSO
838 The Handbook of environmental chemistry Ed. 628.53 Verlag
839 Back to the future Cook, Philip. 306 Hyman
840 Learning from other countries Ed. Richard 711.0723 Books
844 Integrated urban models Putman, S H. 711.4 Limited
846 Transportation engineering and planning C. S. P. D. 388 Hall
847 Introduction to transportation engineering H. 629.04 Hill
848 Urban transportation planning Michael D. J. 388.4 Hill
849 Readings in urban theory Susan S. Ed. Scott. 307.76 Blackwell
850 Land deve lopment handbook Sidney O. Ed. Philip C. Hill
851 The regeneration of public parks Jan. Ed. Ken. Spon
852 Planning for Urban quality Michael. Gordon 307.1216 Routledge
853 Dictionary of environmental science and technolog Andrew. 628.03 Wiley
854 Environmental and natural resource economics Jonathan M. Mifflin
855 Environmental science Daniel D. 363.7 Bartiett
856 Environment and development Ed. Deep
857 Making sence of cities Blair. Arnold
858 Transport planning David. Press
859 Trees and environment K. pub.
860 Site planning and design handbook H. Hill
861 Transportation engineering Yu, Jason C. 380.5068 Elsevier
862 Chaturvedi. publishin
863 Urbanization and slums Prodipto Roy. Shangon Anand
864 Urban land management H. ed. Nathaniel IBH pub.
865 Poland Gordon Julia World
866 Experimenting for sustainable transport Remco. % Schot, press
867 Planning and develoment in Pakistan L. Books
868 Planning research and development Umberto. Ed. Riccardo. Eastern
869 Urban air quality management strategy in Asia Shah. Ed. Tanvi. World
870 Urban air quality management strategy in Asia Shah. Ed. Tanvi. World
871 Economics Paul A. William D. 330 Hill
872 Sustainable development in a dynamic world Bank
873 A primer on efficiency measurement for utilities & Coelli, Tim. Antonio % World
874 Time-Saver standards for residential development Joseph . 711.58 Hill
875 Towards financial self-reliance a handbook on Richard. pun.
876 Flood control and drainage engineering Ghosh, S. N. IBH
877 Directory of Intermediary NGOs in Pakistan Resource Foundatio
878 The Holy Quran Yusuf Ali Muhamm
879 Hikmate-Amli ( Stratyegic Planning ) Mahmood Resource
880 Mali wasail ka hasoel Aftab Iqbal C, Agha
881 Samaj kay Rahenama Salam Salami C, Agha
882 Paro kari kia our kaisay Aftab Iqbal C, Agha
883 Community participation for pollution free environ A.(2001-CRP- y of
884 Form and location of commercial areas (2001-CRP- (2001-CRP- y of
885 Critical analysis of private housing scheme (2001-CRP- Zia. (2001- y of
886 A study of dilapidated residences (2001-CRP- Farooq. y of
887 Role of industrialists and regulators in environmen (2001-CRP- Bokhari. y of
888 An Evaluation of Katchi Abadis regularization poliAbbas. (2001- Elahi. (2001- y of
889 Evaluation of matching grant project (2001-CRP- (2001-CRP- y of
890 An evaluation of community based sanitation proj (2001-CRP- Shahzad. y of
891 Role of media in the implementation of outline de Mustafa (2001-CRP- y of
892 Effects of Motor Vehicle Emission on Human Hea Anjam y of
893 Role of Economy in the development of a city Sheraz y of
894 A study on commercial activities & master plan forSaeed y of
895 Environmental considerations in a housing scheme (2000-M.Sc.- y of
896 A study on the possiblities of modal shift from low Khan(2000- y of
897 Popular Oxford practical dictionary 423 Hussan
898 The Population of Pakistan Afzal PIDE
899 Geography of market centers and retail distribution J. Hall
900 Hand book for prospective house builders in HyderPlanning ng
901 Urban Basic services Unicef, UNO Nations
902 Town Design Frederich Architect
903 Synopsis of hygiene and public health Ed. Ahmad % Book
904 Growth Centers in Regional Economic developme M. Ed. Press
905 Modern transport economics M. Books
906 The Death and life of great American cities Jacobs, Jane Books
907 Town and Country planning Patrick, Sir Universit
908 Facts from figures J. Books
909 International standards for drinking-water Organization Health
910 Rural development World Bank Bank
911 Village water supply World Bank Bank
912 The Quality of man's environment America America
913 Freedom to build F. C. Macnillan
914 Economic analysis of projects Squire, Lyn Herman G. 658.1552 Bank
915 Murder and homicide in Pakistan Kanwar Vanguard
916 Planning for children and youth with in national de Edwin P. Research
917 Housing Dewar, David dt, Roelof y of Cape
918 Manual for evaluation of Industrial projects Nations Nations IBH
919 Rural development planning in Pakistan course Ha E. Ed. Basundhara. Indstitute
920 Developing world transport Press r Press
921 Urban housing strategies Patrick I. Hartmut. Pitman
922 Introduction to Gegional science Isard, Walter. Hall
923 The city in newly developing countyries Gerald. Hall
924 Planning of Tokyo 1970 Metropolitan Metropoli
925 Improvement of slums and uncontrolled settlement Nations Economic & Nations
926 World development report 1991 World Bans\k Bank /
927 Squatter settlements Charles
928 AutoCAD 14 Corporation Corporati
929 Urban Housing issues & Strategic solutions Pervez. Ed. AC Ltd.
930 Pitfalls in human Research Theodore 150.72 Press
931 Towards a national conservation strategy for Paki Ed. Environm
932 Economic development Charles P. Hill
933 Problems of Regional Economic planning R, h
934 Determinants and impact of rice farm fragmentatio Wong
935 Master Plan for Lahore LDA LDA
936 Environmental initiatives Khurshid, Dr.
937 Concise Oxford English Dictionary Cothering. Universit
938 Traffic Engineering design Slinn, Mike R
939 Intelligent Pransportation systems architectures Bob. House
940 Urban design Cliff ural Press
941 Urbanisation and cities Lakshmi Pub.
942 Contemporrary urban Planning M. Hall
943 Introduction to environment Engineering & Sscien Gilbert M. Hall Of
944 Design first David R ( Arch.
945 Urban Transport, environment and equity vasconcellas, Earthscan
946 An Introduction to Urban housing design at home i Graham Press
947 Building type basics for housing Stephen A. Wiley
948 Urban design Paul D. Hill
949 Dictionary of human geography Brian Penguin
950 Abbottabad: 1998 District census report Population Populatio
951 Theory and practice of sustainable development A.T.M. Iftikhar y of
952 Community and women development: Brarani villaRural Support Rural
953 New Local Government laws in Punjab Ahmad Law
954 The Punjab Local Government Ordinance ( XIII of Abid, S. A. Haider, S. A. Law
955 Tradition,Location and community Adenrele. Ed. Necdet. 307.1 Avebury
956 Proceedings of the Pakistan Institute of Physics Khaleeq-ur- Zakria 530 Pahistan
991 Introduction to geographic information systems tsung McGraw
992 Sustainable city regions Tetsuo. Spinger
993 Vulnerable cities Tetsuo. Spinger
994 Low carbon cities Takashi. Ed. Hikaru. Ed. Shuppan-
995 Low carbon cities Takashi. Ed. Hikaru. Ed. Shuppan-
996 Anjuman e Arzu Rehmaan Books
997 A galaxy of desires Rahmaan, Dr. Imtiazi. Tr. Publishin
998 A galaxy of desires Rahmaan, Dr. Imtiazi. Tr. Publishin
999 The imperatives of urban and regional planning Rahmaan CURES
1000 Manual of land acquisition laws, revised & enlarge Yasin law Book
1001 Urban planning in developing countries
1002 Remote sensing Panda, B.C. Books
1003 Planning for sustainability Stephen M . Routledge
1004 Building services design for energy efficient buildi Paul. ,
1005 Landscape Bell, Simon Routiedge
1006 Sustainable landscape planning H. Routledge
1007 Cities and nature Short, Lisa. Routledge
1008 Stapleton's real estate management practice Anthony Routledge
1009 Planning for tall buildings Michael J. Routledge
1010 Urban planning and real estate development John. Routledge
1011 Development and planning law Green, Barry Ubhi, Navjit 346.41045 Routledge
1012 Sustainable retrofitting of commercial buildings Richard Hyde Routledge
1013 Governing sustainable urban renewal Shand, Rory. ,
1014 Low-carbon land transport Bongardt ... Routledge
1015 Cities and climate change Harriet 1015 Routledge
1016 The geography of transport systems Jean-paul Routledge
1017 introduction to enviromental impact assessment Glasson, John Riki Routledge
1018 Public places Urban Spaces Mather Routledge
1019 The theory and practice of strategic environmental Thomas B CAN
1020 Remaking community? Andrew ASHGTE
1021 Learning and mobilising for community developm Peter ed. Lynda Routledge
1022 Urban Transport Planning Harry T. Routledge
1023 Planning Asian cities Stephen. K. (Dean K.) Routledge
1024 planning and profit in the urban economy T.A. Routledge
1025 Shaping places David Steve Routledge
1026 Governance for propoor urban development Odoom Routledge
1027 Urban Transport Planning Harry T. Routledge
1028 Planning World cities Peter Andy macmilla
1029 Climate change and water resources in South Asia Ed. Balkema
1030 Disaster management Handbook Jack ed. Press
1031 Urbanisation, housing and the development proces Smith, David Routledge
1032 Planning Asian cities Stephen. K. (Dean K.) Routledge
1033 Healthy city planning Jason 362.1091732 Routledge
1034 Beginning interpretative inquiry Richard E. 370.72 Routledge
1035 Qualitative research Maggi Howell 370.72 Routledge
1036 Understanding and doing successful research Best, Shaun. Pearson
1037 Governing for sustainable urban development Yvonne 307.1416094 Earthscan
1038 Low carbon development Frauke. Ed. Johan Routledge
1039 New approaches to qualitative researach Maggi. Ed. Howell. Ed. 370.721 Routledge
1040 Agriculture in urban planning Mark. Ed. 630.91732 Earthscan
1041 Designing for zero waste Steffen. Ed. Rober 628.4 Earthscan
1042 The handbook of sustainable refurbishment Simon 333.796316 Earthscan
1043 Repowering communities Prashant Stephen 333.79 Earthscan
1044 The environmental performance of tall buildings Joana carla Mities 720.483 Earthscan
1045 An introduction to sustainable transportation Preston L. C. 388.049 Earthscan
1046 Zero carbon homes Williams, Jo 728.047 Earthscan
1047 Construction craft to industry Gyula. Spon
1048 Spon's House improvement price book Ed. 643.7 Press
1049 Healing the hospital environment Sarah Haggard, Liz 362.11068 Spon
1050 Calgary secrets of the city Martin, James 917 pulp
1051 Design professionals and the built environment Ed. Peter. Ed. 720 Wiley &
1052 Introducing planning Greed, Clara 307.1216 Athlone
1053 Climate change Barrie 551.6 Earthscan
1054 The handbook of environmental policy evaluation Crabbe, Ann Leroy, Pieter 333.7 Earthscan
1055 Planning for climate change Simin. Ed Jenny, ed. Routledge
1056 Low carbon land transport Daniel. Felix Routledge
1057 Designing high-density cities Prashant Stephen 333.79 Earthscan
1058 Waste management practices Pichtel, John PRESS
1059 Designing high-density cities Ed. 307.1216 Earthscan
1060 Introduction to planning practice. , Philip. Ed. & 307.1216094 Wiley
1061 Questionnaire design, interviewing and attitude me A. N. m
1062 The Routledge handbook of planning research met Elisabete A. . Ed. 307.1216072 Routledge
1063 Planning small and mid-sized towns Avi 307.1216 Routledge
1064 Affordable housing in the urban global south Jan. ed. Van 363.5561092 Routledge
1065 Transport models in urban planning practices t, Marco te. Luca. Ed Routledge
1066 Resource accounting for sustainability assessment Mario. Ed. Richard J. 333.7 Routledge
1067 Planning for sustainability Stephen M Routledge
1068 SPSS for windows step by step Darren . Pearson
1069 Principles of Urban retail planning and developme J. Wiley
1070 Introducation to planning practice , Philip. Ed. Prior, Alan. 307.12 Wiley
1071 Designing and conducting survey Research Rea, louis M. Wiley
1072 Designing urban Agriculture Philips, April 630.91732 Wiley
1073 Disaster management Arora, Rajesh ABI)
1074 Human development report 2015 UNDP Nations
1075 The development dictionary Wolfgang. Books
1076 An introduction to community development Rhonda. Ed. Robert H. 307.14 Routledge
1077 An introduction to landscape and garden design Blake, James 712 Ashgate
1078 Building futures Powell, Jane. Jennifer 696 Routledge
1079 Cities and urban life John J. Pearson
1080 Clean Air handbook Williams William 344.7304634 Press
1081 Communicate science papers presentations and pos Gregory S. Daria C., Elsevier
1082 Disaster management and preparedness Nidhi Gauba CBS
1083 Disaster management Carresi, Routledge
1084 Environment Withgott, Jay Matthew Pearson
1085 Environmental impact analysis James T. 333.7140973 Press
1086 Environmental impact assessment R. Internatio
1087 Fundamentals of plan making Edward J Weitz, Jerry 307.1215 Routledge
1088 Great city park Tate, Alan 712.5 Routledge
1089 Modeling, design and optimization of net-zero ener Andreas. Ed. William Sohn
1090 Occupational health and safety H 613.62 Bartlett
1091 Practical research planning and design D. Jeanne Ellis Pearson
1092 Qualitative research from start to finish K. 1.42 Guilford
1093 Regional Econopmics Roberta Routledge
1094 Sanitation safety planning Organization Health
1095 Sustainable development Baker, Susan 338.927 Routledge
1096 Sustainable housing reconstruction Esther. Ahmed 363.583 Routledge
1097 Sustainable urban enegry policy David Webb, Janett 307.1416094 Routledge
1098 The community planning handbook Ed. 307.41 Routledge
1099 The connected city P. 303.483 Routledge
1100 The environmental planning handbook Daniels, Tom planning
1101 The Routledge handbook of Urban ecology Douglas, Ian Routledge
1102 The sustainable urban development stephen M. Routledge
1103 The Urbanism of frank lloyd wright Levine, Neil 711.4092 Universit
1104 Theories of development Peet, Richard Elaine 338.9 Guilford
1105 Time saver standards for urban design Donald. Ed. FAIA McGraw
1106 Tourism policy and planning L. Jason R. 338.4791 Routledge
1107 Understanding earthquake disasters Sinvhal Hill
1108 Urban development in the muslim world Nurul Publicatio
1109 Urban economic John M. 330.91732 Routledge
1110 Urabn lighting, light pollution and society Josiane. Ed. Ujte 363.7 Routledge
1111 Urban revitalization Grodach, Carl Renia 307.3416097 Routledge
1112 Public transit planning and operation Avishai Press
1113 Designing spaces for natural ventilation Passe, Ulrike Francine 720.47 Routledge
1114 Traffic in towns Colin 388.4131421 Routledge
1115 The urban climatic map Ed. Ren, Chao 307.116 Routledge
1116 Public interest design practice guidebook Lisa M. Ed. Bell Bryan 720 Routledge
1117 Green Infrastructure W. 635.965 Routledge
1118 Principles of housing King, Peter 363.5 Routledge
1119 Contemporary issues in Australian urban and regio Julie. Ed. John 307.120994 Routledge
1120 Introduction to rural planning Gallent, Nick Hamiduddin 307.1412094 Routledge
1121 Research in the college context Frances K. Kathleen 1.42 Routledge
1122 Remote sensing applications for the urban environ Z. Press
1123 Developing property sustainably Sara J. L. 333.7315 Routledge
1124 The Routledge handbook of transportation Dusan. Ed. 388 Routledge
1125 Doing a successful research project Martin Nathan Macmilla
1126 Disaster Research Rasmus Olivier 363.34072 Routledge
1127 Sustainability principles and practice Margaret 338.927 Routledge
1128 The Routledge companion to design research A. Ed. Yee, Joyce 745.4072 Routledge
1129 Planning sustainable cities and regions Karen 307.1216 Routledge
1130 Introducing urban anthropology Jaffe, Rivke Anouk de 307.76 Routledge
1131 Traffic Engineering handbook Anurag Brian Wiley
1132 Paradise planned A.M. David 307.7409 Monacelli
1133 Blue Urbanism Timothy 307.1216 Press
1134 The politics of slums in Global Veronique. Land, David 307.1160917 Routledge
1135 Ecodesign for cities and suburbs Jonathan Larry Island
1136 Urban politics Myron A. 320.850934 Routledge
1137 Measuring Urban Design Ewing, Reid Otto 711.4 Press
1138 Sustainable cities Joss, Simon macmilla
1139 Towns and cities, Function form Hart, Julian 307.76 Publishin
1140 Conservation for cities Robert I. Press
1141 introduction Geographic Information systems tsung 910.285 Hill
1142 Contemporary human geography james M Pearson
1143 Research design in urban planning Stuart SAGE
1144 Building landmark, its influence on environment & Abdelaziz Academic
1145 Urban densification as a strategy to manage urban Bhayo RT
1146 Buildinbg planning and drawing Kumara Kameswara Pub.
1147 Urban tree management Andreas. Ed. 634.9 Black
1148 Readingin planning theory Susan S. Ed. James Blackwell
1149 Looking back how Pakistan become an Asian tige Haque vt)
1150 Looking back how Pakistan become an Asian tige Haque vt)
1156 Town Planning & urban mamagement Gondal Gondal World
1157 Town planning and urban development Shakeel Mahmood Book
1158 Design manual & guidelines for accessibility for cr Directorate e General
1159 Design manual & guidelines for accessibility for cr Directorate e General
1160 Design manual & guidelines for accessibility for cr Directorate e General
1161 Design manual & guidelines for accessibility for cr Directorate e General
1162 Design manual & guidelines for accessibility for cr Directorate e General
1163 Design manual & guidelines for accessibility for cr Directorate e General
1164 Design manual & guidelines for accessibility for cr Directorate e General
1165 Excel 2003 : Microsoft Office B. Thomas J. Thomson
1166 Survey of the architecture and Town planning prof PCATP PCATP
1431 New lenses on future cities Liveable
1432 Cultural heritage risk management: Proceedings w ed. DMUCH
1433 New lenses on future cities Liveable
1434 Disaster communication Amjad Bhatti ITDG
1435 District census report of Abbottabad 1998 Pakistan n census
1436 Shelter in the 1990s for Human Centre for
1437 Community participation in the execution of low-infor human T
1438 Human development report 1998 UNDP Oxford
1439 Human development report 1993 UNDP Oxford
1440 Ten year perspective development plan 2001 - 201 Planning Planning
1441 How to inverntory economic resources California Develop
1442 Performance of Urban functions Commission Govt.
1443 Local Government National Reconstru
1444 Situation analysis of children and women in Pakist Unicef UNICEF
1445 Site planning Lynch, Kevin 711.6 M.I.T.
1446 Second flood protection sector project TA No.2562Federal Flood NESPAK
1447 Better transportation for your city Committee on Adminstr
1448 The new southwest: potential unlimited Norman V. Associate
1449 Spaceccraft James J. 500 Book
1450 Planning for a nation of cities Bass. ed. M.I.T.
1451 Soviet Economic power Robert W. Mifflin
1452 The community builders handbook Ross. Ed. Land
1453 Environmental quality ed to The
1454 Twenty-five lessons in citizenship D.L. Berkeley
1456 Local planning and zoning David Broadway
1457 Regional and resource planning in Canado Rapph R. Frederic O. Rinehart
1458 The levittowners J. Book
1459 Man's struggle for shelter Charles. M.I.T.
1460 The City Eliel. M.I.T.
1461 Man and society Karl. Book
1462 Communityandprivacy Books
1463 Planning Melville C. Wiley
1464 How to fine your way around the world's cities Thomas Cook Cook
1465 Operations Research for public systems M. Ed. Press
1466 Standard land use coding mannual Renewal Renewal
1467 Economic analysis agricultural projects Price 338.13 Economic
1468 Abstracts of current studies 1984 Bank World
1469 Abstracts of current studies 1983 Bank World
1470 Population trends : Hearings before the AD HOC S Printing Printing
1471 Environmental quality the second annual report of Environmenta on
1472 Statistical methods in Economics Harold W. 330 D. Irwin
1473 Economics in action M. Ed. M. 330 h Pub.
1474 Modern economic theory Dewett, K.K. Chand 330 Lal
1475 California state development plan program State Office State
1476 People-centered development C. Ed. Klauss, Rudi Press
1477 The Social psychology of organizations Katz, Daniel Kahn Wiley
1478 The strategy of Economics development Albert O. Universit
1479 Garden cities of to-morrow Ebenezer M.I.T
1480 Urban planning in rransition Erber, Ernest. Grossman
1481 Patterns of Culture Ruth Book
1482 Looking Backeard Edward Modren
1483 On population Malthus Julian Book
1484 Life on other worlds Harold Book
1485 Environment and development Centre South
1486 Modern organizations Amitai Hall
1487 Urban primary health care UNICEF UNICEF
1488 Land for housing the poor Habitat T
1489 The Punjab local Government Ordinance 1979 Ahmad 352.05475 Law
1490 A commission report the problem of special sistrict Commission ACIR
1491 Cultivating the grass roots J. B. Institute
1492 Improving income and housing HABITAT Centre for
1493 The twilight of cities A. Press of
1494 Contemporary social problems Robert K. Robert A. Brace &
1495 Explorations into urban structure Melvin M. John W. y of
1496 Social change Amitai. Ed. Etzioni, Eva. Books
1497 Housing policy the search for solutions F. y of
1498 Population growth and land use Clark, Colin n
1499 The urban immovable property tax act Arshad, Book
1501 Towards a national conservation strategy for Pakist Environment ent &
1502 Social indicators Raymond A. T. Press
1503 A Regional geography (ASIA ) Dudley s
1504 The Punjab Local Government Ordinance, 2001 ( Ahmad Ch. Law Pub.
1505 Extraction of minerals and energy Deju, Raul A. Arbor
1506 T V A Democracy on the March David E. Row,
1507 Urbanization World Bank Bank
1508 The informal sector in urban economy Imtiaz alvi Universit
1509 The Good city Lawrence Universit
1510 Democracy in urban America Oliver P. Ed. Charles McNally
1511 Centrally planned change Robert. Ed. Associati
1512 Housing, People, and cities Martin. Barbara Hill
1513 Technology and economic development American Inc. A. Knopf
1514 Real Estate Economics Robert Kevin Mifflin
1515 Housing enabling markets of work Bank 363.5091724 World
1516 Environmental profile of Pakistan Environment ent &
1517 Urban land use planning F.Stuart. y of
1518 The city Weber, Max Don & Books
1519 Civil rights, Employment and the social status of A Harold L. Herbert E. W.E.Upjo
1520 New patterns of management Likert, Rensis Hill
1521 Handbook of Research design and soscial measure Delbert C. McKay
1522 Regionalism in America Merrill. Ed. Universit
1523 The family William J. Hall
1524 City and country in America David R. Ed. Century-
1525 The urban informal in developing countries S. V. Ed. nal
1526 Changing organizations Warren G. Hill
1527 Man adapting Dubos, Rene Universit
1528 Taming megalop Wentworth. Books
1529 Taming megalopolis Wentworth. Books
1530 Technological forecasting in perspective Jantsch, Erich ion for
1531 Regional development and planning John. William M.I.T.
1532 Economics Paul A. William D. Hill
1533 Promoting environmental quality through urban pla Edward J. Elfers, Karl. Environm
1534 Rehabilitatiion & Reconstruction of flood damaged NESPAK Nespak
1535 Toward new towns for America Clarence S. M.I.T.
1536 Economics Leland Hall
1537 Regional development policy John T Press
1538 The city in history Lewis Brace &
1539 Only yesterday Frederick Library
1540 The intelellectual versus the city Thomas Book
1541 Report of the national advisory commission on civi Kerner, Otto Books
1542 Power politics and people Wright Books
1543 Statistical pocket book of the Punjab Bureau of Bureau of
1544 The Conduct of inquiry Abraham Pub. Co.
1545 Face of the metropolis Martin House
1546 The Urban general plan Kent, T.J. Holway R. Pub. Co.
1547 Physical geography Arthur N. 551.4 Wiley
1548 Lahore improvement trust Multan road scheme Planning Associated Associate
1549 American city planning Scott, Met y of
1550 Computer Studies and management control Hawgood, D. Beazley
1551 Organization theory Bryans, P. Cronin, T. P. Beazley
1552 Urban design Paul D. Hill
1553 Economic development Kenneth John Mifflin
1554 Enironmental quality on
1555 Communitas Paul Percival Book
1556 The Living City Lloyd American
1557 The Human use of human beings Norbert y Anchor
1558 Guidelines for rural centre planning Nations Nations
1559 Responsive environments Bentley, Ian. Alan. 711.4 ural Press
1560 Professional practice Namavati Book
1561 World civilizations Edward Lee. Universit
1562 Report of the Committee on construction sector Tai on of
1563 Surveying and levelling P.
1564 Dictionary of Environmental Science . Ed. Alan 333.7 Colling
1565 Dictionary of Philosophy Peter A. 103.21 Noble
1566 The Penguin dictionary of civil engineering ed. Books
1567 The Penguin dictionary of Architecture John. Ed. Hugh Books
1568 Urban research methods P. Ed. Nostrand
1569 The ABCs of Microsoft office 97 Guy. Publicatio
1570 Internet Marine, April Susan Prentice
1571 Wordperfect reference for IBM PC and PC Networ Corporation ect
1572 Wordperfect reference for IBM PC and PC Networ Corporation ect
1573 7th five-year plan 1988-93 and perspective plan 19 Planning Planning
1574 7th five-year plan 1988-93 and perspective plan 19 Planning Planning
1575 Census and socio-demographic survey of Mustafaa Arif Iqbal of
1576 Build your own home R. S. Book
1577 Environment and "Health as a sustainable state" Grazia Superiore
1578 The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam tr. By Stubbs, John Books
1579 Urban Transport in developing countries Margaret. Education
1580 Environmental impact assessment Thomas B NIAP
1581 Environmental impact assessment course, curriculu Thomas B Nadeem NIAP
1582 Improvement of slums and squatter settlements Nations:Natio and Social NIDO
1583 Shelter for low income communities: Project Prepa onal Housing of
1584 Coopetration South: special issue TCDC Nations,UND Nations,U
1585 Report of the regional congress of local authorities Nations,(ESS Habutat)
1586 Feasibility Study: development of the site bearing Designers Evacuee
1587 Designing the site and service plot allocation proce ,Urban Bank
1588 Directory of human settlements management & devNations N,Centre
1589 Environmental guidelines for settlements settleme Nations ( Centre for
1590 Elements of urban management Kenneth J. Bank,
1591 Pakistan national report on the implementation of stry of of
1592 Health impact assessment of tanning industrial acti Hideharu Atiq ur Institute
1593 Proceedings two days workshop on sustainable hu Tatsuro Atiq ur Institute
1594 The evolution of the housing production process 19Research 363.50971 Research
1595 Report of the Committee on construction sector Tai on of
1596 Disaster preparedness plan Kasur Tehsil,Punjab International Internatio
1597 Pakistan urban sector survey Bank World
1598 Pakistan urban sector survey Bank World
1599 Manual and guidelines for comprehensive flood losNations and Social Nations
1600 Social aspects of comprehensive planning Engineer for Water
1601 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1602 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1603 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1604 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1605 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1606 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1607 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1608 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1609 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1610 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1611 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1612 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1613 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1614 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1615 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1616 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1617 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1618 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1619 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1620 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1621 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1622 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1623 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1624 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1625 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1626 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1627 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1628 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1629 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1630 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1631 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1632 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1633 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1634 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1635 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1636 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.9 Constable
1637 Physical geography Cain, H.R. 551.4 s
1638 Physical geography Cain, H.R. 551.4 s
1639 Physical geography Cain, H.R. 551.4 s
1640 Physical geography Cain, H.R. 551.4 s
1641 Precast reinforced concrete P. S. 624.18 Publisher
1642 Precast reinforced concrete P. S. 624.18 Publisher
1643 Precast reinforced concrete P. S. 624.18 Publisher
1644 Precast reinforced concrete P. S. 624.18 Publisher
1645 Revolution of environment Gutkind, E.A. Paul,
1646 Revolution of environment Gutkind, E.A. Paul,
1647 Revolution of environment Gutkind, E.A. Paul,
1648 Revolution of environment Gutkind, E.A. Paul,
1649 Revolution of environment Gutkind, E.A. Paul,
1650 Revolution of environment Gutkind, E.A. Paul,
1651 Revolution of environment Gutkind, E.A. Paul,
1652 Revolution of environment Gutkind, E.A. Paul,
1653 Revolution of environment Gutkind, E.A. Paul,
1654 Building materials V.A. School
1655 Building materials V.A. School
1656 Building materials V.A. School
1657 Building materials V.A. School
1658 Building materials V.A. School
1659 The City Eliel Publishin
1660 The City Eliel Publishin
1661 The City Eliel Publishin
1662 The City Eliel Publishin
1663 Civil Engineering reference book Ed. ths
1664 Civil Engineering reference book Ed. ths
1665 Civil Engineering reference book Ed. ths
1666 Civil Engineering reference book Ed. ths
1667 Building construction G. English
1668 Building construction G. English
1669 Building construction G. English
1670 Town and country planning Patrick Rigby Universit
1671 Town and country planning Patrick Rigby Universit
1672 Town and country planning Patrick Rigby Universit
1673 Sociology Morris Universit
1674 The Highway and the landscape Brewster. Ed. Universit
1675 The Highway and the landscape Brewster. Ed. Universit
1676 The Highway and the landscape Brewster. Ed. Universit
1677 The Highway and the landscape Brewster. Ed. Universit
1678 Urban georraphy Griffith. & Co.
1679 Urban georraphy Griffith. & Co.
1680 Urban georraphy Griffith. & Co.
1681 Urban georraphy Griffith. & Co.
1682 Urban georraphy Griffith. & Co.
1683 An introduction to modern economics Dr. 330 United
1684 An introduction to modern economics Dr. 330 United
1685 An introduction to modern economics Dr. 330 United
1686 An introduction to modern economics Dr. 330 United
1687 An introduction to modern economics Dr. 330 United
1688 An introduction to modern economics Dr. 330 United
1689 An introduction to modern economics Dr. 330 United
1690 An introduction to modern economics Dr. 330 United
1691 An introduction to modern economics Dr. 330 United
1692 An introduction to mapwork and practical geograp Bygott, John y Tutorial
1693 An introduction to mapwork and practical geograp Bygott, John y Tutorial
1694 An introduction to mapwork and practical geograp Bygott, John y Tutorial
1695 An introduction to mapwork and practical geograp Bygott, John y Tutorial
1696 Economic development M. Robert E. 330 Wiley &
1697 Economic development M. Robert E. 330 Wiley &
1698 Economic development M. Robert E. 330 Wiley &
1699 Economic development M. Robert E. 330 Wiley &
1700 Economic development M. Robert E. 330 Wiley &
1701 Economic development M. Robert E. 330 Wiley &
1702 Economic development M. Robert E. 330 Wiley &
1703 The development of local Government William A. Allen &
1704 The development of local Government William A. Allen &
1705 The development of local Government William A. Allen &
1706 Habitat, Economy and society Daryll & Co.
1707 Habitat, Economy and society Daryll & Co.
1708 Habitat, Economy and society Daryll & Co.
1709 Principles and practice of town and country planni Lewis Estates
1710 Principles and practice of town and country planni Lewis Estates
1711 Principles and practice of town and country planni Lewis Estates
1712 Principles and practice of town and country planni Lewis Estates
1713 Principles and practice of town and country planni Lewis Estates
1714 Principles and practice of town and country planni Lewis Estates
1715 Principles and practice of town and country planni Lewis Estates
1716 Principles and practice of town and country planni Lewis Estates
1717 Economic development M. Robert E. 330 Wiley &
1718 Economic development M. Robert E. 330 Wiley &
1719 Taming megalop Wentworth. Books
1720 Taming megalopolis Wentworth. Books
1721 Reinforced concrete Sigalov, E. Strongin, S. Publisher
1722 Reinforced concrete Sigalov, E. Strongin, S. Publisher
1723 Urban geography Griffith & Co.
1724 Urban geography Griffith & Co.
1725 Urban geography Griffith & Co.
1726 English rural life Bracey, H.E. & Kegan
1727 A prospect of cities Stewart, Cecil s, Green
1728 An introduction to modern economics Dr. 330 United
1729 An introduction to modern economics Dr. 330 United
1730 Economic development M. Robert E. 330 Wiley &
1731 Railway construction Shadrin, N. Perelman, L. publishers
1732 Railway construction Shadrin, N. Perelman, L. publishers
1733 Railway construction Shadrin, N. Perelman, L. publishers
1734 Railway construction Shadrin, N. Perelman, L. publishers
1735 Railway construction Shadrin, N. Perelman, L. publishers
1736 The heart of our cities Gruen, Victor and
1737 Town and country planning Brown, A. J. M. e
1738 Housing needs and planning policy J. B. & Kegan
1739 The Urban Pattern Arthur B. Simon Nostrand
1740 A History of modern architecture Jurgen A.
1741 Toward new towns for America Clarence S. Corporati
1742 Town and country planning Williams-ellis British
1743 Aluminum in modern Architecture Peter, John Metals
1744 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.3 Constable
1745 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.3 Constable
1746 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.3 Constable
1747 Plane and geodetic surveying Clerk, David Jackson, J.E. 526.3 Constable
1748 Surveying & levelling P. 526.9 Griha
1749 A study of rural sosciety Kolb, John H. Edmund deS. Mifflin
1750 A study of rural sosciety Kolb, John H. Edmund deS. Mifflin
1751 Building Construction handbook Frederick S. 690.02 Hill
1752 Elementary surveying William Milton O. 526.9 Nostrand
1753 Grammar of Architectural design Danby, Miles 720 Universit
1754 Track and Field James A. Bacon Inc
1755 Civil Engineering handbook Leonard 620 Hill
1756 Modern Agriculture and rural planning Dip Arch 720 Architect
1757 Homes, Towns and traffic Tetlow, John Anthony Faber
1758 UP Against the urban wall Ted. Ed. Ward. Ed. Hall
1759 Urban land Economics Richard U. Hill
1760 A textbook Economics Hanson, J. L. 330 d&
1761 Grammar of Architectural design 720
1762 The public control of land Garner, J. F. Maxwell
1763 Principles of cartography Raisz, Erwin Hill
1764 Blake's drainage and sanitation Sydney Batsford
1765 Structure of transportation nerworts Kansky, K..J. Universit
1766 Research on road traffic Research Majesty's
1767 Toward new towns for America Clarence S. M.I.T.
1768 Current introductory Economics Paul F. 330 Brothers,
1769 Concrete products and cast stone Childe, H. L. Publicatio
1770 Explalnarory handbook on the B.S. Code of practic Scott, W. L. William, Sir Publicatio
1771 The Bailey Bridge Stationery Majesty's
1772 Theoretical soil mechanics Karl wilet and
1773 Sociology Emory S. Macmilla
1774 Law of housing and planning J. Sir Pitman &
1775 Law of housing and planning J. Sir Pitman &
1776 Highway law Cross, C. A. Garner, J. F. Maxwell
1777 Urban survival and traffic T.E. H. Ed. 711.730724 Spon
1778 How the Greeks built cities R. E. n & Co.
1779 The land R.G. Faber
1780 Modernization Myron. Ed. America
1781 Reading in western civilization L. , Asams
1782 Structure in Building Fisher Napper, J. H. Architect
1783 Sociology Emory S. Macmilla
1784 Solid geometry Eugene James. Macmilla
1785 The geological map Kenneth W. & Co.
1786 Physical geography Lake, Philip e
1787 Map interpretation Dury, G. H. Putman &
1788 Housing and incoming Margaret G. R27 H Universit
1789 Foundations of structures Clarence W. 624.15 Hill
1790 City region and regionalism Robert E. and
1791 Handbook of aerial maping and photogrammetry G. 526.8 e
1792 Physical geography Lee Arthur H. Education
1793 Physical Geography Lake, Philip e
1794 American urban communities Wilbur C. Brothers
1795 Physical Geography Lake, Philip e
1796 Demography Cox, Peter R. e
1797 The Journey to work Kate K. Paul,
1798 Concrete Evans, R. H. Wilby, C.B. Arnold
1799 The changing face of England Christopher house Ltd
1800 Advaned structural design S. English
1801 The theory and practice of reinforced concrete Clarence W. Hill
1802 Architecture you and me Giedion, S. 720 Universit
1803 The Construction of buildings Barry, R. 690 Lockwoo
1804 The Construction of buildings Barry, R. 690 Lockwoo
1805 The new world of urban man Constantinos Truman B. Church
1806 Teach yourself the slide rule Burns 510.7823 English
1807 A Single society Donald 301.363 Publisher
1808 Outlines of local Government of the United Kingd J. Pitman &
1809 Sanitation, Drainage and water supply Eric Newnes
1810 Reinforced concrete designe's Handbook Chas E. Publicatio
1811 Architecture in transition Consstantinos n
1812 An introduction to modern economics Dr. 330 United
1813 Economic development M. Robert E. 330 Wiley &
1814 Economic development M. Robert E. 330 Wiley &
1815 Studies in regional planning J. Philip &
1816 Studies in regional planning J. Philip &
1817 Studies in regional planning J. Philip &
1818 Studies in regional planning J. Philip &
1819 Studies in regional planning J. Philip &
1820 French Architecture Pierre Books
1821 French Architecture Pierre Books
1822 French Architecture Pierre Books
1823 Town and country Planning Ellis, Clough s, Green
1824 Town and country Planning Ellis, Clough s, Green
1825 Town and country Planning Ellis, Clough s, Green
1826 Elements of Railway surveying V. Pub.
1827 Elements of Railway surveying V. Pub.
1828 Elements of Railway surveying V. Pub.
1829 An introduction to railway engineering A. P. & Hall
1830 Highway Transportation management Gayton E. Nicholas Hill
1831 a handbook of sociology William F. Meyer F. & Kegan
1832 Guide to Research writing Thompson Mifflin
1833 Sociology Emory S. Macmilla
1834 Introduction to psychology Norman L. Mifflin
1835 The Tools of social science Madge John s Green
1836 Urban Sociology A. Book Co.
1837 Sociology and social life Kimball Raymond W. Book Co.
1838 Law of housing and planning J. Sir Pitman &
1839 Law of housing and planning J. Sir Pitman &
1840 Law of housing and planning J. Sir Pitman &
1841 Urban Sociology A. Book Co.
1842 Urban sociology Nels Ishwarab, K. Publishin
1843 The Art and Architecture of India Benjamin Books
1844 Art and architecture in Spain and Portugal George Soria, Martin 709.46 , Penguin
1845 Architecture nineteenth and twentieth centuries Henry- , Penguin
1846 Architecture in Britain Geoffrey , Penguin
1847 Art and Architecture in Belgim Gerson, H. E.H. , Penguin
1848 The Art and Architecture of China Laurence Alexander , Penguin
1849 The Art and Architecture in France Anthony , Penguin
1850 The Art and Architecture of Japan Treat Alexander , Penguin
1851 The Art and Architecture of Russia George Heard , Penguin
1852 An outline of European architecture Nikolaus Books
1853 An outline of European architecture Nikolaus Books
1854 The building of satellite towns Purdom, C. B. Debt &
1855 Reading in Urban Geography Harold M. F. Universit
1856 Reading in Urban Geography Harold M. F. Universit
1857 Reading in Urban Geography Harold M. F. Universit
1858 Elements of Estimating and costing C. Book
1859 The land of the Great sophy Roger 709.55 & Co
1860 The land of the Great sophy Roger 709.55 & Co
1861 Revolution of environment Gutkind, E.A. Paul,
1862 Agiculture and urban Growth P. Joseph
1863 Agiculture and urban Growth P. Joseph
1864 Agiculture and urban Growth P. Joseph
1865 Sociology Emory S. Macmilla
1866 Sociology Emory S. Macmilla
1867 Sociology Emory S. Macmilla
1868 Hydraulics Nekrasov, B. Pub.
1869 Hydraulics Nekrasov, B. Pub.
1870 The new towns Frederic J. Arnold Hill
1871 A prospect of Cities Stewart Cecil s
1872 The ideal city Helen 711.4 Routledge
1873 Mechnical refrigeration norman R. Charles C. Hill
1874 Mechnical refrigeration norman R. Charles C. Hill
1875 The technique of building G. English
1876 Builders materials Bernard H. G. Arnold
1877 Building Elements Richard Petty, D. J. Architect
1878 Modern lighting technique Hewitt, Harry Arnold
1879 Properties and strength of materials A. E.R. n
1880 Townscape Gordon 728.1 Afrchitect
1881 Strength of Material Stepin, P. 620.11 Pub.
1882 Drainage of land, Estates and buildings Gale, Stanley & Hall
1883 Building Materials practice A. A. Arnold
1884 Reinforced concrete arch design G.P. Pitman &
1885 Modern technical writing Theodore A. Hall
1886 Calculus made easy Silvanus P. 515 Macmilla
1888 Parking Geoffrey Bruno Pub.
1889 Tropical Architecture Fry, Maxwell Drew, Jane Batsford
1890 Pioneers of modern design Nikolaus museam
1892 PARKING IN C. B. D and
1893 The Exploding Metropolis Company, y&
1894 Frank lloyd wright to 1910 Grant Pub.
1895 Toward new towns for America Clarence S. Universit
1896 Foundations of structures Clarence W. 624.15 Hill
1897 Urban society Gist, Noel P. sylvia y. crowell
1898 The Urban Pattern Arthur B. Eisner Simon nostrand
1899 Tropical Architecture Fry, Maxwell Drew, Jane Batsford
1900 Regional Economic Planning Ed. ion for
1901 The Communication of Ideas Cauter, t. j.s. Reader`s
1902 Theory and Design of Structures Ewart S. & hall
1903 Statistics Ilersic, A.R. (PUB)
1904 Scientific social surveys and research Pauline v. Calvin f. House
1905 Sampling Techniques william G. wiley &
1906 The genesis of modern british town planning william & kegan
1907 An outline of European Architecture nikolaus. books
1908 Planning and Operating Motels and Motor Hotels O. D. book
1909 The World's Great bridges Shirley Row Pub.
1910 Towards a new architecture Corbusier, El ural Press
1911 The Italian townscape De. Architect
1912 The ideal city Helen 711.4 Routledge
1913 Towns and buildings Steen Eiler 711.09 Universit
1914 Garden design Crowe, Sylvia e press
1915 The Slide rule Charles N. and Sons
1916 Buildings in the country Mauger, Paul ord Ltd.
1917 Cities in evolution Patrick &
1918 Readings in western civilization L. F. , Adams
1919 The Genesis of modern British town planning William & Kegan
1920 Principles of local Government law Cross, C.A. Maxwell
1921 The English legal system R. Maxwell
1922 Building law illustrated Phillips, B. G. N. Spon
1923 The law relating to the Architect Rimmer, E.J. Sons
1924 The structure of local Government and wales Eric s
1925 Standard of living T. citadel
1926 School planning and building handbook N. L. N. L. Dodge
1927 The Gist of Planning Law J. n & Co.
1928 A first book of english law Hood Maxell
1929 The law of dilapidations Benaiah W. Gazette
1930 Growth and welfare in the American past Douglass C. Hall
1931 Physical geography Cain, H.R. s
1932 The shops of Britain Hermann & Kegan
1933 Outlines of Central Government J. Pitman &
1934 Outlines of local Government of the United Kingd J. Pitman &
1935 Town and country planning Patrick Rigby Universit
1936 The world cities Hall, Peter Universit
1937 Calculus for engineers and styudents of science Stoney, John Pitman &
1938 Demography Cox, Peter R. e
1939 An Economic geography of Great Brtain Wilfred & Co.
1940 Railway works construction M. Press
1941 Estimating foreign ressource needs for economic d Jaroslav Hill
1942 Sampling methods for gensuses and surveys Yates, Frank Griffin &
1943 Methods in social research William J Hatt, Paul k Hill
1944 Growth in the Brithish economy Economic and
1945 Architecture arising Howard Faber
1946 Designing for people Henry and
1947 Co-operative book-keeping as introduction to manaRobert Pakistan
1948 Management of Urban co-operative consumers' soc Robert Pakistan
1949 Economics Frederic Pitman &
1950 Heating & air conditioning equipment for building Burlace Pitman
1951 Copper roofing Development Develop
1952 Working-class suburb Bennett M. y of
1953 District census report Sibi : 1961 Census Census
1954 District census report Quetta/Pishin : 1961 Census Census
1955 District census report Loralai : 1961 Census Census
1956 District census report Jacobabad : 1961 Census Census
1957 District census report Sukkur : 1961 Census Census
1958 District census report Larkana : 1961 Census Census
1959 District census report Thatta : 1961 Census Census
1960 District census report Hyderabad : 1961 Census Census
1961 District census report Karachi : 1961 Census Census
1962 District census report Tharparkar : 1961 Census Census
1963 District census report Gujrat : 1961 Census Census
1964 District census report Sheikhupura : 1961 Census Census
1965 District census report Mianwali : 1961 Census Census
1966 District census report Lyalipur : 1961 Census Census
1967 District census report Lahore : 1961 Census Census
1968 District census report Sargodha : 1961 Census Census
1969 District census report Campbellpur : 1961 Census Census
1970 District census report Bahawalpur : 1961 Census Census
1971 District census report Jhelum : 1961 Census Census
1972 District census report Jhang : 1961 Census Census
1973 District census report Hazara : 1961 Census Census
1974 District census report Bannu : 1961 Census Census
1975 District census report Mekran : 1961 Census Census
1976 Middletown in transition S. Merrell Brace and
1978 Railway works construction M. Press
1979 Experiencing Architecture Steen Eiler T. Press
1980 A prospect of cities Stewart, Cecil 711.09 s, Green
1981 Roads Batson, R. G. Longman
1982 Urban survival and traffic T.E. H. Ed. 711.730724 Spon
1983 Outlines of local Government of the United Kingd J. Pitman &
1984 Elements of Railway surveying V. Pub.
1985 Elements of Railway surveying V. Pub.
1986 Scientific social surveys and research Pauline v. Calvin f. House
1987 Sampling Techniques william G. wiley &
1988 Sampling Techniques william G. wiley &
1989 An introducastion to transportation engineering W. Sons
1990 Mixed blessing D. Hill
1991 Management of Urban co-operative consumers soc Robert operative
1992 Land Acquisition By Government in West Pakistan Malik NIPA
1993 Land Acquisition By Government in West Pakistan Malik NIPA
1994 Land Acquisition By Government in West Pakistan Malik NIPA
1995 Land Acquisition By Government in West Pakistan Malik NIPA
1996 An outline of planning law Desmond 711.5 Maxwell
1997 Local Government in Scotland E. and Boyd
1998 Heredity and development A. Universit
1999 A Question of priorities Edward Morrow
2000 Geography of Pakistan Ahmad Universit
2001 The Geography of towns Arthur E. n
2002 London the unique city Steen Eiler 914.21 Books
2003 An outline of statistics Hays, Samuel Longman
2004 Foundations of geography Preece, D. M. B. y Tutorial
2005 Route surveys and design Thomas F. Hill
2006 Problems of the countryside Orwin, C. S. e
2007 Towards a new architecture Corbusier, LE ural Press
2008 The Economics of real property Ralph Allen &
2009 Sociology Samuel Noble
2010 Calculus Gaylord M. Pitman &
2011 An introduction to the calculus George A. n & Co.
2012 An introduction to modern architecture M. Books
2013 Nerves and muscles Robert Books
2014 Calculus M. F. , Adams
2015 The Radical suburb Orr, John B. Patrick Westmins
2016 Warriors for the poor William H Ross Morrow
2017 An introduction to linear programming and the the Vajda, S. & Co.
2018 Suburbia C. Mifflin
2019 Principles of statistical techniques Moore, P. G. Cambridg
2020 Architectural practice and procedure Hamilton H. ,Batsford
2021 The Architect in practice J. N. B. Lockwoo
2022 A Land Jacquetta Henry Press
2023 The Organization man William H.
2024 Family living studies Labour Office nal
2025 New Towns Act, 1946 Report of development corp Stationery Majesty's
2026 Royal Commission on the Distribution of Industria Stationery Majesty's
2027 A History of Renaissance Architecture Bruce Pitman &
2028 London Triumphant R. Studio
2029 Elements of Quantity Surveying J. Lockwoo
2030 The family and the sexual revolution M. Ed. Universit
2031 Parry's valuation tables H. Estates
2032 Environmental sanitation Joseph A. Wiley
2033 Environmental quality 1973 environmenta on
2034 Introduction to Psychology Ernest R. Harcourt
2035 Encyclopedia of the Law of compulsory purchase a Brown, R. D. Maxwell
2036 Town and townscape Thomas 711 Murray
2037 The ideal city in its architectural evolution Helen and
2038 Research on road safety Majesty's
2039 Housing and economic progress Lloyd Universit
2040 The social history of lighting William T. e
2041 Land Acquisition By Government in West Pakistan Malik NIPA
2042 Physical Geography Lake, Philip e
2043 Law of housing and planning J. Sir Pitman &
2044 An outline of planning law Desmond 711.5 Maxwell
2045 The Presentation of technical information Reginald O & Co.
2046 Studies of highway development and geographic chWilliam J. L. y of
2047 Color form and space Birren, Faber Publishin
2048 Mid-Century Architecture in America Will, Philip Hopkins
2049 Parking Geoffrey Bruno Pub.
2050 Sjoping Towns U S A Gruen, Victor Smith, Larry Publishin
2051 British shopping centres Wilfred Hill
2052 District census report Gujranwala : 1961 Census Census
2053 Commercial buildings Corporation Dodge
2054 Recreation places Williams Publishin
2055 Rebuilding cities Marshall, 711 h
2056 Urban Motorways Federation Road
2057 Building Construction B. s
2058 Urban renewal and the future of the American city A. Administr
2059 Town Design Frederick Architect
2060 Apartments and dormitories Corporatrion Dodge
2061 New Buildings in the Commonwelth M. Ed. Architect
2062 Architects detail Sheets Edward D. Architect
2063 Modular co-ordination in building Productivity Andre-
2064 Principles and practice of town and country planni Lewis 711 Estates
2065 Thermal design of buildings Stewart. Wiley
2066 Reconnaissance soil survey Jhang area 1968 Directorate of Directorat
2067 Reconnaissance soil survey Gujranwala area 1965 Directorate of Directorat
2068 Reconnaissance soil survey Campbellpur 1970 Directorate of Directorat
2069 Reconnaissance soil survey Sahiwal District 1968 Directorate of Directorat
2070 Reconnaissance soil survey Lyallpur area 1967 Directorate of Directorat
2071 Disaster preparedness plan Kasur Tehsil,Punjab International Internatio
2072 Town and country planning Brown, A. J. M. e
2073 Faisalabad area upgrading project FDA Afzal Kahn, Project
2074 Getting started with Arc GIS Booth, Bob Andy ESRI
2075 Building a Geodatabase Andrew ESRI
2076 Using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst ESRI ESRI
2077 Your Research project Nicholas pulication
2078 A Guide for project M & E Guijt, irene Fund for office of
2079 Gathering managing and communicating informati Guijt, irene Fund for office of
2080 geographic information system development guide GIS
2081 National housing policy 2001 stry of of
2082 National housing policy 2001 stry of of
2083 Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in di project sphere
2084 Urban panning and design criteria Joseph de Lee 711 Nostrand
2085 Traffic in towns transport, UK Majesty's
2086 Principles and practice of urban planning William I. C nal city
2087 Regional development policy John T. Press
2088 population problems Warren S. Hill
2089 The future of Architecture Lloyd a Knjiga
2090 The metropolitan transportation Wilfred Brooking
2091 The city in the third world Dwyer, D. J. 301.3630092 Macmilla
2092 Technological planning and social futures Erich 658.4 Associate
2093 Housing and urbanisation Cedric Pugh Publicatio
2094 The Future of cities Blowers Hamnett 309.26208 n
2095 Metropolis 2000 Thomas 307.76 Routledge
2096 Squatter settlements in Pakistan Maarten L Verboom, 307.336 Vanguard
2097 Proceedings and papers of the : Third seminar on a Council Pakistan
2098 Urban problems and urban development in China Wolfgang 307.760951 fu?r
2099 Shelter: need and response Enrique 363.58 Wiley,
2100 Integrated urban infrastructure development in Asi Singh ED. Steinberg, IBH Pub.
2101 Planning and the rural environment Joan Wibberley 309.263 Press
2102 Housing problems in developing countries Dakhil, Ed. Sons
2103 Housing problems in developing countries Dakhil, Ed. Sons
2104 Man Made Futures Ed. Davud. n
2105 Lical Government Tony Hill
2106 Sind Regional plan organisation household income studies centre c studies
2107 Changing demography of Sind 1880-1980 Salahuddin Khan Sind
2108 Urbanization Primer:project assessment, site analy Horacio Reinhard setts
2109 Feasibility Report on estrablishment of a cattle col Agro-Dev Agro-Dev
2110 Rohri outline development plan pre-planning repor Govt. of Sind Sind,
2111 Rohri outline development plan pre-planning repor Govt. of Sind Sind,
2112 Sindh Secondary cities: development planning & I Sindh, of Town nt of
2113 Sindh secondary cities: Nawabshah development p Town Sind
2114 Sukkur Master plan Town Sind
2115 Sukkur Master plan Town Sind
2116 Sukkur Master plan Town Sind
2117 Sukkur Master plan Town Sind
2118 Sukkur Master plan Town Sind
2119 Sukkur Master plan Town Sind
2120 Sukkur Master plan Town Sind
2121 Sukkur Master plan Town Sind
2122 Sukkur Master plan Town Sind
2123 Nawabshah outline developoment plan Town PEPAC
2124 Nawabshah outline developoment plan Town PEPAC
2125 Tando Adam outline developoment plan Town PEPAC
2126 Tando Adam outline developoment plan Town PEPAC
2127 Dhabeeji Gharo Bhambore zonal development plan Town PEPAC
2128 Dhabeeji Gharo Bhambore zonal development plan Town PEPAC
2129 Mirpur Khas outline developoment plan Town PEPAC
2130 Greater Hyderabad Master Plan Development PEPAC
2131 The Aga Khan Rural Support Programme: Gilgit N AKRSP AKRSP
2132 Construction of administration building at Hub ins Baluchistan PEPAC
2133 Basic needs five year plan 1983-84 to 1987-88, Di Mahtum, Abbasi,
2134 Basic needs five year plan 1983-84 to 1987-88, Di Muhammad Qasim Regional
2135 Tandoallahyar outline development plan 1986-199 PEPAC Karachi
2136 Khuda Ki Basti :Base lin survey 1988 Development d
2137 The city in the world of the future Hellman, Hal
2138 The city and its slums Sing Sandhu
2139 A reader in planning theory Andreas. Ed. Press
2140 Remaking Planning Tim, Stoker, Yvonne Unwin
2141 Urban planning in rich and poor countries Hugh Universit
2142 A guide on land and property rightys in Pakistn HABITAT Nations
2143 The city in newly developing countries Gerald. Ed. Hall
2144 Urbanization and its implication for child health WHO Health
2145 An outline urban land policy for the developing co W AIT
2146 Environmental planning and management Development Develop
2147 cities fit to live in Themes and variations Barrie television
2148 Site planning Lynch, Kevin T Press
2149 Urban & regional planning Hall, Peter Books
2150 Environmental Managhement Sing Deep
2151 Input-output and regional economics Harry W ld and
2152 A guide on land and property rightys in Pakistn HABITAT Nations
2153 Town planning in hot climates Rimsha , A. Publisher
2154 City planning Colman, Hila Pub.
2155 Residential satisfaction mobility and estate manage Tongchai & m, Sunants AIT
2156 Surveys for Town and Country ploanning N n
2157 Urban Housing in the third World Geoffrey K Hill
2158 Housing for Low-income urban families Orville F. Hopkins
2159 Urbanization in newly developing countries Gerald Universit
2160 Designing and building houses Syed, S Z H United
2161 Designing trajining porgrams Leonard Wesley
2162 A text book of water supply and sanitary engneerin Kullkarni, G J Offset
2163 Integrated master plan for Lahore Development NES PAK LDA
2164 GIS solutions in natural resource management Ed. press
2165 Introduction to transportation engineering H. 629.04 Hill
2166 Local Government planning manual Government, Governm
2167 Traffic engineering and management VOLVO Projecty
2168 Bus route network VOLVO Projet in
2169 Model urban transport system Lahore VOLVO
2170 The sample survey Donald P. Charles A Hill
2171 Model urban transport system Lahore VOLVO
2172 Urban design Paul D. Hill
2173 The theory and practice of transpoet David, -David n
2174 local plans in British Land Use planning Patsy. Press
2175 Public Transportation planning Dick y of
2176 The Economic value of the environment Ed. The
2177 Local Government Law in New South Wales Linda Federatio
2178 The social condition of humanity M Universit
2179 Urban environmental management Planning for po L Frank E. Hall
2180 Project appraisal and planning for developing conn Little, I M D A. n
2181 Urban environmental management challenges in A Gobal IGES
2182 The urban environment in developing countries UNDP UNDP
2183 Environmental challenges Nazim Polunin Environm
2184 Plastics and the environment Ing J J n of
2185 Traffic management in insustry A Dryden
2186 Research and survey format design E. Tiwari, Indra AIT
2187 Mathematical theories of traffic flow A press
2188 Equity with Growth ? planning Perspectives for Ed. H Detle. Ed. AIT
2189 Planning Manual Punjab, Govt. Govt.Plan
2190 Transportation and traffic engineering Handbook John E. Ed. Hall
2191 Urban Transport policy Christian. Peter. Ed. Balkema
2192 Patterns of European urbanisation since 1500 ed. Helm
2193 Low cost condominiums: a viable alternative for h Tuan AIT
2194 Contemporary urban ecology L John D Macmilla
2195 Evaluation in the planning process Mathaniel & Michael Press
2196 The Transport modes in developing countries Hussain, K A Institute
2197 A history of British motorways George Telford
2198 The llandscape of roads Crowe, Sylvia Architect
2199 Guide to traffic Engineering practice State Road n State
2200 Traffic flow theory and control R. Hill
2201 Provincial motor vehicles ordinance: XIX of 1965 Muhammad Brothers
2202 Efficient road transport scheduling Sussams, J E Press
2203 Human factors in transport research Ed. Ed. press
2204 A course in traffic planning and design Subhash C. Rai &
2205 Transportation and traffic Theory Ed. W Reed
2206 Land transport toworrw Gordon Books
2207 Traffic system analysis for engineers and planners Wohl, Martin Brian V. Hill
2208 Crisis in road transport Singh R Pub.
2209 Mannual of road accident investigation Byatt, R Watts, R Pitman
2210 Mannual of road accident investigation Byatt, R Watts, R Pitman
2211 Preliminary information build operate transfer Govt. Karachi Govt.
2212 Faisalabad area upgrading project FDA Afzal Kahn, Project
2213 Challenges of transformation built environment in Lari. Ed. Council
2214 Partnerships to improve Access and quality of Publ Khan Hassan ough
2215 The Birmingham plan City Council am City
2216 The problem of shelterless people and squatters in Ali , Shafik H Jedraszko
2217 Terms and concepts in planning: a collection of def Detlef. Ed. AIT
2218 Research planning for human settlements E, Tilakasena AIT
2219 Continuous city planning Melville C. ASP
2220 Design and operation of sanitary landfill Unit Urban
2221 Parking standards Borough Borough
2222 The Global strategy for shelter to the year 2000 Habitat) Habitat)
2223 National report of the Federal Republic of German HABITAT Germany,
2224 Architecture: city sense Crosby Theo Vista
2225 Leaving London Nicholas Clare n
2226 Town improvement Abdul Latif Caravan
2227 She lter for the poor in India Michael Hans Manohar
2228 Public inconvenience Black, John Research
2229 A Dictionary of Economics and commerce Hanson, J L. Pub.
2230 Reional development in Britain Gerald David Willey &
2231 The land acquisition act Malik, M A> Pub.
2232 Traffic Engineering and transport planning Kadiyali, L R Publisher
2233 Meet Mister Eisenhower Merriman Brothers
2234 The development process Akin L. n & Co.
2235 population analysis George W. Wiley &
2236 Perspective on development planning in Pakistan Aslam, Dr. Book
2237 The city in newly developing countries Gerald. Ed. Hall
2238 The real estate game Rabdek, Jim File Pub.
2239 Highway and airport engineering Adrian R. Hall
2240 Patterns of transport in Pakistan Qaddus, Syed Book
2241 Road conditions and traffic safety Babkov, V F Publisher
2242 Road conditions and traffic safety Babkov, V F Publisher
2243 Research on road traffic HMSO HMSO
2244 Transport and public policy planning David Hall, peter Mansell
2245 The urban transportation problem Kain, J F Wohl, M. Universit
2246 Introduction to social statistics Norman R. Hill
2247 Proceedings of the ministerial conference on UrbanNations, Nations
2248 The Economy of cities Jacobs, Jane Book
2249 people and plans J. Books
2250 Financing Higher Education in Pakistan: papers an Ed. Uzair Ahson. Universit
2251 An introducation to mapwork and practical geogra Bygoot, John y Tutorial
2252 Responsive environments Bentley, Ian Architect
2253 proposal for Promotion of Engineering design, Fab Govt. Govt.
2254 A Handbook of appropriate building design for sou U N D P ion and
2255 The Bertaud model: a model for the analysis of Alt Bank World
2256 A Global report reducing disaster risk: a challenge Nations Nations
2257 Program abstracts: The sixth General Assembly ASSeismological Seismolo
2258 The role of science in the management of natural h Magali
2871 Geography of transport Bamford, C G Robinson, H d and
2872 Traffic in towns a study of the long term problems stationery Majesty's
2873 Mansooba e Lahore Bank/IDA) Development LDA
2874 Revised Faisalabad peri urban structure plan Urban Unit Unit
2875 Task Force Report on Urban Development Planning Planning
2876 Medium Term development framework Planning Govt.
2877 The mirage in Iran Afghaanee Pub.
2878 Towards a just monetary ststem Muhammad 330.1 Islamic
2879 The Physical boundaries of the Saudi cities Ad=bdullah Institute
2880 An Urban Renewal program for West Pakistan Aslam State
2881 Structure plan Project of Nowshera Town Shahbaz & Frah DCRP
2882 Arriyadh Metroplitan strategy plan
2883 Hafr Al Batin Development plan Ministry of of
2884 Master plan of D Q Mosally Rizvi Saud
2885 El Salvador Second urban development project World Bank Bank
2886 The community economic base study Charles M
2887 Selected papers from The symposium on regional a Ministry of of
2888 Al Baha Region comprehensive development Plan Minstry of of
2889 Report on greater Karachi Plan Master Plan Master
2890 Report on greater Karachi Plan Master Plan Master
2891 Karachi suburban railway Master Plan Master
2892 Master plan for Karachi metropoltan region: Master Plan Master
2893 Amelioration of Aurangabad Gulam Abbas Vahidy KDA
2894 Master plan for Karachi metropoltan region: Master Plan Master
2895 Master plan for Karachi Metropolitan, Research re K D A, K D A,
2896 The Karachi Development plan 1974-1985 final re Devloment Devlome
2897 The Karachi Development plan 1974-1985 final re Devloment Devlome
2898 The Karachi Development plan 1974-1985 final re Devloment Devlome
2899 Ekistics: the problems and science of human settlements Ekistics
2900 The urgent development study on rehabilitation an International Internatio
2901 Utility mapping and record keeping for infrastructu David, Jonathan M World
2902 Metropolises of Japan : National Organizing CommHidehiko, Universit
2903 Annual plan 2006-07 Planning Commissi
2904 Disaster risk managemen t plan Provincial Punjab
2905 Strategic planning M. ed. Robert C press,
2906 Riyadh the city of future Urban Urban
2907 Makkah Region comprehensive development plan Ministry of Ministry for Ministry
2908 Makkah Region comprehensive development plan Ministry of Ministry for Ministry
2909 Makkah Region comprehensive development plan Ministry of Ministry for Ministry
2910 Al Baha Region comprehensive development plan Ministry of Ministry for Ministry
2911 Al Baha Region comprehensive development plan Ministry of Ministry for Ministry
2912 Al Baha Region comprehensive development plan Ministry of Ministry for Ministry
2913 Al Baha Region comprehensive development plan Ministry of Ministry for Ministry
2914 Al Baha Region comprehensive development plan Ministry of Ministry for Ministry
2915 Al Baha Region comprehensive development plan Ministry of Ministry for Ministry
2916 #NAME? Ministry of Ministry for Ministry
2917 Developing strategies and action plans for Punjab World
2918 Urbanization of the earth urbanisierung der erde Ed. KM Borntraeg
2919 Urban land use planning. 3rd ed. Stuart Edward J y of
2920 Ekistics: the problems and science of human settle Panayis center of
2921 Ekistics: the problems and science of human settle Panayis center of
2922 Ekistics: the problems and science of human settle Panayis center of
2923 Ekistics: the problems and science of human settle Panayis center of
2925 Nutrition and health care for the young child Khan, Dr. Jean Baker Medical
2926 The Plague of the black debt James dale investeme
2927 Developing world land transport press r press
2928 continuous city planning Melville C. Wiley
2929 Environmental Legislation in Pakistan Envirnonment ment &
2930 The city A Univerist
2931 Master plan of cooperation 1996 -1998 UNICEF UNICEF
2932 Tourist development Douglas 332.4791 Longman
2933 Contemporary industrialization E. Ian Ed. 338.09 Longman
2934 Planning for priority groups Howard 361 Robertson
2935 Landfill technology John F. G. 628.44564 ths
2936 Water treatment and sanitation Mann, R. T. D. 628.72 ate
2937 Recreation and resources Allan 333.780942 Blackwell
2938 Living with the past Baker, David 338.720941 Baker
2939 New Processes of waste water treatment and recon Ed. 628.3 Horwood
2940 The primary sector in economic development: Proc Mats. Ed. 338.091724 helm
2941 Transport mobility and deprivation in inter-urban a David 388.094257 Limted
2942 Introduction to human geography Hopkins, Ian 304.2 ld and
2943 Soil survey contracts and quality control Western, S. 631 Universit
2944 Building construction in warm climates L. 690.0913 Universit
2946 Community Leadership Commerce of of
2947 Financing community developmenty Commerce of of
2948 Modernizing local Government Commerce of of
2949 Planning urban renewal projects Commerce of of
2950 Comprehensive planning Commerce of of
2951 Community analysis Commerce ot of
2952 Balanced community development Commerce of of
2953 Building The American city of America Govt.Prin
2954 Planning of metropolitan areas and new Towns Nations Deptt. Of
2955 Planning in Pakistan Waterston ED. Maryland
2956 Architecture Crosby, Theo Vista
2957 Global report on human settlements Nations 307 Universit
2958 Integrated development and infrastructure study Engineers & Internatio
2959 Rehabilitatiion & Reconstruction of flood damaged NESPAK Nespak
2960 New Towns: proceedings of a symposium State State
2961 Govt.policy guidelinges to improve the efficiency oNations Centre for
2962 Environmental guidelines for settlements plannnin Nations, Centre for
2963 Environmental guidelines for settlements plannnin Nations, Centre for
2964 Integrating housing finance into the national financ Nations Centre for
2965 Rural growth dynamics:a pilot project proposal for Dapartment Dapartme
2966 Challenges in our changing urban society Daniel. Brothers
2967 A survey of Urban renewal needs in Wisconsin epartment of n,Deptt.
2968 Report of the Committee on construction sector Tai on of
2969 Integrated development and infrastructure study Engineers & Internatio
2970 The Mission of Manpower policy Wight W.E.Upjj
2971 Proceedings: 4th Asian & Pacific ministerial confe Economic & Nations
2972 Amenity resources for Urban living ur A. M. y of
2973 Shelter for all Nationas HABITAT Centre for
2974 The Global Starategy for shelter to the year 2000 Nationas HABITAT Centre for
2975 Shelter for homeless:Pakistan Canvas ronment and Development Pakistan
2976 Community-based finance institutions Nations HABITAT Centre for
2977 SOS Rural support programme Kasur, Punjab Presern Presern
2978 The Cybernctic approach to urban analysis Lelnd.Ed. y of
2979 Agreement for the comprehensive plan of hail regi Municipal of
2980 Improving the management of Municipal Affairs,S Ministry of of
2981 International Workshop on Training Packages for for Regional Centre for
2982 Background paper on housing finance in the Philip Ministry of of Human
2983 Shelter for low income communities: project prepa National of
2984 Rehabilitatiion & Reconstruction of flood damaged NESPAK Nespak
2985 Human Settlements Ministry of of Human
2986 Pacific profile Department Departme
2987 Solid waste disposal Budget Budget
2988 People settlements environment and development Nations , Centre for
2989 The management of revolving funds for house imp Nations, ( Centre for
2990 Data management for Urban and regional developmNations, Centre for
2991 The proposed comprehensive plan for the national Capital Capital
2992 The planning of a new Town 711 County
2993 Development of intermediary town in the Punjab Aslam Khan Departme
2994 National housing policy of Pakistan; draft stry of of
2995 International Seminar on environment and Urban d Environment ent &
2996 Development of intermediary town in the Punjab Aslam Khan Departme
2997 Rural Housing Rehabilitation plan:: flood Damage Plannning& EPMC
2998 Shelter for the homeless Habitat ) Centre for
2999 Study on housing finance particularly the mobilisat Planning & Planning
3001 The Punjab Local Government ordinance Ahmed Book
3002 The sociology of religion Mahfooz A. Royal
3003 Input-output and regional Economics Harry W. Wiley &
3004 Traffic Signals V. Cobbe, B. M. Majesty's
3005 Planning for public transport R. n
3006 Probability and Statistics for engineers and scientis Ronald E. Raymond H. n
3007 Multan under the Afghans Ashiq Saqafat
3008 The planning of change Warren G. Kenneth D. Rinehart
3009 Low income housinsg technology and policy: proc ed. De Goede J. Institute
3010 Low income housinsg technology and policy: proc ed. De Goede J. Institute
3011 Rural-Urban migration in Pakistan M. Vanguard
3012 Rural water supply and sanitation Forrest B. Eastern
3013 Models in urban and regional planning Benjamin Hill
3014 Developing World land transport r Press
3015 Geographic perspectives on urban systems J. Frank E. Hall
3016 Equity with Growth ? Detlef J. AIT
3017 Urban Transportation planning Roger L. of Illinois
3018 Water supply for rural areas and small communitie Edmund G. Lanoix, J. N. Health
3019 Low income housing in the developing world Geoffrey K. 363.58 Weley &
3020 Ecology and the quality of our environment Charles H. Nostrand
3021 Nonparametric statistics for the behavioral science Sidney Hill
3022 Highway Engineering Laurence I. 625.7 Wiley &
3023 An Introduction to regional Economics. Edgar M. Knopf
3024 Patterns in Human Geography M. Charles
3025 An introduction to statistical methods Gupta, C. B. Publishin
3026 Matrix algebra for Engineers M. William Nostrand
3027 Water supply and sewerage W. N.B.F
3028 The Organization of space in developing countries E.A.J. Universit
3029 An introduction to statistical analysis for economis Thomas, J. J. ld and
3030 Pakistan urban sector profile Development Develop
3031 Rural development technology: an integrated appro Singh ed. H. Ed. Institute
3032 Urban planning and design criteria Joseph Lee Nostrand
3033 Bus route network VOLVO VOLVO
3034 Bus route network VOLVO VOLVO
3035 Bus route network VOLVO VOLVO
3036 Bus route network VOLVO VOLVO
3037 Bus route network VOLVO VOLVO
3038 Traffic conditions for buses VOLVO VOLVO
3039 Traffic conditions for buses VOLVO VOLVO
3040 Traffic engineering and management VOLVO VOLVO
3041 Traffic engineering and management VOLVO VOLVO
3042 Traffic engineering and management VOLVO VOLVO
3043 Punjab urban transport corporation VOLVO VOLVO
3044 Punjab urban transport corporation VOLVO VOLVO
3045 Volvo project progress report VOLVO VOLVO
3046 Volvo Project progress report VOLVO VoLVO
3047 Urban travel pattern Volvo VOLVO
3048 Model urban transport systems Lahore Volvo Volvo
3049 Model urban transport systems Lahore Volvo Volvo
3050 Model urban transport systems Lahore Volvo Volvo
3051 Model urban transport systems Lahore VTS Volvo
3052 District census report Mianwali : 1972 Census Census
3053 District census report Gujrat : 1972 Census Census
3054 District census report Jhelum : 1972 Census Census
3055 District census report Rawalpindi : 1972 Census Census
3056 District census report Rawalpindi : 1972 Census Census
3057 District census report Campbelpur : 1972 Census Census
3058 District census report Shikarpur : 1981 Census Census
3059 District census report Rawalpindi : 1981 Census Census
3060 District census report Rawalpindi : 1981 Census Census
3061 District census report Jhelum : 1981 Census Census
3062 District census report Mianwali : 1981 Census Census
3063 District census report Sargodha : 1981 Census Census
3064 District census report Gujrat : 1981 Census Census
3065 District census report Sialkot : 1981 Census Census
3066 District census report Gujranwala : 1981 Census Census
3067 District census report Sheikhupura : 1981 Census Census
3068 District census report Sahiwal : 1981 Census Census
3069 District census report Multan : 1981 Census Census
3070 District census report Vehari : 1981 Census Census
3071 District census report Muzaffargarh : 1981 Census Census
3072 District census report Rahim Yar Khan : 1981 Census Census
3073 District census report Bahawalnagar : 1981 Census Census
3074 The incremental development scheme HABITAT for Human Centre for
3075 The incremental development scheme HABITAT for Human Centre for
3076 The incremental development scheme HABITAT for Human Centre for
3077 The incremental development scheme HABITAT for Human Centre for
3078 The incremental development scheme HABITAT for Human Centre for
3079 The incremental development scheme HABITAT for Human Centre for
3080 The incremental development scheme HABITAT for Human Centre for
3081 The incremental development scheme HABITAT for Human Centre for
3082 The incremental development scheme HABITAT for Human Centre for
3083 The incremental development scheme HABITAT for Human Centre for
3084 The incremental development scheme HABITAT for Human Centre for
3085 The incremental development scheme HABITAT for Human Centre for
3086 The incremental development scheme HABITAT for Human Centre for
3087 The incremental development scheme HABITAT for Human Centre for
3088 The incremental development scheme HABITAT for Human Centre for
3089 Urban projects manual Forbas. Ed. Geoff. Univesity
3090 Urban projects manual Forbas. Ed. Geoff. Univesity
3091 Aspects of human settlement planning Conference 309.262 Press
3092 The use of land pooling/readjustment to improve u Archer, R. W. Institute
3093 The use of land pooling/readjustment to improve u Archer, R. W. Institute
3094 The use of land pooling/readjustment to improve u Archer, R. W. Institute
3095 Trnansperring the urban land pooling/readjustment Archer, R. W. Institute
3096 Review of PB selayang land consolidation project Archer, R. W. Institute
3097 Composting Harold B. Health
3098 Low-cost housing in Somalia Muhamud Y.
3099 Introduction to land readjustment ( Kukaku Seiri ) Bureau Planning
3100 Design siting and construction of ;pw-cost housing William F. Bureau of
3101 World development report 1981 Bank World
3102 Specification 84 David. Ed. 692.3 Architect
3103 Designing with care for Human Centre for
3104 National Design handbook prototyype on passive s for Human Centre for
3105 Employment and population analysis and projectio Lawrence Jewell J. sity of
3106 Shelter for low income communities: Sri Lanka De (Habitat ) (Habitat )
3107 Strategies for low-income shelter and services deve (Habitat ) (Habitat )
3110 Urban Economics David W. 310 Raw
3111 Shelter for low income communities project prepar National National
3112 Agreed draft of the Master Plan of operations UNICEF UNICEF
3113 Operating systems Andrew S. Hall
3114 Statistics for the social scientist:1 A. 310 Books
3115 Studies on the futures of Asian cities Richard L.
3116 Developmental features of great cities of Asia III Richard L.
3117 Trade policy for developing countries Donald B. World
3118 How the other half builds Witold. Bhatt
3119 Guidance manual for landfill sites receiving municipal waste
3120 Report of international seminar on basic needs stra Academy for Academy
3121 Transport operations vehicle maintenance & financ Ministry of Ministry
3122 Out line development plan Dera Murad Jamali TowJaved Iqbal t Limited
3123 Development scheme of site at Ahta Shankar Sas s & ng &
3124 Development scheme of site situated at Queens Ro & ng &
3125 Lasbela Mekran region Existing situation environmenta PEPAC
3126 Mansooba -e-Lahore Development Develop
3127 Mansooba -e-Lahore Development Develop
3128 Master plan Athmuqam Agroville Azad Kashmir environmenta PEPAC
3129 Population Characteristics and trends in Sargodha r Housing & Housing
3130 Disaster prevention and mitigation Nations, Disaster
3131 Pakistan mauza statistics 1988 Agricultural Agricultu
3132 Remote sensors in Determination of Natural Resources CENTO
3133 Directory of the Research establishments in PakistaScience Science
3143 Engineering handbook: of the soil conservation ser of Deptt. of
3144 Towards a national conservation strategy for Pakist Environment Environm
3145 Migration in Pakistan Ed. Mehtab S. Vanguard
3146 Environmental management for sustainable socio- Nations Nations
3147 Malaysia Urban sector profile Development Develop
3148 Second Annual report, incorporating information fr Rural Support Rural
3149 Urban Planning D. Institute
3150 New Town in other Industrilized Countries D. Robinson
3151 Latin American and Asian low income housing ser SWLAVIP
3152 Human settlementsw development : Implementatio human
3153 Housing conditions in Pakistan A. Dr. y of
3154 Proceedings of national conference on drinking wa Tafriq Planning
3155 Medieval England W. S. e
3156 Comprehensive Municipal plan Michael Planning
3157 Uran land use planning Stuart. Edward J. y of
3158 Household income and expenditure survey Statistics Statistics
3159 Household income and expenditure survey Statistics Statistics
3160 Chilas Strategy Plan Environmenta PEPAC
3161 Site Identification & Strategy plan report Carhi Kh Environmenta PEPAC
3162 Lasbela-Mekran Gegion Environmenta PEPAC
3163 The methods and materials of demography Henry S. S. Press
3164 Bangkok Rudiger Breitenba
3165 Mountain risk engineering handbook Deoja, B. Dhital, M. nal
3166 Mountain risk engineering handbook Deoja, B. Dhital, M. nal
3167 Master plan for transportation & traffic Engineerin Development NES PAK
3168 Greater Hyderabad Master Plan Development PEPAC
3169 Greater Hyderabad Master Plan Development PEPAC
3170 Greater Hyderabad Master Plan Development PEPAC
3171 Urban travel pattern Volvo VOLVO
3172 Model urban transport systems Lahore Volvo Volvo
3173 Model urban transport systems Lahore Volvo Volvo
3175 Disaster prevention and mitigation Nations, Disaster
3176 Readings in Urban land Economics , HS 15 Thailand. Institute
3177 Employment and populaation analysis and projecti Lawrence Jewell J. y of Utah
3179 Evaluation of experierience with initiating enablin HABITAT T
3180 Development statistics of Sind 1984 of Statistics Planning
3181 Development statistitcs of Sind 1986 of statistics Planning
3182 Census report of Sind Province: 1981 Population Populatio
3183 Ancient Pakistan: Bulletin of Deptt. Of Archaeolog Peshawar Rehman y of
3184 Environmental Protection Act Govternment Govternm
3185 Reducing Transport emissions through planning HMSO HMSO
3186 Dubai Municipality Office, Development nal
3187 Structure and role of subcontracting in the informa Ho Institure
3188 Externality, Agglomeration Economics and city siz Darent, David AIT
3189 The Economics of urbanization & urban policies in George S. Ed. Vinod. World
3190 Bridges : Rasul manual No. 17 Public Works Public
3191 Factors influencing migration to urban areas in Pak Punjab, Institute
3192 Role of cities in regional development in the N W Haider Zaman Naqvi Academy
3193 Economic situation in Sind Planning & Regional
3194 Building Codes and regulations Nazir UET
3195 Shelter for low income communities project Prepar National National
3196 Use of selected indigenous building materials with HABITAT Centre for Centre for
3197 Earthquake Hazard Minimization Luise. Ed. Shields
3198 Schedule of rates Standing Rates
3199 Schedule of rates Standing Rates
3200 Schedule of rates Standing Rates
3201 Design in town and village Thomas. Frederick 711.4 Majesty's
3202 Report on manpower structure in urban areas of La Directorate of r
3203 Design and construction of bridges & culverts Public Works Engineer'
3204 Design and construction of retaububg walls Public Works Engineer'
3205 Design and construction of water reservoirs Public Works Engineer'
3206 Lime and lime mortars Public Works Engineer'
3207 Design of flexible pavements Public Works Engineer'
3208 Wood work and finishing Public Works Engineer'
3209 Community based housing development Ed. of Human
3210 Regional planning in the greater copenhagen region 1945 - 1978 dsradet
3211 Land pooling by Local Govt. for planned urban devArcher, R. W. n Institute
3212 Institutional Arrangements for regional ( Subnation Nations AT
3213 Report of the second congress of Local Authorities ESCAP Economic
3214 Islamabad Region Hasan Development Planning
3215 Karachi development Authority Development Ali Master
3216 Low cost shelter projects in Sri Lanka Nations Economic
3217 Civilised streets: A guide to traffic calming Carmen. Nold, Inge
3218 Regional and Urban Economics Harry W. 330.91732 Books
3219 Physical Planning and housing in Pakistan stry of Ministry
3220 On exports and Economic growth World Bank Bank
3221 Urban and Regional planning J. Brian. 711.4 Faber
3222 The Modern metropolish Paul D. Ed. Hans. Press
3223 Urban Space and Structures Leslies. Ed. Lonel e
3224 Power, Community and the City Michael on Books
3225 Urban development in Australia Neutze, Max 309.2620994 Allen &
3226 Policy in urban planning Willam. 309.262 Press
3227 Plane and geodetic Surveying Clark, David. 526.9 & Co.
3228 Surveying Norman 526.9 Arnold &
3229 Plane and geodetic Surveying Clark, David. 526.9 & Co.
3230 Text book of Sanitary Engineering R. S. Book
3231 The city planning process Alan A. Universit
3232 Environment and change William R. Universit
3233 Challenges of transformation buil environment in I Book Lari. Ed. 720.47 Council
3234 American city planning since 1980 Scoott, Mel y of
3237 Summary of Findings and recommendations VOLVO VOLVO
3238 Volvo Project progress report VOLVO VoLVO
3239 Traffic conditions for buses VOLVO VOLVO
3240 Bus route network VOLVO VOLVO
3241 Punjab urban transport corporation VOLVO VOLVO
3242 Residentialroads and footpaths HMSO Majesty's
3243 Pakistan census of agriculture 1980 Agricultural ral
3244 Faisal area upgrading project a review of the projecFDA Managem
3245 Engineering Economy Paul. R. 658.1596 n Pub.
3246 Modernity and trandition Fouad 953.8053 Paul
3247 Modernity and trandition Fouad 953.8053 Paul
3248 Responsive environments Bentley, Ian. Alan. 711.4 ural Press
3249 The geometry of environment Lionel. Philip. & Co.
3250 Economic development, cities and planning Harris, Nigel. Universit
3251 Pakistan census of agricultutal machinery 1984 Agricultural Statistics
3252 The State of the World,s Children 1997 UNICEF 613.0432 Universit
3253 Guidebook for study in Japan Institute of ural
3254 The ecology of natural resources G. Arnold
3255 Readings in urban geography Harold M. F.
3256 Building construction McKay, J. K. 690 Longman
3257 Reservoirs Sellers, Brian. 627 n Press
3258 Roofs in the warm-Humid tropics of south-east asi Graciela Sigvard Lund
3259 Guarantees for new homes Marten, D. P. Luff, P. M. 692.3 Publishin
3260 Electrical safety in hospitals Ward, C. S. 614.836 Kimpton
3261 Civil engineers for management: Proceeding of a c Civil 624.068 Institution
3262 Public sector investment planning for development E.V. K. 658.1527 n
3263 Manual of policy, procedures and guidelines for onsite sewage system
3264 Defensible space Oscar. 364.49 ural press
3265 Local government in developing countries Harold F. 352 Hill
3266 Brithsh social attitudes in 1986 Roger. Ed. Sharon. 941.0858 Gower
3267 Primary Child care Maurice. King, Felicty 362.78 Universit
3268 Cities, Communities and young Ed. Harden Jane. 370.19348 Routledge
3269 Jane's urban transport systems Ed. 388.4
3270 Report of the commission on human settlements on U N O Nations
3271 Employment and population analysis and projectio Lawrence. Jewell J. y of Utah
3272 Building the American city: 91st Congress Ist session printing
3273 The changing contesxt of information J. Bingley
3274 The house Tessies. Elaine. Lippincot
3275 Climate and man
3276 Project evaluation criteria and criteria and cost-ben h, K. Ed. IBH
3277 The political economy of healthcare in Pakistan Akbar. Vanguard
3278 The planning partnership L. Ed. Thomas H. 307.76 Sage pub.
3279 The last landscape William H. ay & Co.
3280 Mass scale houysing for hot climate Dr. IBH
3281 Traffic in towns HMSO 711.73 Majesty's
3282 Washington Robert. Eric. y & Co.
3283 Mansooba-e-Lahore Development Develop
3284 You & your home Lindsey 640 Pub.
3285 California coast redwood Emanuet. n for
3286 Cities and a race with time R. House
3287 Towards a theory of rural development V. S. Haque ve
3288 Bye-Laws framed by Lahore Municipal Corporation and Municipal
3289 Sociology Iqbal Publisher
3290 Economics of planned development Nathaniel 711.14 Estates
3291 Farm planners' Engineering Handbook Department Conservat
3292 Guidelines for the planning of rural settlements andNations Habitat
3293 Islam and evolution of Sscience Saud 297.5 Research
3294 Optimisation Greig, D. M. 515 Longman
3295 Rural Projects through urban eyes Judith 307.14 World
3296 Roads Railways Bridges and Tunnels Deshpande & Suhil Kumar
3297 Roads Railways Bridges and Tunnels Deshpande & Suhil Kumar
3298 Roads Railways Bridges and Tunnels Deshpande & Suhil Kumar
3299 Professional practice Namavati Book
3300 Professional practice Namavati Book
3301 Professional practice Namavati Book
3302 Professional practice Namavati Book
3303 Personal mobility and transport policy Mayer. &
3304 A Guide to site and environmental planning Harvey M. 720
3305 Guidelines for the planning of rural settlements andU N O T
3306 Rural development Sartaj Aziz 338.10951 Language
3307 The Evaluation of Aid projects and programmes E. 338.911722 Develop
3308 Low cost housing in developing countries Mathur, G. C. IBH Pub.
3309 Growth and development with special reference to P. Language
3310 Urban planning in transition Ed. Pub.
3311 The Economics of planning Kerry Collis, Clive. Language
3312 The Economics of planning Kerry Collis, Clive. Language
3313 The Economics of planning Kerry Collis, Clive. Language
3314 The Economics of planning Kerry Collis, Clive. Language
3315 Multicriter is evaluation physical planning Nijkamp, P. Rietveld, P. 307.12 Science
3316 Planners manual 2: Standards and Guidelines Environment Consultan
3318 An improved traffic environment Lene. Kenneth Data
3319 Roads Railways Bridges and Tunnels Deshpande & Suhil Kumar
3320 Roads Railways Bridges and Tunnels Deshpande & Suhil Kumar
3321 Roads Railways Bridges and Tunnels Deshpande & Suhil Kumar
3322 Policy in urban planning Willam. 309.262 Press
3323 Policy in urban planning Willam. 309.262 Press
3324 Policy in urban planning Willam. 309.262 Press
3325 Town and country planning in Britain J. B. 711.0941 Allen &
3326 Town and country planning in Britain J. B. 711.0941 Allen &
3327 Town and country planning in Britain J. B. 711.0941 Allen &
3328 Town and country planning in Britain J. B. 711.0941 Allen &
3329 Economics of planned development Nathaniel 711.14 Estates
3330 Economics of planned development Nathaniel 711.14 Estates
3331 Economics of planned development Nathaniel 711.14 Estates
3332 An outline of planning law Desmond 344.20643 Maxwell
3333 An outline of planning law Desmond 344.20643 Maxwell
3334 Land delivery for low income groups in third worldRobert-Jan. Van Der. Avebury
3335 Planning in Pakistan Albert Hopkins
3336 Housing development in Sri Lanka INSTITUTE: INSTITU
3337 Urban America Daniel P. America
3338 Cities and ecology; the international experts meetinUNESCO Internatio
3339 Cities in the 1990s Harris, Nigel College
3340 Towards a Re-definition of development John P. Ed. 309.11724 Press
3341 Town and country planning act, 1962 HMSO HMSO
3342 Design of cities Edmund N. and
3343 The Spirit and purpose of planning Ed. n & Co.
3344 The Environmental crisis Dubos, Rene Lamont C. States
3345 Master plan & feasibility study Associated Associate
4000 The urban evoluation of Lahore as seen in maps. Amin Deptt.U E
4001 Land acquisition for the development of Islamabad Rahman (84- Deptt.
4002 The Relationship between affordability and housin (84-MSc- Deptt.
4003 The new dimensions, Principle and policies for the Muhammad Deptt.
4004 An evaluation of building control regulations of LDAhmad Khan UET
4005 Towards new strategies for house building Qasim y of
4006 Growth of katchi abadis in Islamabad Ali ( 87-M.Sc- y of
4007 Feasibility of development of Lahore across river RShaukat y of
4008 An Evaluation of out line development plan Ahmad ( 87- SITY OF
4009 A traffic circulation plan for Multan ( 87-M.Sc.- SITY OF
4010 Policy issues for the development or existing villag Iqbal SITY OF
4011 Parking demand on Murree road Rawalpindi Ahmad (92- y of
4012 Evaluation of approved private sites & services sch Siddiq ( 92- y of
4013 An evaluation of public transport system in Lahore Anwar Majid y of
4014 A comparative study of land readjustment Aftab ( 92- y of
4015 Parking problems of commercial areas in Lahore Muahammad y of
4016 Planners approach to municipal solid waste manag Abdul Rauf y of
4017 Environment management system for an industrial Kang (95- y of
4018 An effective environmental impact assessment (EI Anwar y of
4019 Commercialization in the city of Lahore Khan ( 96- y of
4020 Environmental consoderatopms in a housing schem( 97-M.Sc.- y of
4021 District level planning in Punjab Atiq Ahmad y of
4022 An evaluation of Squatter settlement policy in Isla Hussain ( 99- y of
4023 Effects of motor vehicle emission on human health Anjum y of
4024 A study on the possibilities of Modal shift from lo 2000- M.Sc.- y of
4025 Role of Economy in the development of a city Sheraz y of
4026 A study on commercial activities & master plan for Saeed y of
4027 An evaluation of community based development th Arif ( 2001- y of
4028 Traffic impact assessment Zaman ( 2000- y of
4029 Rural urban migration Nawaz Departme
4030 Local Government and planning Haider ( 92- Departme
4031 Zila structucture plan Mukhtar 03,05,06,07, y of
4032 Assessing applicability of "GIS" as a development Masood CRP-06 y of
4033 Environmental management plan for industrial esta Asghar (1995- y of
4034 A study on Land speculation phenomenon in Lahor Anwar-ul- y of
4035 Evaluation of Approved private sites & services sc Siddiq y of
4036 Traffic impact analysis Imran ( 97- y of
4037 Towards new strategies for house building Qasim y of
4038 A study of the existing local Government planning M.Sc.-CRP- y of
4039 Waste menagement plan for the city district Lahore Nadeem ET
4040 Solid waste collection & disposal in low income co Haq (2000- UET
4041 Environment impact assessment of sundar industriaAhmed Khan, T
4042 District planning in Punjab, Pakistan Malik ( 99- ET
4043 Route planning and management of urban public tr Farooq ( 2001- UET
4044 Impact pf linear commercialization on traffic flow Nadeem ( 94- T
4045 Astudy on the working of Lahore cantonment sewe Butt E T,
4046 Effects of land speculation on housing provision in (2004-CRP- E T,
4047 An evaluation of PHA 's flats for low and middle inKhan(2004- E T,
4048 Trend of housing development in Lahore Hussain E T,
4049 Evaluation of implementation procedures of LDA's Shaheen(2004 E T,
4050 Evaluation of Khuda-ki-Basti,Kala Shah Kaku, LahHaroon E T,
4051 A Comparative study of PRA and HIPs/HOPs App khan E T,
4053 Role of TMA in perspectives of planning & DeveloMuhammad E T,
4054 A study of Economic loss due to delayed house bui Tabassum E T,
4055 The role of TMA Shahkot in the provision of Utilit (2002/II-MS - E T,
4056 An evaluation of performance based solid waste co (2003/II-MS - E T,
4057 Community based development and O & M of urb 94-MSc-CRP- 307.14 Regional
4058 Urban solid waste management of Peshawar ( 92-MSc- 628.4450955 Regional
4059 Tackling pedestrian vehicle conflict in central area Muneer 711.74 Regional
4060 Ownership dilemma of high rise buildings in Lahor (2004-MS - E T,
4061 Impact of industrial pollution on surrounding com (2007-MS - E T,
4062 Role of spatial linkages for sustainable developmenAkhtar(2001/I Departme
4063 A study on impact of water and saitation facilities (2007-MS- Departme
4064 A study on the use of LPG in motorized vehicles in Ahmad (2005- Departme
4065 kerbside parking management in lahore (case study (2007-MS- Departme
4066 The role of GIS in city management Naqvi(2005- Departme
4067 A study of externalities of commercialization in plaFahim(2005- UET
4068 A study on satellite towns in Punjab Province Paki Ahmad(2007- UET
4069 Role of planning agencies in renewal of residential Islam (2005- Departme
4070 A study on the provision and maintenance of amen Khalid (2007- y of
4071 A study of modalities and procedures for developm Zafar y of
4072 Role of private sector in accommodating low incomTabbassum y of
4073 A Study of planning and design practices of Insustr Shahzadi y of
4074 A study of regulating advertisement boards in LahoWakil (2007- y of
4075 Implications of change of landuse in planned areas Sarwar (2009- y of
4076 The Ground realities of matching grant projects in Anjum (2007- y of
4077 An evaluation of FDA city housing project in Faisa Waheed y of
4078 A study of contrast between regulatory provisions (2009-MS- y of
4080 Role of one window system to improve service del Shahid (2009- y of
4081 Comparative analysis of enforcement of building c (2008-MS- y of
4082 Affordable housing for urban poor Hira(2009- y of
4083 A study on community development approach to c Ashraf(2008- y of
4084 Planning and development of Askari Housing sche Sahar(2009- y of
4085 Critical analysis of housing development proposals Shaukat(2008- y of
4086 A study on the residential estate development and Aslam(2008- y of
4087 Role of Lahore Development Authority in Land us Zahoor(2009- y of
4088 Critical analysis of Estate management process of Haris y of
4089 Astudy on peri Urban Growth management in Shei Sultan (2009- y of
4090 An evaluation of four-stroke CNG auto-rickshaw s Younus(2007- CRP
4091 Implications of revised floor area ration in planned Abbas(2010- CRP
4092 Cumulative traffic impacts of reclassified Gulberg Abbas(2012- CRP
4093 Identification of socio economic indices for rationa Hussain(2011- CRP
4094 Integrated master plan of Lahore2021: Mod-term r Suliman(2009- CRP
4095 Comparative of colonization in housing schemes d Naz(2010-MS CRP
4096 A study on maintenance of infrastructural services Mustafa(2010- CRPD
4097 Assessnebt of the provision of low income resident Rehman(2010- CRPD
4098 Transportation issues and their management in peri Ahmad (2012- CRPD
4099 Evaluation of periUrban structure plan practices in Afzal(2012- CRPD
4100 Abandoned properties and prospects of revitalizati Shabbir (2012 CRPD
4101 A comparative study of Welwyn Garden city in He (2009-MS- UET
4102 Role of district planning and design committee in d Chuhdary(20 UET
4103 The use of environmental impact assessment in loc Hussain (95- UET
4104 A study of illegal housing schemes in tehsil FerozwChaudary UET
4105 Critical evaluation of the Punjab municipal service (2012-MS- UET
4106 A Critical analysis of the issues of trapped villages Akram (2012- UET
4107 Empowering communities to cope with flood risk Asim (2010- Departme
4108 Impacts of road signage comprehensibility on drive (2015-MS- Departme
4109 Assessing tourism potential in intermediate towns (2012-MS- Departme
4110 Comparative analysis of contemporary housing lay Nafees (2010- Departme
4111 Performance evaluation of Punjab Land Developm (2012-MS- Departme
4112 Evaluation of fire safety measures in high rise buil (2011-MS- Departme
4113 Measuring the houssehold carban footprint in InnerNadeem Departme
4114 Estate management practices by Private housing de(2011-MS- Departme
4115 Role of walled city of Lahore authority in urban co Parveen(2013- Departme
4116 Effectivencess of owner driven reconstruction appr Amin (2011- Departme
4117 A study of land acquisition process of LDA Avenu (2014-MS- Departme
4118 A study on the planning and management of Small Awan
4119 A study on fragmented housing development in Pu (3013-MS- UET
4120 Integrating climate change adaptation and mitigatioAkbar (2013- UET
4121 Planning and development control by rural local coKhan (96- UET
4122 Socio environmental issues arising during construc (2015-MS- UET
4123 Role of app-Based taxi services in meeting the trav Hussain UET
4124 Determining the strategy for sustainable urban regeRafique(2015- UET
4125 Assessment of preparedness in flood areas in Hafiz Bilal(2012- ET
4126 Achieving sustainability through compact city deveNadeem(2016- UET
4127 Assessment of the impacts of bus rapid transit on t (2015-MS- UET
4128 Prospects of commercial Estate development in LaNawaz (2015- UET
4129 Developing framework to assess the potential of in Shafaat CRPD
4130 Implications of implementing building regulations (2017-MS- UET
4131 Preliminary assessment of the survey portal applicaSaad (2016- UET
4132 Assessing the potential of transit oriented developmSuleman UET
4133 Assessing the practice of rainwater harvesting in Javed (2015- UET
4134 Perception of security risk in gated and nongated c Waheed(2017- CEP
4135 Determining the potential & constraints of pedestri (2017-MS- Departme
4136 Assessing the integration of transport Network in PHaroon (2017- Departme
4137 Assessing community based disaster risk reduction (2016-MS- ET
4138 Developing a framework for dealing with dilapidat Younas(2016- ET
4139 Students perceptions on climate change and Sustai Nawaz (2016- UET
4140 Critical analysis of spatial growth strategies of dev Hussain UET
4141 Evalation of Land Record Manaagement and infor (2017_MS- UET
4142 Exploring the potential of Biomass Gasification as Abbas UET
4143 Factors influencing tenants choice behaviour flats i (2017-MS- UET
4144 Implications of the provision of Frame Structure in Anwar (2016- UET
4145 Causes of low occupancy rate in High rise BuildingIhsan UET
4146 A study of private sector land subdivision practicas(2006-MS- CRPD
4147 Feasibility of CNG busses in Lahore Pakistan Aslam CRPD
4148 Nankana Sahib in the perspective of horizontal and Nawaz CRPD
4149 Considerration of sunpath and wind movements fo (2007-MS- UET
4150 A study of the air pollution impacts due to traffic, i Ahmad (95- UET
4151 A study of alternative techniques of land supply fo (98-M.Sc.- ET
4152 A study on the utilization of information and commQadeer ul ET
4153 Root causes of short supply of land for housing by Iftikhar (96- ET
4154 Landuse revitalization as consequence of bus rapid Mehmood UET
4155 A study of public private partnership for solid wast Nasreen UET
4156 Settlement pattern in quetta Pishin district Naqvi nt of
4157 Assessing community resilience from gender persp (2017-(F)MS- CRPD
4158 Assessing the functioning of early warning system (2017-(F)MS- CRPD
4159 Constraints and potential for provision of affordabl Faisal Khan CRPD
4160 Assessing the role of Le park companu in addressinAhmad Javed CRPD
4161 Assessment of constraints in use of non motorized Nadeem CRPD
4162 Prospects of transformation towards zero carbon h (2017-(F)MS- CRPD
4163 Potential of public private partnership for the provi Mehmood CRPD
4164 Energy efficiency of variouas housing forms Khan CRPD
4165 Pedestrianising the city centre Wajid Hassan CRPD
4166 Noise pollution in inner city areas of Lahore Farooqi (85- CRPD
4167 Determints of colonization of approved and unappr Usman (2017- CRPD
4168 Identification of accident prone pedestrian sites an (2017-MS(F) - CRPD
4169 Environmental policies for industrial development Saleem (94- 363.7309549 CRPD
4170 Evaluation of public housing schemes Ayub (92- 363.5095491 CRPD
4171 Exploration of informal sources of Housing financ (94-MSc- CRPD
4172 Assessing the environmental sustainability of walle Usman (2017- CRPD
4173 Assessment of antiencroachment drive in Punjab Sumair (2017- CRPD
4174 Urban planning by local Government Saleem CRPD
4175 Understanding the dynamics of mix land use in urb (F)MS-CRP- UET
4176 Assessment of users satisfaction with UET Lahore Khizer (2018- UET
4177 Assessing environmentally sustainable household pNaseem(2017- UET
4178 impact of capital gain tax on land speculation phen Usman Tahir UET
4179 Using space syntax analysis to identify the effects Umar DCRP
4180 Impacts of spatial trends on climate change vulnera Hanif (2017- UET
4181 Assessing the potential of katchi abadis in solving Ghafoor UET
4182 Towards strategic environmental assessment or env(2017-MS(F)- UET
4183 Assessment of riverbank erosion and consequent la Sohail Aslam UET
4184 Dem Based assessment of neotectonic activity in p (2018-MS- UET
4185 Whose gin finally matters? Beneficiary assessment Rehman UET
4186 A comparative analysis of the performance of plan (2017-Fall- UET
4187 Challenges and potentials in operating integrated st ( 2018-MS- UET
4188 Linkages between urban form and travel behaviour Mubasher ET
4189 Prospects of promoting green infrastructure at heig Asif( 2017- UET
4190 Auditing neighborhood streets and intersections fo ( 2017-(F) UET
4191 Planning and development mechanism for housing Farhan UET
4192 Assessment of factors triggering urban sprawl Chohan (2018 UET
4193 Relationship of landuse and mobility with urban sp (2016-MS- UET
4194 Assessment of car parking requirements in LDA bu Haroon UET
4195 Measuring the social vulnerability using index baseMustafa UET
4196 Effectiveness of Islamic housing micro finance mo Salaman UET
4500 A Comparative study of matching grant and MPAs Islam (2003- Regional
4501 Role of Govt. agencies in Provision of urban servic (2002-PhD- Regional
4502 Public participation in environmental impact assessNadeem Regional
4503 Determination of urban settlement pattern for optimMahmood Regional
4504 Development plan practics to manage spatial growt (2006-PhD- DCRP
4505 Commercial conversion of land uses and sustainabi (2009-PhD- DCRP
4983 MIS use of frontage of the public buildings Haider(97- Nazir (97- UET
4984 Women mobility in lahore Sarwar(97- Rafique (97- UET
4985 Evaluation of inter city bus terminal and its enviro Mehdi(97- Mubshar (97- UET
4986 The use of GIS in the new towns development Mushtaq (97- Nawaz, Imtia UET
4987 Reasons for the failure of katchi abadi improvemen(97-CRP- Khan (97- UET
4988 Policy framework for the conversion of un-plannedTahir(98-CRP Kashif(98- UET
4989 Greening public service transport Saman Amir (98-CRP- UET
4990 Solid waste management in the walled city Lahore Khursheed (98-CRP- UET
4991 Assessing functional centrality index at union counAslam, Tayyab, UET
4992 Housing demand & Supply (94-CRP- Hussan(94- UET
4993 Evaluation of matching grant project (2001-CRP- (2001-CRP- y of
4994 Sustainable development policy for districts alongs (93-CRP- UET
4995 Role of NGOs in the development planning of tow Anwar Shafeeq-ur- UET
4996 Community Buildings, Parks & open spaces Mahmood(20 Farhan UET
4997 Tourism development plan Hussain(96- Niaz , Suman UET
4998 Application of remote sensing and GIS for land useAdeel (2001- Awan (2001- UET
4999 Role of private sector in solid waste management Asad Uz 1766,1770,1 UET
5001 Report on urban design projects Mahmood, Farooq, Departme
5002 Urban female out door recreation Nusrat Rana Nisar Departme
5003 Violations in the approved building plans in the res( 83-CRP-07), Akhtar (83- Departme
5004 Karachi coastal recreational development planning Hussain ( 84- Aysha ( 84- Departme
5005 Urbanization in Amman Methroplitan (89-CRP-36 ) Departme
5006 Estimation of retail shopping requirement ( 89 - CRP - Departme
5007 Role of Union Council in the rural development K. ( 82 - CRP Sajid ( 82 - Departme
5008 Planning in Amman Murshed Departme
5009 Critical review on the development of rural market 78 - CRP -28 Haleem ( 78 - Departme
5010 Trends of migration in Lahore city Majeed ( 81- Hussain ( 81- Departme
5011 Review of Hayyatabad Town Peshawar ( 78- CRP - Departme
5012 Foreign aid a trap ? CRP-23) CRP-31), Departme
5013 A report on financing the Karachi Regional develo Ghori Departme
5014 Analytical report of Shadbagh Asma Amin Departme
5015 Environmental distractions in Quetta city Bangulzai ( Departme
5016 Vertical housing develoment in Lahore Khawaja ( 83 - Departme
5017 Review of Existing facilities & Future requirement Ghaus ( 85 - Ahmed (85 - Departme
5018 Post indepndence growth of Lahore ( 85- CRP-22) Aftab (85- Departme
5019 Review of L D A building regulations 1984 (Resid Farooq Departme
5020 Invasion AdD succession of Commercial land use aAkram ( 84- Zafar (84- Departme
5021 Role of Lahore development Authority in the plannKhan ( 83 - C 83 - C R P - Departme
5022 Critical evaluation of the overall levels of Air Akram ( 81 - Departme
5023 Planning models applied in rural landscapes of PunMahmood ( Departme
5024 The co-operative housing schemes "A Boon or Sca ( 86 - C R P - Departme
5025 Improvement of Bagh-e-Jinnah Urban Design Proj 84 - C R P - Departme
5026 Urban design project Zaman ( 85 - Departme
5027 A Socio-Economic and land use report of the walle Ayub ( 88- Departme
5028 Increasing occupancy index in Samanabad (134 AcIjaz ( 86-CRP- Amer Departme
5029 Improvement of Grand Trunk Road in Pashawar 86- CRP - 25 Muhammad Departme
5030 A Comparative study of katchi abadis on state and Nadeem Aslam Departme
5031 Critical study of level crossings within Lahore Met Arshad Uppal ( 88-CRP- Departme
5032 Co-operative Housing Schemes Scandal or Boon Ayub (88- (88-CRP-12), Departme
5033 The role of House building finance corporation in Rasool (86- Aslam (86- Departme
5034 Accountability of outline development plans Abdullah ( 89- Departme
5035 Upgradation of UCET, Taxila to University of Eng Waheed(88- CRP-23), Departme
5036 Planning for the development of the Mall-Canal RoKhurshid (88- Shahzad (88- Departme
5037 A Report on Land use, Socio Economic and housinDurrani, Ahmad Departme
5038 Urban Future of Pakistan 88 _ CRP - 44 Departme
5039 Sub-Urba land development Shahid Ahmad Departme
5040 Monitoring the Gadoon Amazai Industrial Estate Asghar Malik Ashmad ( 88- Departme
5041 The role of state in the provision of low in come H Hilal, Waris 19, 51, 55 ) Departme
5042 Urban future of Pakistan in the Year 2020 Awais ( 88- Departme
5043 Parking demand in Amman Muhammad Departme
5044 Socio-Economic and Landuse survey Arshad ( 88- Dapartme
5045 Urban villagers in the perception of development a 86-CRP- Mahmood Dapartme
5046 Landuse and Socio Economic survey of walled cit Waheed ( 88- Qayyum, Dapartme
5047 Parking Demand in Amman Muhammad Dapartme
5048 Acomparative study of work areas & public facilit - CRP - (88-CRP-44) Dapartme
5049 The role of state in provision of low income housi Hilal ( 88 - C CRP-55) Dapartme
5050 Migration from developed and undeveloped villageMahmood ( (88-CRP-49) Dapartme
5051 Implementation of outline development plans Ijaz Ahmad Abdul Dapartme
5052 Chunian Industrial Zone sub Regional plan Dapartme
5053 Urban future of Pakistan Shahzad Dapartme
5054 The role of private sector in the provision of low i Mehmud (88- Dapartme
5055 Evaluation of ring road Lahore proposals Waheed (88- Ahmad(88- Dapartme
5056 Accountability of outline development plans Abdullah (89- Dapartme
5057 Shelter for low income house holds Imran (89- Hussain ( 89- Dapartme
5058 Impact of private housing schemes on housing pro (89-CRP-15 ) Dapartme
5059 Spatial expansion of Lahore evaluation of structureCRP- 18 ) Dapartme
5060 An evaluation of low income housing schemes (89-CRP-11 ) Dapartme
5061 A study of Katchi Abadi improvement programme (89-CRP-39 ) Dapartme
5062 Land poling/readjustment an answer to the future d (89-CRP-21 ) Dapartme
5063 Policy consideration for amendments in building re(89-CRP-33 ) Dapartme
5064 Estimation of retail shopping requirement (89-CRP-34 ) Dapartme
5065 Parks in Amman (89-CRP-36 ) Dapartme
5066 Environmental impact assessment of Mangla dam Saleh (89- Dapartme
5067 A study of parhing demand on Main Tariq Road K Zaka Ullah Sibtain (89- Dapartme
5068 Khan (89- Dapartme
5069 Private sector,s participation in affordadble low incHanif (89- Ahmad ( 89- Dapartme
5070 Health facilities in Lahore (89-CRP-45 ) Dapartme
5071 Environment impact of tanneries effluent on urban (89-CRP-50 ) Dapartme
5072 Tolinton Market redevelopment urban design proje Barkat Ullah Sibtain, Departme
5073 A report on improvement of Engineering Universit 21,22,31,32,3 Departme
5074 Aresidential site at Model Town extension Scheme 11,18,26,43,4 Departme
5075 Land use survey of a planned community 10,11,15,18,2 46, 50 ) Departme
5076 A study report on Race Course Park ( Lahore) Imran, Erum Abid Departme
5077 Study of Commercial site Main Market Gulberg (L 10,30,33,36,3 Departme
5078 A report on urban renewal project for Muhammad 18,34,43,45,4 Departme
5079 Industrial pollution control Mirza y of
5080 Infrastructure needs assessment in charsadda Waheed Nasir (90- Departme
5081 Policy amendments in ODPs Munir (90- (90-CRP-32) Departme
5082 Air pollution due to traffic in Lahore (90-CRP-03) Departme
5083 Automotive Noise & Air pollution issues & solutio Jabeen (90- Departme
5084 Impact of the Punjab Acquisition of Land (Housin Baluch (90- Departme
5085 Evaluation of a low income housing scheme Ahmed Departme
5086 Land speculation a case study of Johar Town ( Pha Aamir Jan Departme
5087 Appraisal of sites and infrastructural services in pr Saleem (90- Departme
5088 Housing demand and supply in Lahore Sarwar Departme
5089 The improvement planning of basic infrastructure i (90-CRP-30) Departme
5090 Mall-Canal Road intersection, Lahore. Improveme Mahmood Departme
5091 Problems of wholesale markets Mahmood Nasir (90- Departme
5092 Role of co-operative housing societies towards pro (90-CRP-43) Departme
5093 An appraisal and control of particulate matter in LaRahim (90- Departme
5094 A study of commercialization process in Lahore Khan Niazi Departme
5095 The feasibility of flats for low income people Irshad Ahmed Departme
5096 Traffic problems at Lahore Railway Station area anAhmed (90- Departme
5097 Planning administration in Multan case study of M Farooq (90- Departme
5098 Report on planing of new town ( Sarwar Abad ) Rizwan (90- Mahmood(90 Departme
5099 Survey of cant. Railway Station Lahore Rizwan (90- Saleem(90- Departme
5100 Survey report of planned & up-planned community CRP- Departme
5101 Improvement of cant. Sadar Bazar Chowk, Lahore 07,11,22,42,4 Departme
5102 Improvement of Shah Alam Chowk, Lahore 01,02,27,32,4 Departme
5103 Socio-Economic and housing survey of Rawalpind 03,07,17,30) Departme
5104 Structure plan of Rawalpindi ( Industry and Comm 41,28,20,50) Departme
5105 Urban Growth: procrss,patterns and trends Ch. ( 91-CRP- Khan ( 91- Departme
5106 Mosque: The pivot of Islamic community Yasin ( 91- Ahmed ( 91- Departme
5107 The role of house building finance corporation in Mahmood ( Din ( 91- Departme
5108 A study of noise pollution Lahore Imran ( 91- Maqsood ( Departme
5109 Urban renewal project 91-CRP- Hussain( 91- Departme
5110 Residential renewal Maqsood ( 91- Maqsood ( Departme
5111 The role of formal private building firms in low incMomayez ( Rafiei ( 91- Departme
5112 Provision of housing finance for Government empl Haroon 91-CRP- Departme
5113 Survey of Rawalpindi Railway Station Aqeel Imran ( 91- Departme
5114 Effectn of tanneries on the residential clusters of G Haq(94-CRP- CRP- Departme
5115 Improvement of health and enviroment condition inShaheen (94- Tabassum( Departme
5116 Retainning the glory of the city of Gardens Elamin (94- 94-CRP- Departme
5117 A comparative analysis of public and private housi (95-CRP- Mahmood ( Departme
5118 Punjab rural support programme on the road to sus (96-CRP- 96-CRP- Departme
5119 Evaluation of Katchi Abadi shifting and rehabilita (99-CRP- Ahmed (99- Departme
5120 A Study of parking problems (99-CRP- (99-CRP- Departme
5121 A Study of the implementation of building by laws Khurram (99- Mushtaw (99- Departme
5122 Environmental problems due to illegal developmen Imtiaz (2000- Ghulam Ali Departme
5123 Assessing bottlenecks and functional realities of ci (2000-CRP- Departme
5124 Evaluation of commercial land use allocation stand (2000-CRP- Rehman Departme
5125 Wholesale markets and Trucking Bansgulzai Departme
5126 Roll of community participation in developmention(2002-CRP- Aslam ( 2002 UET
5127 A study of bus drivers, behavior causing road accid(2002-CRP- 002-CRP- UET
5128 Exploring the economic potentials of domestic soli Shahid ( 2002- CRP- Regional
5129 Safe drinking water through SODIS technology by 1474 ) CRP- 1478 ) Regional
5130 An evaluation of a planned housing scheme ( 2002-CRP- UET
5131 Poverty assessment and alleviation strategies Parveen ( Munir (2002- Departme
5135 Community participation for pollution free environ A.(2001-CRP- y of
5136 Form and location of commercial areas (2001-CRP- (2001-CRP- y of
5137 Critical analysis of private housing scheme (2001-CRP- Zia. (2001- y of
5138 A study of dilapidated residences (2001-CRP- Farooq. y of
5139 Role of industrialists and regulators in environmen (2001-CRP- Bokhari. y of
5141 An evaluation of community based sanitation proj (2001-CRP- Shahzad. y of
5142 Role of media in the implementation of outline de Mustafa (2001-CRP- y of
5143 Energy management and environmental ameliorati Khan(91-CRP UET
5144 Development of land use planning and zoning guid Ali (03-CRP- Shah (03- UET
5145 Socio-Economic causes of dilapidation of building Qadeer-ul- Wakil UET
5146 Critical evaluation of commericalization of M.M. ASabir(03-CRP- UET
5147 Public participation and consideration of socio-eco Haseeb(03- (03-CRP- UET
5149 Application of remote sensing & geographic informAseel ( 2001- Awan ( 2001- UET
5150 The role of public transport Hussain, Syed UET
5151 Traffic Signal setting criteria for Lahore Ch. (88-CRP- Ahmad, UET
5152 Commercial plaza peport ( 83-CRP-7 ) 23,26,42,47 ) UET
5153 Evaluation of franchised transport route No.1 in La( 2000 - CRP - ( 2000 - CRP T
5154 Road Accidents in Lahore Rizwan ( 90 UET
5155 Site analysis and proposed improvements of Bagh- (90-CRP-30) Jabin (90- UET
5156 Challenges & Prospects to the CCB projects Khalid ( 2003(F)-CRP ET
5157 A study of the location aspects of fuel filling statio (2003(F)- Younus ET
5158 A comparative study of socio-economic and housinAnjum Shaukat & ET
5159 Assissment of public transport system CRP-10) Hayat Bajwa ET
5160 A study of collection and disposal of solid waste foAnwer(91- Asif Nadeem UET
5161 A study of the implementation of hospital waste m (04-CRP-01) Mukhtar(04- UET
5162 A study of the planned and illegal land subdivision Yaseen(04- Yousaf(04- UET
5163 Pedestrianization in commercial areas of Lahore Tabassum (04- Nazir (04- UET
5164 The impact of bus stop location & usage of traffic fGhaffar (04- Nusrat(04- UET
5165 A study of Functional patterns & linkages of huma Younis (04- Younas(04- UET
5166 Evaluation of an NGO based recyclable waste man Zahra(04- Zainab(04- UET
5167 Role of physical environment & design in crime Pr Choudhary(0 Zaman(04- UET
5168 Environmental impacts identification of constructi Khalid(04- Ahmad(04- UET
5169 Traffic problems at Lahore Railway Station area & Ahmed (90- UET
5170 Solid waste collection system (94-CRP- UET
5171 Public transport management Asghar(90- UET
5172 Traffic problems on a section of circular road Ahmad(85- Rehman UET
5173 Evaluation of spatial planning under local Govt. sy Umar Ali(2005- CRP,UET
5174 Environmental Nuisance caused by buses of privat Zakir(05-CRP (2005-CRP- CRP
5175 A comparative evaluation of implementation of buiZaheer h (2005-CRP- CRP
5176 Towards sustainable neighbourhood design in Paki Ali(2005- Mehmood CRP
5177 EIA follow-up of industrial projects in Lahore Hussain(2005- Ahmed(2005- CRP
5178 Housing finance approaches Shahid (2005- Javed(2005- CRP
5179 Design of energy efficient solar housing and landscZahoor(2005- Zaheer khan( CRP
5180 Planner's approach towards safe Drinking water at Mahfooz(200 Suliman( CRP
5181 Impact evaluation of katchi abadis regularization &Nasreen ( 2005-CRP- CRP
5182 Role of model houses in the colonization of sites &Shahzadi ( Akhtar( 2005- CRP
5183 Increased car ownershiprate due to inefficient level( 2005-CRP- Saeed CRP
5184 The role of GIS in effective land title management Naz(2006- Amjad(2006- Departme
5185 Evaluation of CNC operation in city of Lahore Abbas(2006- Munir(2006- Departme
5186 Impact of Lahore Press Club on traffic flow Qureshi(2006- Hussain(200 Departme
5187 Impacts of landfill sites on neighboring communitiHassaan Asim(2006- Departme
5188 Impacts of commercialization in vicinity areas Umar(2006- Haris Departme
5189 Managing traffic conflicts and other activities on a Niazi(2006- Rehman(200 Departme
5190 Ensuring provision infrastrucutral services in appro(2006-CRP- Zubair (2006- Departme
5191 Alternative traffic control measures for improveme (2006-CRP- Majeed Departme
5192 Towards conserving & Regenerating Historical He Sadiq(2006- Zehra(2006- Departme
5193 Assessment of water purification plants in Lahore (2006-CRP- Batool (2006- Departme
5194 Central Business District (2006 - CRP - Departme
5195 A study on the practices and performances of the e ( 2006-CRP- Mustafa Departme
5196 A comparative study of Lahore & Houlton RegionaAkram ( 2006- Haq (2006- Departme
5197 Solid waste management improvement plan for Sh ( 2006-CRP- Gillani (2006- Departme
5198 Planning for Zero waste through community oartic Asrwar ( Shoaib (2000- Departme
5199 Awarness amoung town planners regarding modernShakeel Saad (2007- ET
5200 Applying energy efficiency techniques in existing cAmeen (2007- Altaf (2007- ET
5201 Practices of managing computer related E-waste in Umer Hanif Javaid Khan UET
5202 Design of energy efficient house in DHA, Phase V (2007-CRP- Hussain(7- UET
5203 An Assessment of solar Energy use in Jillani Park. Shafique ( Sajid Butt UET
5204 Vertical residential development:a solution to acco Ahmed ( E T,
5205 A study on the car and motorbike driver's behavior (2007-CRP- Haneef T,
5206 Study of post flood rehabilitation strategies and de 2007-CRP- UET
5207 Urban Growth management Shaker (2007- Ch.(07-CRP- ET
5208 Impact of post-earthquake activities on capaacity b Mahmood ( Abbas (07- UET
5209 Urban sprawl Khaliq ( 2007- Sohail (2007- ET
5210 A comparative study of participatory and non parti (2007-CRP- Batool(07- UET
5211 Impact of parks on residential land ualues Haroon (2007- UET
5213 Economic impacts of LDA commercialization poli Umair (2008- Ali(2008- UET
5214 Evaluation of pedestrian bridges: a case study of peAhmad(2008- Afzal(2008- UET
5215 Analysis of pedestrian facilities Yusuf(2008- Nadeem(200 UET
5216 Assessment of flood early warning system: a case sArshad (2008- Iqbal(2008- UET
5217 Urban regeneration through specialized streets: a c Ihsan Nawaz alRashil(200 UET
5218 Assessment of female only bus service in Lahore Shabbir Iqbal (2008- UET
5219 Assessment ofcontribution of an NGO-Akhuwat inAfzal (2008- Bilal(2008- UET
5220 Improvement of SLUMS in Gujjer Pura,Lahore Sideeqa(2008- Laila(2008- UET
5221 Evaluation of Expo center and finance & Trade cenInayat(2008- Yousaf(2008 UET
5222 A case study of anatomy of urban villages of LahorKazmi_2008- (2008-CRO- UET
5223 Modern ways for efficient building control Ali(2008- UET
5224 Comparative analysis of land speculation in public,Ali(2009- Rehman(200 UET
5225 Assessment of renewal project undertaken by Wall (2009-CRP- Shahbaz(200 UET
5226 Increasing trend towards passive recreation in metr Ali(2009- EET
5227 Parking problems and their possible solutions Nouman Hussain(200 UET
5229 An analysis of acceptance level for vertical residen Ibrahim (2009 Tahir(2009- UET
5230 Applying human & Environmental friendly landscaMaqbool Iqbal(2009- UET
5231 Housing problems and solutions hus(2009- Muhammad( UET
5232 Paramount cause of increase in motorization in LahMurtaza(2009-Shaheen(200 UET
5233 Up-gradation of Katchi Abadi Akram(2009- Rasheed(200 UET
5234 An evaluation of utility of Park & ride plaza Libert Naeem(2009- Haider(2009- UET
5235 Assessment of socioeconomic & environmental coMustafa Anwar(2010- UET
5236 A study on unauthorized land subdivisions of resid Ahmed Muhammad UET
5238 Developing a strategy topromote local tourism in L (2010-CRP- (2010-CRP- UET
5239 Comparative evaluation of solid waste collection s Javed (2010- Sabooh UET
5240 Strategies to enhance awarencess for ensuring betteNadeem Atiq(2010- UET
5242 Traffic implication of proposed institutional zone u(2010-CRP- Hussain UET
5243 Comparative analysis of stakeholders percepton ab (2010-CRP- Jabeen(2010- UET
5244 Curative and preventive planning approaches: case (2010-CRP- Wafa(2010- UET
5245 Comparative analysis of services offered by Qingq Nawaz(2010- Javed(2010- UET
5246 An evaluation of Punjab land use (classification, re Iqbal (2010- Zafar(2010- UET
5247 Parking turnover in purpose built parking plazas of (2010-CRP- Awan(2010- UET
5249 Exploring the problems of cyclists and the potentia (2010-CRP-9) Shah(2010- UET
5250 Improving the bidding power of the poor through l Arif, A 07,21,41) CRPD
5251 Community based disaster and risk management (2010-CRP- Ali(2010- CRPD
5252 Feasibility of smart feeder bus service linking BRT(2011-CRP- (2011-CRP- CRPD
5253 People's perception about economic, environmenta (2011-CRP- Shahzad(201 CRPD
5254 A comparative analysis of Livability in Bahria TowAnjum (2011- Javaid(2011- CRPD
5255 Estimation of willingness to pay for improved Met Aslam (2011- Riffat(2011- CRPD
5256 Assessing the publicness of public spaces case studMehmood Nawaz (2011- CRPD
5257 Critical analysis of impact assessment process for Ahmed (2011- Shahzeem CRPD
5258 Solid waste management and improvement plan : Muhammad Ali(2011- CRPD
5259 Towards increasing the liveability and social integrAshraf (2011- Suleman CRPD
5260 An assessment of conventional orientation of hous Younas(2011- (2011-CRP- CRPD
5261 Exploring the suitability of integrated Public transp(2011-CRP- M Shafaat CRPD
5262 Rental housing" An option to bridge the gap of hou(2011-CRP- Kiran(2011- CRPD
5263 Study on impediments & success of building bye la(2011-CRP- Zaheer(2011- CRPD
5264 Assessment of Parking standardson commercialize Zaheer (2011- Ameen(2011- CRPD
5265 User's assessment of Signal free projects By LDA Ahmed Ahmed(2011- CRPD
5266 Green buildings as a solution for sustainable housi Ghani (2011- Rashid (2011- CRPD
5267 Improvement plan of Sanda Kalan with help of comRauf(2011- Anwaar CRPD
5268 Ravitalization concept along Metro Route Bawaz (2011- Mujtaba(201 CRPD
5269 An assessment based study of level of service ( LO Abedin (2011- Faraz(2011- CRPD
5270 Setting up a building control authority for lahore D Yaseen(2012- Riaz(2012- CRPD
5271 Role of Meezan Bank in provision of islamic housi Naseer(2012- Raza(2012- CRPD
5272 Promoting safe pedestrian and vehicular circulation12-CRP-17) Ali(2012- CRPD
5273 Peri Urban planning practices causing conflict withMnstafa(2012- Ali(2012- CRPD
5274 Evaluating utility of Grade-u-turn for unsignalizingAli(2012- Haseeb(2012- CRPD
5275 Critical analysis of contemporary town design prac CRP-1) Sultan(2012- CRPD
5276 Esploring the potential for transit oriented develop Ullah(2012- Baber(2012- CRPD
5277 Assessment of conservation of built cultural herita Manzoor(201 Rafiq(2012- CRPD
5278 Siddique(201 Ahmed CRPD
5279 Integrating essence of landuse planning in urban ce (2012-CRP- Ebrahim(201 CRPD
5280 Peasons of slow colonization of Public sector hous Ali(2012- Shah(2012- CRPD
5281 Impact assesment of smart moility (2012-CRP- Ahmed(2012- CRPD
5282 A critical evaluation of change in land use police oJavais(2012- Hussain(201 CRPD
5283 Examining vertical growthinresidential built up are Iqbal(2012- Shahbaz(201 CRPD
5284 Measuring social capital in planned and unplanned (2012-CRP- Hafeez ( UET
5285 Evaluating housing finance mechanism in Pakistan (2012-CRP- ( 2012-CRP- UET
5286 Improvement measures for trapped villages and an Mehmood Hanif ( 2012- UET
5287 Land acquistion problems in the development of puWaqas (2012- ( 2012-CRP- UET
5288 Identification and evalluationof measures to increa Ullah (2012- ( 2012-CRP- UET
5289 Assessment of existing public transport from R A Rehman Fareed ( UET
5290 Performance based assessment of public transport i (2012-CRP- Asif ( 2012- UET
5291 Critical analysis of the park and ride services along Ali ( 2012- Jalees (2012- UET
5292 Complementing lahore metro bus system through f (2012-CRP- Ayaz (2012- UET
5293 Comparative evaluation of approaches for low inco Ali(2012- (2012-CRP- UET
5294 Analysis of travel behavior & sense of community Qaiser (2012- (2012-CRP- UET
5295 Role of NGOS in poverty alleviation and commun Hussain UET
5296 Analytical study on povision of public Toilets in L Usman (2013- Nadeem(201 UET
5297 Allocation criterian of open spaces for housing sch (3013-CRP- (2013-CRP- UET
5298 Role of town planners in private sector firms offeri Abbas(3013- Ahmed UET
5299 Assssssssessing the provision of plots for low inco (2013-CRP- Khursheed UET
5300 Planning and designing guidelines for developing EGhafoor Hanif (2013- UET
5301 Assessment of the adequacy of design characteristi (2013-CRP- (2013-CRP- UET
5302 Factors influencing the choice of a housing scheme Jahanzaib(30 Iqbal(2013- UET
5303 Compact city as a sustainable urban form (2013-CRP- UET
5304 Affordable housing for middle and low income peo Ahsan(2013- Aslam(2013- UET
5305 Causes and implications of landuse change in Laho Naseem Khalid (2013- UET
5306 Utilization of approved underground paring spaces Feroz(3013- (2013-CRP- UET
5307 Sheltering the homeless people in urban areas Khan(2013- Sumair(2013- UET
5308 Exploring industrial regional integration of cpec in Abbas(3013- Hussain(201 UET
5309 Framework for sistric development planning in PakSohail(3013- Tariq(2013- UET
5310 A study on crime in Lahore Mukhtar(301 Shakeel(201 UET
5311 An Assessment of pedstrianization project Liberty Najeeb(3013- Yasin(2013- UET
5312 Landscaping and visual amenities before and after (3013-CRP- Sajjad (2013- UET
5313 Climate change adaptations in urban Sector (2012-CRP- UET
5314 Visual pollution: Findindg a way to improve scenc (2013-CRP- Awan (2013- UET
5315 Social impact assessment of the communities affec Faridi ( 2013- Kassim(2013- UET
5316 Public Percepation about performance of LWMC i ( 2013-CRP- Salman UET
5318 Post flood and socio-economic vulerability of wom Akram(2013- Wahab (2013 UET
5319 Assessment of impact of urban sprawl on transport Nadeem UET
5320 Effects of earthquake 2005 on housing of Muzaffar Din(2011- UET
5322 The conspicuous urban planning problems and thei Haider (2014- Muneer UET
5323 Evaluation of Relationship between Urban Form anTanweer (2014-CRP- UET
5325 Critical evaluation on sustainability of Aabroo Batool (2014- Javed (2014- UET
5326 Assessment of Model village approach for rehabilit (2014-CRP- Nawaz (2014- UET
5327 Role of Social media in Information Sharing Amon Salman (2014- ( 2014-CRP- UET
5328 Exploring the Potential of Planning and Developin (2014-CRP- Sher (2014- UET
5330 A study on urban growth management and urban Iftikhar (2014- Rehman UET
5333 Assessing the Potentials of Energy Efficient Buildi Arfan (2014-(2014-CRP- UET
5334 Spatial Decision Support System for Land Use-Lan(2014-CRP- Akhtar Khan UET
5335 Preservation of Lahore Railway Station Heritage T Javed Ch. Din (2014- UET
5336 Assessing the Sustainability of Mass Transit Syste Raza (2014- (2014-CRP- UET
5337 A methodology to modify the land uses in transit-o (2014-CRP- Imtiaz (2014- UET
5338 Assessment of socio-economic impact of orange lo (2014-CRP- (2014-CRP- UET
5339 Residential location choice behavior (2014-CRP- Ahmed UET
5340 Examining the Potentials of Green Buildings in La Hassan Nayyab UET
5341 Assessibility analysis of public facilities an workpl Anayat Ullah CRP-23) Departme
5342 Identifying the gap in theory and practice of urban (2015-CRP- Departme
5343 Solid waste management and improvement plan of Ahmed (2015- Ali(2015- Departme
5344 Assessing the infrastructural development impact o (2015-CRP- (2015-CRP- Departme
5345 Analyzing the aspects of achieving the goal of 5 mi Ahmed(2015- Departme
5346 Factors of land speculation in approved public and Afzaal (2015- Arif (2015- UET
5347 Improving the living condition of Katchi abadis (2015-CRP- Rehman UET
5348 Assessing the willingness and potential of Kitchen (2015-CRP- Mumtaz UET
5349 Livelihood Strategies and Employment structure i ISLAM (2015-(2015-CRP- UET
5350 Exploring strategies to meet potable water scarity Junaid Iqbal Sajid Iqbal UET
5351 Addressing the siting and environmental issues rela(2015-CRP- Irtaza (2015- UET
5352 Formulatiing planning and designing standards for Raza(2015- (2015-CRP- UET
5353 City expansion and integration of villages: a compaNaseem(2015- Hameed UET
5354 Comparative study of Urban stress in public & coo 2015-CRP- UET
5355 Examining the root causes of commercialization its (2015-CRP- Ain (2015- UET
5356 Analysis of landuses and travel behaviour in traditi Batool (2015- UET
5357 Examining the root causes of Trabsoirt poverty and (2015-CRP- (2015-CRP- UET
5358 Analyzing the aspects of achieving the goal of 5 mi Ahmed UET
5359 Empirical assessment for the domestic servant hou Gulzar (2015- Hassan UET
5360 Risk reduction of glacial lake outburst floods (GLOMohuddin (2015-CRP- UET
5361 Assessment of housing demand and supply : a cas sManzoor Qasim (2015- UET
5362 Ascertaining the dterminants of spatial growth Afnan Saeed Mushtaq UET
5363 Assessment of socio economic factors promoting T Saad (2016- (2016-CRP- CRPD
5364 Impacts of hydro power project on livelihood of pe Saleem Zubair (2016- CRPD
5365 Evaluating the impacts of natural disasters on land Baig (2016- (2016-CRP- CRPD
5366 Fire risk assessment of ehigh-rise buildings for pla Javed (2016- Abbas (2016- CRPD
5367 Assessubg temperatyre varuability and urbanizatio ( 2016-CRP- Zahra (2016- CRPD
5368 Land suitability analysis for Naya Pakistan Housin ul Haseeb Ahmad CRPD
5369 Towards sustainable urban growth Ahmad (2016- (2016-CRP- CRPD
5370 Examining the potentials and constraints in the gro Qadeer (2016 Saleem CRPD
5371 The building regulatory capacity assessment of aut (2016-CRP- (2016-CRP- CRPD
5372 A comparative analysis of Local Government syste Hamza (2016-CRP- CRPD
5373 Factors affecting buyers choice of residential locati Asghar (2016 (2016-CRP- CRPD
5374 Conservation of historical residential Buildings andJamshaid Hassan CRPD
5375 Sustainable water management: integrating floodw (2015-CRP- Nafees (2016- CRPD
5376 Housing need of homeless people Saleem (2016- (2016-CRP- CRPD
5377 Quantifying the level of urban compactuess by usin(2016-CRP- (2016-CRP- CRPD
5378 Responsiveness of the built environment in planne (2016-CRP- (2016-CRP- CRPD
5379 Acceptability and willingness of solar energy use i Nadeem Salman CRPD
5380 Indicating factors on vertical dellings acceptability Robbas (2016- Daud (2016- CRPD
5385 Roll of multi purpose commuity organizations in th (2005-CRP- Sahar (2005- CRPD
5386 Asequacy of planning standards adopted for the pr (2008-CRP- Liaqat (2008- CRPD
5387 Role of Hawkers in the development of city Ahmad (2013- CRPD
5388 Impact of land use change of climate Basheer (2010-CRP- CRPD
5389 Comparative analysis of adoption of solar photovol (2009-CRP- Raza (2009- CRPD
5390 Comparative ananlysis of speculation of serviced p Nawaz (2010- (2010-CRP- CRPD
5391 Transformation of villages under urban influence Saqib(2017- Kausar UET
5392 Assessing the preparedness of planning and develo Fatima(2017- Waseem(201 UET
5393 Identifying the reasons of failure of outline developAbdullah(17- Shah (2017- UET
5394 Determing the planning of Mandi Towns Haris(2017- Ghani, UET
5395 Impact of urban sprawl on traffic pattern behavior Ali(2017- Kashif UET
5396 Leveraging women mobility across Mass Transit s Khaliq(2017- Bashir, UET
5397 Assessment of the performance of Pannah Gahs for Khan (2017- Zeeshan(201 UET
5398 Analysis of legal partculars of NPHP & their incen (2017-CRP- 22)Fatima UET
5399 Determining urban sprawl and potential of vertical Azam(2017- In(2017-CRP- UET
5400 Assessing forensic audit reports and compliance w Kausar (2016- Arshad UET
5401 Impacts of COVID-19 on mobility pattern location M Habibullah, UET
5402 Paramenters of sustainable housing supply Zar(17-CRP- Khan(17- ET
5403 prospects of vertical housing in meeting urban hou Fiaz(2017- Hussain (17- UET
5501 Jhang structure plan: 1982 - 2002 Mushtaq(77- 77-CRP- 30 Departme
5503 Sialkot Structure plan 1064,1113,11 1201,1086,1 Departme
5504 Sheikhupura Structure plan 73-CRP- Departme
5505 Sheikhupura Structure plan Departme
5506 Gujranwala Structure plan Adedin ( 91- Yaseen ( 91- Departme
5507 Rawalpindi Structure plan 90-CRP-11 90-CRP-45 Departme
5508 Structure planning project Abbottabad Parvaiz( 85- Yaseen ( 91- Departme
5509 Structure planning project Abbottabad Munir( 85- Departme
5510 Structure planning project Abbottabad Naeem( 85- Departme
5511 Sahiwal Structure plan 1993-94 in put studies U E T, Deptt. U
5512 Sahiwal Structure plan 1993-94 in put studies U E T, Deptt. U
5513 Sargodha structure plan: Landuse study Shafqat Niaz Basit Rauf Deptt. U
5514 Sargodha structure plan: Landuse study Shafqat Niaz Basit Rauf Deptt. U
5515 Sargodha structure plan:Education, Health & RecreMahmood, Amer, Deptt. U
5516 Sargodha structure plan1992-93:Regional Perspect Majeed, Shahid Deptt. U
5517 Sargodha structure plan:basic infra-structure & Mu Mehmood, Ahmad Deptt. U
5518 Sargodha structure plan:Regional perspective & lin Majeed, Shahid Deptt. U
5519 Sargodha structure plan : Housing Studies Arshad, Ijaz Rehman Deptt. U
5520 Sargodha structure plan:Socio-Economic dynamics Ayub, Faiza Shahzad, Deptt. U
5521 Sargodha structure plan:Socio-Economic dynamics Ayub, Faiza Shahzad, Deptt. U
5522 Structure planning project Abbottabad Parvaiz( 85- Yaseen ( 91- Departme
5523 Abbottabad Structure plan Proposals Session 1981 Departme
5524 Sargodha Regional plan Regional Departme
5525 Regional development in Sind: a comprehensive Pl Nations D
5601 Master Plan Project Kotli Town, Azad Kashmir Mahmood Ahmad, Departme
5602 Master plan project Kotli Town Azad Kashmir Islam Ahmad, Departme
5603 Master plan project Kotli Town Azad Kashmir Ahmad, Akbar, Tariq Departme
5604 Master plan for Greater Kotli ( Azad Kashmir ) 19 Engineering Departme
5605 Master plan for Greater Kotli ( Azad Kashmir ) 19 Engineering Departme
5606 Master plan for Quetta: Quetta Development AuthoEngineering Departme
5607 Master plan for Quetta: Quetta Development AuthoEngineering Departme
5608 Gilit Master plan Environmenta …
5609 Master plan for Greater Jhelum Muhammad Raza, …
5610 Integrated master plan of Multan Development NES PAK e of Town
5611 Integrated master plan of Multan Development NES PAK e of Town
5612 Master planning report on Master plan of Mansehr CRP CRPD
5613 Rawalpindi Master Plan Punjab Physical Punjab
5614 Proposed master plan Abbotabad TMA 2002 CRP CRPD
5615 report on health and education information Shakeel, 12, 24, 26 CRPD
5616 Master plan of Attock , Mujahid 22, 28, 31 CRPD
5617 Analysis report of land use Attock Ameen(2007- Muhammad CRPD
5618 Transportation issues in Attock (2007-CRP- Haneef CRPD
5619 Structure plan for Abbottabad city : Municipal area CRP-1997 CRPD
5620 Integarated master plan of Attock (2011- 2036) 2007-CRP CRPD
5621 Studies report 2007-CRP CRPD
5622 Integrated master plan of Attock CRP-2007 CRPD
5623 Master plaln of Abbottabad city CRP 2012 CRPD
5624 Master plalnning report Abbottabad CRP- 2012 CRPD
5625 Master plaln of Abbottabad CRP-2012 CRPD
5626 Proposed Master plaln Abbottabad TMA CRP-2002 CRPD
5627 Master plaln of Abbottabad CRP-2002 CRPD
5628 Strategic Master plan 2010-2030 city of Gujrat CRP-2006 CRPD
5629 Evaluation of Bahawalpur regional plan 82-CRP CRPD
5630 Kohlu regional Development plan: an evaluation 86-CRP CRPD
5631 Kasur action area plan 76-CRP CRPD
5632 Sheikhupura master plan Mohammma CRPD
5633 Wazirabad Master plan Tpwn Arch. &
5634 Integrated master plan of Multan Development NES PAK e of Town
5635 Integrated master plan of Multan Development NES PAK e of Town
5637 Master plan of Bahawalpur 2033 2009-CRP CRPD
5638 Master plan for Narowal city 2034 2010 -CRP CRPD
5639 Master plan for Narowal city 2034 2010 -CRP CRPD
5640 Integrated master plan for Sargodha 2008-CRP CRPD
10001 Housing studies, Volume 10, Number 1, January 1995 Oxford
10002 The City Weber, Max 301.36 Press

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