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Lesson Plan Format

Teacher’s Name: Megan McCleary

Date: December 7 and December 8 Afternoon Lesson
Grade: Kindergarten
Length of Class: (12:45-1:05) 20 minutes
Topic: Numbers
Teacher Materials:
● slideshow
Student Materials:
● copy of bingo game
● bingo chips
Curricular Outcomes:
NK.2 Recognize, at a glance, and name familiar arrangements of 1 to 5 objects, dots, or pictures
(a) Look briefly at a given familiar arrangement of 1 to 5 objects or dots, and identify the whole number
that represents the number of objects or dots without counting
At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1) Identify the whole number that represents the number of dots on a dice (remember)

Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Assessment

Pre Lesson Set-up:
● Slideshow will be
uploaded before
class starts
● Bingo chips and
bingo cards already
put on the students
5 minutes Learning Activity
● Last time you were
at school Mrs.
McLeod talked
about the
Indigenous people.
● Does anyone ● Students will say what they think the
remember what four animals that are important to the
four animals Mrs. Indigenous people are
McLeod said were
important to the
Indigenous people?
● I am going to read
a little bit about
each of the animals
that are important
to the Indigenous
➔ The eagle
represents the
eagle’s vision,
power and ability
to see the bigger
picture and the
world from above.
➔ The buffalo is a
provider, a strong
spirit with great
endurance and
emotional courage.
➔ The wolf is playful,
adaptable, and is
often characterized
as a jokester. The
wolf is intelligent,
has strong instincts,
and demonstrates
➔ The bear is strong,
confident, and a
powerful image of
healing for both the
physical and
● We are going to
play bingo today
● We are going to try
to subitize the
number of pictures
that look like the
dots on a dice that
come up on the
● If you have to
count that is ok but
we are going to try
to subitize
● You are going to
put a bingo chip on
the card that has
the same number as
the picture that
comes up on the
● We are trying to
get a “blackout”
that means that
every number on
your bingo card
should have a
bingo chip on it
● You will only
cover one number
each time even if
there are two of
that number on
your card. You will
cover the other
number if it comes
on the screen again
● If there is enough
time, we will play
the game twice
Play bingo:
15 minutes ● I will go through
each slide of the
slideshow and ask
the students “how
many pictures of
each animal are on
the screen. Ex.
“how many wolves
are on the screen?”
● I will remind the
students to put a
bingo chip on the
number that is the
same number of
pictures of animals
on the screen
● When it is 1:00 I
will give the
students a warning
that there are only
5 minutes left until
clean up time
Clean up:
● At 1:05 I will say
to students that it
is time to cleanup
● I will collect the
bingo cards and I
will bring a bucket
to each table that
the students will
put their used
bingo chips into so
I can sanitize them

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