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Synopsis on

Submitted in the partial fulfilment of requirement
for the 5th Semester of



Bengaluru City University

Submitted by


1.Mahesh.M.N R192218

Under the guidance of

Rathan Jayaram

Rathan Jayaram
Department Of BCA

Vidya Sanskaar Institute of Science, Commerce and Management

Machohalli Gate, Magadi Main Road, Bengaluru-560091
Web: E-Mail:
Art Gallery


Online art gallery is an online application, which is used to display and sell art works of artist irrespective
of their nationality, gender and other narrow consideration, through auction. Artist can register online for
being a member in the art gallery and each artist can upload the digital copy of their art work under the
respective categories. They can host their art work for fixed price. The artist is liable to pay a fraction of the
price of each art work to the web site to find the running fund for site. Art lovers have to go to the art
exhibition to collect their favourite arts or painting. But now-a-days they are not getting enough time to go
to the galleries and collect the arts and paintings.


Customer can also register online and they can browse art works that are arranged in different categories
scientifically. And each user has the right to purchase an art work using the integrated payment gateway
and after each valid payment the art work will be shipped within some days.


Online art gallery is a web application software and it is very helpful for the art lovers and others who
wants to know the addresses where this kind of arts will we sold.

This application helps the end-users to search their arts and paintings and they can place order for the
selected pieces. the end-user can also get the information about the art exhibition and the respective
address, so, that they can visit to those exhibitions.

Art gallery brings you an opportunity to view online art exhibitions at our online art gallery we bring you details of
all art exhibitions held in the past and the forthcoming show. The online art gallery is updated daily, so the user can
view and buy the latest collection of contemporary art online from anywhere in the world. You can view and buy the
latest Indian contemporary art collection available at their exhibitions and also at their online gallery.

The objectives of developing the Art Gallery are as given below: -

 To store data of the entire user who are registered in the site.

 To solve the user’s problem in time efficient manner. Helping the user to search different Art with a
robust search tools.

 To facilitate easy and efficient retrieval of data as and when required for Art by the user.

 Online updating of all type of Art, updating data using web based interfaces and with the help of
buttons and links in an easy and convenient way.

 Data security is maintained to relatively high level by implementing it at Database level, so as to

ensure that only authorized users have access to confidential User information.
 Developing a viable candidate system that fulfill the Faster and accurate information retrieval
 Easy registration
 Login dependent information retrieval and updating. Correct and consistent maintenance of data
and its quick retrieval
 Improving the switches button and hyperlink so that the candidate shall find all the queries they
need at first sight.


The hardware & software specification and environment specifications used by programmers are:


 Computer system: Standard pc/at compatible with Pentium 3 or Pentium 4 CPU or more.
 Primary memory: This Information System works within 1 G.B. if user memory (RAM) addressed by
MS windows.
 Hard disk having 1GB free space.
 Input device: Mouse & keyboard compatible with PC/ AT, video adapters and monitors. It is a
coloured program so better to use a coloured monitor.

 Windows 10 pro
 Ms Visual Studio 2019
 Localhost
 IIS 5.0 or above
 The hardware & software specification and environment specifications to run the application.


The project include following main modules: -

 Login of the admin, User and artists.

 Registration of user.
 Registration of artist.
 Art description.
 User profile information.
 The validation master
 Report generation.
 Brief description of the all modules.


Enhancement of our proposed system after successfully implementing, it can be added in the system
that displays the Art and his details when the User want to purchase any art, then he can cart and ship this
art on billing address. When the developed system runs successfully.

There should be some page like Payment Gateway, Cash on delivery can give the better option for
Purchasing an Art.

If user want to send Art detail to his friend then there is option to mail Art detail to friend is necessary in
Art page. Each of these tasks serves describes the problem so that an overall approach or solution may be
1: Shipping Module:

In this module, User purchased art and get this art his location by shipping with two option, Online
Cash Payment and Cash on delivery.

2: Modifying/Updating Existing Entries:

In this module, whenever an existing entity is required to be modified the corresponding forms are
opened and the database is manipulated and the data is fetched. Now the user can made the required
changes and then accordingly, he updates the data. Again, the checks are followed in case there is any
invalid entry.

3: Searching:

In this module, User can search on the requirement their choice that mean, it (search engine) will help
to search in all record/ information of available Art/Artist.

4. Services:

In this module, user can get to know about the services like upcoming seminars, offline gallery,
conferences and training etc.

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