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Pranz Wally G.

Assignment 2

1. Look around your house and spot a product of art. Take a picture of that product in your
household. Trace the beginning of this item and determine what functions it has in history
(e.g., a painting of the Last Supper in your dining room or a spoon).

The Last Supper in our Wall Clock

The main function of da Vinci's Last Supper would be to depict the story of Christ
announcing to his disciples that one of them will betray him. It also functions to represent
the serenity and power of Jesus compared to the chaos and emotion of humans.

The Last Supper is the final meal that, in the Gospel accounts, Jesus shared with his
apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion. During the meal Jesus predicts his betrayal
by one of the apostles present, and foretells that before the next morning, Peter will thrice
deny knowing him.
2. What artwork has changed something in your life? Explain your experience

The artwork that changed my life is music because listening to music makes me feel calm
and comfortable. Before I didn't have my own mobile phone I could only listen to music rarely
and when I got my first phone I always listened to music because it helps me to escape from
reality, at least I can forget temporarily that I'm sad whenever I listen to music. My music
preference is rock, mellow rock and sometimes ballad. My favorite bands are Cueshe and

3. Does art always have to be functional? Explain

In my opinion art has a function because every has a goal to express a message regardless
if it is physical art like architecture or political art like photography

4. If artwork did not have any function, will it remain art? Explain

If an art did not have a function I don't think it would still be considered art because the purpose
of an art is to express whether it is painting, architecture, music etc. Every art has a story behind
it that the artist spend time to complete and make an effort to it

5. Give example of subject type Representation (with a subject) and non-

representational (without a subject).

Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci - Representational I

like this painting

Mondrian's work Tableau I (1921)- Non Representational

Submission will be on Sept 15, Wednesday

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