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Constr1 1 0 6
Constr2 2 3 19
Constr3 1 1 8

c1 c2 c1,dec, c1 increas c2,dec, c2 increased

obj. fn. Coeff 5 7 Range of optimality Range of C1 Range of C2
Coefficient of X1 Coefficient of X2
No change in optimal soln
Model Range =max-min
x1 x2
Decision Variable 5 3 Optimal Solution x1*x2

obj. Fn 46 5x1+7x2 Optimal obj. fn value

Constrain1 5 <= 6
Constrain2 19 <= 19 2x1+3x2<=19
Constrain3 8 <= 8 x1+x2<=8
Constr1 1 0 6
Constr2 2 3 19
Constr3 1 1 8

c1 c2 c1,dec, c1 increas c2,dec, c2 increased

obj. fn. Coeff 4.8 7 Range of optimality Range of C1 Range of C2
Coefficient of X1 Coefficient of X2
No change in optimal soln
Model Range =max-min
x1* x2*
Decision Variable 5 3 Optimal Solution x1*x2

obj. Fn 45 5x1+7x2 Optimal obj. fn value

LHS RHS Range of Feasibility
Constrain1 5 <= 6 X1+X2<=6 Range for RHS1, dec,RHS2 increase
Constrain2 19 <= 19 2x1+3x2<=19Range for RHS1, dec,RHS2 increase
Constrain3 8 <= 8 x1+x2<=8 shadow price is applicable
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Sensitivity Report
Worksheet: [03 Class 03.xlsx]Sheet1
Report Created: 12-12-2020 14:01:01

Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$B$12 Decision Variable x1 5 0 5 2 0.333333333
$C$12 Decision Variable x2 3 0 7 0.5 2

Constraints LHS RHS

Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$B$17 Constrain1 LHS 5 0 6 1E+030 1 5 TO INFINITY
$B$18 Constrain2 LHS 19 2 19 5 1 18 TO 24
$B$19 Constrain3 LHS 8 1 8 0.333333333 1.666666667 5.33 50 8.33

4.667,7 5, 7.5 45.5

Optimal sol will not change

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