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Contact resistance instability in pentacene thin film transistors induced

by ambient gases
S. D. Wang,1,2,a兲 T. Minari,2,3,4 T. Miyadera,2,3 K. Tsukagoshi,2,3,5,b兲 and J. X. Tang1
FUNSOM, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215123, People’s Republic of China
CREST-JST, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0012, Japan
AIST, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan
RIKEN, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
MANA, NIMS, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305–0044, Japan
共Received 19 January 2009; accepted 5 February 2009; published online 27 February 2009兲
Top-contact pentacene thin film transistors show the strong susceptibility of the contact resistance to
ambient gases. Moisture and oxygen lead to the increase and decrease in the contact resistance,
respectively. The phenomenon is interpreted by the local conductivity change in the contact region
induced by the adsorption/desorption of ambient gases. The present works suggest that the current
injection in the pentacene thin film transistors is strongly correlated with the charge transport
property in the contact region, where the contact resistance is mainly controlled by the charge trap
states. © 2009 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.3089246兴

Pentacene-based organic thin film transistors 共OTFTs兲 The top electrode pattern produces a set of OTFTs with an
have been extensively investigated over the last decade, be- identical channel width 共W = 750 ␮m兲 and varied channel
cause of the promising applications such as integrated lengths 共L = 50– 350 ␮m with 50 ␮m interval兲, realizing the
circuits1 and sensors.2 The electrical characteristics of penta- precise RC extraction by the transfer line method 共TLM兲.13,14
cene OTFTs,3–5 as well as pentacene single-crystal field ef- The method is based on the following linear regime
fect transistors6 and polymer OTFTs,7,8 have been reported to equation:15
be susceptible to ambient gases such as moisture 共H2O兲 and
oxygen 共O2兲. The ambience induced instability is on one L
Rtotal = Rch + RC = + RC , 共1兲
hand a severe problem that needs to be solved for producing WCi共VGS − VT兲␮ch
highly stable and reliable OTFTs, on the other hand, it hints
where Rtotal, Rch, Ci, and VGS are the transistor total resis-
the potential of using OTFTs as gas sensors. The instability
tance, the channel resistance, the capacitance per unit area of
studies have often focused on the channel properties such as
the SiO2 layer, and the gate bias, respectively. From the lin-
the channel mobility 共␮ch兲 and threshold voltage 共VT兲. How-
ear plot of Rtotal versus L, RC can be attained at the intercept
ever, it lacks of probing the influence of ambient gases on the of the Y-axis 共L = 0兲.
contact resistance 共RC兲, which is typically large and cannot A series of RC measurements of the pentacene OTFTs
be neglected in OTFTs. This issue is significant not only for were performed in different environment, with a sequence of
the comprehensive understanding on the ambient gas effects, measuring 共1兲 in air, 共2兲 intermittently from hours up to days
but also for the attempt to effectively reduce RC in OTFTs. in HV about 0.0001 Pa, 共3兲 successively in nitrogen 共N2兲 and
We report that the top-contact pentacene OTFTs show a dra- O2 atmosphere, and 共4兲 in air again. This process is sche-
matic change in RC in different environment, which is attrib- matically described in Fig. 1共a兲, where the TLM plots mea-
uted to the adsorption/desorption of ambient gases. The ex- sured in air and in HV are shown in Figs. 1共b兲 and 1共c兲,
perimental observations indicate that H2O and O2 play the respectively. Between the adjacent measurements, the
opposite roles in the RC change, and suggest that the funda- samples were stored in dark without any bias application.
mental origin of large RC is the trap-rich low-mobility nature Figure 2 shows the same trend of the RC change with the
of the contact region. storing time no matter the magnitude of VGS nor the materi-
The heavily doped silicon wafers were employed as the als of the metal electrodes, and the phenomenon is highly
common gate electrodes, with 200 nm thick silicon dioxide reproducible for different sets of pentacene OTFTs. It is ap-
共SiO2兲 as the gate insulating layers. The SiO2 surface was parent that RC is unstable and easily influenced by the ambi-
cleaned and coated with a self-assembling monolayer of ent conditions, indicating the strong ambient gas effects on
␤-phenethyltrichlorosilane 共Aldrich, 95%兲 in glove box,9 RC. The first feature in Fig. 2 is the RC decrease after pump-
prior to the pentacene 共Aldrich, purified with temperature ing to HV from air, which should be due to the desorption of
gradient sublimation兲 deposition in high vacuum 共HV兲. The ambient gases from the pentacene films. Furthermore, Fig. 2
thickness and the deposition rate of pentacene are about 40 shows the second feature that RC is slowly increasing in HV,
nm and 0.1 Å/s, respectively. As copper 共Cu兲 top contacts though the increasing rate is gradually decreased. Note that
show smaller RC 10,11 and lower bias stress instability12 com- this feature has no relevance to the so-called bias stress
pared with conventional gold 共Au兲 contacts, both Cu and Au effect12,16 because of the fact that neither VGS nor the drain
electrodes 共40 nm兲 were thermally evaporated and tested. bias 共VDS兲 were applied during the storage. The opposite
changing direction of RC in HV may arise from the different
Electronic mail: adsorption effects of different gases, whose desorption rates
Electronic mail: may be also different. In order to check this hypothesis and

0003-6951/2009/94共8兲/083309/3/$25.00 94, 083309-1 © 2009 American Institute of Physics

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083309-2 Wang et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 083309 共2009兲

FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Channel-width normalized channel resistance vs stor-

ing time of pentacene OTFTs measured in different environment, where the
measuring conditions are as same as those in Fig. 2共b兲.

Therefore, it is suggested that the current injection and trans-

FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 共a兲 Schematics of measuring environment change, port properties are correlated. The results above provide im-
measuring sequence are described in detail in the text. TLM plots of a set of portant information on the origin of RC and on the ambient
pentacene OTFTs 共b兲 initially measured in air, and 共c兲 measured just after gas effects in pentacene OTFTs, and the insights are dis-
pumping to HV, where straight lines are linear fittings, and arrows point at cussed in the following.
channel-width normalized contact resistance.
We have argued that RC in pentacene OTFTs is domi-
nated not by the hole injection barrier, but by the access
distinguish the different gas effects, the pentacene OTFTs resistance from the metal/pentacene interface to the channel
were subsequently exposed to N2 atmosphere, and only the arising from the high density of trap states in the contact
small change in RC were observed. However, the subsequent region.10,17,18 The trap-rich picture of the contact region is
exposure to O2 atmosphere results in the dramatic RC de- schematically shown in Fig. 4, where the local charge mo-
crease, and afterwards the RC values are close to the mini- bility 共␮C兲 is much lower compared with ␮ch in the channel.
mum ones in HV. Thus it is reasonable to attribute the RC This argument is based on several experimental observa-
increase in HV mainly to the O2 desorption, which might be tions: 共1兲 the RC change in Fig. 2 is reversible, implying that
slower than the other gas desorption. Finally, the devices the irreversible strong chemical reaction, such as the penta-
were exposed to air again, and RC is promptly increased to cene oxidation and the Cu oxidation at the Cu/pentacene
the same level as the initial measurements before the vacuum interface, if any, do not have remarkable influence on RC; 共2兲
pumping. This demonstrates that H2O can lead to an increase although the lower work function of Cu which may lead to a
in RC, and that the H2O desorption may be responsible for higher hole injection barrier, the Cu top contacts show
the rapid RC decrease at the starting stage of the vacuum smaller RC than the corresponding Au contacts;10,11 共3兲 RC is
pumping. As the reference, a group of the Rch data are shown strongly dependent on the pentacene film morphology, for
in Fig. 3, where the behavior of the Rch change are very example, on the grain size,14 suggesting the high sensitivity
similar with that of the corresponding RC change in Fig. 2共b兲. of RC to the defect density; and 共4兲 if there is a barrier for the
hole injection at the source contact, no barrier is expected for
the hole extraction at the drain contact 共assuming same en-
ergy level alignment at both contacts in linear regime兲. How-
ever, RC of the drain contact is reported to be comparable
with that of the source contact.18 Therefore, the RC instability
may result from the local conductivity change in the contact
region caused by the ambient gas adsorption/desorption,
rather than from the modification of the hole injection bar-
rier. The ambient gas molecules can diffuse into the contact
region from the top electrode edges, and the diffused gas
molecules may interact with the pentacene molecules and

FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Channel-width normalized contact resistance vs stor-

ing time of pentacene OTFTs measured in different environment, where zero
time represent starting of vacuum pumping, and gray area represent situation
in air. Solid, open, open-with-plus, and open-with-cross squares represent
data measured in air, HV, N2, and O2 atmosphere, respectively. Cu contact FIG. 4. Schematic energy diagram of contact region in pentacene OTFTs,
共a兲 at VGS = −20 V and 共b兲 at VGS = −40 V, Au contact 共c兲 at VGS = −20 V where EF represent Fermi level of metal electrode. Short lines and open-
and 共d兲 at VGS = −40 V. with-plus circles represent hole trap states and trapped holes, respectively.
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083309-3 Wang et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 083309 共2009兲

introduce the electronic states within the highest occupied be extended to other gases for the OTFTs-based sensor ap-
molecular orbital 共HOMO兲 and lowest unoccupied molecular plications. The present results support the physical picture
orbital gap. As a consequence, the transport property in the that the current injection in the pentacene OTFTs is limited
contact region and accordingly RC is changed depending on by the high density of traps in the contact region, which can
the environmental conditions. be affected by the adsorption/desorption of ambient gases.
It is interesting that the adsorption of H2O and O2 affect
RC oppositely, as demonstrated in Fig. 2. The H2O adsorp- The authors would like to thank K. Nomoto for valuable
tion leads to the RC increase, corresponding to the decrease discussions. This work was supported in part by the Grant-
in mobile charge density in the contact region. The H2O In-Aid for Scientific Research 共Grant Nos. 16GS50219,
molecules may induce the occupied 共donorlike兲 states above 17069004, and 18201028兲 from the Ministry of Education,
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