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Neural Machine Translation for English-Tamil

Himanshu Choudhary Aditya Kumar Pathak

DTU-Delhi IIIT-Bhubaneswar

Rajiv Ratn Shah Ponnurangam Kumaraguru

IIIT-Delhi IIIT-Delhi

Language is the expression of ideas using speech sounds combined into words. Words are
combined into sentences, this combination answering to that of ideas into thoughts. English
language is international language that is way a large amount of resources is available in the
world in English language that may be in the forms of hardcopy or softcopy such as books,
audios, images, videos documents etc. most people needs translation help to access this resources
that are not speakers of English language in their local languages when this can be done in
manually (human translation) it is very boring, time consume and expensive process, Machine
translation (MT) is an automatic translation from one language to another. Is the process of using artificial
intelligence (AI) to automatically translate content from one language (the source) to another (the target)
without any human input, one of the most recently used machine translation is Neural machine translation
(NMT). In this paper, we apply NMT for English-Tamil language pair. using word-embedding along with
Byte-Pair-Encoding (BPE) to develop an efficient translation system that overcomes the OOV (Out Of
Vocabulary) problem for languages which do not have much translations available online. A technique
that we use to evaluate the system performance is BLEU score. Experimental results confirm that our
proposed MIDAS translator (8.33 BLEU score) outperforms Google translator (3.75 BLEU score)
Large countries like India and China have multiple languages that vary by location.India, for example,
has 23 officially recognized official languages (such as Hindi, Tamil, and Panjabi) as well as hundreds of
unregistered regional languages. Despite the fact that India has a population of almost 1.3 billion people,
only about 10% of them speak English. According to some surveys, just 2% of these 10% of English
speakers can speak, write, and read English fluently, while the remaining 8% can only grasp basic English
and speak broken English with a wide range of accents (sta). Given that a substantial quantity of useful
information is available on the internet in English, and since the majority of Indians do not speak the
language fluently, it is critical to translate such content into local languages to assist people.
People must share information not only for business goals, but also to express their sentiments, opinions,
and actions. To this end, translation plays a critical role in bridging the gap in communication between
people. It is not possible to manually translate the content due to the large amount of data. As a result, it's
critical to automatically translate content from one language (say, English) to another (say, Tamil).
Machine translation is another name for this procedure.
Machine translation for Indian languages is fraught with difficulties. Two key obstacles are
I. The magnitude of parallel corpora and
II. Differences among languages, particularly morphological richness and word order
variances related to syntactical divergence.
Both of these issues plague Indian languages (IL), particularly when translated from English.
For English and Indian languages, there are only a few parallel corpora.
Furthermore, Indian languages like Tamil differ from English in terms of both word order and
morphological complexity. For example, English uses the Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) structure,
but Tamil uses the Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) structure (SOV). Furthermore, English is a
fusional language, but Tamil is an agglutinative one. While morphological variations lead to data
sparsity, syntactic differences add to translation model challenges. In this study, we aim to
address both difficulties.
While there is a lot of work being done on machine translation for both foreign and Indian
languages, most of the work on Indian languages is limited to traditional machine translation
techniques. We see that techniques like word-embedding and byte-pair encoding (BPE) aren't
used on many Indian languages, despite the fact that natural language processing has improved
dramatically. As a result, we use a neural machine translation technique (torch implementation)
in conjunction with word embedding and BPE in this article. Particularly, We concentrate on the
English-Tamil language pair because it is one of the most difficult to translate (ZdenekZabokrtsk
y', 2012) due to Tamil's morphological richness.We use data from EnTamv2.0 and Opus to
evaluate our results, and we employ the BLEU evaluation matrices. On the Tamil language, the
experimental results show that we achieved substantially better outcomes than traditional
machine translation techniques. Our study, we feel, can be extended to other Indian language
pairs as well.
The following are the main contributions of our work: • This is the first study to use BPE with word
embedding on an Indian language pair (English-Tamil) using the NMT technique.
 We can achieve equal accuracy with a simpler model in less time than we can with a deep and
complicated neural network, which takes a long time to train.
 We've demonstrated why and how data pretreatment is important in neural machine translation.
 With a BLEU score of 4.58, our model outperforms Google Translator.
The remainder of the paper is laid out as follows. Sections 2 and 3 discuss related work and our MIDAS
translator's methodology, respectively. Section 4 contains the results of the evaluation. Section 5 brings
the paper to a close.

We describe a neural machine translation technique that uses word embedding and Byte-Pair-
Encoding (BPE) to construct an efficient translation system called MIDAS translator that solves
the OOV (Out Of Vocabulary) problem for languages with limited online translations. To begin,
we'll go through neural machine translation, attention models, word embedding, and Byte Pair
Encoding. The framework of our MIDAS translator is then presented.
Neural Machine Translation Overview
The technique of neural machine translation is based on neural networks and the conditional probability
of translated sentences from the source language to the target language (Revanuru et al., 2017) We will
give an overview of the sequence to sequence architecture and attention model employed in our proposed
MIDAS translator in the following subsections.
Architecture with a Sequence-to-Sequence Relationship In machine translation models, sequence to
sequence architecture is used to determine the relationship between two different language pairs, whereas
in response generation, it is used to find the relationship between two different language pairs. It is made
up of two components: an encoder and a decoder. The encoder receives the data from the source, while
the decoder creates the output using the encoding vector and previously formed words. Assume sentence
A is the source sentence and sentence B is the target sentence. The encoder turns the source sentence a1,
a2, a3..., an into a fixed-dimensional vector, which the decoder decodes word by word using conditional
probability. The fixed size encoded vectors are A1, A2..., AM in the equation. The Eq. 1 is converted to
the Eq. 2 using the chain rule.

P(B/A) = P(B|A1,A2,A3,...,AM) (1)

P(B|A) = P(bi|b0,b1,b2,...,bi−1; (2) a1,a2,a3,...,am

In Eq. 1, the next word is predicted while decoding using previously predicted word vectors and
source sentence vectors. A softmax over all the terms in the vocabulary is used to represent each
term in the distribution.
Model of Attention The encoder reads the entire sentence, memorizes it, and stores it in the final
activation layer in a basic encoder-decoder architecture, after which the decoder network
provides the target translation. This structure performs admirably.

Figure 1: Seq2Seq architecture for English-Tamil

We may acquire a very good BLEU score for short sentences, but performance worsens for
really long sentences, perhaps greater than 30 or 40 words. A solution for this is to use an
attention mechanism in conjunction with a basic encoder-decoder architecture. It translates
sentences in the same way that humans do by glancing at parts of them at a time. The mechanism
determines how much attention should be devoted to a specific word during the translation
process. Figure 2 depicts the mechanism. From the inputs A1,A2,A3At, the Encoder generates
the attention vectors h1,h2,h3, The context vector Ci is then calculated for each output
time step by concatenating these vectors. Then Decoder generates the softmax output Bi using
the context vector Ci hidden state Si and previously predicted words.
Figure 2: Attention model

Embedding Words
Word embedding is a method of encoding words on a vector space in which the vector
representations of words with related meanings are comparable. Each word in the dictionary has
hundreds of different dimensions. Normally, pre-trained word embedding is employed, and
words from the vocabulary are translated to vectors via transfer learning (Cho et al., 2014). Fast
Text word vectors were employed in our model to translate English and Tamil language into a
300 -dimensional vector. We received a BLEU score of 6.74 after training the model with the
same layers, optimization approach, attention, and regularization.
Encoding in Byte Pairs BPE (Gage, 1994) is a straightforward data compression method. It
substitutes a single unused byte for the most often occurring pair of bytes in a sequence. This
algorithm is used to segment words. We integrate charters or character sequences by merging
frequent pairs of bytes (Sennrich et al., 2015). NMT symbols can be interpreted as sub-words,
and units and networks can use sub-words to translate and create new words. We learned the
independent encodings with 10,000 and 25,000 words on our source and target training data,
respectively, and then applied them to train test and validation data for both source and target.
BPE assisted in compound splitting, suffix, and prefix separation, which are utilized to create
new Tamil words. We employed BPE in conjunction with word embedding and experimented
with several models.
MIDAS Translator

We experimented with numerous models to have a better understanding of how parameter

adjustment and various strategies affect the Indian language pair. Our first model architecture
consists of a 500-dimensional bi-directional LSTM encoder and decoder with a vocabulary
capacity of 50,004 words for both the source and target. To begin, we used the SGD optimization
method, Luong attention, and a dropout (regularization) of 0.3 with a learning rate of 1.0.
Second, with a learning rate of 0.001, we changed the optimization method to Adam and the
attention to Bahdanau. With a BPE vocabulary size of 25,000, a 2 Layer Bi-directional encoder-
decoder, Adam optimization with a learning rate of 0.001, Bahdanau attention, and word
embedding with a dimension of 500, we were able to achieve the best results. For the training of
several models, we employed GPU (Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080), which increased the computing
After 5 hours of training on this GPU, we were able to attain our goal.

Conclusion & Future Work

We used NMT to solve one of the most complex language pairs in this research (English-Tamil). On
Indian languages, we found that NMT with pre-trained word embedding and Byte Pair Encoding
outperforms complicated translation approaches. Our model outperformed the competition.
With a margin of 4.58 BLEU points, Google translator wins. Our technique can be used to create English-
Tamil translation applications that will be valuable in fields such as tourism and education because we
achieved fairly excellent accuracy. Furthermore, we can investigate the feasibility of employing the
aforementioned methodologies for other English-Indian language translations. In the future, we'd like to
use machine translation to detect offensive languages in code-switched languages as well (Mathur et al.,

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