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Certainty during Uncertain times.

This morning an extended SMT met to assess and discuss our current situation regarding opening on
January 10th.

I know that the following might raise many questions but, trust me, when you address the details of the
situation, it is complicated.

Also, please remember that, when reading this note, it is going to all members of our community, from
Early Years to Year 13.

Imperative that parents/guardians keep college informed as to whether the student will not attend for
whatever reason. Let’s try to be patient and keep one another informed. We do care for your child and
we also care for the other ca 680 children that are not yours!

Short Version

 We will be opening physically on January 10 th.

 Please let us know by Saturday, January 8 th, if your child will not be attending when we open.
 Any student who is absent from college for whatever reason must provide, on return, a note
from a GP saying the child is fit for school. The exception to this is when we are informed before
an absence the reason for that absence, (dentist appointment etc…)
 If your child is absent please be sure to inform the class teacher/house tutor, the Head of
Section and where applicable, the COVID Liaison Officer.
 Parents and Guardians have the option to have their child attend online if you so choose,
regardless of whether you have been positive or a close contact.
 If your child is in quarantine, you are obliged to abide with the recommended PH timeframe.
 If your child has symptoms that might or might not be COVID, (common cold), please keep
him/her at home, the child has to remain a minimum of 5 days out of college. Please err on the
side of caution here.
 Whilst staff will do all humanly possible to address and teach children online and those in the
classroom the emphasis will be on those physically present in college.
 Staffing. This will vary depending on which section of college that your child is in. Where
possible we will have ‘cover’ for absent teachers. There will be instances when a teacher or LSE
is out, and we will not have cover. Here, it is imperative that you check your emails in the
morning before your child leaves your home.
o When we are aware that a teacher will be absent you will be informed.

Longer Version.

 We will be opening physically on January 10 th.

o As we stand today, we have the staff to cover all eventualities. Having said this, the
situation is very fluid and, as we are all aware, changes from day to day.
 Parents and Guardians have the option to have their child attend online, regardless of whether
you have received a quarantine notification or not.
o We know the stories of some people receiving their quarantine letters late. PH are
dealing with this to the best of their ability. I ask you not to take advantage of the
situation, (experience has taught us that this does happen), and when possible send us a
photo or scanned copy of documentation you receive from PH or your GP. If you choose
to have your child online be sure to inform class teacher/house tutor and Head of
 If your child is in quarantine, you are obliged to abide with the recommended PH timeframe.
 If your child has symptoms that might or might not be COVID, (common cold), the child has to
remain a minimum of 5 days out of college. Please err on the side of caution here.
o Again, experience has taught us that, there will be instances where a child will want ‘a
day off’ for a myriad of reasons. It was a logistical nightmare when we were not
informed that a child was absent, not informed that the child was returning leading to
teachers not knowing who and how many students that would need to plan for.
 Whilst staff will do all humanly possible to address and teach children online and those in the
classroom the emphasis will be on those physically present in college.
o Hybrid teaching is draining. Students and parents are reminded that if your child is at
home they are expected to be on time for lessons, be in winter uniform, not eat or drink
(exception being water) during lessons, must ask to be excused if the need to go to the
bathroom, pets are not allowed.... etc.
 Staffing. This will vary depending on which section of college that your child is in. Where
possible we will have ‘cover’ for absent teachers. There will be instances when a teacher or LSA
is out and we will not have cover. Here, it is imperative that you check your emails on the
morning before your child leaves your home.

Patience, understanding and good communication between us all will serve us well over the coming
weeks and months.


N. Mac an Bhaird. Headmaster.

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