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JANUARY 23, 2022



ROLL# 201360263

o August Comte, explain the three stages of development.

1. Theological Stage ( that stage in which people have multiple GODS)

Theology means talking or learning about religion. This is the first stage of the
three stages. During this period, man believed that all natural phenomena were
the creation of supernatural powers or supernatural forces. Man failed to
discover the natural causes of various conditions and therefore attributed them to
the supernatural or to the power of God. This section is full of priests and is ruled
by military men.
The Theological Stage is divided into 3 sub-stages.
 Fetishism (animism)
 Polytheism
 Monotheism
Fetishism (animism)
Fetishism is the primary stage of religious thinking. It also known as animism.
"Fetish" means inanimate and "ism" means philosophy. Throughout this stage,
the ancients believed that inanimate objects had a living soul, also known as
animism. People worshiped inanimate objects like, such as trees, rocks, wood,
volcanic eruptions, and so on. He did not accept the priesthood.
Fetishism is the second stage of religious thinking. "Poly" means many. At this
time people believed in many gods. The primitive people believed that the forces
of nature were controlled by different gods; A few examples would be: God of
water, God of rain, God of fire, God of spirit, God of earth, etc. They form priestly
divisions to obtain favor and blessings from these Gods or Goddesses. But later,
the existence of so many Gods created a conflict of ideas.
This is the last stage in the theological phase. "Mono" means one. To believe in
one God means to believe in one God or one God; they all come from the same
supreme deity. At this stage, the people believed that there was only one God
and that he was in control of all natural phenomena in the universe. It was at this
stage that it gradually began to offer thinking and reasoning.

2. Metaphysical Stage (people moves towards ones of GOD)

This stage began at 1300s. In the metaphysical stage of society, people viewed the
world and events as natural reflections of human tendencies. People in this stage
still believed in divine powers or gods, but they believed that these beings are
more abstract and less directly involved in what happens on a daily basis. Instead,
problems in the world are due to defects in humanity.
The metaphysical thinking is almost an extension of the theological thinking.
Rationalism started growing instead of imagination. Rationalism states that God
does not stand directly behind every phenomenon.
Pure reasoning insists that God is an Abstract Being. Reasoning helped man to
find out some order in the natural world. This stage being an improvement upon
the earlier stage, it was believed that the abstract power or force guides and
determines the events in the world. Metaphysical thinking discards belief in
concrete god. The metaphysical stage is a transitional stage in which mysterious,
abstract forces (e.g., nature) replace supernatural forces as the powers that
explain the workings of the world. The continuity, familiarity and infallibility found
in the natural system have been attributed to “other principles” or “Power”. Thus,
principles and theories gained supremacy over emotions and speculation. Even
these metaphysical interpretations were mentally unsatisfactory. Yet this kind of
thinking was in line with the official nature of society.

3. Positivist Stage
The positivist stage is the last and highest stage in Comte's career. At this stage,
people are searching for consistent rules that govern all world events. Comte's
last category of community is called. The beautiful stage Just as the name implies,
here people look at the world and events as defined by scientific principles. In
today's society, most people agree that the planets are material objects made of
gas or rock.
People believe that illness is caused by germs and that medicine is the right
remedy. In the event of an earthquake, many people believe that this is because
of the movement of the tectonic plates, not because the god is angry.
Although it is easy for us, people living in the modern science age, to look back at
the people in the first two stages and think that some of their beliefs are foolish,
keep two things in mind.
First, many people today still believe that one or more gods are at work in our
lives, and many people in modern society still believe in astrology. Second,
remember that for five or a thousand years from now, people in the future may
look back and think that our beliefs are foolish.
Identify that, Is Pakistani society is exit in that stages?
Pakistan is a society in which people are divided between the three taxonomies
on the basis of economic divisions in the cultural, religious and political spheres.
This racism is actually the reason why this society has never committed itself to
nationalism and thus needs to move forward in a more prosperous manner. No
matter how powerful the economy and the political enlightenment would be
without information this divisions would continue indefinitely.
Pakistan is a mix of different cultures and cultures but here the definition is found
in the classrooms. Pakistani society when separated from the Indian subcontinent
acquired many cultures and beliefs. The Indian Sub-continent first influenced by
polytheism formed Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism; then there was the Islamic
belief in one God of Muslim generations and then there were missionaries based
on British Colonialism. Religion is a real system and its sub-units or sub-systems
construct economics, politics, and culture in the view given by Comte.

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