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Nirel Wiggins

Dr. Le

AP Lit, Per. 2

2 September 2021

Literary Merit Qualification

Emotional Complexity –

 I feel like emotional complexity is one of the core things that makes a novel or a play

literary merit because it can go in depth about how a character is truly feeling.

 The buildup of these emotional responses as the climax of a story sets in really creates the

mood of the environment.

 Creating a character to be able to have range on their emotions can reveal how they

express themselves with certain events and what their personality is like.


 I believe that authenticity plays a key role in literary merit because it contains the true

qualities of uniqueness.

 Authenticity is all about writing in the present form about how one actually feels in the


Realistic Characters-

 Having realistic characters can help out decipher how a one may react to certain


 These characters can also be relatable to the audience, making them feel like they have

someone to relate to depending on the situation going on in the story.

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World Building-

 World building can be significant in literary merit because it helps create a compelling

story with the environment and how it’s like for the characters in the story living in it.

 This describes the creation of an entire new world, being able to go into detail about the

surroundings of the characters really helps the audience imagine what the environment

looks like in their minds.


 The theme is important because it represents the main idea or the underlying meaning

that is explored within the work of literature by an author.

 The theme is part of the reason the author wrote the story, it’s the message the author

wants to get across to the audience.


 The narrative is an engaging writing style that connects events of the story.

 It is the sequence of events and the plot that ties the whole story together.


 The setting of a story is highly significant because it creates the mood and reveals

characters and certain challenges they may be facing.

 It may influence the story of a character but it also enhances the way a reader is able to

imagine the characters and events that are going on.


 The tone of a story reflects the way an author feels toward the subject in the storyline.

 It also helps the audience to be able to relate to the emotions for certain events or

situations as they read the pages.

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 The dialogue of a book or play is significant because it helps drive the storyline forward.

 It helps enhance the climax and engages the audience with coming closer to that or the

conclusion at the end.


 The plot of a novel or play is one of the most important elements of the story, it is all in
all the sequence of events.
 It introduces the moral of the story and contains the underlying principle of what will
happen throughout the story.

Mrs. Le’s List:

 A re-readable piece is truly a part of literary merit because it is filled with elements such
as complexity and familiarity, which draws the reader back into reading the story over
again. When these elements come together, they become very enticing to the mind.

Simple Can Be Complex-

 A piece of literature that is simple yet is complex at the same time holds grand signifi-
cance towards something with aesthetic value because it can go a long way with describ-
ing the layers within the plot of the story.

Impacts Other Literature-

 When the work impacts or inspires other literature, it is genuinely sumptuous and applies
to the list of literary merit. Moreover, it creates almost a chain reaction as the generations
of this work thrive amongst others and sometimes create new versions of this approach as

Real and Relate to Real Life-

 When a work of literature is real and can relate to real-life circumstances, that creation
perpetually becomes authentic to the eye and mind of the audience because it can make
them feel this sense of familiarity when recognizing this notion of the story.

Literary Layers-
 When an author has literary layers within their text, that truly becomes vital to the story
because it reveals a more profound message hidden within the text. It shows the audience
that there is more than what meets the eye on the surface when reading literature.
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College Board List:

Entertains the Reader-

 It is genuinely satisfying for the author to entertain the reader with a work of literature
because the reader can enjoy their work and understand certain emotions that the author
displays in the story.
Earned Emotion from the Audience-
 Earning emotions from the audience is incredibly valuable to literary merit because it is
truly meaningful when the author can go in-depth with their work and make the readers
feel profoundly with their emotions while reading.

Shows Thematic Depth-

 Showing thematic depth is highly promising because it demonstrates the importance of a
story by truth where the author delivers quality messages about the authenticity in the

Demonstrated Innovation in Style, Voice, Characterization, Plot, Description, etc.-

 Demonstrating innovation in style, voice, or characterization is profoundly beneficial to
the list of literary merit. When the author’s thoughts tie into the story, it indeed becomes
magnificent to see the ability to have a range with all of those elements and reading how
certain situations have a climax throughout the story.

May Have a Social, Political, or Ideological Impact on Society-

 When a work of literature contains a social, political, or ideological impact on society, it
undeniably becomes profoundly meaningful to this list as well. When these elements are
found in the text, they pertain to many possibilities of what could or can happen. It also
reveals that literature can be a form of expression for each author.

Note: I was absent the day this assignment was created and was assigned to do this instead.

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