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Reflection 8- Communicating the Research Results: Research Presentation


The group 8 was assigned to make a video presentation about the academic writing.
Academic writing is another term for scholarly writing. It is the writing style that is used in all
academic fields. Scholarly writing is not superior to journalism, or fiction; it is simply a different
genre. Because most of us are unfamiliar with scholarly writing, it can be intimidating, but it is a
skill that can be learned by immersing yourself in scholarly literature.

Scholarly writing communicates original thought, whether through primary research or

synthesis, and offers a fresh perspective on previous research. Scholarly writing includes
accurate citation of sources as well as the inclusion of a bibliography or reference list. All
assertions are supported by relevant sources, and the writing is informed by and demonstrates
engagement with the larger body of literature on the topic at hand. This remains a key player in
higher education, scholarly writing develops students’ ability to express themselves by
understanding topics and how to communicate on different subject fields. And the most
important thing, it is not the only task provided by the college or universities, rather its develop
your own strength to think creative and increase your imagination level. One of the most
important reasons scholarly writing is so important to students is that it can increase their
confidence to perform well in their academic career.

All in all, reading comprehension, grammar, and sentence structure are all important
components of good scholarly work. Students who learn how to combine these and other
elements will produce college level contents.

Julius Ceasar A. Dabu

Scholarly writing requires a different set of standards than other types of writing.
Avoiding prejudice, the use of facts, and the development of a compelling argument are all
crucial aspects of scholarly work. writing. Brief, precise, and unambiguous language is required
in scholarly writing. We use academic writing to express ourselves. To stress our concepts, we
must prioritize and convey our information as clearly and appropriately as possible. However,
develop an outline before you write what's on your mind, and limit your thoughts to one per
page. paragraph of your writings, and we must concentrate; we all know that when we write, we
have a lot on our minds. We may have ideas, but we may not know how to put them into action,
which is why we must determine what our ideas for this paragraph will be to exist.

Make your writing clear and concise, with short sentences that are full of ideas and
lessons. a few methods to enhance our writing skills, such as time management, focusing and
selecting the most correct ideas, and creating an outline The more driven you are, the more
succinct your writing will become. Use reliable sources to learn more about your research
findings To make your writing unbiased, provide non-biased reasoning. Add citations to all
sources of your research paper Plagiarism must be avoided by citing sources. With the aid of,
you may broaden your views. other researchers, but we must be aware that plagiarism is a
serious offense, and we must treat other researchers with respect. They were serious about their
studies, and they put in the time, money, and effort necessary to complete them. The format of
the research is It's critical that we formalize our research.

Datu, Shiela Marie D.

The first stage in designing a research project is to choose a topic. The number one
recommendation in selecting a topic is to choose one that interests you and motivates you to
complete the research report. Some steps can assist in selecting a good topic. The first is
brainstorming the topic; the researcher must find a topic that may interest them, such as in
existing articles, watching the news, or anything else that they want to study about their research.
After collecting the ideas, make a long list of possible choices and begin the selection process.
The second stage is to choose a topic; after brainstorming and selecting potential topics, the
process of elimination begins. Among the topics you developed in the first phase, begin by
selecting a very broad subject, and the wider you can expand the topic, the better. The third
phase is to become extremely precise; after selecting a wide subject, the following step is to
become extremely detailed. The fourth stage is to formulate your idea into a question. The final
stage is to conduct further research on your topic or to build an outline. Make a list of things you
wish to study. The next phase is to define the problem and goal; the research problem is the
second step once you have determined what topic you wish to examine. There is also a process in
which the problem and purpose are identified. Among the topics you developed in the first
phase, begin by selecting a very broad subject, and the wider you can expand the topic, the
better. The third phase is to become extremely precise; after selecting a wide subject, the
following step is to become extremely detailed. The fourth stage is to formulate your idea into a
question. The final stage is to conduct further research on your topic or to build an outline. Make
a list of things you wish to study. The next phase is to define the problem and goal; the research
problem is the second step once you have determined what topic you wish to examine. There is
also a process concerning their research.

After you've gathered all of your thoughts, construct a big list of potential options and
start the selecting process. The final stage is to conduct further research on your topic or to build
an outline. Create a list of things you want to learn. The following stage is to establish the
problem and aim; once you've decided on a topic, the second step is to describe the research
problem. There is also a method for determining the problem and purpose. The first stage is to
define a broad issue area, and then look for particular characteristics of concerns, disagreements,
or disagreement. The goal of the first phase is to find a drop for a research project. The second
stage entails learning more. in which the problem and purpose are identified.

Dara Monique B. Garcia

Scholarly Writing Academic writing or also known as scholarly writing is a thesis-driven

genre of writing used in the academic fields. It is said that it is a style of expression that
researchers use to define the intellectual boundaries of their disciplines and their specific areas of
expertise. It is characterized by a formal tone, point of view of a third person, clearly focused on
the problem under investigation, and use of precise words. In addition, there are five rules that
must be observe, first ideas should be explain as clear as possible, second outline should be made
before writing, third is one idea should be discussed per paragraph, then, sentences should be
short yet concise, and last is use of active voice. It should also include relevant examples,
supporting evidences, and information from academic texts or credible sources.
Furthermore, there are different ways on how to better improve one's writing skills. It
entails working out a schedule, making an outline, conducting your own investigation, writing a
research statement, use of credible sources, providing unbiased arguments, making the text
coherent, adding citations, diagrams, or tables, completing a profound summary, and editing the
paper and refining its content. The reporter also discussed on how one can cite sources
adequately. Plagiarism is the act of using someone's work and presenting as your own. In the
Philippines it is punishable by the law. However, they have discussed five considerations in
citing sources which are presenting ideas with the help of sources rather than making a collection
of ideas from your source, paragraph should start and end with the purpose of the topic involved
in order to justify the inclusion of your sources, focus on the main argument and use sources to
support it, use multiple resources, and avoid using too many direct quotations rather use
paraphrasing to show understanding of the quotations. There are four citation styles that can be
use which are American Psychological Association Style Citation or APA Citation, Modern
Language Association Style Citation or MLA Citation, Chicago or Turabian Style Citation, and
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineer Style Citation Guide or IEEE Guide. Moreover,
there are formats that must be used specifically for heading, appendices, references, and other
structure of the research body. The reporter had discussed the right use of margin, font size, font
style, spacing, and pagination. They have also mentioned some examples of scholarly or
academic writing which include book reports, essay, thesis and dissertations, research paper, and
academic journal to name a few.

To conclude with, scholarly writing enables an individual to better organize his thoughts.
It serves a great factor into the study's overall quality and reliability. One must keep in mind the
above-mentioned things in order to effectively communicate the knowledge intended to impart to
the specific audience.
Arrian Pamela J. Orlanes

Group eight(8) discussed scholarly writing as part of module 3: Communicating the

research results. The group used a video presentation to discuss the topic. Scholarly writing
requires the avoidance of prejudice, the use of evidence, and the development of a persuasive
argument. Brief, precise, and unambiguous language is required in scholarly writing. The
Writing Center has resources to assist you with a variety of elements of scholarly writing.
Scholarly writing presents new ideas, whether through primary research or synthesis, and
provides a new perspective on previous research.

The first step in improving academic writing skills is to use online editing and
proofreading resources; the second step is to remember to plan and structure; the third step is to
remember your reader's needs; the fourth step is to get feedback before submitting a final copy;
the fifth step is to write as you would speak; and the final step is to read and write as much as
you can. A citation informs your readers that you based your work on information from other
sources. It also specifies such sources and provides details to assist the reader in locating them.
The author's name, publication date, and page numbers are examples of this information. The
citation style you pick determines the precise information provided in the citation. It is important
to credit the sources used in your research for a variety of reasons. The first is to show your
reader that you have done sufficient research by referencing the sources from which you
obtained your information. Giving credit to others and acknowledging their ideas is an important
part of being a responsible scholar.

The presenter performed in the form of a video presentation with the theme of classroom
reporting. Their report was nice, and the topics were well discussed.
Talavera, Joana Mae D.

The report of group 8 is about scholarly writing. In terms of the content of their report
they explained their topic well. In terms of the flow of their report, it took me a while realizing
what their concept. At first I thought they also use news report then suddenly because of the aura
of the report I thought they make it look like a game like the report of group 4 but I realized it
was a school concept. The shapes and background music that they used kind of not appropriate
to the concept. They used triangle, square, and circle I thought it was a game concept because
majority knows that it was look like the Korean drama squid game logo. Then after a while the
blackboard background explain their concept. In addition to clarify everything to me, the reporter
wear the school uniform.

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