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Academic Essay Outline

I. Introduction:
(Misconception on the exclusivity of political participation to
democratic form of government.)

II. Body:

Topic 1
Forms of Political Participation

Idea 1
A. Conventional Political Participation
Idea 2
B. Unconventional Political Participation
Idea 3
C.Illegal Political Participation

Topic 2
Monarchical Autocratic Government:
Saudi Arabia

Supporting Evidence 1
A. Conventional Political Participation
(Municipal Elections)

Supporting Evidence 2
B.Unconventional Political Participation
(Not observable)

Supporting Evidence 3
C.Illegal Political Participation
(Arab Spring)

III. Conclusion
Debunking the exclusivity of political participation

Political participation is an inevitable element of the political arena but

its is always a misconception that it is synonymous to political elections which
leads to the belief that it is only exclusive for democratic states. This belief is
highly debunked because every state as of the moment has their own form of
participation in the matters of the state.These forms are classified as
conventional, unconventional and illegal.

Conventional participation are actions that are generally practiced such

as Voting in elections ,joining or donating to political parties,supporting or
donating to interest groups . Unconventional participation is not based on or
conforming to what is generally done such as signing petitions ,organizing or
taking part in consumer boycotts and writing letters to media outlets. The last
form is illegal; these are actions that are condemned by both local legislation
and international laws.

Monarchical states have a diverse political participation that can be

closely compared to democratic states. Studies also shows that autocratic
states is also proven to have a substantial political participation from its
citizen. Saudi Arabia for example is a Absolute Monarchical Autocratic State
under absolute theocracy, making them very traditional and conservative in
legislation but political participation is still strong.

A representation conventional participation in Saudi Arabia is their

municipal election. Elections have been unusual in Saudi Arabia in the past.
Municipal elections were held in 2005 and are scheduled to take place in
2009. They were held in 2011 after a two-year hiatus. King Abdullah gave
women the freedom to vote and run in the 2015 municipal elections in
September 2011.

Unconventional participation that is often associated with people

addressing their concerns and having freedom without censorship is not
allowed in Saudi Arabia. It is is one of the most radical countries in the world
that peaceful protests can result in death.

Illegal participation in this state is often in the form of civil

disobedience like Arab Spring. In the early 2010s, the Arab Spring was a
series of anti-government rallies, uprisings, and armed rebellions that swept
over much of the Arab world. This uprising led to firm decision from the
kingdom in the ban of peaceful protest and increase in censorship.

Political Participation is present even in the most rigid states. It

is true that it is most observable in democratic libertarian states but that does
not mean that it is exclusive. Political participation may it be conventional,
unconventional or illegal aims to aid a say in the running administration.

Hague R, et al.(2013) Political Science an Introduction.Palgrave Macimillan

Al Rasheed, M. (2010). A History of Saudi Arabia. pp. 102–105, 110. 

"Saudis vote in municipal elections, results on Sunday". Oman

Observer. Agence France-Presse. 30 September 2011. Archived from the
original on 19 January 2012. Retrieved 14 December 2011.

"Encyclopedia Britannica Online: Saudi Arabia (Government and

Society)". Britannica. Retrieved 28 April 2011.

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