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Imagine as part of an assignment, you need to write a paragraph on the social effects of tourism in
developing countries. First, read the following extracts and make notes in the synthesis matrix

Source A: (Jones) Source B: (Baxter & Hall) Source C: (Green et al.)

Topic 1

Topic 2

When countries begin to provide facilities for mass tourism, such as hotels and leisure complexes,
there is an immediate demand for labour. Work is created for cleaners, waiters, gardeners and
drivers on a scale which may significantly boost the local economy. Such work may provide
opportunities to learn valuable new skills. For many, these semi-skilled jobs provide an attractive
alternative to subsistence agriculture or fishing, while at the same time the tax revenues from their
earnings increase the national income.

Source A: Jones, L. (2009). Developing countries and tourism. Cambridge: CUP.

One inevitable feature of tourism’s growth is the creation of badly-paid seasonal jobs in holiday
resorts. Much of this work combines insecurity with long hours of work in poor conditions. In
Thailand, for example, there are cases of hotel maids working 15-hour days for less than $4.
Moreover, the combination of wealthy tourists being served by impoverished workers is likely to
increase social tensions in these areas. Another risk is that natural or human disasters such as wars
and earthquakes may drive visitors away without warning, leaving tens of thousands unemployed.

Source B: Baxter, B & Hall, C. (2011). Tourism: the dark side. London: Harrow Press.

In defence of the touristy industry, it has been claimed that the development of tourism played a
major part in helping to modernise parts of Franco’s Spain in the 1960s. The presence of easy-going,
affluent visitors apparently encouraged locals to learn new skills and open new businesses. Despite
this positive interpretation, many examples could be presented in which the arrival of rich and idle
tourists has been an encouragement for crime, prostitution and other less desirable aspects of the
modern economy. Much seems to depend on the economic alternatives offered by the society, and
the scale of tourist arrivals.

Source C: Green, J., Peters, M., Harrow, K. & Hughes, O. (2010). Tourism debates. New York: Niceday
Adapted from: Bailey, S. (2006). Academic Writing. A Handbook for Students. Oxford: Routledge

Source A: (Jones) Source B: (Baxter & Hall) Source C: (Green et al.)

Topic 1 work created – boost Locals learn new skills and
(Positive local economy open new businesses
social effects
people learn new skills

taxes increase national


Topic 2 Jobs: badly paid, Encourage crime and

(Negative seasonal, insecure, long prostitution
social effects) hours, poor conditions

Increase of social
tensions – wealth gap

Natural/human disasters
could lead to

Now write your paragraph and synthesise your ideas. Remember to…
• Write a topic sentence about the issue
• Organise your ideas coherently and think about cohesion
• Reference your sources correctly
• Write a concluding sentence to the paragraph
• Don’t write more than 150 words

Example answer
Tourism can have both positive and negative social effects on developing countries. It can create a
significant amount of employment, which helps the local economy and provides a welcome
alternative to traditional work such as farming. In addition, the increased tax revenues can boost the
country as a whole (Jones, 2009). However, Baxter and Hall (2011) point out that many of these jobs
are insecure, poorly paid and involve hard working conditions, and additionally the influx of tourists
may lead to social tension due to the disparity in wealth between visitors and locals. This negative
view is partly supported by Green et al. (2010), who insist that despite some positive examples, the
more common experience of developing countries is for tourism to exacerbate social ills such as
crime and prostitution. It would seem that although tourism can bring benefits to developing
countries, the drawbacks on the local society cannot be ignored.

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